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This article analyses the protection of stateless persons under the most recent case law of the European Court of Human Rights (i.e. Hoti v. Croatia and Sudita Keita v. Hungary). The article briefly discusses the phenomenon of statelessness and the basic mechanisms governing it, as well as the general standard for the application of Art. 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights in cases involving foreigners who are stateless. This is followed by a discussion of the aforementioned ECtHR judgments, highlighting their principal findings. Thereafter the impact of UN standards concerning stateless persons on the ECtHR’s reasoning is assessed (based on the UNHCR’s third-party intervention in Hoti), as well as the differences between the approaches taken by the Strasbourg Court and the UN Refugee Agency. Finally, the treatment of foreigners in the Polish legal system is examined, and the importance of the Hoti and Sudita Keita judgments to the potential improvement of the situation of stateless persons in Poland is assessed.
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Dorota Pudzianowska
Piotr Korzec

  1. Associate Professor of Law (dr hab.), Law and Administration Faculty, University of Warsaw
  2. Law and Administration Faculty, University of Warsaw
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Poland’s economy is closely connected with European markets, particularly within the European Union: almost 90% of Polish commodity export goes to European countries and 80% is absorbed by other EU countries. The common European market is absorptive, safe and stabile, and goods and services sold there are duty free. But the high concentration of exports in this market implies a strong dependence on the modest growth dynamics and local fluctuations of demand, while reducing the gains that could be obtained from the presence in emerging markets which include several large and rapidly growing developing economies. The paper gives a general characteristics of those markets, including the information on their economic and population potential, and their place in the world economy – at present and in the future (according to current statistical data and long-run forecasts). The statistics of Polish foreign trade indicates a very small share of emerging countries in the geographical structure of Poland’s exports. The author describes the chances and threats combined with export expansion to these markets, emphasizing that the net balance of benefits and risks is clearly positive, which should encourage Polish enterprises to take a more active part in trade and cooperation with those countries and regions.

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Piotr Rubaj
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This paper presents the acoustic features of speech recorded during interactions with foreigners in Danish and Finnish languages in the light of Speech Accommodation Theory. It presents selective aspects of speech attuning to linguistically less-fluent interlocutors in temporal and spectral perspectives. Foreigner-directed speech and native talk were compared in a spectral (F0, vowel space and intensity) and a temporal domain (phones per second). The results were correlated with the participants’ degree of exposure to foreigners and attitude towards them measured by means of a questionnaire. It was concluded that personal attitude towards interlocutors causes hyperarticulation. It was also shown, however, that the differences between the given instances of conversation are the strongest in the temporal domain, and not in the spectral domain.

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Jacek Kudera
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The article presents Model Integration of Immigrants in Gdańsk in the field of education, based on two years of experience of schools, local government institutions and social organizations involved in the creation of conditions for the education of immigrants. & e foreign pupils, defined as “someone else”, not belonging to the community of “our”, are not the subject of educational policy, but immediately a} er crossing the threshold of schools become its object. The law and school practices define their place in the system, that becomes a huge challenge for both teachers and for students themselves and their parents. Gdańsk way to develop urban educational policy for immigrants led from intervention by the diagnosis of problems and learning from others, to seek their own innovative solutions.

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Dorota Jaworska
Alieva Khedi
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Use of technology in different didactic approaches and methods. Diachronic review. – The present paper aims to present how different methods and approaches of teaching and learning foreign languages make use of new technologies. Every method is innovative and somehow also revolutionary. It’s quite easy to define and recognize which technologies are applied in modern methods. But when it comes to traditional methods it is not so evident. However according to research findings an appropriate application of new technologies can influence the effectiveness of the learning process.

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Aleksandra Kostecka-Szewc
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The aim of this article is to analyze both the motivations of foreign scholars to come to work in Poland – specifically Kraków – and their ways of adapting to this significant Polish academic center. Most studies on highly skilled migrants (HSMs) concentrate on the flows between developing and highly developed countries. We concentrate on Central and Eastern Europe. This paper, based on in-depth interviews with 23 foreign scholars working full-time at four universities in Kraków, is a follow-up to a study presenting a 2015 analysis of websites of universities from Kraków. We look closely at barriers to and facilitators of foreign scholars’ adaptation to Poland and their perceived image of Poland and Polishness, their national identification and international contacts. We propose a typology comprised of “cosmopolitans”, “status seekers”, “enthusiasts”, and “commuters”. Our investigations reveal who decides to move to a semi-peripheral country such as Poland, and why. Certain parts of the narratives can be used in building a strategy of attracting more international scholars to academic centers such as Kraków.

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Janusz Mucha
Kamil Łuczaj
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This article contains an analysis of the issues of cultural transfer during the First World War in the areas occupied by the Central Powers and the territories affected by the war. The German propaganda institutions that emerged after August 1914 functioned, somewhat contrary to initial intentions, as a network for transnational exchanges and were used by publishers, translators, writers, and other actors in the cultural sphere of the time. On the basis of archival research, the author advances several ideas on, respectively, culturalmobility in the years 1914–1918, cultural propaganda in the period of the First World War as the prehistory (and not the antithesis) of later cultural policy, and the role of cultural propaganda/cultural policy in research into literary transfers.

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Paweł Zajas
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This paper applies recently developed procedures to monitor and date so-called “financial market dislocations”, defined as periods in which substantial deviations from arbitrage parities take place. In particular, we use a cointegration perspective to focus on deviations from the triangular arbitrage parity for exchange rate triplets. Due to increasing attention on and importance of mispricing in the market for cryptocurrencies, we include the cryptocurrency Bitcoin in addition to fiat currencies in our analysis. We do not find evidence for substantial deviations from the triangular arbitrage parity when only traditional fiat currencies are considered, but document significant deviations from triangular arbitrage parities in the newer market for Bitcoin. We tentatively confirm the importance of our results for portfolio strategies by showing that a currency portfolio that trades based on our detected break-points outperforms a simple buy-and-hold strategy.
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Authors and Affiliations

Julia Reynolds
Leopold Sögner
2 3 4
Martin Wagner
5 6 7

  1. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Washington, USA
  2. Department of Economics and Finance, Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna, Austria
  3. Vienna Graduate School of Finance, Vienna, Austria
  4. NYU Abu Dhabi , Emirate of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
  5. Department of Economics, University of Klagenfurt, Austria
  6. Bank of Slovenia, Ljubljana
  7. Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna
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In this study, effects of political stability, economic freedom and trade freedom of above-stated Fragile Five Countries consisting of Brazil, Indonesia,India, Turkey, and South Africa on the performance of FDI appeal was analyzed with first generation panel data analysis method for the 1996-2017 period. The cointegration analysis between series was conducted by means of Kao (1999) and Pedroni (2004) test. The analyses showed that political stability and trade freedom have a significant positive coefficient on the Fragile Five Countries’FDI. It was also determined that the impact of economic freedom on FDI was statistically insignificant. Thus, it was concluded that the most important determinant of FDI entry into countries is political stability. Error correction mechanisms of models have been working well. In addition, it was found that political stability, economic freedom, and trade freedom are the cause of foreign direct investment in the long-run.

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Tuğba Akın
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This article presents selected results from a survey conducted in 2014 and 2015 in the Province of Opole, among 263 entrepreneurs representing companies from different sectors which varied due to the number of employees and the labour market segment. Organisations with experience in employing a foreign workforce as well as those who had not previously employed foreigners were asked about their willingness to engage a foreign workforce. The analysis was made taking into account the labour market segment. Majority of respondents claimed that the country of origin of the foreign workforce is irrelevant. Such attitude was more frequent among entrepreneurs with experience in hiring foreigners than among those who have not yet taken on foreign labour. Entrepreneurs, especially those employing foreigners during the study, tended to view foreigners as more available and more willing to work overtime, hence ‘better’ then Polish employees. Interestingly, among respondents representing the secondary labour market, the opinion that foreigners are ‘better’ employees was more common than in the group representing the primary labour market.

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Sabina Kubiciel-Lodzińska
Jolanta Maj
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This article is about immigrants’ perceptions of their host society and cultural differences. The analysis is based on twenty in-depth interviews conducted in 2018 with persons from Turkey working in Poland. Their narratives are a rich source of information about the challenges of the integration process and about the opportunities and dilemmas of ethnically and religiously diverse groups in Polish society, which is becoming increasingly multicultural. The respondents pointed to the recent noticeable deterioration in the attitude of Poles toward foreigners in general, which translates into more negative attitudes toward Turks. The cultural differences most commonly noticed related to work culture and working conditions. Although Poland’s fairly large ethnic uniformity was mostly declared to be a hindrance in the adaptation process, some immigrants saw it as strengthening social cohesion and facilitating adaptation to life in the new country. In defining the cultural differences and expectations of the host society, the foreigners became more aware of the values, practices, and attitudes with which they had become acquainted. Some interviewees did not define the differences they observed as traits of the sending or receiving society but rather “de-nationalized” the differences and referred to other categories of diversity, for example, of a class nature.
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Katarzyna Andrejuk

  1. Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii PAN
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This article re-examines the notion of “partnership” and its applicability to the relationship between the Japanese government and domestic NGOs in the context of foreign aid. As such, it provides empirical insights on government-non-profit relationship in understudied policy field of foreign aid in East Asian context. Illuminating how governmental financial support for Japanese NGOs has evolved in recent years, the article concludes that whereas “partnership” may be a preferred term of the Japanese government to describe the relationship with Japanese NGOs, the manner in which it is operationalized through selected financial support schemes raises legitimate questions about the validity and applicability of this particular term to the case under investigation. Hence, the chosen financial assistance schemes serve as the lenses through which the article explores and assesses the official “partnership” assertions. In sum, the relationship suffers from shortcomings in terms of mutuality and organizational identity, qualifying both the extent and quality of government-sponsored opportunities for Japanese international cooperation NGOs.
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Kamila Szczepanska

  1. University of Turku, Turku, Finland
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Eugene Schuyler was the first American to travel to Central Asia. Recognized as a scholar diplomat, he had written extensively on Russia and served as the US consul to Reval and the secretary of the American legation in St. Petersburg. During his diplomatic service in Russia, Schuyler was granted absence of leave to visit Central Asia and witnessed the Russian conquest of the region. He was also accompanied by the Russian army to visit the Ili region in Xinjiang amid the Dungan Revolt (1862–1877). Schuyler’s unusual experience was detailed in his travelogue Turkistan, Notes of a Journey in Russian Turkistan, Khokand, Bukhara, and Kuldja. This paper aims to analyze his travelogue to track down the earliest American contact with Central Asia. It argues that the US, even though aware of Russian military activity in the region from Schuyler’s report, tacitly acknowledged Russia’s hegemony in Asia. This could be attributable to Schuyler’s partiality to Russia’s cause, the generally congenial atmosphere in the US-Russia relations in the 1870s, and the absence of perceived US interests in Central Asia. The US foreign policy decision of the 1870s had far-reaching economic consequences and lasting political implications into the 19 th century and beyond.
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Yi Zhang

  1. John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies,Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
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After Italy declared war on Great Britain and France on June 10, 1940 Turkey remained neutral, despite the fact that the treaty with Western powers obliged it to enter the war in such circumstances. Turkish government referred to the Second Protocol attached to the Treaty of Mutual Assistance which made possible for the Turkish side to ignore their obligations in case a threat of armed conflict with Soviet Union. However it is still not known if this was real reason for Turkish decision. The aim of this article is to review interpretations of Turkish attitude that have been present in historiography since the war. It includes short-term and long-term factors of Turkish decision from June 1940. In addition, attention was concentrated on British intelligence sources, which, in relation to the period between spring and summer of 1940, have not yet been taken into account by scholars when trying to determinate Turkish motives.
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Krzysztof Zdulski

  1. University of Lodz, Poland
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The present work discusses the issues of the variantivity of borrowings from English into modern Polish and Russian. The material for study is variants of English borrowings (based on spelling, spelling and pronunciation, stress pattern, and morphology), excerpted mainly from newest dictionaries of foreign words that have been published over the last 15 years. The analysis aims to determine common “regular correspondencies” of such variants present in the two Slavic languages under discussion, and to identify the individualised variances typical of a particular national language. An important objective of the study is also to specify the reasons why alternative forms have been emerging so numerously in both languages, and to unearth some problems underlying the variantivity of Anglicisms. The research presented in this paper is significant for several perspectives: firstly, variantivity is a challenge to lexicographers and normative linguists still attempting to standardise the enormity of foreign lexical items of an unstable form. Secondly, the fact that a given item has its equivalents poses a problem to average language users who are often confused and do not know how to write or pronounce a word, with dictionaries not necessarily being helpful in this respect. The obtained results may encourage further steps towards the systematization of principles governing the adaptation of borrowings and the attempts to tame the present escalating chaos in Polish and Russian literature on the subject.
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Anna Romanik

  1. Białystok, Uniwersytet w Białymstoku
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Dialogue in the Classroom: Teaching Strategies and Their Reception by Students – The paper aims to explore Student Voice research within the academic context in terms of theoretical assumptions and a practical approach to its application in the classroom. In the first part, we focus on three main themes which build the explanatory framework: (1) Italian language teaching at Polish universities, (2) the current teaching methodology implemented in the classroom, and (3) Student Voice as a tool to better plan teaching activities. In the second part, we present the findings of a survey conducted among students learning Italian at the Faculty of Applied Linguistics, and we analyze their value for the teaching and learning process.

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Marta Kaliska
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For many years, the Polish Academy of Sciences has been undertaking activities aimed at increasing the international importance of Polish scientific research by establishing cooperation with international scientific institutions and supporting the participation of Polish scientists in international research programs. Currently, the Polish Academy of Sciences has six scientific centers abroad – in Paris, Rome, Vienna, Berlin, Brussels and Kiev. These institutions have different origins. The oldest ones, in Rome and Paris, continue the tradition of Polish emigration from the 19th century. These traditions are also referred to by the much younger station in Vienna, which to some extent has continued the activities of Polish diaspora organizations operating in this area since the beginning of the 20th century. The centers in Berlin and Kiev are relatively young. The first was established in 1996 as the Representation of the German Academic Exchange Service and transformed in 2006 into the Historical Research Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Berlin. The youngest of the centers has been operating in Kiev since 2013 under the name of the Representation “Polish Academy of Sciences” in Kiev. The Office for the Promotion of Science PolSCA in Brussels, established in 2006, has a different character. Due to its location, the specificity of this facility consists in developing scientific and scientific-technical cooperation through the promotion and expert support of Polish partners in the framework programs of the European Union. The activities of these institutions emphasize the presence of science, culture and intellectual achievements of Poland in the European research area, which is important for building the image of our country abroad. The Polish Academy of Sciences scientific centers are therefore a kind of scientific attaché of the Republic of Poland, the more so as Polish embassies in these six countries do not have such an attaché. The article analyzes the administrative, financial and legal conditions of the station's operation and the expectations towards their substantive activity from the point of view of the Academy's management.
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Roman Słowiński

  1. Polska Akademia Nauk, wiceprezes
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Celebrating patron saints as an element of the Sicilian character: the foreign travelers point of view – This article will look at descriptions of some patronal festivals in Sicily drawn from the works of the most important foreign travelers and will try to show how such celebrations represent a fundamental aspect of Sicilianity.

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Ewelina Walendziak-Genco
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The article shows, on the example of the accounts of the journey of John James Blunt and Auguste de Forbin, how the folk religiosity of Sicilians, especially patron saints, was perceived. The analysis of the texts showed that the newcomers who come into contact with the Sicilian culture notice that patron saints are a very characteristic phenomenon for this area and play an important role in social and political life.

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Ewelina Walendziak-Genco
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This study explores the accessibility to foreigners of the information written in Italian on how to apply for a residence permit, considering the negative consequences that failure or partial comprehension of the texts could have on their lives. The results show, from the lexical viewpoint, how potentially difficult it might be to understand these texts: in the corpus used, only approximately 10% of the lemmas correspond to the CEFR A2 level and 33% of the lemmas fall within the basic vocabulary, as defined by De Mauro in the Grande Dizionario Italiano dell’Uso.
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Yuka Naito

  1. Università degli Studi di Pavia
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The present study is the first attempt at examining the perception and evaluation of 10 internationally known political and religious leaders’ English pronunciation. 40 Polish students’ assessed their speech samples in terms of the degree of foreign accentedness, comprehensibility and acceptability. We examine whether the following factors affect the assessors’ judgements: their personal attitude to the speakers, the students’ level of English proficiency and the genetic proximity between between the speakers’ and the listeners’ L1s combined with the raters’ familiarity with foreign accents of English. It is demonstrated that the listeners’ attitude to the speakers has no impact on the ratings of the samples’ comprehensibility and accentedness, but plays an important role in their evaluations of acceptability. The participants’ level of English proficiency is crucial for their assessment of comprehensibility, but not accentedness and acceptability. Finally, the genetic proximity between the involved languages and the listeners’ familiarity with varieties of foreign-accented English are shown to be relevant for all the presented accent jugdements.

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Jolanta Szpyra-Kozłowska
Agnieszka Bryła-Cruz
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This article discusses the professional careers of foreign scholars in Krakow, one of the leading academic centres in Poland and a regional ‘silicon valley’ (toutes proportions gardées). Central and Eastern Europe is understudied as an immigration region for highly skilled migrants (HSMs). To bridge this gap, we concentrate on three interrelated topics: (a) the perception of Polish science and its infrastruc-ture; (b) careers of international staff employed in Polish academia; and (c) their perception of their achievements in Poland. Foreign scholars come to Poland for various reasons. Two of the most important are the cultural proximity between Poland and their country of origin, and research interests focused directly in Poland. Our findings show that Poland attracts first and foremost scholars with average scientific achievements. We discuss major problems they encounter (e.g., shortage of funds, uncomfortable office space, restricted access to books and papers) and their expectations of life in a semi-periphery country. The paper is mainly based on in-depth interviews with 23 foreign scholars working full time at four universities in Krakow and, as a secondary source, on the analysis of websites of these universities.

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Janusz Mucha
Kamil Łuczaj
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Over the last three decades the German Bauer Media empire has systematically invested in the Polish media market. Due to a well-devised business strategy Bauer Media Group not only have built up a strong market position but continued to expand despite the global decline of the print industry. While successfully broadening its offer to new readers, the company managed to hold on to its key segments, i.e. women’s press, entertainment and TV magazines, teen and computer magazines. This article examines Bauer Media’s presence in Poland since 1991. It combines an outline history of its Polish operations with a close analysis of the company’s key market expansion decisions, quantitative transformations of its print offer and its response to the new, more digital and more social, media environment.

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Olga Dąbrowska-Cendrowska
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Zea mays originate from warm and tropical region of the world and needs high sum of effective temperature throughout vegetative period. On the Polish market varieties of maize differ in early maturing, provenance and temperature requirements. The foreign varieties react stronger to the sulfonylurea herbicides (nicosulfuron, rimsulfuron, foramsulfuron + jodosulfuron) than Polish maize varieties under unfavorable weather conditions. The trials were conducted in field conditions using 8 maize varieties. The aim of this experiment was evaluation of the influence of sulfonylurea herbicides on foreign and Polish varieties of maize under different weather conditions. The reaction of foreign maize varieties on herbicides was compared with reaction of Polish maize varieties in the years 2001-2002. Four early maturing varieties of maize were testing: AVENUE (FAO 220)-FR, JANNA (FAO 190)-USA, WIARUS (FAO 220)-PL, FIDO (FAO 220)-PL. It was proved that Polish maize varieties showed a higher toleration towards sulfonylurea herbicides. The later maturing varieties KRÓL (FAO 280)-PL, IMAN (FAO 300)-PL, KANZLER (FAO 300)-FR, MAGISTER (FAO 280)-CH responded in a similar way. In 2002 there were no differences in plant development between foreign and Polish maize varieties.
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Authors and Affiliations

Hanna Gołębiewska
Henryka Rola

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