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The paper presents the characteristics of shallow groundwaters of the Polesie National Park – one of five national parks in Poland, where main subjects of protection are water-peatland ecosystems. Its functioning depends on the state of water resources. Data from field mapping at the turn of July and August 2013 used for the analysis show untypically high location of groundwaters in the summer period. Such a situation was caused by abundant atmospheric alimentation that occurred in spring and early summer of the analysed year.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marek Turczyński
Katarzyna Mięsiak-Wójcik
Joanna Sposób
Stanisław Chmiel
Sławomir Głowacki
Justyna Janusz-Emerla
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The paper discusses the water resources of the Krężniczanka River catchment. The catchment with an area of 224.9 km2 is located south-west of Lublin. The characteristics of the groundwaters and runoff were determined based on hydrological and hydrogeological materials of the Department of Hydrology of the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University (UMCS). Mean runoff in the period from 2010 to 2016 amounted to 125.7 mm, precipitation 629.4 mm, and evapotranspi-ration 503.7 mm. A strong relationship was determined between the rhythm of runoff and ground-water level fluctuations. The contribution of groundwater supply in total runoff equalled 81.5%.
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Zdzisław Michalczyk
Stanisław Chmiel
Sławomir Głowacki
Joanna Sposób
Beata Zielińska
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Surface and groundwater resources are two important sources in meeting agricultural, urban, and industrial needs. Random supply of surface water resources has prevented these resources from being a reliable source of water supply at all times. Therefore, groundwater acts as insurance in case of water shortage, and maintaining the quality of these resources is very important. On the other hand, studying vulnerability and identifying areas prone to aquifer pollution seems necessary for the development and optimal management of these valuable resources. Identifying the vulnerabilities of the aquifer areas to pollution will lead to a greater focus on preserving those areas. Therefore, groundwater quality assessment was performed in this study using the groundwater quality index (GQI), and groundwater vulnerability to pollution was assessed using the DRASTIC index. GQI is developed based on the values of six quality parameters (Na +, Mg 2+, Ca 2+, SO 42–, Cl, and TDS). The DRASTIC index is developed based on the values of seven parameters (depth to the water table, net recharge, aquifer media, soil media, topography, impact of vadose zone, hydraulic conductivity). The zoning of both indexes has been done using geographic information system (GIS) software. The results show that the GQI of the region was about 93, and its DRASTIC index was about 86. Therefore, the quality of aquifer groundwater is excellent, and its vulnerability to pollution is low.
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Siti Mardiana
Rabeya Anzum
Ngakan Ketut Acwin Dwijendra
Ahmad Azhar Mansoor Al Sarraf
Anton Timoshin
Elena Sergushina
Iskandar Muda
Natalia Zhilnikova
Yasser Fakri Mustafa
Evgeny Tikhomirov

  1. Universitas Medan Area, Faculty of Agriculture, Medan, 20223, North Sumatera, Indonesia
  2. International Islamic University, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  3. Udayana University, Faculty of Engineering, Bali, Indonesia
  4. Sawah University, College of Health and Medical Technology, Department of Medical Laboratory, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Al-Muthanna, Samawa, Iraq
  5. I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University), Department of Propaedeutics of Dental Diseases, Russia
  6. National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University, Republic of Mordovia, Saransk, Russia
  7. Universitas Sumatera Utara, Faculty Economic and Business, Department of Doctoral Program, Medan, Indonesia
  8. Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (SUAI), Institute of Fundamental Training and Technological Innovations, Russia
  9. University of Mosul, College of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Iraq
  10. Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Department of Economics and Management, Russia
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Groundwater mapping plays an important role in effective water resource management, sustainable development, and environmental protection. In the tropical Brunei Darussalam (north Borneo Island), groundwater mapping is yet to be provided. The aim of the study is to provide groundwater mapping of Brunei, particularly for the urban and coastal areas of the Brunei-Muara capital district. The study uses a GIS interpolation technique to generate a groundwater contour map based on groundwater data from 572 sacrificial boreholes located in the study area. Remote sensing data and published maps from secondary sources were digitised in ArcGIS software to produce thematic layers for further hydrological evaluations. Results showed that groundwater levels in the study area are generally high and shallow, ranging from 0 to 18 m below ground level with a mean value of 2.9 m. According to the evaluation of geo-thematic layers and groundwater contours, groundwater flows towards the South China Sea in the coastal areas and towards the Brunei River further inland. Hydraulic gradients towards the South China Sea also vary between 0.004 and 0.08. Thus, assuming surface aquifer thickness in the weathered zone between 10 to 20 m, hydraulic conductivities ranges from 1∙10−5 to 1∙10−4 m∙s−1, a submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) flux between 4.7∙10−7 to 4.0∙10−4 m3∙s−1 per unit width can be estimated for the shallow aquifer. This study provides valuable insights into the groundwater system dynamics so important, which are critical for its future utilisation and protection, aiming to contribute to the national water security in Brunei Darussalam.
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Hakimmi Abidin
Siti Lieyana Azffri
Emelia Nirus
Asri Suhip
Afiq Aiman Jaya
Stefan Herwig Gödeke

  1. Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Geoscience Programme, Faculty of Science, Jalan Tungku Link, Gadong, BE1410, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam
  2. Ministry of Development, Public Works Department, Geological and Geotechnical Section, Jalan Lapangan Terbang Lama, Berakas, BB3510, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam
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Groundwater is a very important natural resource to support the activities of the residents of Pakis District, Malang Regency. On the other hand, increased activity puts pressure on groundwater quality. Agricultural intensification, urbanisation, and industrialisation can be sources of pollutants. Hydrological factors, topography, lithology, and surrounding rainfall are triggers for contamination of groundwater. The main objective of this research is to determine the characteristics, quality of groundwater, and its susceptibility to pollution. To complete this research, geoelectric measurements were carried out at 43 points spread throughout the study area and sampling of 18 shallow wells in agricultural, residential, and industrial areas for chemical analysis. All data obtained were analysed to create a map of the spatial distribution of groundwater vulnerability. The results show that the groundwater in the study location is in the transition zone and flows through the volcanic rock layers. The level of groundwater pollution is in the uncontaminated status to heavily polluted with pollutants in the form of heavy metal manganese and Escherichia coli bacteria. The spatial distribution of groundwater intrinsic vulnerability shows low, moderate, and high levels of vulnerability, respectively 32.99%, 60.87%, and 6.14% of the research area. Groundwater specific vulnerability associated with land use factors shows that 26.25% are negligible, 42.46% are low, and 31.29% are moderate. From this it can be concluded that the study area has been polluted both geogenically and anthropogenically, therefore, special actions must be taken to restore the quality of groundwater.
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Authors and Affiliations

Prasetyo Rubiantoro
Mohammad Bisri
Aminudin Afandhi

  1. Universitas Brawijaya, Postgraduate Program, Jalan Veteran, Malang 65142, Indonesia
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The aim of the study was to compare the physical-chemical quality parameters of shallow groundwater quality in peat bogs of the Łęczna-Włodawa Lake District in the context of the occurrence of selected boreal species of plant relics: dwarfbirch (Betula humilis Schrank), downy willow (Salix lapponum L. ) and swamp willow (Salix myrtylloides L. ). Analyzes of shallow groundwater quality parameters included physical-chemical parameters: reaction (pH), electrolytic conductivity(EC), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), total nitrogen (TN), ammonium nitrogen (NH4), nitrite nitrogen (NO2), nitrate nitrogen (NO3), total phosphorus (TP), phosphate (PO4), sulfate (SO2), sodium (Na), potassium (K), calcium (Ca) and mag-nesium (Mg) by certified laboratory tests.

It was found that the natural hydrochemical specification of peat bogs is characterized by fluctuations associated with the dynamics of internal metabolism of peat ecosystems without the visible impact of anthropopressure. This is confirmed by the concentration of nutrients: TNat the study sites were within a broad range of mean values: 16.92–45.31 mg·dm–3; NH4 (0.55–0.76 mg·dm–3); NO2 (0.06–4.33 mg·dm–3); and NO3 did not exceed 0.2 mg·dm–3, and concentration of TP adopted mean values in a range of 0.22–0.42 mg·dm–3.

The studied physical-chemical factors of shallow groundwater were within the habitat preferences of the studied species, but in differentiated qualitative and quantitative ways determined optimal conditions for building the population of the studied species. Particularly values of TP lower than other obtained values in a range of: 0.08–0.32 mg·dm–3; PO4 = 0.1 mg·dm–3; TN = 2.2–21.2 mg·dm–3; NH4 = 0.1–0.46 mg·dm–3; DOC = 24.6–55.9 mg·dm–3, as well as higher than average pH values in a range of: 5.34–5.95 and concentration of Ca = 5.67–28.1 mg·dm–3 and Mg = 0.56–2.41 mg·dm–3, as well as EC = 72.1–142.3 μS·cm–1 can be treated as a condition favouring proper development of the population of dwarf birch. For Salix lapponum: a reduced level of values of nitrogen fractions (TN = 3.01–18.84 mg·dm–3; NH4 = 0.1–0.41 mg·dm–3), a reduced level of values of phosphorus fractions (TP = 0.09–0.44 mg·dm–3; PO4 = 0.1–0.44 mg·dm–3), part of ions (Ca = 4.39–19.63 mg·dm–3; Mg = 0.77–3.37 mg·dm–3), pH = 5.9–6.4, EC = 124–266 μS·cm–1 and DOC = 24.1–57.5 mg·dm–3. For the equally studied Salix myrtylloides, such conditions were met by: TP = 0.1–0.41 mg·dm–3; PO4 = 0.1–0.18 mg·dm–3, DOC = 27.5–50.9 mg·dm–3, pH = 5.3–5.94 andEC = 62.2–139.3 μS·cm–1.

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Artur Serafin
Magdalena Pogorzelec
Urszula Bronowicka-Mielniczuk
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The impact of changes in regional development along with the construction of Yogyakarta International Airport in Kulon Progo Regency may affect land use changes as the activities of the surrounding population. Galur– Lendah area, which is located near the city of Yogyakarta and acts as the entrance to Kulon Progo, will also develop. Along with these developments, the determination of the groundwater recharge–discharge area is needed to ensure the availability of groundwater at this site. The purpose of this study was to determine the zonation of groundwater recharge–discharge areas to support the availability of groundwater. The method of research is a spatial analysis using a geographic information system (GIS) based on ratings and weighting values for six parameters, including slope, rainfall, groundwater table depth, soil type, rock permeability, and land use. The field hydrogeological was also conducted to find out rock permeability and groundwater quality (pH, EC, TDS). The results showed that areas with potential for groundwater recharge were in the central and northeastern parts of the study area and the discharge zones in the north and south were with potential infiltration values of 26–43 and 44–59, respectively. However, the recharge area can still function as a discharge zone.
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T. Listyani R.A.
Ignatius A. Prabowo
Wayan Suparta

  1. Institut Teknologi Nasional Yogyakarta (ITNY), Caturtunggal, Depok, Sleman, 55281, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
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The aquifer system of the Remila plain (Khenchela, Algeria), covering 250 km2, is one of the semiarid regions where groundwater is heavily exploited for urban supply and irrigation. An integrated hydrochemical and statistical analysis was performed on 70 water samples to identify the main processes and the origin of salinisation of our waters. Chemical analyses indicate salinity values (TDS) ranging from 568 to 1586 mg·dm–3 with an average of 869 mg·dm–3, with sulphate being the dominant ions, especially in the north and northeastern parts of the region. The identified chemical facies are SO4-Cl-Ca in the northeastern part, SO4-Cl-Ca-Mg present in most waters, and HCO3- Ca-Mg in the southeastern part.
We applied the statistical approach to group the waters into three categories using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Hierarchical Clustering Analysis (HCA); 1) saline waters (23%) (TDS > 1000 mg·dm–3 and SO42– dominance), 2) moderately saline waters (51%) with HCO3– dominance, 3) moderately saline waters (26%) with a mixed facies. The binary ion diagrams used suggest that the main hydrochemical processes are: evaporites dissolution and/or precipitation, accompanied by an exchange and/or reverse exchange of ions. Additionally, another process was detected in the northeastern part of the area; the saline intrusion of Sabkha waters, favoured by intensive aquifer exploitation.
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Laiche Aouidane
Mohamed Belhamra
Asma Kheddouma

  1. University of Abbes Laghrour Khenchela, Faculty of Nature and Life Sciences, Department of Agricultural Sciences, Route de Batna; Boîte Postale 1252 Khenchela, 40004 Khenchela, Algeria
  2. University of Mohamed Khider, Department of Agricultural Sciences, Biskra, Algeria
  3. University of Abbes Laghrour Khenchela, Faculty of Nature and Life Sciences, Department of Biology, Algeria
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The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of industrial waste landfill on the release of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) on the environment with reference to water flow directions. 10 study plots were designated around the landfill site. Soil samples were taken from different soil layers. Plants: Solidago canadensis (leaves, stem), Quercus L. (leaves), and Poaceae were tested on PCBs contents. Groundwater samples were taken from piezometers. PCBs in the samples were determined by gas chromatography with an electron capture detector (GC / ECD).The highest accumulation of PCBs congeners was observed in the topsoil layers and decreased with the sampling depth. The dominant PCBs congeners in soil were PCB 28 and PCB 138, in plants PCB 28 and PCB 52. The most significant PCBs accumulation in the topsoil layer occurred in the research area on which the largest amount of waste was deposited and was equal to 14.2 ng/g. The largest sum of determined PCBs congeners was found in Solidago canadensis leaves – 3.26 ng/g and Quercus L. leaves – 3.32 ng/g. PCB 28 and PCB 52 were capable of translocation from soil to plants. It was found that the water flow direction did not affect PCB content in soils
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Authors and Affiliations

Marta Gabryszewska
Barbara Gworek

  1. Institute of Environmental Protection - National Research Institute, Poland
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This study focuses on mapping the groundwater’s vulnerability to pollution in the region of Ouargla, located in the North-East of the northern Sahara, exposed to potential risks of alteration. By applying the methods (GOD, DRASTIC, and SINTACS), coupled with a Geographic Information System (GIS), we were able to identify a medium to high vulnerability trend. In light of the results recorded, the DRASTIC and SINTACS methods prove to be more suitable for our study region. This makes it possible to highlight the recharge zones and land use as being the most vulnerable in the territory studied. The GOD method presents a strong vulnerability trend over 77.02% of the study area. Such a result is directly related to the depth of the water table. It can therefore be argued that this method is far from being representative of the reality on the ground because of these very heterogeneous characteristics.
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Authors and Affiliations

Rabia Slimani
Messaouda Charikh
1 2
Mohammad Aljaradin

  1. Laboratory of Biogeochemistry of desert environments, Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences, Kasdi Marbah University, Ouargla, Algeria
  2. Ouargla Higher Normal School, Algeria
  3. School of Health and Environmental Studies, Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University, Dubai, UAE
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Many of already existing roads cross wetland river valleys. Also the roads nowadays planned are cutting through valuable wetlands. It is necessary to evaluate the range of their impact on the natural environment. This paper focuses only on the analysis of the road crossing impact on the groundwater level. Two options of crossing the wetlands were analyzed, building the road on embankments and in the bridge. It was assumed that the valley is filled with organic material under laid by permeable sands. Calculation results showed that building a road in the valley affects groundwater level only to the slight extend. Water conditions in the valley may be affected only during the construction of the road. Calculation results were confirmed by field observations.

It should be stressed that the object of this paper is the evaluation of water conditions. Environment might be influenced by other factors.

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Waldemar Mioduszewski
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In the projects of protection of soil-water environment there is a need to combine and process large amount of information from various disciplines to estimate parameters of phenomena and to determine the range and time table of necessary undertakings.

Due to complex assessment of processes taking place in aquifers, mathematical modeling is the best tool supporting evaluation off pollution in the ground water environment. It is also an effective method of forecasting the risk associated with the harmful impact of objects polluting grounds and grounds waters.

Significant application of mathematical modeling is the use for the enlargement of information gathered in the process of recognition and assessment of condition that prevail in soil-water environment. Results of modeling, if appropriately presented, could be an important element of decision support system in environmental management.

This paper describes procedures for developing an environmental remediation decision support system by linking CADD and GIS software with the hydro geological flow and transport models.

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Marek Ślesicki
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The present study aimed to assess groundwater quality according to the water quality index (WQI) in Ali Al- Gharbi district of the Maysan Governorate in eastern Iraq. For this purpose, 10 physical parameters such as pH, total hardness ( TH), magnesium (Mg2+), calcium (Ca2+), potassium (K+), sodium (Na+), sulphate (SO42–), chloride (Cl–), nitrate (NO3–), and total dissolved solids ( TDSs) were examined since 2019 from 16 different locations (viz. wells). The analysis results indicated that 18.75% of the water samples were of good quality, 56.25% of them had low quality, and 25% of such samples were very poor. The WQI also varied from 69.67 and 297.6. Therefore, prior to water use, there is a dire need for some treatments, as protecting this district from pollution is significant.
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Authors and Affiliations

Sarteel Hamid Enad Al-Shammary
Sattar Obaid Maiws Al-Mayyahi

  1. Wasit University, College of Science, Department of Geology, Al-Kut city, Wasit Province, Iraq
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The rainfall irregularity in the Al-Hoceima area places the Ghis-Nekor coastal aquifer as a primary resource for water supply. However, it is of paramount priority to adopt management and optimization plans that can mitigate the effects of the irrational use of the resource and the deterioration of its quality in the region of our study. In order to study the alteration aspects of this aquifer, 26 wells were sampled and their suitability for irrigation was assessed. The sodium adsorption rate (SAR) values indicate that most groundwater samples fall into the risk classes of high salinity and low sodium (C3-S1) and high salinity and medium sodium (C3-S2). The results also show a medium to high alkalinity risk due to the high concentration of HCO3–. The excess of salts is largely due to the intensive exploitation of groundwater and to the phenomenon of salt-water intrusion into the coastal karst aquifer. As a result, the quality of groundwater is not adapted to sustainable agricultural production and soil balance, which requires controlled monitoring to ensure its rational use with a view to the sustainable development of the region.
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Authors and Affiliations

Said Benyoussef
1 2
Mourad Arabi
Hossain El Ouarghi
Mohammad Ghalit
Yassine El Yousfi
Maryam Azirar
Ali Ait Boughrous

  1. University of Moulay Ismaïl, Faculty of Science and Technology Errachidia, Department of Biology, Research team: Biology, Environment and Health, Meknes, Morocco
  2. Abdelmalek Essaadi University, National School of Applied Sciences, Laboratory of Applied Sciences, Al Hoceima, Morocco
  3. Mohamed First University, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Biology, Laboratory of the Agricultural Production Improvement, Biotechnology, and Environment, P.B. 717, Oujda, Morocco
  4. Mohammed Premier University, Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry, Laboratory of Mineral and Analytical Solid Chemistry, Oujda, Morocco
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Accurate estimation of soil permeability is crucial in many geotechnical applications. Empirical and theoretical equations based on soil particle size distribution (PSD) offer a fast and cheap way for preliminary estimation of permeability in granular soils, however the results obtained from various formulas available in the literature often show significant discrepancies. While several comparative studies on this topic have been published, no definite conclusions can be drawn on the performance of the predictive equations in comparison with in-situ permeability measurements. Many formulas require porosity or void ratio as input parameter, which is difficult to obtain for granular soil in-situ. In this study we applied 30 predictive equations to estimate permeability of sandy soil in an outwash plain deposit. The equations were divided into 5 groups, based on their structure and the required input parameters. Empirical formulas were used to estimate the expected in-situ porosity range. The obtained permeability values were compared to the results of in-situ permeameter measurements and pumping tests. Significant differences in the results and in their sensitivity to porosity were found between the 5 groups of methods. In general, simple equations which do not include porosity were in better agreement with measurements than the other groups.
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Authors and Affiliations

Wioletta Gorczewska-Langner
Anna Gumuła-Kawecka
Beata Jaworska-Szulc
Rafael Angulo-Jaramillo
Adam Szymkiewicz

  1. Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, ul. Narutowicza11, 80-233 Gdansk, Poland
  2. Laboratoire LEHNA, 3, rue Maurice Audin, 69518 Vaulx-en-Velin, Franc
  3. Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, ul. Narutowicza 11, 80-233 Gdansk, Poland
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This paper presents the permeability of the permafrost active layer determined in the Brattegg River catchment (SW Spitsbergen) for the 6-years interval of 2005–2010. The field permeability measurements technique of weathered rocks on various geomorphological forms allows to assess the value of their hydraulic conductivity ( k). High variability of k values, ranging from 6.37 10 −9 to 4.0 10 −3 m s −1, indicates the permeability of rocks from very low in clay to very high in gravel-rock rubble. Among the geomorphological forms, the best permeability was observed in boulder covers and rock debris, and the lowest one in patterned ground. The obtained results were used to determine the groundwater runoff ( q), assuming the unit thickness of the active layer aquifer. The q value from the Brattegg River catchment was calculated at 130 L s−1, which is from 15% to 47% of the average surface runoff.
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Authors and Affiliations

Mirosław Wąsik
Henryk Marszałek
Michał Rysiukiewicz

  1. Institute of Geological Sciences, Department of Applied Hydrogeology, Wrocław University, Plac M. Borna 9, 50-204 Wrocław, Poland
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In the Canary Islands, groundwater is the main source of drinking water. Groundwater mines have been the system used by the engineers of the archipelago to collect water from the ground. The Canary Islands are volcanic with soils characterized by being rich in uranium, the disintegration of which gives rise to radon gas. In this study, radon gas levels in the mines on two islands of the archipelago have been measured to study exposure to this gas in the galleries. Results show values much higher than the European regulatory limit concentrations.

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Authors and Affiliations

Juan C. Santamarta
Luis Enrique Hernández Gutiérrez
Jesica Rodríguez Martín
Lina Pérez
Rafael J. Lario Bascones
Ángel Morales González Moro
Noelia Cruz Pérez
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The presented studies focus on changes in groundwater levels and chemistry, and the identification of important factors influencing these changes on short- and long-term scales in urban areas. The results may be useful for rational and sustainable groundwater planning and management in cities. The studies concerned three aquifers: (1) the shallow Quaternary aquifer, (2) the deep Quaternary aquifer, and (3) the Oligocene aquifer in the capital city of Warsaw (Poland). The spatial variability of groundwater recharge was determined and its changes in time were characterized. The characteristics of groundwater levels were based on long-term monitoring series. The results indicate that urban development has caused overall reduction in infiltration recharge (from 54 to 51 mm/ year), which is particularly clear in the city suburbs and in its centre, where land development has significantly densified during the last 30 years. Studies of groundwater levels indicate variable long-term trends. However, for the shallowest aquifer, the trends indicate a gradual decrease of the groundwater levels. In the case of the much deeper Oligocene aquifer, groundwater table rise is observed since the 1970s (averagely c. 20 m), which is related with excessive pumping. Based on the studied results, the groundwater chemistry in the subsurface aquifer indicates strong anthropogenic influence, which is reflected in multi-ionic hydrogeochemical types and the occurrence of chemical tracers typical of human activity. The Oligocene aquifer is characterized by a chemical composition indicating the influence of geogenic factors.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ewa Krogulec
Tomasz Gruszczyński
Sebastian Kowalczyk
Jerzy J. Małecki
Radosław Mieszkowski
Dorota Porowska
Katarzyna Sawicka
Joanna Trzeciak
Anna Wojdalska
Sebastian Zabłocki
Daniel Zaszewski

  1. University of Warsaw, Faculty of Geology, Żwirki i Wigury 93, 02-089 Warszawa, Poland
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This study presents the hydrochemical composition of groundwater under long-term irrigation of Wonji plain (Ethiopia) and its quality status for drinking purpose. Groundwater samples were collected from 30 groundwater monitoring tube wells installed at different parts of the sugarcane plantation and then analysed for the major physico-chemical quality parameters (pH, EC, major cations and anions) following standard test procedures. The status of groundwater for drinking was compared with WHO and other quality standards. Analytical analysis results indicated that majority of the considered quality parameters are rated above the prescribed tolerable limits for drinking set by WHO. About 97% of the water sample has water quality index in the range of very poor to unfit for drinking. The contamination index is in the ranges of low (–1.0) to high (3.6). In general, the groundwater of the area is unsuitable for human consumption without proper treatment such as boiling, chlorination, filtering, distillation, desalinaization, defluoridation, deionization, demineralization (ionexchange) and membrane processes. Since the TDS concentration is relatively small (<2000 ppm), demineralization process alone can be sufficient to bring the water to an acceptable level.

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Megersa O. Dinka
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Groundwater is a vital resource for domestic, agricultural, and industrial activities, as well as for ecosystem services. Despite this, the resource is under significant threat, due to increasing contamination from anthropogenic activities. Therefore, to ensure its reliability for present and future use, effective management of groundwater is important not only in terms of quantity (i.e. abstraction) but also quality. This can be achieved by identifying areas that are more vulnerable to contamination and by implementing protective measures. To identify the risk and delineate areas that are more exposed to pollution, various groundwater vulnerability assessment techniques have been developed across the globe. This paper presents an overview of some of the commonly used groundwater vulnerability assessment models in terms of their unique features and their application. Special emphasis is placed on statistical methods and overlay-index techniques. The assessment of the literature shows that statistical methods are limited in application to the assessment of groundwater vulnerability to pollution because they rely heavily on the availability of sufficient and quality data. However, in areas where extensive monitoring data are available, these methods estimate groundwater vulnerability more realistically in quantitative terms. Many works of research indicate that index-overlay methods are used extensively and frequently in groundwater vulnerability assessments. Due to the qualitative nature of these models, however, they are still subject to modification. This study offers an overview of a selection of relevant groundwater vulnerability assessment techniques under a specificset of hydro-climatic and hydrogeological conditions.
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Authors and Affiliations

Simeneh Shiferaw Moges
Megersa Olumana Dinka

  1. University of Johannesburg, Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, Department of Civil Engineering Sciences, PO Box 524, Auckland Park, 2006 Johannesburg, South Africa
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In order to evaluate the water quality of the Hauterivian groundwater in the zinc deposit of Chaabet el Hamra, Southern Setif region, Algeria, eighteen physico-chemical parameters such as pH, EC, TDS, Cl−, SO42−, HCO3−, CO32−, NO3−, Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, and heavy metals Zn, Pb, Fe, Cr, Cd, Mn were analyzed and collected from six different wells in April 2012. The studied groundwater is dominated by HCO3−, Ca2+, and Mg2+ ions. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) and Algerian standards, all groundwater samples are considered safe and fit for drinking as they fall within the permissible limits. In addition, the Schoeller diagram confirms the best quality water of the Hauterivian groundwater. Gibbs diagram show that the predominant samples fall in the rock-water interaction field, suggesting that water-rock inter-actions are the major mechanism controlling groundwater chemistry. Assessment of groundwater samples using various water quality indices such as sodium absorption ratio (SAR), soluble sodium percentage (SSP), residual sodium carbonate (RSC), magnesium hazard (MH) and Kelly ratio (KR) showed that the groundwater in the area has an excellent quality for irrigation purpose. According to Wilcox’s diagram, all groundwater samples fall in the C2S1 category, reflecting that they are suitable for irrigation.

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Houria Kada
Abdslem Demdoum
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Perceiving the spatiotemporal relationship of land use changes and groundwater resources is crucial for the effective and sustainable management of the plains. This study aims to investigate the relationship between land use changes and groundwater depth fluctuations in the forbidden plains of northern Hamedan. In the present study, the land use maps for 1989, 1997, 2005, 2013 and 2018 were extracted and categorized from Landsat satellite images and then evaluated for accuracy. In addition, groundwater depth distribution maps were prepared by kriging method for five years from piezometric data. The correlation and relationship between land use changes and groundwater depth fluctuations were determined by REGRESS methods. The findings from kriging method indicated that the intensity of groundwater decline during the last three periods of study (2005, 2013 and 2018) becomes more severe in the study area. Land use change trends indicate a sharp decline in the orchards, pasture lands, barren lands and a relative decline in the irrigated agricultural land, and consequently, increasing in non-irrigation and residential farmland. In addition, the average annual depth of groundwater level during the past 29 years decreased to 1.57 m and 0.87 m in the Kabudrahang and Razan Plains, respectively. The r value of REGRESS method during five study periods was the minimum 0.015 and maximum 0.15 in the Kabudrahang Plain and minimum 0.06 and maximum 0.15 in the Razan Plain, respectively. The results of the study indicated that climate changes cannot be considered as the reason for declining the groundwater in the study area. However, along with the relative impacts of land use changes, the role of managerial factors, the prominent example of which is the non-expert location of the Shahid Mofatteh Hydroelectric Power Station, which supplies underground water to cool the generators, should be considered. The present study can be effective in the management, planning, and policy of groundwater resources, land use location, and spatial planning in the areas facing severe water shortages, especially in the northern plains of Hamedan because this study indicates the importance of underground water in arid and semi-arid regions.

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Hossein Rafiemehr
Lotfali Kozegar Kaleji
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The study area of the Nida valley was examined to investigate variations in groundwater and surface water levels, as well as the interaction between them. In the valley, there were three branches. The two actives were the Nida River itself and the Smuga Umianowicka branch while the Stara Nida branch was dry during the measurement session. Over a 12-month period from June 2021 to June 2022, 7 monitoring points were equipped with piezometers, comprising 5 groundwater points and 2 surface water points. The monitoring frequency was set to 30 minutes. The results of this research indicate that there are significant differences in the water level at the same observed point at different times. This study demonstrates seasonal changes in both surface water and groundwater levels with higher levels in autumn and winter and lower levels in spring and summer, which are closely tied to the changes in meteorological conditions during the research period, such as precipitation and air temperature. The study results also indicate that during summer and winter at the Nida River and its riparian area, losing stream is the primary process occurring in the studied reach. Conversely, during autumn and spring, the main process is gaining stream. At the human-maintained Smuga Umianowicka branch and in its riparian area, losing stream is the main process during summer and autumn, and gaining stream is the main process during spring. During winter, losing stream and gaining stream processes can occur simultaneously, and neither process takes place mainly.
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Authors and Affiliations

Cong Ngoc Phan
1 2
Andrzej Strużyński
Tomasz Kowalik

  1. University of Agriculture in Krakow, Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Land Surveying, al. Mickiewicza 24/28, 30-059 Kraków, Poland
  2. Vinh University, Institute of Chemistry, Biology and Environment, 182 Le Duan St, Vinh City, Nghe An Province, Vietnam
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Groundwater exploitation that exceeds its recharge capacity can have a negative impact on the hydrogeological environment. Optimal exploitation means maximising pumping discharge with the least reduction in the hydraulic head. In groundwater exploitation, the position of wells, number of wells, and the discharge of groundwater pumping greatly determine changes in hydraulic head and groundwater flow patterns in a given hydrological area. This article proposes an optimisation model which is expected to be useful for finding the optimal pumping discharge value from production wells in a hydrological area. This model is a combination of solving the Laplace equation for two-dimensional groundwater flow in unconfined aquifers and the optimum variable search method based on the Shuffled Complex Evolution (SCE- UA) algorithm. Laplace equation uses the finite difference method for the central difference rule of the Crank Nicolson scheme. The system of equations has been solved using the M-FILE code from MATLAB. This article is a preliminary study which aims to examine the stability level of the optimisation equation system. Testing using a hypothetical data set shows that the model can work effectively, accurately, and consistently in solving the case of maximising pumping discharge from production wells in a hydrological area with a certain hydraulic head limitation. Consequently, the system of equations can also be applied to the case of confined aquifers.
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Authors and Affiliations

Sunarto Sunarto
Samin Samin
Lourina E. Orfa
Azhar Adi Darmawan

  1. University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Department of Civil Engineering, Jl. Raya Tlogomas No. 246, 65114, Malang, Indonesia

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