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coin hoard discovered in an unknown locality east of Saint Petersburg in Russia in 2019 ( tpq 1008/9), contained three Polish coins issued by Bolesław I the Brave of hitherto unknown types (Mikhel’son 2023). One of them bears the inscription: +POZZNANI, the oldest record of Poznań’s name, the then-capital center (Fig. 1). The reverse of this coin, like the two others, was struck from a die that contains the inscription: AЯЄAHLAT (Figs 1–3). This die was already known from the first die-chain of Bolesław the Brave’s coinage. This makes it possible to include the newly discovered coins in the die-chain. As a consequence, die-chain no. 1 can be expanded, its chronology can be made more precise (ca. 998–1010), and can help establish that the linked die-chains were used in the Poznań mint.
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Stanisław Suchodolski

  1. Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences
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GIS programs are used for the collection and processing of geographic data, however, they are also useful in the study of historical greenery. GIS allows better use of the archival and contemporary cartographic materials, collect data on individual objects, make precise measurements of the areas, track changes in use and land cover. The paper presents examples of the GIS software use, based on research related to the historical greenery in Wielkopolska region.

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Agnieszka Wilkaniec
Anna Gałecka-Drozda
Miłosz Walerzak
Agnieszka Rosada
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The author shows the activity of the inhabitants in the process of revitalization which took place in Poznan at the turn of the 20. and 21. century. Overview of actions demonstrates the transformation of instruments and methods of conduct, but also is a presentation process of self-education of all participants: the associations, municipal authorities and residents. Relevant are also the examples of intentional educational and cultural initiatives addressed to the residents and held with residents in the framework of the Urban Renewal Program. Accumulation of these activities led to stimulate of civic awareness, neighborly relationship and local identification, but also initiated the transformation of individual mental. As a result, they developed a multi-threaded relationship: realization by the people of the right to co-decision and shared responsibility influences the attitudes of representatives of the local authorities and a kind of reciprocal social education, leaning to the subjective treatment of all participants of social processes.

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Hanna Grzeszczuk-Brendel
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At the entrance to the Grand Theatre in Poznań (built in 1910), there are two sculptural groups: Lyric, represented by a young woman sitting on a lion, by Constantin Starck (1866–1939), and Drama, featured as a young man with laurel wreath striding with a leopard at his side, by Georges Morin (1874– 1950). Both works have not been convincingly explained until now. The author identifies the Lyric as Euterpe, the Muse of lyric poetry, and the Drama as the young Dionysus. The pair put in front of the theatre entrance is modelled on similar artworks elsewhere in Europe, such as the statues at the Teatro Massimo in Palermo and the Konzerthaus in Berlin.
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Rafał Rosół

  1. Instytut Filologii Klasycznej, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
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City parks play a very important role in an urbanized landscape. They are forms of specially designed green space which combine elements of horticulture with architecture, history and culture. The article presents historical urban parks and old residential-park complexes included in the boundaries of Poznań and currently existing in the wedge-ring system of the urban green space. The aim of the conducted research was to show their historical and current function as well as their general state of preservation and condition. The results are presented in the form of a Table where the historical significance of those objects is compared with their role today.

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Agnieszka Rosada
Miłosz Walerzak
Piotr Urbański
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After 1945, the Gdańsk Library became a treasury for the surviving collections of Po-meranian libraries liquidated during and after the Second World War. The safeguarded manuscripts included an anonymous notebook – a diary describing the route of a summer trip through Eastern Lesser Poland in 1926 (Ms. 5872). A detailed analysis of diary entries made it possible to identify the author – a landowner, Maria Chełmicka, née Wybicka (1901-1968).
The programme of Maria Chełmicka’s trip was based on visiting castles and palaces constituting a priceless heritage of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth as well as temples characteristic for Eastern Lesser Poland (churches of various Christian denomi-nations, including the Orthodox Church, and Jewish synagogues). The description of the state of the historical buildings of the time, both the ones which are currently in ruin and the ones restored by Ukrainian authorities after 1991, is of a timeless value. The notebook is also a precious source familiarising readers with the realities of sightseeing trips of the time. One of the most interesting fragments of the diary is a description of a hike along the mountain range of Chornohora and the tourist infrastructure on the routes leading to its highest peak of Hoverla.
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Agata Larczyńska

  1. Wydział Studiów Edukacyjnych, Ateneum. Akademia Nauk Stosowanych, ul. 3 Maja 25A, 80-802 Gdańsk
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On the first place, author presents the situation of theological faculties before the II World War. The Roman Catholic Church in Poland had five of them: in Cracow, Wilnius, Lwow, Warsaw and within the framework of Catholic University of Lublin. The four of them developed their educational activity in many various ways at the national universities.

After the II World War, due to the changing border lines of Polish country – the Roman Catholic Church lost theological faculties in Wilnius and Lwow. The Faculty of Theology at the Wrocław University, existing since the year of 1702 and which was active even during the time of II World War (within the border lines of the III Reich), could not exist after the end of the war. In the year of 1954 the authorities of People’s Republic of Poland – without the permission of the Holly See liquidated theological faculties from the Jagiellonian University (founded by Saint Queen Jadwiga in 1397) and from the Warsaw University–removing it arbitrary to the previously non-existent Academy of Catholic’s Theology in Warsaw. The academy was a national school, and Polish Episcopal Conference, under certain conditions, only acknowledged its foundation. Academic degrees and scholars titles of this academy were canonically invalid.

Card. Karol Wojtyla creating the Episcopal Conference of Catholic’s Science and Council of the Polish Episcopal Conference caused reaction of the Holly See. Vatican’s authorities renewed the activity of Faculty of Theology in Wrocław (the year of 1968) and erected new – non-existent till now – Faculty of Theology in Poznań. Moreover, the Holly See did not approve the closure of theological faculties in Cracow and Warsaw. Thank to that, in People’s Republic of Poland – there were five theological faculties, under Church’s jurisdiction, in a similar way to the pre-war territory of the country. In 1974, they received the noble title of “Pope’s faculties”. Certainly, academic degrees and scholars titles, gained at these faculties by their graduates and scholars were invalid to the state authorities. After long negotiations, the Deal (June 30th 1989) was accepted by the government of People’s Republic of Poland and Polish Episcopal Conference. The Deal stated the approval of all Pope’s faculties and the faculty of philosophy of Society of Jesus in Cracow. In return, the Holly See resumed Academy of Catholic’s Theology (ACT) and granted its canonical validation. Imposed Deal was a serious contribution to the normalization of Church-State relations in Poland. It is certain, that it was also a great achievement of the Roman Catholic Church, and was accomplished– as it is commonly considered – not without the influence of electing, on October 16th 1978, card. Karol Wojtyla for pope John Paul II.

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Ks. Adam Kubiś
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This paper is a contribution to research on the reflection on art in literary criticism and cultural journalism of the interwar period. It discusses the interest in graphic arts of the Silesian born right-wing reviewer and literary critic, Alfred Jesionowski (1902–1945?), which resulted in his popularizing discussions on the works of such artistic personalities of the interwar period as Paweł Steller (wood engraver and watercolourist), Stanisław Brzęczkowski (wood engraver) and Jan Kuglin (typographer).
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Olga Płaszczewska

  1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński
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The paper presents results of numerical calculations of a diaphragm wall model executed in Poznań clay formation. Two selected FEM codes were applied, Plaxis and Abaqus. Geological description of Poznań clay formation in Poland as well as geotechnical conditions on construction site in Warsaw city area were presented. The constitutive models of clay implemented both in Plaxis and Abaqus were discussed. The parameters of the Poznań clay constitutive models were assumed based on authors’ experimental tests. The results of numerical analysis were compared taking into account the measured values of horizontal displacements.

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M. Superczyńska
A. Zbiciak
K. Józefiak
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The article is devoted to the development of Polish sociology from the 19th century until the period of the Second Republic, when sociology became an established academic field. The first Polish sociologists studied sociology at various European universities, but later worked in different professions i.e., Supinski was an owner of a textile weaving shop, Krupinski was a priest and a teacher, while Limanowski, Świetochowski and Krzywicki worked as journalists. Their sociological interest was secondary to their professional life. What is interesting is that they first joined European sociological institutions as members of the Institut international de sociologie (The International Institute of Sociology), gave papers at international Sociological congresses and only much later spoke at Polish conferences. They published in „Annee sociologique” and „Revue international de sociologie.” At times they also taught at different European universities, for example Gumplowicz taught at the University of Grazu and Petrazycki in the St. Petersurg University. The first sociology programs were established in Poland after it regained its independence: in 1920 Leon Petrazycki was appointed chair of sociology at the University of Warsaw and Ludwik Krzywicki was appointed chair of a program called the history of socio-political systems. Sociology was treated then as an auxiliary academic field for the study of law. Sociology as an autonomous field was first created in Poznan and its main inspirer was Florian Znaniecki. Not until the second decade of the Second Republic was sociology established as a separate department at the universities in Kraków and Warsaw. At the wake of the WWII sociology was a well established academic field in Poland with its own programs of study, research intstitutes, scholarly journals and a professional association of practitioners.

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Nina Kraśko
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Dependence Between the Residential Area Type and the Sense of Security. The Case of Poznań. The need for safety is one of the most important needs of every person. The sense of security level depends to a great extent on the place of residence. The study aims at showing the relationship between the residential area type and the sense of security in Poznań. The author uses the results of the survey on the crime risk conducted among Poznań inhabitants and assess the sense of security level of the following types of residential area: tenement houses area, blockhouses area, dettached houses area and the city center. In the opinion of inhabitants, the highest sense of security level was in the dettached house area. The following positions included: the city center and the blockhouses area. The lowest sense of security level was characteristic for the tenement houses area. The time of the day was at great importance in the context of respondents assessments, during the day the sense of security level was higher than at night, regardless to the residential area type.
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Emilia Bogacka
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W artykule podjęto próbę przybliżenia zagadnień związanych z kształtowaniem ważnej sfery publicznej miasta Poznania – ulicy Święty Marcin, której przestrzeń jest przejawem wzajemnego oddziaływania potencjałów: historycznego, estetycznego, kulturotwórczego kolejnych pokoleń. To przestrzeń, która jest efektem ciągłego ścierania się „nowego” ze „starym”. Podejmowane zagadnienia przedstawiono w kontekście uwarunkowań artystycznych, funkcjonalnych, przestrzennych i architektonicznych.
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Paweł Szumigała
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The landslide is located in Wronki. It covers the southern side on the bank of the Warta River and occupy an area of 500 m in length. The landslide was once again activated on August 22-23, 2018, causing numerous failures. The Warta River slope in the area of mass movements is built by non-construction embankments, under which the Poznan Miocene–Pliocene of quasi-layered structure lie. There are horizontal interlayers of sandy silts in these clays. The Warta drains water from a large area, and the runoff takes place mainly on the roof of clays. The slide surface of the landslide was precisely the roof of the Poznan clays. Bearing in mind the properties of the Poznan clays, such as relaxation, block disintegration, expansiveness features, the following were considered the direct causes of the failure: heavy rainfall that occurred after a drought, loading of the slope with indiscriminate cubature buildings, construction of a linear sewage system and periodically repeated vibrations caused by the implementation of neighboring investments. In order to identify the area, test boreholes were made, samples were taken for laboratory tests, and geodetic measurements were taken. Based on the obtained results, slope stability calculations were made and a measurement network was developed for systematic monitoring of geodetic displacements of control points. It was recommended to perform drainage to drain the slope and side of the Warta River, plant bushes, and make changes to the land development plan in order to prohibit further development of the area in the endangered zone.
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Michalina Flieger-Szymanska
Jerzy Sobkowiak
Katarzyna Machowiak
Dorota Anna Krawczyk

  1. Poznan University of Technology, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Institute of Civil Engineering, Poznan, Poland
  2. Geomenos Jerzy Sobkowiak, Tomasz Sobkowiak Sp. j., Poznan, Poland; retired employee of Poznan University of Technology
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The interiors of the Imperial Castle in Poznań are embellished with scores of different stone varieties. In order to preserve and renovate them, an in-depth conservation examination needed to be performed.
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Maciej Czyński

  1. Monument Service
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Integration of transport subsystems in transfer nodes of public transport in Poznań based on city railway stations, Poznań, being one of the strongest urban centers in the country, has a significant zone of impact (functional area). A natural consequence of this development model are significant communication issues caused by dynamic development of the suburban area. The solution of those issues is assumed to be basing the public communication system on a railway junction and, on its basis, creating the Poznań Metropolitan Railway. However, to ensure efficient functioning of such a system the need arises to integrate it with other systems of transport using transfer nodes. The aim of this article is to illustrate the potential of creating a polycentric system of multi-modal transfer nodes, based on existing city railway stations (district stations). The study focuses on the perspective of the passenger and the primary research method is the in-depth interview. This enabled to learn the opinion and identify the needs of passengers who use the facilities which are the subject of this study. The study also concentrated on analyzing thee communication behaviors of passengers and analyzing thee functioning of city stations themselves. Additionally, information was also acquired regarding the approximate destination of the passengers’ travel, which further allowed to specify the hypothetical impact range of individual city stations. Results of the study allowed to develop a range of recommendations intended to optimize the functioning of selected city railway stations, from a technical, as well as organization and management perspective. They have the potential to become a basis for developing a concept of sustainable public transport with a metropolitan reach.

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Wojciech Wachowiak
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The phenomenon of churching (attendance at churches outside parishes of residence) is associated with socio-economic and cultural transformations of society, including general growth of mobility. In this paper titular issue was described against the background of the concept of the life of a city and according to the concept of place. On the ground of the data gained, the presence of churching in the Old Town area in Poznań and its dimensions were primarily proved. This work is an introduction to an empirical research, concerning spatial behaviour of churching people and possible impact of their decisions on city centre functions.

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Krzysztof Rosenkiewicz
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The article presents the process of functional changes in the area of the Metropolis of Poznań, i.e. 22 communes belonging to the Metropolia Poznań Association. The process was examined on the basis of changes in the employment structure and spatially different tendencies and segregation in the scope of dominant functions.

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Waldemar W. Budner
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In the heterogeneous economic space, big cities are development poles that are usually characterized by the best conditions for running a business and the highest level and living conditions. Their role in development processes is the subject of many discussions. On 23 October 2017, at the invitation of the Mayor of Cracow, J. Majchrowski, an external Plenary meeting of the Committee for Spatial Development of the Polish National Academy of Sciences was held in Cracow, the aim of which was to discuss the role of big cities in Poland›s socio-economic development. This article presents the author›s opinions in a synthetic way, presenting the most important issues raised by him during the panel on the importance of Polish metropolises in shaping the development potential of the country and the region. In addition to the fundamental terminological and problematic discussion, the article describes the experience of Poznań as an agglomeration signifi cantly aff ecting the development of the region, formulating in the summary recommendations referring to the practice of regional policy.

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Paweł Churski
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I have been asked to give a thought on the University. It is arranged in a sequence of “past – yesterday – today”, to which I will occasionally refer. It will not, however, constitute a rigid scheme governing this talk. The inspiration for these thoughts was specified by the question “what perception of the University I imbibed in my family home, how I later confronted this with my own practice or «experience» of the University, how I look at it from the perspective of the experience I have had and from observing the changes taking place.”
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Tomasz Schramm

  1. Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
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Analytic philosophy is sometimes understood in opposition to continental tradition. In this article, I would like to show that a Lviv‑Warsaw School shared many fundamental traits with analytic orientation. In afterwar Poland, this tradition clashed with the dialectical materialism that lacks strong scientific tradition but had the full support of the communist party. This situation produced a unique scenario in which the methodology of science could strive as a mainstream area. A crucial role was attributed to the theory of history.
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Piotr Kowalewski Jahromi

  1. Silesian University, Katowice
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Article The Bible in Polish Modern Literature contains reflections on the period 1945-2009, especially about an essay on the Bible written by laics, staying on more or less catholic position. Almost all were poets: Roman Brandstaetter (1906-1987), Jan Dobraczyński (1910-1994), Anna Kamieńska (1920-1986), Czesław Miłosz (1911- 2004), Marek Skwarnicki (*1930), Anna Świderkówna (1925-2008), Tadeusz Żychiewicz (1922-1994) and others. These authors began to study the Bible in the middle of their lives, when they were ripe to discuss theological and existential problems of the Holy Scripture. In the contrast to them there are the writers staying on the atheistic or agnostic position: Zenon Kosidowski (1898-1978), Artur Sandauer (1913-1989). Only one author, A. Świderkówna, was really a specialist in a biblical branch as the professor of the ancient mediterranean archaeology on the Warsaw University. She could write series her books Conversations on the Bible which became the bestseller in the end of 20th century.

For all biblical essayists a very important issue was the philological question connected to the langauge of the Bible and with the „semantic energy" of translation (Miłosz). The biblical essayists used the old polish Bible (1600) translation of Jacob Wujek SI or modern group translation made 1965 in Benedictiner Abbey in Tyniec (by Cracow). Beyond a communistic censorship in years 1945-1989 all mentioned writers could publish their articles and books. The most important center of these initiatives was Cracow (weekly „Tygodnik Powszechny" and monthly „Znak", also lisher), Warsaw (Publisher Pax), Posen.

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Andrzej Sulikowski

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