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The article features a systemic approach to digitalization in mining, covering the production process, supervision and management. Business continuity management of a critical infrastructure was characterized with respect to an industrial facility, i.e. a mine. The “SILESIA” Integrated Security System was described. This solution, offered by CNP EMAG, is an example of a systemic approach successfully implemented in industry. The article includes information about the development of technological hardware solutions as well as software which is able to assess the solutions developed in the SecLab Information Security Technology Development Laboratory in the EMAG Institute.

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Artur Kozłowski
Piotr Wojtas
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The Parish Church of St Nicolaus at Byczyna in Silesia (German Pitschen) presents a most interesting, yet till now unknown example of a hall church from around 1300. It proves that the Silesian founders, as well as builders themselves, sought at the end of the 13th century for an suitable, attractive form of a representative town church. All up-to-date researchers treated the Byczyna church as an integral structure dating back to the end of the 14th century. It is most surprising, as it is more than evi- dent that we deal here with a much older building, which was only much rebuilt to the present shape at the end of the 14 th century. With no doubt, the church in question forms one of the most interesting architectural creations of around 1300 in Silesia. Its builder proved their knowledge of many important buildings in Austria and Moravia, especially of the Cathedral al Olomouc/Olmütz, which was near completion at that time. The short hall nave of the Byczyna church counts to the main trend of the parish churches in Silesia from the 2nd half of the 13th century. In turn, the single west tower was erected prob- ably according to the wish of its alleged founder, Henry the Third, duke of Głogów/Glogau. It reminded of the west tower of the Collegiate Church at Głogów, while the unique mason decoration in the Byczyna choir, which encompassed sculpted baldachins and vaulting shafts, was an allusion to the chancel of the aforementioned church at Głogów. The size and opulent articulation of the eastern part of the analysed building stressed the function of the church as a seat of an archpriest. Unfortu- nately the Byczyna choir, which was a unique structure in the Silesian architecture of around 1300, was later strongly rebuilt and lost its previous shape.
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Jakub Adamski
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In the years I 999-2002 bryological investigations were carried out within the ,,Morzyk" (Jasienica commune, Bielsko-Biała district) and ,,Skarpa Wiślicka" (Skoczów commune, Cieszyn district) nature reserves located in the western part of Silesian Foothills. The area under study covers 11.47 ha (,,Morzyk") and 24.17 ha (,,Skarpa Wiślicka"). In both studied areas deciduous forests (mainly Den/ario glandulosaeFagetum, Tilio-Carpinetum and Carici remotae-Fraxinetumi predominate. As a results of this research, the occurrence of 11 taxa of liverworts and 69 taxa of mosses have been noted (7 liverworts in ,,Morzyk" and 9 in ,,Skarpa Wiślicka" as well as 51 mosses in ,,Morzyk" and 57 in ,,Skarpa Wiślcka"). The analysis of the frequency range shows, that overwhelming majority of the bryoflora consists of very rare taxa ("Morzyk" - 50%; "Skarpa Wiślicka" - 50%). The most important components of the flora are new or rare for this area bryophytes, such as: Brachythecium campestre, Bryum klinggraeffii, Fissidens exilis, F. gracillifolius, Homomallium incurvatum, Orthodicranum tauricum, Riccio rhenana and Taxiphyllum wissgrillii. Six main ecological groups of species are characterised in detail.
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Adam Stebel
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In a rapidly changing environment due to globalization, we are constantly looking for appropriate paths and strategies for cities and regions while taking into account the territorialisation of growth factors. As a result, we can observe an increase in development concepts that seek to define the conditions for urban resilience that could result in sustainable development despite an unstable environment. The author places his reflections in the context of Upper Silesia’s conurbation development challenges. He examines the current path of the region’s development and analyses the role that the application of “smart city” and “creative city” concepts could play in this process. Rather than comparing the efficacy of the two approaches, he suggests a reflection on the proportions of different bundles inside the development process. He also highlights the limits of a smart city approach and shows to what extent those limits can be exceeded through the application of a creative city strategy. Due to the economic and social diversity of the Upper Silesian metropolitan area, there is a significant opportunity for the development of the creative economy that could determine the competitive advantage of this area in the coming decades.

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Robert Pyka
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The social consequences of coal mine closures in Silesia.
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Łukasz Trembaczowski

  1. Institute of Sociology, University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland
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For centuries, identity has been an important existential issue, because it organizes human relation with the world. Identity is not only one man's being in a biological sense, but the principle of social and cultural order. The identity is the self-awareness, the result of the social actor's involvement in a variety of network connections which are forming a human being together with the biological dimension. Thus, the identity, on the one hand, is a kind of Erikson's tradition, namely the sense of being human, on the other hand interactionist tradition, modification of identity through a process of interaction. Contemporary world, the world of confronting cultures, raises the need for analysis of identity within many cultures, which has been shaped by continuous contact with different values, norms, patterns of behaviour. Upper Silesia has been our empirical reference point for the discussion on social (regional) identity. Identity of Upper Silesia is the result of a long and complicated history and present day. This identity is created by Polish, German, Czech and Jewish a cultural elements.

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Marek S. Szczepański
Anna Śliz
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The definition of the ubiquitous in art idea of sacrum is always quite subjective. That’s why it should be always viewed through the prism of an individual and cultural themes that guided and shaped the author or the founder of a particular piece of art. Natural and scenic wealth of Silesia with the cultural background and the garden design dated back to the 19th century, is an excellent example of pluralism of sacrum, which in the area of a garden can be marked by a path, sculpture that is a symbol of the national power, by a garden itself as a gift and by the landscape in general.
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Łukasz Przybylak
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The article discusses one of the categories of marketing chrematonyms — the names of cafés, which constitute a colourful element of the naming landscape of Upper Silesia. The analysis has several research aims: 1) discovering the naming techniques and types, 2) the presentation of structural models, 3) identifying the changes of meaning and the (con)textual functionality of linguistic units which serve as a commercial medium of evaluation. The names of cafés are presented from the perspective of cultural linguistics, sociolinguistics and pragmalinguistics, as well as the theory of semantic fields. This combined methodological approach enables the author to draw conclusions about marketing chrematonyms in the sphere of culture and language, whereas the structural-semantic analysis of the onymic description of Upper Silesian cafés reveals tendencies that confirm the fact that naming models are created in a serial way. The material presented indicates that commercial chrematonyms belong to semantically and structurally diversified naming categories. The structures show the repetitiveness of naming, the tendency for language internalization and the use of native material, including local dialects.

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Izabela Łuc
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Proper values of physical and mechanical properties and their homogeneity are one of major requirements deciding about technological suitability of the rocks quarried to manufacturing aggregates. These properties depend on the natural features of a rock, its mineral composition, texture and structure. The characteristic of aggregates and the technical requirements they must meet are normalized in adequate standards that describe the procedures of conducting particular determinations and the methods of interpreting their results. In the basaltoids (usually called basalts) of selected deposits of Lower Silesia that represent different intrusive forms, five textural varieties have been distinguished: aphanitic, aphanitic-porphyritic, porphyritic-aphanitic, porphyritic-nodular and nodular-porphyritic. The petrography and essential physical and mechanical properties of these varieties have been described in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. The highest technical parameters have the aphanitic and aphanitic-porphyritic rock varieties. They result mainly from the textures of these rocks and their insignificant weathering, and to a lesser degree from their mineral composition. The resistance to wear (micro-Deval) and the resistance to fragmentation (Los Angeles) of the aggregates that represent the grain fraction 10-14 mm of the five varieties of basaltoids and the rock composites were determined according to the standards PN-EN 12620: 2008 and PN-EN 13043: 2004. Of the aggregates produced from the five major varieties, only those made of the nodular-porphyritic basaltoids have the properties of lower categories, whereas the remaining four are the materials of very high quality. Additionally, it has been shown that by combining various basaltoid types it is possible to produce composite aggregates with the variable qualities belonging to the categories LA and MDE (Tab. 3). The effect of rock petrography on the differentiation of the parameters of aggregates depending on the grain fraction of the products (Fig. 1, Tab. 4) is the lowest in the case of the aggregates produced from the homogenous and not weathered rock. In contrast, the range of variability of the parameters is higher if the starting material to produce aggregates is composed of several textural varieties and shows signs of weathering as well. The possibility of delineation of the areas occupied in the deposit by basaltoids with specific textural varieties creates the conditions of determining the rock zones, from which the aggregates of the predicted quality may be produced. This quality may be controlled and partly changed to the user needs by producing aggregates from the specially prepared rock mixtures (i.e. the charge to crushers) with specified proportions of the basaltoid varieties.

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Marek Rembiś
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This study presents the results of investigations, carried out on the Czamiawka River from December 2003 to June 2004. The results indicate the changes of physicochemical parameters of water quality. High concentration of ammonium nitrogen, COD and orthophosphates are probably caused by discharge of municipal waste-water. A drop of ammonium nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen concentration along the river course is probably caused by inflow of water without these components. High salinity and very high concentration of suspended solids below the "Makoszowy" coal-mine is caused by discharge of coalmine water and carbon dust from coal washer. All of the discussed parameters of water quality (except for pH-index and nitrate nitrogen) are beyond official classification. In comparison to previous analyses a slight improvement of water quality can be observed, especially in the top length. In the estuary water quality deteriorates. Although the Czarniawka River is small, it is one of the most important Kłodnica River contamination sources. Improvement of the existing situation will be possible only if firm waste-water management action will be taken, especially in the "Makoszowy" coal-mine area.
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Witold Nocoń
Maciej Kostecki
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This study includes the results of investigations carried out on the Bytomka River which were made from September 2003 to January 2004. The results emphasized the changes of physico-chemical parameters of water quality. Low concentration of dissolved oxygen and high concentration of ammonium nitrogen and COD are probably caused by the discharge of municipal waste-water. High salinity is caused by coal-mines water from the river basin area. All of the discussed parameters of water quality (except for pH-index and nitrate nitrogen) are beyond official classification. Although in the river basin area there are currently activities which protect the environment, no changes of water quality have been observed except for the salinity which is growing up all the time. Improvement of the existing situation will be possible only if firm waste-water managements action is taken.
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Witold Nocoń
Maciej Kostecki
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The plebiscite in Upper Silesia from the year 1921 was one of the most important moments in the history of the region. The establishment of the independent Polish state after 1918 resulted in creating a frontier which divided the region before the plebiscite itself. Therefore, various kinds of travel documents emerged and played an important role. Basing on decision of the Allies, starting from 1st of July 1920, all persons who wanted to enter the plebiscite area were obliged to have a special passport or identity card, issued by the French consulate in Breslau (Wrocław). Also the inhabitants of Upper Silesia, travelling in the area of plebiscite territory, were obliged to possess special travel cards. The author in her article analyses different types of documents as well as mechanisms of dealing with problems of people, who after the final division of Upper Silesia decided to move from one side of the border to the other.

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Maren Hachmeister
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The question of the state affiliation of Upper Silesia which arose after WWI has been treated and perceived by today’s historians, if at all, as a typical German-Polish border conflict. Really however, it was both a European and an international problem of utmost significance. In it, French hegemonic and safety efforts, accumulated in and collided with Britain‘s classic policy of continental equilibrium. Both, Poland with its territorial claim on Upper Silesia and Germany in its struggle to preserve its territorial integrity, thus were not only players of political, diplomatic and military struggles for the second most important European industrial region, but rather objects of the interests of European great powers. This applied even more to the population which was actually to vote in the referendum on Upper Silesia affiliation. However, in its effort to weaken Germany and simultaneously gain control over the Ruhr, France favoured its ally Poland, to a much greater extent than Britain could in respect of Germany.

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Guido Hitze
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In the collection of Silesian kwartniks of the National Museum in Wrocław there is a unique, unidentified example of type Fbg 1109. Previous attempts to attribute this coin to the Duchies of Wrocław or Świdnica were based on unclear premises. Re-analysis of the coin dies allows for the presentation of a new attribution proposal.
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Dawid Maciejczuk

  1. Institute of ArchaeologyUniversity of Wrocław
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Villa architecture after 1914 comprises a diverse and extensive group of buildings. The lack of a system of valuating them leads to their analyses being a time-consuming and complex process. Their justification can refer primarily to architectural and urban planning tendencies, including: the impact on the space of previously built estates, the assessment of the quality of their architecture in the landscape context and the continuity of design traditions, contemporary interventions associated with renovation work. The protection of villas from the interwar period, appears to be particularly important. Their cultural value and the quality of the landscape, that they co-create with their accompanying gardens is highly significant to the identity of the city.

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Katarzyna Łakomy
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The history of Opole Zoological Garden reaches the beginning of the 20th century, when in the Bolko Island, shaped by the Odra river and its canals, the menagerie was founded. Present-day ZOO in Opole is a complex of modern paddocks and structures of an area of around 19 ha, integrated into the old growth of the Bolko Island. In the paper the history and stages of development of Zoological Garden in Opole are presented, the aesthetic and functional values indicated; these ones which make the garden attractive and individual.

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Monika Ewa Adamska
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This article presents the results of a study of the determinants of energy transformation of coal-dependent regions. The case study was on the region of Silesia. This region is the main producer of hard coal and coking coal in Poland, with nineteen mines and numerous coal-fired power plants. Silesia is highly industrialized and urbanized, contributing significantly to Poland’s GDP. However, it is also a leader in terms of methane and carbon dioxide emissions. The study used an approach based on Alvin L. Bertrand’s ‘stress-strain’ theory, to investigate the socio-cultural stresses emerging as a result of the interaction of external factors and internal process dynamics within the region itself. Then, using Marc Wolfram’s systems-based analytical framework approach, the current transformative capacity of Silesia was analyzed. The theoretical framework adopted assumes that socio-cultural stress can be inferred from past situations of tension, influencing the social structure of the region and shaping accepted patterns of adaptation to change. Socio-cultural stress emerges as a key determinant of a region’s coping strategy and shapes its ability to transform in the long term. The research approach presented in this article adopts a comprehensive framework that integrates socio-cultural, socio-ecological and technological dimensions, providing a holistic view of a region’s transformation challenges and opportunities. The research was conducted using focus group interviews and a structured interview questionnaire. Participants in the research were individuals representing a diverse community of experts and activists involved in the energy transition process in Silesia, including local government officials, businesses, professional associations and social activists.
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Wojciech Kowalik
Wit Hubert
Monika Pepłowska
Dominik Kryzia
Lidia Gawlik
Aleksandra Komorowska

  1. AGH University of Krakow, Kraków, Poland
  2. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute PAS, Kraków, Poland
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The stance of mysticism on language is located in the field of tensions between the fundamental inability to express the essence of God through the medium of language and the imperative, or the need, to talk about it. In the space betwixt and between, there extends mystic silence as a paradoxical, but effective way of communication and insight. Depending on individual mystics, whose selection from the Middle Ages to the Baroque is presented in the text, silence receives also various additional aspects.

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Cezary Lipiński
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For many centuries, Upper Silesia was the scene of intensive language contact between a continuum of West Slavic dialects (or the Polish and Czech languages) and German colonists, mainly in the 13th century. The process of colonisation under German town law led to the establishment of hundreds of new towns and villages, some with German names. The oldest historical sources for Upper Silesia are Liber fundationis episcopatus Vratislaviensis (Book of endowments of the Bishopric of Wrocław), dating back to c 1305, as well as registers of such endowments from c 1325. German medieval place names in Upper Silesia are a minority, and no such town names can be found in many areas. This article is an analysis of the percentage of German place names in relation to all place names [in Upper Silesia]. It defines the areas with the largest number of such names and contains a linguistic analysis of the names. Interestingly, the area with the largest number of German place names is the Duchy of Teschen, with the castellany of Oświęcim (which was once part of the Duchy of Teschen), the neighbouring part of the Duchy of Racibórz and the western part of the Duchy of Opole. In the Duchy of Bytom (the Siewierz part of which no longer belongs to Upper Silesia), German place names were not very common. For the areas covered by the Diocese of Kraków, the names of parish priests are known as well. The presence of the German name of parish priests in towns and villages with German place names half a century from their establishment indicates that German people may have lived there, especially because it is certain in some cases that they did.

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Grzegorz Chromik
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The preliminary results of" the research on the transformation dynamics of shrub communities in their initial developmental stage obtained from 15 permanent research plots are presented. Observations were carried out during the years 1997-99. They constitute the first phase of a long-term research aiming at the recognition or the shrub phytocoenoscs' structure. Iloristic composition, and local differentiation in various succcssi ve stages. The analysis showed that a significant increase in the volumes of shrubs was followed by a decrease in the richness or a vegetation patch. Furthermore, the role of both the taxa from the Artcmisietca class ancl, transitionally. of the meadow species becomes more visible. At the same time the plants or xcrothcrmic grasslands and thermophilous saum-communities disappear. Additionally. a significant inllucnce of the surroundings on the course of shrub colonisation was observed.
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Gabriela Turula
Stanislaw Wika
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In December 1939 the Deputy Führer Rudolf Hess performed the ground-breaking ceremony for the Oder-Danube Canal, with Austria, Poland and the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia already under German control,. Besides connecting the Oder and the Danube, resulting in a nonstop waterway from the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea, spatial planning authorities, he saw the canal as a fundamental addition for the ‘second Ruhr valley in the East’ (Upper Silesia). The outcome of this connection would have been a widely expanded trade between northern and southern Europe. The trade might become then faster and cheaper, a wide array of strategic materials like coal, ore, petroleum and petrol would have been accessible for industry and armed forces. Due to the war progress the work on the canal had to be discontinued in 1940. One of the profiteers of the canal should have been the seaport in Szczecin, located at the intersection of the Oder and the Baltic Sea. Therefore a think tank called the ‘Oder-Donau-Institut’ has been found to deliver scientific arguments reinstating the work on the canal under the lead management of the economic chamber of Pomerania (Szczecin) in close contact with the University of Greifswald. The director of the institute was Heinz Seraphim, professor for political economy at the University of Greifswald. Under his leadership, the well-financed institute started to work not only for the economic interests of the economic chamber but also for the SS-Reichssicherheitshauptamt.
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Klemens Grube
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The chemical composition of bulk deposition is an important aspect of assessing ambient air pollution. It contributes significantly to the removal of pollutants from the atmosphere and their transfer to other ecosystems. Thus, it is a reliable determinant of environmental chemistry. Therefore, bulk deposition can be considered useful for tracking the migration path of substances from different sources. The aim of the study carried out at five measurement points in Zabrze and Bytom was to assess the content of selected physico-chemical parameters in bulk deposition. Samples were collected continuously from November 2019 to November 2020. In the collected samples the following were determined: COD, pH, conductivity, dissolved organic carbon, inorganic carbon and total carbon; inorganic anions (Cl-, SO42-, NO3-, NO2-, Br-, PO43-) and cations (Li+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Na+, K+, NH4+), metals and metalloids (Mn, Ni, Co, Cu, Zn, As, Cd, Pb, Cr, and Fe), and carboxylic acids (formic, acetic, oxalic). The obtained test results were statistically processed using Excel, and the normality of data distribution was verified by Shapiro-Wilk test. The results show that pollutants transported in the atmosphere and introduced with precipitation in the Zabrze and Bytom areas are a significant source of area pollution of the region.
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Rajmund Michalski
Paulina Pecyna-Utylska

  1. Institute of Environmental Engineering, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
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Among Gierowski's research, an important place was occupied by works on the past of Silesia. He started Silesian studies that fit into socio‑economic history. He also published syntheses and source editions devoted to the history of Silesia. His research was continued by Józef Lesz-czyński and Krystyn Matwijowski. Leszczyński continued and developed his reflection on the social and legal history of Silesia. Among them, he examined the problems of peasant revolts, the situation of the poorest in Silesia during the Thirty Years' War and after its end. He studied Polish‑Silesian relations in the 17th and 18th centuries. Matwijowski conducted research on the history of Pietism and the history of everyday life in Silesia and works devoted to the past of Lower Silesian towns. Gierowski's research is inspired by Jerzy Maroń, the author of a book devoted to the Thirty Years' War in Silesia, Leszek Ziątkowski, authors part of the history of Wrocław and books about the past of Jews in Silesia. Jacek Dębicki deals with the history of culture in Silesia. Daniel Wojtucki develops studies on socio‑cultural phenomena in Silesia and Lusatia.
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Filip Wolański

  1. Uniwersytet Wrocławski
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The article attempts to show Szczepan Twardoch’s novel Drach as a literary version of the counter- history, which constitute an alternative vision of the past. The theory of counter-history was taken from Michel Foucault’s writings Society Must Be Defended. By this conception Foucault tried to restore the history of those excluded from the offi cial historical discourse.

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Authors and Affiliations

Katarzyna Limanówka

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