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Bentonite is clay rock, which is created by decomposition of vulcanic glass. It is formed from mixture of clay minerals of smectite group,

mainly montmorillonite, beidellite and nontronite. Its typical characteristics is, that when in contact with water, it intensively swells. First

who used this term was W.C. Knight in 1887. The rock had been named after town Fort Benton in American state Montana. For its

interesting technological properties and whiteness has wide technological use. Bentonite is selectively mined and according to its final use

separately modified, which results in high quality product with specific parameters.

In the beginning of 21st century belong bentonite moulding mixtures in foundry to always perspective. Mainly increased ratio of ductile

cast iron castings production cannot be ensured without the need of quality bentonite. Great area of scope remains to further research of

moulding materials, which return also to bentonite producers.

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I. Vasková
M. Hrubovčáková
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The author analyses the structure of the predicative expression, i.e. a mor-phosyntactic construction functioning as the so-called constitutive predicate of the proposition in question. She illustrates her analysis with examples from Polish and from Macedonian – two languages whose grammatical systems are maximally typologicaly opposed in the frame of the Slavic linguistic group. She states that the predicative expression is composed of 1) constitutive form of verbum finitum and 2) its adjuncts formalized as adverbia and/or adverbialia responding to the questions: when? how long? how? in which mood? in which way? and carrying supplementary information from the semantic domains of the grammatical categories characteristic of the finite verb, such as ‘time’, ‘aspect’, or ‘mood’; most numerous are those informing (a) on the location of the referred to event on the time-axis or (b) on the procedure leading to the realization of that event.

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Zuzanna Topolińska
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The experiment was conducted in the years 2001–2003 at the Experimental Station in Złotniki. The aim of the performed investigations was to evaluate economic effectiveness of different fungicidal protection programs in winter wheat. Winter wheat of cv. Sakwa was cultivated using the following two variants of seed treatment: 1) Raxil 060 FS at the dose of 60 ml/100 kg grain, 2) Raxil 060 FS + Latitude 125 FS at the doses of 60 and 200 ml/100 kg, and five variants of fungicidal foliar protection: 1) Vista 228 SE, 2) Sportak Alpha 380 EC, 3) Sportak Alpha 380 EC + Vista 228 SE, 4) Sportak Alpha 380 EC + Vista 228 SE + Juwel 250 SC, 5) control – without protection. The use of the above plant protection products contributed to the increase of winter wheat grain yield from 0.60 t/ha to 2.07 t/ha. This increase of yield covered costs of performed chemical control. The economic analysis showed that most effective variant of winter wheat chemical protection was seed treatment with Latitude 125 FS with additional two foliar treatments with the following fungicides: Sportak Alpha 380 EC and Vista 228 SE. Irrespective of the applied seed dressing, additional application of Juwel 250 SC at the stage of early milk maturity turned out to be economically not justified.

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Zuzanna Sawinska
Irena Małecka
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Arctic glaciers depend on supply of moisture, mostly from the Atlantic. The snowline is remarkably high in northeast Siberia, remote from this source. Because of differential solar radiation receipt, local glaciers have a northward−facing tendency throughout the Arctic. This is weaker than in dry mid−latitudes but low sun angles enhance the effects of shading, compensating for the broader range of aspects ( i.e. slope directions) illuminated in summer. Statistics from the World Glacier Inventory and other sources show that mass balance differences between slopes of different aspects give both more glaciers, and lower glaciers, facing the favoured direction: usually North. This is clear, for example, for local glaciers (and for all small glaciers) in central Spitsbergen and in Axel Heiberg Island. Wind effects (drifting snow to leeward slopes) are much less important, except in northwest Europe from Norway to Novaya Zemlya which is under the strong influence of westerly winds, greatest in the Polar and Sub−polar Urals. A thorough analysis is provided of aspect data for local glaciers within and near the Arctic Circle, and of variation in glacier mid−altitude with aspect and position. There is consistency between mean glacier aspect (in terms of numbers) and aspect with lowest glaciers, everywhere except in Wrangel Island.
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Ian S. Evans
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This paper presents the situation of coal mining in Slovakia, focusing on the social-political aspects and environmental aspects of its sustainable development. In recent years, the mining of lignite and brown coal in Slovakia has been closely linked to the production of electricity and heat in the Novaky power plant. Domestic brown coal production covered more than three quarters of demand in the Slovak Republic in the last few years. The sustainability of coal mining in the coming years in Slovakia is closely associated with raw materials reserves, new mining technologies, the development of the Novaky power plant, and the government's commitments to national economic interests through securing the energy supply or state aid. Of course, of these factors must be considered in the context of international obligations, such as those related to climate and environment, particularly air protection.

The three most important Slovak brown coal deposits are located in the Upper Nitra Basin. This territory includes areas in the 5th and 4th degrees of environmental quality, signifying a disturbed and very disturbed environment. Since coal is expected to remain the dominant fuel for electricity generation araund the world, and in particular for many of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, it is necessary to create conditions for the environmental sustainability of coal mining in the coming years within the context of international obligations. Both the security and the stability of the electricity network in Slovakia and maintaining employment levels in the Upper Nitra region play important roles in this discussion.

Underground coal gasification (UCG) is a newmining technology and a technology for gas recovery in situ.

A comprehensive evaluation of the impacts of underground coal gasification was carried out in addition to summarization of the expected impacts in terms of the significance and distribution of the time period.

Based on a comprehensive assessment of the proposed action, it can be stated that it could bring a socially unacceptable risk to the area, specifically the significant impairment of health or the environment (groundwater and nearby hot springs in Bojnice). The implementation of operations could affect the opulation's health, since the partition is placed in close proximity to residential areas.

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Erika Skvarekova
Lubica Kozakova
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The author considers problems of the book by Krystyna Waszakowa on the cognitive and communicative aspects of the study of modern Polish word-‑formation. The researcher focuses her attention on the possibility of using the cognitive semantics model of Ronald Langacker and the cognitive‑discourse model of Elena Kubryakova for the analysis of mechanisms of forming the semantics of word‑formation derivatives. Perspectives of the cognitive-‑communicative approach to the study of modern Polish word‑formation derivation Krystyna Waszakowa discusses in connection with the achievements of Slavic descriptive and structural derivatology.
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Dokulil M., 1962, Tvořeni slov v češtine. I: Teorie odvozováni slov, Praha: Československá akademie věd.
Puzynina J., 1967, Pojęcie regularnej i nieregularnej konstrukcji morfemowej a fakty słowotwórcze, „Biuletyn Polskiego Towarzystwa Językoznawczego”, zesz. 25, s. 91–102.
Tezisy 1967: Tezisy Prazhskogo lingvisticheskogo kruzhka, [in:] Prazhskiy lingvisticheskiy kruzhok : sbornik statey, sost., red., avt. predisl. N.A. Kondrashov, Moskva: Progress, pp. 17–41.
Waszakowa K., 2017, Kognitywno‑komunikacyjne aspekty słowotwórstwa. Wybrane zagadnienia opisu derywacji w języku polskim, Warszawa: Wydział Polonistyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.
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Євгенія Карпіловська

  1. Інститут української мови Національної академії наук України, Київ
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Philosophers are motivated to do research concerning pattern recognition because of wide range of its applications. One of the pathfi nders of research in that area was Satosi Watanabe, who has been frequently commented in the literature concerning this subject. The rule of decrease in entropy and the rule of simplicity are described in the context of pattern recognition. Although the concept of entropy had been initially used in the area of thermodynamics, it could be adopted also in the fi eld of pattern recognition. The concept of entropy should be then suitable transformed. A few of examples of the entropy concept application and the relationship between entropy and simplicity are discussed in the article. Simplicity considered by Watanabe should be treated mainly as polynomial curve simplicity, however the issue is described in the wider context.

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Jakub S. Płonka
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Accelerating the transition of the energy sector to ecologically clean energetics using renewable energy technologies will ensure the security of the energy sector of the European Union based on highly energy-efficient and cost-effective technologies for generating heat and electricity. The aim of the study is to assess the economic and ecological aspects of the implementation of renewable energy technologies in Ukraine based on the analysis of trends in the transformation of both the global and the European energy sector. The approach proposed in this article makes it possible to reasonably determine the prospects for the use of environmentally safe energy-saving technologies using renewable energy sources. The analysis of the economic and environmental aspects of energy production based on renewable energy technologies, the condition of development and directions of transformation of the European energy sector is illustrated on the basis of a comprehensive assessment of the efficiency of the use of energy- and resource-saving, environmentally safe and cost-effective innovative technologies of non-traditional and renewable energy sources. This is achieved through the use of a comprehensive generalized dimensionless criterion of energy- ecological-economic efficiency of innovative technologies with the aim of increasing the level of energy-economic efficiency and environmental safety of the energy sector. According to this approach, it is determined that the effective integration of a certain energy- and resource-saving, environmentally safe and economically efficient innovative technology using renewable sources in Ukraine is possible.
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Viktor Koval
Olga Ostapenko
Olha Halushchak
Piotr Olczak
Kateryna Dobrovolska
Sergey Kaptalan

  1. Izmail State of University of Humanities, Ukraine
  2. Vinnytsia National Technical University, Ukraine
  3. Ternopil Ivan Puluj National University, Ukraine
  4. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
  5. National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Ukraine
  6. Odessa National Economic University, Ukraine
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The study aimed to determine the psychological aspects of captivity in the War in the East of Ukraine: the purposes and motives of the capture of Ukrainian Forces (UF); the types of captivity and their specifics; the stages and phases of captivity. The measures included a questionnaire and interview method. 694 former prisoners of war (POWs) (servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and soldiers of volunteer battalions) participated in the study. The research results revealed the purposes of capturing UF: to stop UF advance; obtaining intelligence; demoralization of UF; demonstration of military superiority; capturing prisoners for exchange; unwillingness to kill; receiving a ransom. The UF invaders were military units, professional mercenaries’ units, and gang formation units. The stages of captivity (capture and transportation to a place of permanent detention; first interrogation; being held captive; exchange of POWs and homecoming) were characterized by intimidation, aggression, physical, psychological and sexual violence against POWs, the purposeful creation of an environment of mass psychosis among POWs. Captivity kept the POWs in constant tension and fear. The altered mental status of POWs took place in successive phases: life reactions, shock, psychological demobilization, denouement, recovery, and conflict phase.
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Olexander Timchenko
Ihor Prykhodko
Yuri Shyrobokov
Nataliia Onishchenko
Vasiliy Lefterov

  1. National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine
  2. National Academy of National Guard of Ukraine
  3. Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv National University of the Air Force
  4. National University "Odessa Law Academy", Ukraine
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The present paper aims at presenting a short study of the prefixed forms of the Polish verb pić (‘to drink’) (napić, wypić, popić, przepić, opić, zapić, etc.) and their French equivalents found in two parallel corpora: Glosbe and Reverso Context. In the first part, selected theoretical approaches concerning the verbal prefixation in Polish are discussed, with particular attention to the hypothesis of “perfective hypercategory” by Włodarczyk and Włodarczyk (2001b). The second part focuses on the results of the contrastive Polish-French analysis. The research is carried out in the general framework of the Aktionsarten theory and tries to discover by which linguistic means (grammatical and/or lexical) the French language expresses different semantic values conveyed by the Polish prefixes. The results of the analysis are appropriately formalized according to the principles of the object-oriented approach by Banyś (2002a, b), i.e. described by the syntactic-semantic schemes (which, after several changes of specifi cation, can be applied in the machine translation programs). The purpose of the investigation is, therefore, twofold: theoretical, since it is the matter of discovering certain relations between two languages expressing differently a given linguistic phenomenon, and practice, which consists in formulating interlinguistic correspondence rules for the purpose of the Polish-French translation.

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Michał Hrabia
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World widely, efforts of governments and industry focus on the global sustainability. Facing global warming and rapidly growing electricity demand, it is crucial to develop technologies that will allow humanity use planet resources in the most efficient way, which is possible. Energy storage systems are vast and common concepts nowadays, concerning also small residential energy systems with renewable energy sources like photovoltaic installations. This paper describes different so-lutions for this issue. Characteristics of mentioned methods include basic features and values, advantages and disadvantages, estimated investing (CAPEX) and operating (OPEX) costs for the investors and issues related with environment like effi-ciency and emissions. As researched in the document, current technologies base on well-known solutions implemented in residential installations but also there is also possibility to develop new methods and combine few of them to use any possible energy surplus, later when it is needed the most. Description of various energy storage system includes both technical and commercial aspects. As most of storage applications differ from each other, choosing proper energy storage system implies economic and environmental benefits. The review has provided sufficient information to conclude that there is no one-size-fits-all solution to store electricity. Suitable solution should be selected based on size of the installation, geographical condi-tions as well as economic possibilities. For examined energy storage systems there is still necessity of further research and development but overview of those presented in the article, makes it possible to deduce comparison and conclusion.
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Karol Mzyk

  1. Cracow University of Technology, Department of Energy, al. Jana Pawła II 37, 31-864 Kraków, Poland
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Presented paper deals with the morphological category of aspect in Cantonese. Given the lack of a morphological category of tense in Cantonese, aspect holds a particular position in this system, as it is the sole morphological means expressing temporal relations. The aim of the paper is to present the functioning of the various aspects of Cantonese, both perfective and imperfective, based on the theoretical framework presented beforehand, which draws on the previous achievements of linguists in this field. The second section presents what specific morphological means are used to express the category of aspect in Cantonese, which is then followed by a brief discussion of the relation between resultative verb compounds and the perfective aspect. The last, and by far the largest section, presents corpus material which exemplifies the use of different aspect markers. The paper is an attempt to respond to the hitherto lack of consensus among Sinologists about the number as well as the types of aspects that occur in Cantonese.
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Adrian Kędzior

  1. Jagiellonian University in Cracow
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Ancient Egyptian represents the typologically marked case of a language in which the dynamic-stative contrast among verbs correlates with two finite verb paradigms. Building on earlier work (Reintges 2005, 2006), the present study examines the morphosyntax of the Stative inflectional paradigm by combining synchronie, diachronic and typological viewpoints. The Stative is a showcase for the diachronic stability of an inflectional category, remaining an integral part of the Egyptian verbal system throughout its entire history. In spite of this diachronic stability, it undergoes inflectional changes. The morphological simplification and paradigm erosion that we see with the Stative in later stages represents a hitherto unnoticed case of endogenous morphological change, which proceeds largely independently of concomitant syntactic and semantic changes.
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Chris H. Reintges
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Qualitative and quantitative results of high terrain elevation effect on spectral radiance of optical satellite image which affect the accuracy in retrieving of land surface cover changes is given. The paper includes two main parts: correction model of spectral radiance of satellite image affected by high terrain elevation and assessment of impacts and variation of land cover changes before and after correcting influence of high terrain elevation to the spectral radiance of the image. Study has been carried out with SPOT 5 in Hoa Binh mountain area of two periods: 2007 and 2010. Results showed that appropriate correction model is the Meyer’s one. The impacts of correction spectral radiance to 7 classes of classified images fluctuate from 15% to 400%. The varying changes before and after correction of image radiation fluctuate over 7 classes from 5% to 100%.
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Luong Chinh Ke
Tran Ngoc Tuong
Nguyen Van Hung
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Though current conservation policy in Poland refl ects world trends and approaches to action, compliance with all of its assumptions would entail the Polish authorities remodelling both the system and the methods by which natural resources are managed. On the one hand this requires a change of approach to the management of natural resources from the traditional, purely nature-related one, to a more modern inter-disciplinary one that takes in social and economic conditioning. On the other hand, a system need to be put in place to allow these ideas to be introduced in practice. The work described here deals with the participation of different stakeholder groups in nature management, with this regarded as a method of increasing the latter’s effi ciency. The many examples (of good practice) presented by the author well illustrate the wisdom of the approach, which often seems to achieve success where it is attempted.

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Małgorzata Grodzińska-Jurczak
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Heat transfer in steady free convection from differentially heated cylinders enclosed in a rectangular duct filled with Bingham plastic fluids has been solved numerically for the ranges of the dimensionless groups as, Rayleigh number, 10 2 ≤ Ra ≤ 10 6; Prandtl number, 10 ≤ Pr ≤ 100 and, Bingham number, 0 ≤ Bn ≤ 50 for aspect ratios AR = 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9 and 2. The streamlines, isotherm contours, yield surfaces, local and average Nusselt numbers were analysed and discussed. It is found that as the aspect ratio of the enclosure increases from 0.5 to 0.9, the average Nusselt number on the surface of the hot cylinder increases as a larger amount of fluid takes part in convection. Moreover, at sufficiently large Bingham numbers, yield stress forces dominate over buoyancy causing the flow to cease and thus the Nusselt number approaches its conduction limit. Finally, the Nusselt number approaches its conduction limit once the maximum Bingham number is reached.
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Ashok Kumar Baranwal
Anoop Kumar Gupta
Anurag Kumar Tiwari
Roderick Melnik
4 5

  1. Department of Chemical Engineering, BIT Sindri, Dhanbad 828123, India
  2. Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, IIT Patna 801106, India
  3. Department of Chemical Engineering, NIT Jalandhar 144011, India
  4. Wilfrid Laurier University, 75 University Avenue West, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
  5. BCAM Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, Bizkaia, Spain
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Nowadays in e-commerce applications, aspect-based sentiment analysis has become vital, and every consumer started focusing on various aspects of the product before making the purchasing decision on online portals like Amazon, Walmart, Alibaba, etc. Hence, the enhancement of sentiment classification considering every aspect of products and services is in the limelight. In this proposed research, an aspect-based sentiment classification model has been developed employing sentiment whale-optimized adaptive neural network (SWOANN) for classifying the sentiment for key aspects of products and services. The accuracy of sentiment classification of the product and services has been improved by the optimal selection of weights of neurons in the proposed model. The promising results are obtained by analyzing the mobile phone review dataset when compared with other existing sentiment classification approaches such as support vector machine (SVM) and artificial neural network (ANN). The proposed work uses key features such as the positive opinion score, negative opinion score, and term frequency-inverse document frequency (TF-IDF) for representing each aspect of products and services, which further improves the overall effectiveness of the classifier. The proposed model can be compatible with any sentiment classification problem of products and services.
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Nallathambi Balaganesh
K. Muneeswaran

  1. Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Mepco Schlenk Engineering College (Autonomous), Sivakasi, Tamilnadu, India
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This article deals with the study of Gulf Arabic. By the means of the Qatari Arabic Corpus elaborated by Elmahdy et al. (2014), the aim of this study is investigating a number of selected verbal prefixes and the active participle gāʕid ‘sitting’ as a progressive aspect marker in Qatari Arabic, a relatively under researched variety in the field of Arabic Dialectology. A descriptive and quantitative approach in the data collection was adopted and the validation process, throughout the whole corpus which consists of 15 hours of speech flow, provided over 600 manually-selected tokens of verbal prefixes and active participles as progressive aspect markers whose main forms and functions were discussed in the paper.
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Najla Kalach
Muntasir Fayez Al-Hamad

  1. UNINT University, Italy
  2. Qatar University, Qatar
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This paper studies path-breaking economic developments in Poland following the start of the systemic transformation in 1989. Three groups of countries are used for comparative analysis: those economically most advanced, those less developed but striving to catch up during the last 30–40 years, and as a subgroup of the latter, the transition economies. The paper has three objectives. The first is to show that many opinions regarding major aspects of the Polish transformation are at variance with the plain statistical facts. The second is to evaluate the pace and the extent of the progress so far in the effort to narrow the income and wealth gaps between Poland and most developed countries, particularly pre-2004 members of the European Union. The third consists of a discussion of factors which are likely to impede the pace of Poland’s economic development in the years to come.

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Stanisław Gomułka

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