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The purpose of the study is to determine the characteristic features of personal functioning at different stages of professional development. The survey involved 139 professionals from various fields (74 women and 65 men) aged 24 to 67 years. The sample is divided into 5 groups according to the stage of professional development. A comparative analysis of groups by parameters of professional self-realisation, emotional burnout and psychological well-being is carried out. The results obtained demonstrate the nonlinear, complex dynamics of self-realisation of the individual throughout life and clarify the internal mechanisms of professional development at each stage. The stages of primary and secondary professionalisation are accompanied by the greatest need for self-improvement and at the same time, exaggerated and unrealistic ideas about one's own professional competence. An increased symptomatology of emotional burnout has been identified, which accompanies the peak of professional excellence and determines the next stage of professional activity decline after 30 years of work experience. The coincidence of the normative age and professional crises entails a profound crisis of the pre-retirement age, which is characterised primarily by a loss of goal-setting. People who continue to work in the post-retirement age have the highest rates of self-fulfillment, which leads to overall satisfaction with life and self. The described patterns open new perspectives for the development of ways of psychological counselling and organisational support of specialists.
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Bochelyuk, V. Y. (2010). Personal growth of staff. Theory and Practice of Modern Psychology, 1, 45–48.
Bochelyuk, V. Y., Bilousov, G. O., & Gorian, G. O. (2007). Professionalism of personality: Theoretical and methodological aspect. Zaporizhzhia: Humanities.
Bochelyuk, V. Y., Panov, M. S., Shostya, I. V., & Katasanov, O. M. (2016b). Socio-psychological aspects of self-understanding of the individual in professional communication. Theoretical and Applied Problems of Psychology, 3, 26–33.
Bochelyuk, V. Y., Zavatska, N. E., Kononenko, A. O., Novitska, L. V., & Fedorov, A. Y. (2016a). Socio-psychological features of self- realization of the individual in modern society. Severodonetsk: SNU named after V. Dal.
Chen, F.-P., & Oh, H. (2019). Staff views on member participation in a mental health clubhouse. Health and Social Care in the Community, 27(3), 788–796.
Cobos, T. L., & González, M. C. (2021). Professional competences of future teachers of secondary education: Case study of the formative evaluation promoted by e-rubrics in the specialty of physics and chemistry. Profesorado, 25(1), 197–221.
Glavinska, O. D., Ovdiyenko, I. M., Brukhovetska, O. V., Chausova, T. V., & Didenko, M. S. (2020). Professional self-realization as a factor in the psychological well-being of specialists of caring professions. Journal of Intellectual Disability – Diagnosis and Treatment, 8, 548–559.
Hernández, I., & Mena, J. (2021). In-service teacher entitlement attitude: A case study from the Spanish context. Advances in Research on Teaching, 38, 149–161.
Hu, D. (2021). The practical confusions and countermeasures of the individualized teaching of university teachers. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 3, 663–667.
Kokun, O. M. (2014). Questionnaire of professional self-realization. Practical Psychology and Social Work, 7, 35–39.Кокун_2014.pdf
Kokun, О. M. (2015). Professional self-fulfilment of skilled people of different professional groups and specialities. Social Welfare: Interdisciplinary Approach, 2(5), 19–32.
Kolosovich, A. (2021). Organizational (corporate) culture as a factor of official interaction in the military and professional environment. Social & Legal Studios, 3(13), 189-197.
Korniyaka, O. M. (2015). Peculiarities of professional self-realization of a higher school teacher. Psycholinguistics, 17, 74–81.
Kovalchuk, Z. (2021). Personal reflection in constant conditions social change. Social & Legal Studios, 4(14), 177-183.
Lavrentieva, O., Pererva, V., Krupskyi, O., Britchenko, I., & Shabanov, S. (2020). Issues of shaping the students' professional and terminological competence in science area of expertise in the sustainable development era. E3S Web Conferences, 166, article number 10031.
Márquez-Álvarez, L.-J., Calvo-Arenillas, J.-I., Jiménez-Arberas, E., Talavera-Valverde, M.-Á., Souto-Gómez, A.-I., & Moruno-Miralles, P. (2021). A Q-method approach to perceptions of professional reasoning in occupational therapy undergraduates. BMC Medical Education, 21(1), article number 264.
Mosso, C. O., & Ghio, R. (2020). Looking at the transformation of professional skills in relation to the technological development. Giornale Italiano Di Psicologia, 47(2), 653–663.
Priyadi, M., Sarwa, & Basuki, N. (2021). Indonesian teacher’s competencies profile according to the SAMR model framework. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1842(1), article number 012083.
Ryff scale of psychological well-being. (2007). personal/wellbeingA.html
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van Woerkom, M., & Meyers, M.C. (2019). Strengthening personal growth: The effects of a strengths intervention on personal growth initiative. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 92(1), 98–121.
Zeer, E. F. (2003). Crises of professional development of personality. Psychology of professions. Moscow: Akademicheskii Proekt.
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Authors and Affiliations

Vitalii Y. Bocheliuk
Liana V. Spytska
Iryna V. Shaposhnykova
Anastasiia V. Turubarova
Mykyta S. Panov

  1. Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic National University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine
  2. Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Severodonetsk, Ukraine
  3. Kherson State University, Kherson, Ukraine
  4. Khortytsia National Educational Rehabilitation Academy, Khortytsia, Ukraine
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Budowanie miast nie jest zajęciem dla każdego. Aby na tym polu działać z powodzeniem potrzebne są umiejętności, z których pożytek staje się dobrem publicznym. Umiejętności – zdobywane wraz z wiedzą i doświadczeniem, nakładającymi się na wrodzone zdolności: intelekt, wyobraźnię, wrażliwość artysty. Ale również owo dobro publiczne, a więc akceptowane i właściwie pożytkowane dzieło sztuki budowy miast nie zaowocuje w każdych okolicznościach. Trudno sobie wyobrazić zadowolenie nomadów z mieszkania w dzielnicy willowej. Nie znaczy to jednak, aby urbaniści tworzyć mieli „pod publiczkę” – wprost przeciwnie! Jak w każdej sztuce, tak i w tej, odbiorca powinien otrzymać od twórcy dzieła nieco więcej niżby się spodziewał. Celem planowania jest ład przestrzeni. Jego ustawową definicję trudno wykorzystać jeśli chodzi o mieszczące się w niej „wymagania kompozycyjno-estetyczne”. Od czasów Witruwiusza określano je jako venustas a więc pożądany powab przestrzeni. Dziś, z rzadka używając synonimu „piękno” – podchodzimy do tego tak, jakby nie wypadało o tym mówić, jakbyśmy zapomnieli, że sztuka budowy miast może przynieść piękno w otoczeniu człowieka! Wobec trudno uchwytnego – w urzędowej nowomowie – meritum, zastępuje się je gąszczem wymagań dotyczących między innymi skali opracowania, oprogramowania komputerowego, zakresu uzgodnień, skutków finansowych itp. Zupełnie tak, jakbyśmy chcieli dokonać wyboru miss na podstawie zaświadczeń lekarskich kandydatek. Tymczasem kryteria te powinny być jedynie dopuszczające do uczestnictwa w konkursie, zaś laureatem i zleceniobiorcą powinien być ten, kto zaprojektuje najpiękniejszą kompozycję przestrzenną,
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Aleksander Bӧhm
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It seems that Polish IT press has its best years far behind. After its popularity skyrocketed in the 1990s, when it was the primary source of information for millions of computer owners, it has lost much of its attractiveness and usefulness. Nowadays information and advice can be found in countless websites and discussion forums, as well as YouTube channels. In effect, today, most of the magazines in that market segment are aimed at professionals.
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Cetera W., IKS — Informatyka, Komputery, Systemy 1986–1989.
Studium przypadku, Warszawa 2016. [dostęp: 6.06.2021]. [dostęp: 6.06.2021]. [dostęp: 6.06.2021]. [dostęp: 5.08.2021]. [dostęp: 5.08.2021]. [dostęp: 6.06.2021].
Kanał magazynu „IT Resseller” [dostęp: 6.06.2021].
Kolasa W.M., Prasa komputerowa w Polsce. Historia i statystyka, „Annales Academiae Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Folia 2, Studia Ad Bibliothecarum Scientiam Pertinentia”, 2001, z. 1, s. 109–135.
Media Kit czasopisma „Computer Reseller News”, udostępniony przez redakcję.
Mielczarek T., Monopol, pluralizm, koncentracja. Środki komunikowania masowego w Polsce w latach 1989−2006, Warszawa 2007.
Stopka redakcyjna, „IT Reseller” 2021, nr 338 (numeracja ciągła), s. 3.
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Przemysław Ciszek

  1. Katedra Dziennikarstwa i Komunikacji Społecznej, Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego, ul. Uniwersytecka 17, PL 25-406 Kielce
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According to some studies, the phenomenon of professional burnout has reached epidemic proportions in today’s world. This applies in particular to those whose jobs involve saving lives: firefighters, police officers, and doctors who perform operations as well as members of the so-called social professions, which are based on close relations with people. This also includes therapists.

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Marcin Rzeszutek
Katarzyna Schier
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On professional ethics, the important role of mentors in medical education, and the standards of behavior expected of doctors.
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Jacek Bojakowski
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The composition of information law’s terminological lexicon requires a comprehensive study in view of its diversity. The article attempts a linguistic characterization of professionalisms and nomens as important functional elements of the specific vocabulary of the informational and legal field. The purpose of the article is to clarify the specifics of different types of special lexemes (nomens and professionalisms) in informational and legal discourse in comparison with the main lexical unit of the terminological system – the term, which involves the analysis of established views of linguists and new trends in terminological studies regarding the studied types of special vocabulary, the linguistic interpretation of professionalism and the nomenclature unit of scientific style. It has been established that in the speech of specialists, professionalisms verbalize special knowledge, and act as synonymous professional‑conversational doublets, name realities and convey special information. They appear in use, replacing officially recognized terms and adapting themselves to oral collective communication. It was found that professionalisms not codified in dictionaries often penetrate into written speech during the coverage of topical issues by journalistic publications or professionally oriented texts. As part of the terminology of information law, a special group has been identified and classified – nomens, which denote single names, most often their own. It was found that they reveal certain difficulties for codification, since a new nomen is not always accompanied by a characteristic. The presence of professionalisms and nomens in information and legal discourse is quite obvious and is explained by the functional expediency of the names used by specialists in special communication.
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Liudmyla Arkhypenko
Pavlo Melnyk

  1. Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics
  2. Рarliament of Ukraine
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Abstract: The present study was carried out to develop a valid and reliable scale for assessing enthusiasm among teachers teaching at the school level.
Methods: After reviewing the literature and discussing with experts, an item pool of 115 statements was created. The items were organized into seven dimensions of teacher enthusiasm based on factors generated after performing exploratory factor analysis. These seven dimensions were: Interest and Engagement (IE), Interaction with Students (IWS), Passion for Teaching (PT), Creativity and Innovation (CI), Professional Development (PD), Subject Knowledge Enrichment (SKE), and Professional Commitment (PC). The responses of teachers were taken on five points Likert scale. The standardization of the scale was completed on 558 teachers, who were teaching at Primary, Secondary and Senior Secondary level schools in the state of Haryana in India. Multi-stage random sampling was used to select the sample.
Results: Item analysis was done by calculating t-value and r-value for each statement; twenty items were deleted and 95 items were retained. Factor analysis (principal component methods) generated seven factors behind the teacher enthusiasm scale which explain 44.02% of the total variance together. Cronbach's Alpha of the final teacher enthusiasm scale was .957. The final teacher enthusiasm scale contains 78 items.
Discussion: The findings of the present study suggest that it would be a useful tool for future research and will help in assessing the enthusiasm of the teachers. The results have demonstrated that this teacher enthusiasm scale is a reliable and valid tool.
Implications for practitioners: The teacher enthusiasm scale would be useful for different stakeholders (government, school administration and management) as they can evaluate the enthusiasm of teachers while selection process and due weightage can be given to the enthusiastic candidates. Enthusiastic teachers can work effectively for children with special needs along with normal students.
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Poonam Punia
Manju Bala

  1. BPSMV, Khanpur Kalan
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Clients’ satisfaction with financial advice provided by professional advisors depends on how this advice has fulfilled their expectations and goals. However, once a recommendation is made, a client is unable to predict and evaluate the real financial outcome of the advisor’s proposal. In such a case, she/he can base her/his assessment on the characteristics ascribed to the financial advisor: her/his epistemic authority (competence) and level of caring. Additionally, clients expect to receive a “tailor-made” solution that takes into account her/his individual needs and characteristics. In the present study, we asked participants to evaluate financial experts who had recommended risky vs safe investments. The recommendations were congruent or incongruent with the clients’ risk tolerance (high vs low). The kind of recommendation influenced the participants’ evaluations of the advisors (and as a result, the clients’ perceived satisfaction) only for low-risk tolerance clients. For these clients, investment recommendations that were not adjusted to their levels of risk tolerance led to lower evaluations of the advisors and consequently to lower evaluation of satisfaction with their visits. These lower evaluations regarded both dimensions: the interpersonal aspect (caring) and competence in the field of finance (epistemic authority). Such incongruence between risk tolerance and the riskiness of the recommendation did not affect high-risk tolerance clients’ advisor evaluations.

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Barnaba Danieluk
Rafał Muda
Mariusz Kicia
Katarzyna Stasiuk
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This study is a scientific justification for the hypothesis stating that the humanization of education contributes to developing a student’s personality as a subject of educational activity and helps master knowledge and skills that boost the development of professional skills. The study includes 300 cadets from the Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv National Air Force University in their 1-4 years of study. The study determines the main pedagogical support components of professional and personal self-development of military students. In the survey, 86.6% of military students positively assessed their professional and personal self-development, although senior students (46.8%) demonstrated less interest in this regard. The study reveals that modern higher education needs further humanization so that future specialists endorse and share humanistic values; the humanization of training at the military university results in positive changes in all criteria of professional and personal self-development of military students. It is necessary to provide three stages in the integral process of professional training: the motivation and value-oriented stage; the cognitive and activity stage; the reflexive and transformative stage.
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Liudmyla Petrova
Olga Savchenko
Tetyana Bryk
Taisya Chernyshova
Mikhailo Trebin

  1. Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv National Air Force University, Kharkiv, Ukraine
  2. Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Kharkiv, Ukraine
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This article first surveys the current, somewhat unproductive state of research into potential universals of translation. Then it considers in specific the “first translational response universal” (Malmkjær 2011), suggesting that it may be rooted in the cognitive mechanism of priming. Empirical evidence for this is next sought in the analysis of a set of 34 novice translations of the same short passage from Swedish into Polish, which are shown to exhibit the effects of priming to a considerable extent. Overall, the objective is to illustrate a possible way of investigating postulated translation universals: first identifying a cluster of cognitive mechanisms to motivate the universal, then determining the linguistic structures that are concrete manifestations of such mechanisms in languages meeting in translation. The proposed research procedure thus proceeds from a cognitive process to a detailed language structure, allowing for the examination of phenomena observed in the “third code” on the supra-cultural level.

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Ewa Data-Bukowska
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Recent research has reported that an increasing number of migrants in Norway are concentrated in the low-skilled sectors of the labour market, irrespective of their educational background, thus facilitating the formation of migrant niches in the long term. Despite the growing body of literature that raises the problem of downward professional mobility and deskilling among migrant populations, little scholarly attention has been paid to migrants’ struggles and vulnerabilities as a result of underemployment. Drawing on 30 in-depth interviews, this article explores the common experience of habitus mismatch and suffering among Poles who have worked below their level of competence or professional experience since migrating to Norway. By an-alysing subjective experiences of downward professional and social mobility and the conflict between valued and stigmatised identities, the article examines the various habitus mismatches that contribute to suffering in downwardly mobile Polish migrants.

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Anna Przybyszewska
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In the context of the socio-political instability that exists in Ukraine, the problem of stress resistance among psychological service professionals has emerged. The aim of the research is to analyse the professional activity of psychologists in Ukraine at the present stage under the influence of stress factors. The following methods were used to study the nature of stress and its impact on the personality of a psychologist: analytical and synthesis methods, statistical, comparative, survey and interpretive methods. The research results theoretically reveal the peculiarities of the concept of stress, the stages of stress development, and identify the main stressors of professional activity. An empirical study of the stress resistance of psychologists was conducted. The influence of stress on the quality of psychological care was determined. Professional qualities in the psychologist's personality structure were identified, the phenomenon of professional exhaustion, the role of countertransference in counselling were studied, the importance of the code of ethics for psychologists and its violation in the course of practice were revealed. The importance of interventions and supervision as a means of psychological support for the professional development of psychologists was investigated, and statistical indicators of the level of stress were analysed. The practical significance of the research is determined by the current coverage of the problem of the impact of stress on the professional activity of a psychologist and in the creation of effective ways of emotional self-preservation and development of stress resistance, which provide the search for their resources for self-healing and effective work.
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Iryna Ievtushenko
Svitlana Avramchenko
Olena Nezhynska
Nataliia Ortikova
Svitlana Khilko

  1. Dragomanov Ukrainian State University, Kyiv, Ukraine
  2. Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy, Cherkasy, Ukraine
  3. State Tax University, Irpin, Ukraine
  4. National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Kyiv, Ukraine
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In this interview, conducted at the XXIII International Congress of Historical Sciences in Poznan, Antoon De Baets (emeritus professor of History, Ethics and Human Rights at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands) addresses key issues for historians and other produ-cers of history. His remarks about the scientific status of historiography and the range of different threats to history seem particularly important. He talks not only about the most direct crimes against historians and history, but also about issues like hindsight bias and fake news. The professional duties of historians and the issue of ethical codes for historians are also discussed.
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Piotr Kowalewski Jahromi

  1. Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach
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The paper discusses the methods for calculating the power parameters of a line start permanent magnet synchronous motor (LSPMSM). The calculations have been performed using the author’s specialized FEM software and professional FEM packages, ANSYS Maxwell and COMSOL Multiphysics. The author’s algorithm for solving equations of the electromagnetic field based on the FEM has been presented. The in-house software developed on this algorithm and professional software have been used to analyse the power parameters of the LSPMS motor. In addition, both calculation time and accuracy were analysed. The calculation results were compared to the measurement results.
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Mariusz Barański

  1. Institute of Electrical Engineering and Electronics, Faculty of Control, Robotics and Electrical Engineering, Poznan University of Technology, Piotrowo 3A, 60-965 Poznan
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The report encompasses the activity of the Committee on Ethics in Science in the year 2018.

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Andrzej Górski
Mieczysław Grabianowski
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Previous research has shown the importance of time perspectives (TP) in future-oriented decision making. However, the possible associations between time perspectives and seeking out psychological help in need have not been examined extensively, especially taking further influencing factors into consideration. Therefore, this study aimed to assess associations between personal time perspectives, stigma, socio-economic factors, and attitudes toward seeking professional psychological help (ATTSPPH) in a sample of adults in the general population in Hungary (N=273) aged 18-84 (mean=28.47, SD= 10.31). Multivariate regression analyses found that attitudes towards seeking professional psychological help were inversely associated with stigma, and residing outside of the capital city and positively associated with female gender. None of the time perspectives were associated with help-seeking. The results are discussed regarding the importance of mental health in Hungary.

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Dániel Kiss
Zsuzsanna Szél
Anna V. Gyarmathy
József Rácz
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Based on 25 interviews with high-skilled migrants, this article examines the migration of IT profession-als from Ukraine in Australia. Their migration experience – identified as ‘migration for achievement’ – is examined in three ways. First, the article sets out the structural context for migration and the formation of the achievement life strategy: (1) the emergence and growth of the IT industry in Ukraine, in combination with (2) shifts in Australian migration policy triggered by the growth of the innovation economy and demand for highly skilled migrants. Second, it examines migration decision-making and the individual motivations, values, aims and agency of migrants. Third, the article explores how achievement life strategies are recreated or transformed after migration by looking into the migrants’ adaptation, occupational outcomes, language and national identity, future plans and aspirations. The narratives of the ‘achievement migrants’ in Australia form a story of well-integrated members of Australian society and active agents of social and economic life. Given their capacity to successfully main-tain their social and economic status after migration, along with their positive contributions to Australian society in terms of social cohesion, innovation and economic production, this group can be considered a ‘brain-gain’ for Australia.

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Olga Oleinikova
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This article deals with the issue of home-country receptivity towards social remittances from the pro-fessional diaspora. Social remittances from the highly skilled depend on a favourable context for knowledge and skills transfer in their home countries, a context that could be summarised by the term ‘country receptivity’. This article is based on the case of Lithuania. The data comes from a series of semi-structured interviews with members of the skilled diaspora and representatives of institutions that are involved in programmes targeted at the diaspora. The analysis reveals several groups of obstacles to successful knowledge and skills transfer that may be understood as issues of country receptivity: mistrust of government by diaspora members, expressed as a belief that it is not interested in results and thus involvement of the diaspora, but rather in pursuing particular political objectives; lack of openness towards other experiences (unwillingness of institutions at different levels and in various fields to open up to new opinions, approaches and experiences brought by Lithuanians from abroad); bureaucratic and institutional impediments (inability of institutions to adapt their procedures in the interests of co-operation; slowness and ineffectiveness when dealing with requests or reacting to initiatives from the diaspora); and a perceived negative opinion (unwelcoming attitude) in society towards Lithuanians from abroad. The interviews also provide some tentative evidence of a ‘feedback loop’, through which the involvement of the diaspora causes changes in the home-country institutions. In the discussion part of the article, possible causes and implications of these obstacles are considered.

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Laima Nevinskaitė
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The report encompasses the activity of the Committee on Ethics in Science in the year 2016.

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Andrzej Zoll

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