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The emission rate of fibers released lrorn the new/fresh and used/worn ceramic fiber material. glass wool and man-made mineral fiber material due lo mechanical impact was determined experimentally. The emission rate has been defined as a number or fibers emitted per unit mass and unit impaction energy. The averaged emission rate of short fibers (LS 5 run) for all studied fresh non-asbestos fiber materials ranged lrom 2.2 to 20 fibers/(g·.l), while the emission or long fibers (I,> 5 urn) was between 2.2 and I 00 fibers/(g·J). The susceptibility or worn fiber-containing materials 10 emitting fibrous particles due 10 mechanical impaction was significantly diverse. Emission from glass wool unchanged with the exploitation, while the emission rate of the mineral fiber material increased by a factor of I O·' compared 10 new material. The dominating population or emitted fibers from studied materials ranged trorn 2 10 around 8 pm in length.
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Józef S. Pastuszka
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Asbestos cement sheets on building roofs and façades as well as asbestos cement water and sewerage pipes are the most frequently existing elements that contain asbestos in Poland. During removal from a specific building such a material automatically becomes hazardous waste. The presented paper covers studies carried out on leachability of pollutants from asbestos-containing waste, previously used for roofing. Laboratory tests under static conditions were carried out (1:10 test, pursuant to rules of the PN-EN 12457/1-4 standard) using distilled water as the leaching medium. Aluminium, boron, barium, cadmium, chromium, copper, iron, nickel, lead, strontium, zinc, and mercury were determined in the eluate. Low leachability of individual metals under the planned conditions was observed. In general, such metals as cadmium, nickel, lead, zinc, boron and mercury were not observed in solutions. The other analysed metals were observed in eluates, but their concentrations were usually low. The low leachability was found for barium (0.019 to 0.419 mg/dm3), chromium (0.019 to 0.095 mg/dm3), copper (0.006 to 0.019 mg/dm3), and iron (<0.01 to 0.017 mg/dm3). Increased leachability values were found only for strontium, between 0.267 and 4.530 mg/dm3, and aluminium, ranging from 0.603 to 3.270 mg/dm3. The analysed asbestos and cement materials feature a low percentage content of asbestos in flat and corrugated asbestos cement sheets (10–15%). Because of that it is possible to presume that pollutants characteristic of cement will be mainly present in products of leaching.
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Beata Klojzy-Karczmarczyk
Janusz Mazurek
Jarosław Staszczak

  1. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland
  2. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland
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The zinc and lead industry generates substantial quantities of waste. Among the many types of wastes, such as dust or liquid, a large proportion are solid waste such as slags. The purpose of the study was the qualitative and quantitative assessment of the short rotary kiln slags and slags deposited in a hazardous waste landfill originating from zinc and lead metallurgy. This assessment represents the primary step in evaluating materials such as slags concerning their potential for substantial applications, such as process for metal separation. Additionally, this evaluation forms the basis for a comprehensive environmental study. The concentrations of the four predominant metals – Fe>Pb>Zn>Cu – and accompanying elements – Na>Ca>K>Ni>Mn>Cr – were determined using atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) after aqua regia digestion. A large variation was found in the phase analysis of the studied materials based on SEM, XRD, X-ray microanalysis, and BCR sequential extraction. The BCR analysis revealed the occurrence of major metals in four different fractions: acid-soluble, reducible, oxidizable, and residual. Pb was mainly present in the acid-soluble fraction, while Fe, Cu, and Zn were present in the residual fraction.
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Authors and Affiliations

Milena Nocoń
Irena Korus
Krzysztof Loska

  1. Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Energy, Department of Water and Wastewater Engineering, Poland
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Along with changes in customer expectations, the process of ordering a house, especially one built with the most modern technology from prefabricated HQ 40-foot shipping containers, should take place in an atmosphere of free-flowing, customer-friendly conversation. Therefore, it is important that the company producing such a solution has a tool supporting such offers and orders when producing personalized solutions. This article provides an original approach to the automatic processing of orders based on an example of orders for residential shipping containers, natural language processing and so-called premises developed. Our solution overcomes the usage of records of the conversations between the customer and the retailer, in order to precisely predict the variant required for the house ordered, also when providing optimal house recommendations and when supporting manufacturers throughout product design and production. The newly proposed approach examines such recorded conversations in the sale of residential shipping containers and the rationale developed, and then offers the automatic placement of an order. Moreover, the practical significance of the solution, thus proposed, was emphasized thanks to verification by a real residential ship container manufacturing company in Poland.
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Adam Dudek
Justyna Patalas-Maliszewska
Jacek Frączak

  1. University of Applied Sciences in Nysa, Armii Krajowej 7, 48-300 Nysa, Poland
  2. University of Zielona Góra, ul. Licealna 9,65-417 Zielona Góra, Poland
  3. Sanpol Sp. z o.o, Sulechowska 27a, 65-119, Zielona Góra, Poland
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The article presents the issue of container handling processes at a rail-road intermodal terminal. In the article, we have focused on the problem of a terminal layout design from the point of view of parking lots for external trucks. The main purpose of this article is the assessment of the necessary parking lots for the trucks considering daily turnover of containers and the trucks appointment time windows. We analyze how the length of the truck’s appointment time windows as well as the difficulties in containers loading operations and a number of handling equipment influence the necessary parking lots for trucks in the intermodal terminal. The trucks planned for loading of import containers may arrive at the terminal before the loading moment that is specified in crane operations schedule. The container handling time is given by a probability distribution. The equations defining the most important elements of the considered problem were presented in the general form. The special case of this model has been developed in the FlexSim simulation software. Based on the simulation research and calculations we pointed out that right truck’s appointment time windows can significantly reduce necessary parking lots at the yard. The literature analysis presented in the article indicates that most of the research in the field of intermodal terminal is focused on operations in container ports. There is lack of literature considering rail-road terminal layout planning in terms of the necessary parking lots and truck’s appointment time windows.
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Authors and Affiliations

Emilian Szczepański
Marianna Jacyna
Roland Jachimowski
Rostislav Vašek
Karol Nehring

  1. Assc. Prof. PhD, Eng., Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Transport, ul. Koszykowa 75, 00-662 Warsaw, Poland
  2. Prof. PhD, Eng., Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Transport, ul. Koszykowa 75, 00-662 Warsaw, Poland
  3. ID International, Czech Republic, Nádražní 184,702 00 Ostrava
  4. MSc, Eng., Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Transport, ul. Koszykowa 75, 00-662 Warsaw, Poland
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A contemporary European city faces various challenges, and it remains in a permanent state of crisis. The components that create such a situation are subject to change over time. In addition to the existing problems, the inhabitants, authorities, and people involved in designing and transforming the city, including architects, face newchallenges. In recent years, the old problem of a shortage of affordable housing has been coupled with new challenges, including a sudden influx of refugees, climate change and its consequences, and the pandemic. Solutions to these issues are complex and multi-dimensional, and the actions to be taken are of interdisciplinary nature. Prefabricated architecture can be part of these solutions. Prefabricated building technologies, including prefabricated large-panel buildings, modular buildings and mobile structures, can, under appropriate conditions, modernize the process of building new housing. These solutions fit into the idea of sustainable development and can respond to unexpected and dynamically changing circumstances over time (emergency buildings). This paper examines the contemporary urban crisis and possible steps to be taken through the prism of the possibilities offered by the design of prefabricated buildings. The question is what criteria and design strategies should be adopted for prefabricated architecture to meet the demands of a city in crisis? The conducted analyses are universal. Nevertheless, they consider the application of prefabricated solutions in architecture in Poland and the potential for its further development. Therefore, the discussed implementations from the author’s country are given an important role in the text and are shown first against the background of European design practice. Omission of solutions from other continents is a deliberate delimitation.
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Authors and Affiliations

Anna Tofiluk

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Al. Armii Ludowej 16, 00-637 Warsaw, Poland
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Low-frequency mechanical vibrations can trigger disasters such as coal-gas outbursts. An in-house “vibration-triaxial stress-seepage” experimental apparatus was used to measure the gas flow rate of rock specimens with varying vibrational frequency, gas pressure, and confining pressure. The results of these tests were then used to derive expressions that describe how the permeability of gas-containing coal rocks is related to these aforementioned factors. In addition, sensitivity coefficients were defined to characterise the magnitude of the permeability response to each permeability-affecting factor (i.e., vibrational frequency and gas pressure). The following insights were gained, regarding the effects of vibrational frequency on the permeability of gas-containing coal rocks: (1) If gas pressure and confining pressure are fixed, the permeability of gas-containing coal rocks rapidly increases, before gradually decreasing, with increasing vibrational frequency. Thus, the permeability of the gas-containing coal rock is always larger with vibrations than without. (2) If vibrational pressure and confining pressure are fixed, the relationship between the permeability of gas-containing coal rocks and gas pressure is consistent with the “Klinkenberg effect,” i.e., the permeability initially decreases, and then increases, with increasing gas pressure. (3) The change in permeability induced by each unit change in gas pressure is proportional to the gas pressure sensitivity coefficient. (4) The change in permeability induced by each unit change in vibrational frequency is proportional to the vibrational frequency sensitivity coefficient.
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Authors and Affiliations

Zhu Bairu
Song Yang
Wu Beining
Li Yongqi

  1. Liaoning Technical University, School of Civil Engineering, Fuxin, Liaoning, 123000, China
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Any type of material that increases soil yield, both qualitatively and quantitatively, to strengthen the soil and increase its fertility is called fertilizer. The current study examines the production of a new effective fertilizer. Results presented involve effects of new bioorganic-mineral compositions obtained from the combination of vermicompost and sulphur-containing waste from sulphuric acid production on the yield and quality of tubers (beets, carrots). An increase in the yield of tubers has been found to be 1.13–1.25 times when the bioorganic-mineral composition (~20 Mg∙ha–1) is introduced into the sierozem (serozem) soil. The best results are obtained with mass ratios in the range 30–45 and 55–70 for vermicompost and sulphur-perlite-containing waste, respectively. The effectiveness of the mixture of vermicompost and sulphur-containing waste is explained by the increased synergistic interaction of these components. The proposed composition has high structure-form-ing, water-retaining, nutritional and biologically active properties.
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Authors and Affiliations

Moldir O. Baikhamurova
1 2
Gaukhar A. Sainova
Amankul D. Akbasova
Gulshat D. Anarbekova
Mehmet A. Ozler

  1. Kazakh National Agrarian University, Faculty of Agrobiology, Abay avenue 8, Almaty 050010, Kazakhstan
  2. Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University, Ecology Research Institute, B. Sattarhanov avenue 29, Turkistan 161200, Kazakhstan
  3. Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University, Faculty of Science, Turkey
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The study has investigated the technical characteristics of a number of sorption materials (natural mineral) and the pos-sibility of their use for the purification of surface and wastewater from oil and oil products. At the first step, regularities of the process of purification of oily waters have been established taking into account the processes of filtration and sorption. After that, the sorption capacity of the sorbents has been estimated, and the factors influencing it analysed. As a final step, the optimal conditions for the sorption process have been selected depending on the conditions and nature of purification. Results indicated that the maximum purification degree has been reached at the concentration of 500 mg∙dm–3 and temper-ature of 20°С.
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Authors and Affiliations

Saltanat T. Tleuova
Banu A. Userbayeva
Alibek S. Tleuov
Marina M. Yeskendirova
Raissa R. Yakubova
Kulyash Z. Kerimbayeva

  1. M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, Department of Chemical Technology of Inorganic Substances, Tauke khan aven, 5, Shymkent, 160012, Kazakhstan
  2. South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University, Department of Chemistry, Shymkent, Kazakhstan

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