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The paper contains a philosophical deconstruction of a notion of the "catastrophe" as historical phenomenon. The Author points out some characteristics of the catastrophic concept of the reality as they were expressed in the literary discourse in Poland in the period ofjin de siecle and in the poetry and prose of the WWII. The philosophical preconditions of catastrophic thinking are related to the literary expression present in narration of famous Polish poets and writers: Kazimierz Przerwa Tetmajer, Jan Kasprowicz, KrzysztofKamil Baczyński, Tadeusz Borowski and Gustaw Herling-Grudziński.
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Czesław Wróbel
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On ecological economics and its diagnosis of environmental and social challenges and threats.
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Ewa Bińczyk
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The purpose of this article is to identify and assess environmental risks that may have the greatest impact on the future of humanity. They were divided into two basic groups, i.e. for natural processes and resources. In addition, climate change is described as different group. The authors decided, that a holistic approach to this issue is more desirable than dividing it into two above-mentioned groups. The comparison of various threats was possible due to the application of identical assessment criteria, such as: the harmfulness, rate of spread, scope and moment of occurrence of a given group of threats. Each of the listed criteria has been evaluated on a five-point scale, where 1 has the smallest and 5 the largest impact force. The obtained results show the leading importance of natural processes in maintaining the existing Earth system. In addition, the authors point to a greater risk of problems related to renewable resources than non-renewable one. As a result, it can be assumed that the current degradation of natural processes and excessive use of resources is likely to lead to the risk of global disasters.

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Konrad Prandecki
Artur Michałowski
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This paper is an attempt to answer the question: can the process of historical source construction be a way of responding to national catastrophe?
The primary meaning of the word catastrophe is the unexpected but logical conclusion of a play. Although the word "catastrophe" has changed its meaning, it still retains its connotation. It is not a meaningless ending. History cannot be the cure for catastrophe in the classical sense. Its effects are well described by the idea of Pharmakon, which we can find in Plato. Pharmakon is both a medicine and a poison. A person suffering a catastrophe is not cured, but rather is inebriated by history. It is what gives one the strength to survive the trauma of catastrophe. Historians are no exception.
The second half of the article is a concrete example (case‑study) of how, under the guise of objective studies of historical documents, historians create realities that help them to relive (but not cure) the trauma of catastrophe. Often the historical source is perceived as an immutable, natural basis for the construction of a historical narrative. A historical source has no nationality, but it can obtain it. The most popular and simple way is the publication of new (or first) historical sources edition as "nationals" This article examines a specific example of the race between Polish and German historians (after 1945) on the issue of publishing historical sources concerning mediaeval Silesian history. Since the very same documents had to be published, the primacy in publication of new editions had to determine its "nationality".
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Oleksandr Pestrykov

  1. Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla Polskiej Akademii Nauk
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In this essay we propose a reflection on the social meaning that takes the word ‘catastrophe’ in Italian, through the investigation of the historical literary collocations of the term and on the current ones through different corpora. This research is part of Cognitive Linguistics and Semantics.
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Paolo Nitti

  1. Università Degli Studi dell’Insubria
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The paper deals with recent developments in the fields of applied mathematics and operational research triggered by the needs of effective support of environmental policy-making processes that require interdisciplinary science-based advice. Mathematical models developed for this purpose demand new modeling paradigms for an adequate integration of pertinent knowledge. and creation of knowledge needed for rational decision-making. The article first summarizes the model-based support for problem solving from the point of view of actual decision-makers. Next, il discusses the model representation of the knowledge pertinent lo a given decision-making problem, and the recently developed modeling technology supporting the whole process of modeling complex problems. The last parł deals with novel methods and tools for integrated management of risks related to natural catastrophes. The presented methodology is illustrated by its application lo actual environmental policy-making support.
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Marek Makowski
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Transforming the energy sector is necessary but not sufficient to prevent a climate catastrophe.
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Jan Kozłowski

  1. Institute of Environmental Sciences, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland
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This reading of Jerzy Stempowski’s essay ‘Rubis d’Orient’ (published in 1954 under the pseudonym Paweł Hostowiec) is based on the assumption that his work can be divided into two phases, the Appolonian and the Dionysian. While the essay ‘In the Dniester river valley’, with its idealized world of a timeless idyll, seems to be the most salient manifestation of the Appolonian phase, ‘Rubis d’Orient’ marks Stempowski’s turn towards temporality and historical time. The intrusion of tragedy and Dionysian motifs is accompanied by a change of style and structure, increasingly complex and metaphoric. This transition, the article argues, is nowhere clearer than in ‘Rubis d’Orient’, which, moreover, reads like an art manifesto. This, in turn, puts Stempowski's subsequent essays and his catastrophist views in a new perspective.
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Małgorzata Zemła

  1. Ludwig–Maximilians–Universität, München
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Jalu Kurek, a prominent member of the Cracow avant-garde, is the author of several novels. This article discusses the undeservedly neglected S.O.S., published in 1927, and suggests that its weird plotting and literary mockery is in fact an apocalyptic narrative. It has a place, it is argued, in the 'catastrophist' trends which were on the rise in the Polish literature of the late 1920s and 1930s. It should be read in the context of a growing sense of decline and crisis of European society, which, on the one hand, drew on the cultural pessimism of the turn of the 19th century, and, on the other hand, was a reaction against the wave of modernization that was sweeping the world. As this analysis shows, Jalu Kurek's S.O.S. is deeply ambivalent about the onslaught of modernity.
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Iwona Boruszkowska

  1. Wydział Polonistyki Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Kraków

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