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This study reveals significant and emergent research topics in the field ‘engineering, mechanical’ through bibliometric analysis of articles indexed in Web of Science (WoS) from 1997 to 2016. Publications under consideration (219,191 articles) were examined using quantitative and qualitative methods to evaluate general information about publications; evolution of research topics by keyword analysis; performance of countries, research centers and journals; and international collaborations. There was a threefold increase in number of articles throughout the period. The publications were related to 35 WoS categories; and mechanics and thermodynamics were dominating ones. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer was the leading journal in the field. The USA and China were outstanding countries of the field. Collaboration between these countries corresponded to 6.57% of all collaborative publications. Industrialized and developing countries dominated research activities in the field. Indian Institute of Technology was the leading research center due to number of publications. The results showed that heat transfer, finite element method, friction, wear, simulation, and fatigue are important topics of the field. There is an upward trend in research related to nanofluids, microchannel, phase change materials, and carbon nanotubes.

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Fatih Güven
Bilgehan Demirkale
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This paper summarizes the arguments and counterarguments within the scientific discussion on the impact of energy-efficient development on promoting the national green brand. The primary purpose of the research is to provide an overview of the scientific background devoted to the relationship between the energy efficiency policy and the country’s green brand to identify the potential research gaps and highlight the prospects for particular research directions. The systematization of scientific publications presented in the Scopus database showed a rapid tendency for publication activity on the investigated theme from 2000 to 2020. However, there has remained a deficiency in investigating the role of energy efficiency policy in formulating the country’s green brand. Therefore, it is appropriate to screen out the relevant publications to detect the future research directions in boosting energy efficiency for strengthening Ukraine’s green brand. To obtain the objectives of this study, the paper is presented in the following logical sequence: determining the keywords to find the relevant publications; searching the publications; conducting the evaluation analysis by specific metrics; applying the bibliometric analysis for the investigation of keywords and their co-occurrence. The co-occurrence analysis was performed using the VOSviewer software tools. The study sample consists of 3090 publications indexed in the Scopus database. The study involved documents published from 2000 to 2020. The research identified the most productive authors, prestigious scientific journals, and the most contributing countries and institutions. The publications were clustered into five thematic groups, which indicate the main research directions. The authors specified the prosperous lines for future research.
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Authors and Affiliations

Yana Us
Tetyana Pimonenko
Oleksii Lyulyov

  1. Department of Marketing, Sumy State University, Ukraine
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The direct motivation for this article is the publication of two updates of the Polish Journal Rankings on 9 and 18 February 2021, which were prepared by the Minister of Education and Science and bypassed the Research Evaluation Commission. This article aims to characterize the changes made by the minister in relation to the draft ranking prepared by the commission. For providing a complete picture of the changes, I describe the main principles for building the ranking according to the new model implemented in 2018. Then, I characterize the minister's changes in terms of added journals and changing the points assigned to the journals. The analysis is provided through the lens of the universities publishing these journals and the disciplines assigned to the journals. The article concludes by identifying four main recommendations that should be implemented to restore the usefulness of the ranking as an instrument of science policy.
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Emanuel Kulczycki
1 2

  1. Pracownia Komunikacji Naukowej na Uniwersytecie im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
  2. Komisja Ewaluacji Nauki
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Agile Project Management is a topic that has become popular both in business and academia, since the publication of the Agile Manifesto – a historic landmark in this subject. In the next 20 years, there was a relevant scientific production that must be analyzed to provoke reflection about the knowledge built up in this period. In this sense, this study aims to analyze the relevant scientific literature on Agile Project Management through a systematic review and a bibliometric analysis of articles published in scientific journals with Digital Object Identifier, in English, from the Web of Science and Scopus databases, from 2001 to 2021. The research results enable us to gain insights into the characteristics of this knowledge domain, regarding its volume and evolutionary trend, main contributors (i.e. scientific journals, authors, and their affiliations), main studies, methods used, and its central thematic axes.
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Antonio Carlos Pacagnella Junior
Vinicius Romeiro da Silva

  1. State University of Campinas, School of Applied Sciences, Production Engineering Center (CENPRO), Brazil
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The establishment of the Research Network Lukasiewicz (RNL) is aimed at strengthening the research potential and knowledge transfer from research institutes to enterprises. The article presents the results of the research potential analysis of 38 research institutes that are to form the RNL, based on data on scientific publications in 2013–2016. The number of publications of RNL institutes was similar to the number of publications of TNO and VTT institutes but smaller than that of Fraunhofer institutes. The publications of RNL institutes had lower values of indicators of international collaboration and collaboration with business as well as lower values of citation indices. Co-authors of RNL publications were mainly affiliated with national scientific units, whereas co-authorship with Fraunhofer, TNO and VTT institutes was marginal. The article also outlines the limitations and challenges of the adopted research method and future research orientations in this area.

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Marcin Kardas

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