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Yezupil is the first Middle Palaeolithic site discovered in upper part of the Dnister River valley. It is situated in a set of sediments composed of loess and fossil soils lying on alluvia. The results of geological and palaeopedological investigations are presented. They contain lithological and geochemical analyses (main components and trace elements), as well as micromorphological study. Palaeo- and petromagnetic record is presented too. Horohiv pedocomplex developed from the older, Wartanian loess. It is composed of luvisol originated during the Eemian Interglacial and chernozem soil - during the Early Vistulian interstadials. An subarctic brown Dubno soil dated to the Interplenivistulian (Middle Vistulian interstadials) separates two parts of the younger loess. Older assemblage of Middle Palaeolithic-Mousterian culture with Levalloisian technique was found in the E horizon of the luvisol and therefore it could be dated to the Eemian Interglacial. Younger Middle Palaeolithic-Micequian- type materials were situated in partially redeposited by solifluction, Early Vistulian chernozem. Scanty and uncharacteristic Upper Palaeolithic assemblage was found in interstadiał Dubno palaeosol
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Authors and Affiliations

Andriy Bogutskiy
Krzysztof J. Cyrek
Krystyna Konecka-Batley
Maria Łanczont
Teresa Madeyska
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Pollen and palcopedological studies have been carried out in parallel for the Stari Bezradychy sequence of the Upper Pleistocene age. The paleoenvironmental information derived from both sets of data is in general well correlated. The section presents a rather complete sequence of the last interglacial-glacial cycle. It includes eight units of the Ukrainian Stratigraphical Framework of the Pleistocene. Interglacial climatic optimum is registered by pollen succession of the Mikulino (Ecmian) type in the climax forest palcosols of Pryluky-Kaydaky pedocomplcx at the base of the sequence, above the Dnieper Glacial deposits. The coldest and most continental environment is recorded in the youngest loess. The soils of Upper Pryluky, Yytachiv and Dofinivka units are correlated with the Early Glacial and four Plcniglacial interstadials. Multiple environmental variations during the Upper Pleistocene recorded in the Stari Bezradychy sequence arc important for study of global climatic changes and interregional correlation. Tentative correlation with marine isotopic stages is proposed.
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Natalia G. Gerasimenko
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The deepening and exploration of the loess-palaeosol section at the foot of the Kopasz Hill at Bodrogkeresztúr have been carried out to expand the existing knowledge of the Carpathian foothill palaeoenvironmental factors and their impact. The study deals with particle size analysis, organic matter and carbonate content. For the presentation of age-depth models, the OSL dates of Bodrogkeresztúr (BKT) and the 14C dates of Bodrogkeresztúr, brickyard 1 were used-, and the diagrams of the Accumulation Rates (AR) derived from them. These were compared with Mass Accumulation Rate (MAR) calculations based on OSL and 14C data from BKT and 14C data from Bodrogkeresztúr, brickyard 1. It became evident that there is a significant difference between the two sections, which may be due to the upland position, the overlap, or the wind tunnel effect. Sedimentological studies revealed coarser grain composition, however, the nearly complete absence of coarser sand fraction is also noticeable in the case of BKT. Also, the entire section is characterized by increased carbonate content due to post-sedimentation processes, recarbonization and leaching. The AR and MAR results show the difference between the suitability of different chronometric methods, indicating that the top of both sections may have been redeposited or eroded.
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Authors and Affiliations

László Makó
1 2
Dávid Molnár
1 2
Péter Cseh
1 2
Pál Sümegi
1 2

  1. Department of Geology and Paleontology, University of Szeged, H-6722 Szeged, Egyetem u. 2-6, Hungary
  2. University of Szeged, Interdisciplinary Excellence Centre, Institute of Geography and Earth Sciences, Long Environmental Changes research team, H-6722 Szeged, Egyetem u. 2-6, Hungary
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A new investigation and palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of the locss-palaeosol sequence at Prymorskc, SW Ukraine is presented using soil structures, grain size, mineral magnetics, organic carbon and calcium carbonate determinations. Six units of the established Ukraine Quaternary stratigraphical scheme have been identified and analysed above and including the Zavadivka (Holsteinian) marker horizon - Dnieper, Kaidaky, Tiasmyn, Pryluky and Udai. Precipitation and temperature are tentatively reconstructed from soil and sedimentary proxies calibrated by modern analogues. Increased temperatures and precipitation to today are inferred for the red-brown Zavadivka palaeosol. Overlying Zavadivka is the Dnieper loess containing a gley and two chernozcms above, possibly representing climatic variations of the Saalian Glaciation. The calcified chernozem Kaidaky is separated by a thin loess from the brown/ chestnut Pryluky palaeosol (Eemian) which has features indicating drier conditions to the present. Non-gleyed palaeosols exhibit an enhanced magnetic susceptibility (MS) signal relative to the less weathered loess and highlights the palaeoclimatic potential of the technique. The most well developed palaeosol from this study has the highest MS value (Zavadivka: 80-1 o·8 SJ units) but this relationship is not always found in the Black Sea region. Previous MS analyses at Prymorske (Nawrocki et al. 1999) report significantly higher values to those of this study. Consequently the MS curve at Prymorske cannot be used with confidence for palaeoenvironmental reconstruction and inter-regional correlation without further investigation and modern analogue study.
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Mark Stephens
Dariusz Krzyszkowski
Andriy Ivchenko
Marek Majewski
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The Tarnawce I profile, which occurs in the marginal eastern part of the Polish Westem Carpathians, contains loesses representing three last glacial cycles. In this paper we report the results of pollen analysis of the Eemian-Early Glacial pedocomplex and of the Lower plcni-Visrulian loesses with an interstadiał paleosol. The pollen spectra of22 samples were determined. The pollen diagram was divided into 7 local pollen assemblage zones (L PAZ). Interglacial climatic optimum was recorded with the Eemian type of vegetation in the T-4 zone. The coldest conditions occurred during the accumulation of loess, which separates the interglacial and interstadiał soils.
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Authors and Affiliations

Maryna Komar
Maria Łanczont
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Large exposure near the brick-field in Halie represents one of the most complete loess sequences in the Ukrainian Carpathian F orcland, which i I lustrates a progress of events covering a considerable part of the Middle Pleistocene and the whole Upper Pleistocene. The most important of these arc: the Luck soil corresponding to the soil from the Zbójno lnicrglacial in Polish profiles and Dornnitz Interglacial (1~0 stage 9) in West European profiles, bottom part of the Upper Pleistocene (Dnieper= Odranian = Saalian I) loesses, which arc extremely thick and stratigraphically divided into units of lower rank. and well developed soil complexes - Korshov and Horok hov. Investigations of the Korshov soil arc a basis to discuss at least two stages/phases ofpedogcncsis development during the last but one interglacial (Lublinian = Trcenian: 1~0 stage 7). The Horokhov paleosol is connected with the Ecmian Interglacial. The Dubno and Rovno soils occur within the poorly developed Vistulian loesses: the Rovno soil is a cultural layer.
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Authors and Affiliations

Andriy Bogutskiy
Maria Łanczont
Roman Racinowski
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The study focuses on the geochronology and correlation between loesses and glacial tills in the Vistula catchment in Poland, in an area covered by all Scandinavian ice-sheets and characterized by thick loess successions. The basis for this correlation was a litostratigraphic analysis of selected loess sites in the uplands, which are well-documented in the literature, and the occurrences of loess and loess-like deposits under the cover of glacial deposits in the lowland part of the Vistula catchment, characterized by a much sparser documentation. The nomenclature of loess horizons follows Maruszczak (2001) and Kukla (1987), but sometimes is significantly changed, according to modern Quaternary stratigraphical schemes. According to the analysis, accumulation of almost all loess horizons distinguished so far has been documented in the Pleistocene succession of the Vistula catchment: the oldest – lower (LNd), middle (LNs), and upper (LNg); older: lower (LSd), middle (LSs), and upper (LSg); and younger: lowest (LMn), lower (LMd), middle (LMs), and upper (LMg). In most cases loess accumulation took place in steppe-tundra conditions preceding the maximum ice-sheet development during the succeeding Scandinavian glaciations. For selected sites, the loess occurrence is presented in superposition to glacial tills and interglacial deposits. The distinguished loesses and glacial tills are tied to the stratigraphic schemes of the Pleistocene in Poland (Marks et al. 2016, 2019) and correlated with Ukrainian loess horizons (Łanczont et al. 2019).
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Authors and Affiliations

Jan Dzierżek
Leszek Lindner

  1. University of Warsaw, Faculty of Geology, Żwirki i Wigury 93, 02-089 Warszawa, Poland
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Loess is an important component of cave deposits. Loess and loess-like strata in caves and rock shelters may serve as stratigraphic correlative units and paleoclimate indicators. For the Polish Jura (southern Poland), one of the key regions of cave deposits studies in Europe, the published information concerning the stratigraphic importance of loess is limited to the sequences from around the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). In this paper, a review of the archival data about loess deposits situated below the LGM strata in caves and rock shelters of the Polish Jura is presented. The paper discusses the occurrence, lithology, stratigraphy, chronology and paleoecology of the pre-LGM cave loess. The most important sites of the pre-LGM cave loess in the region include: Biśnik Cave, Nietoperzowa Cave, Mamutowa Cave, and Ciemna Cave (only the outer zones). The loess strata in these sites correlate with cold Marine Isotope Stages (MIS): mid-3, 4, 5b–d, 6, and possibly 10. They represent all the main facies of cave loess: typical eolian loess, colluviated loess-like deposits, loess with bedrock debris, and loams of complex grain-size composition but with the predominance of a loess component. Stratigraphic correlations with loess-paleosol sequences are proposed.
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Maciej T. Krajcarz

  1. Institute of Geological Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences, Twarda 51/55, 00-818 Warszawa, Poland
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The paper presents results of studies focused on occurrence and correlation of four main horizons of Younger Loesses: Lowest Younger Loess (LMn – after Maruszczak, 2001), Lower Younger Loess (LMd), Middle Younger Loess (LMs), and Upper Younger Loess (LMg) recorded in five sections (Politów, Wąchock, Nietulisko Małe, Komorniki and Bodzechów) in the Holy Cross Mountains area. All analysed loesses were accumulated during the Vistulian Glaciation (Weichselian). The horizons were distinguished based on separating interstadial tundra soils, coupled with thermoluminescence dating, and correlated with marine oxygen-isotope stages MIS 5d−2. The Lowermost Younger Loess (LMn) covers the Nietulisko I soil complex (Jersak, 1973), developed on deposits of the Odranian Glaciation (MIS 6) and representing a forest soil of the Eemian Interglacial (MIS 5e) and the Brørup warming (MIS 5c). A thin horizon of the Oldest Younger Loess and a thin sandy horizon, both probably corresponding to the Herning cooling phase (MIS 5d) at the boundary with the Eemian Interglacial, were distinguished within this complex. Based on previously performed grain-size and heavy mineral analysis of the Upper Younger Loess (LMg) and a topographic position of the loesses in four loessy islands of diverse regional extent, accumulation of this loess in the Holy Cross Mountains area is found to have been stimulated by the western winds. The proposed model of loess accumulation takes into account the influence of the topography of the area and its geological structure.

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Authors and Affiliations

Jan Dzierżek
Leszek Lindner
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Samples for the study were collected from, known from the literature, outcrop profiles in Zarzecze, Radymno, Dybawka, Tarnawce and Pikulice-Nehrybka, situated at the Carpathian border, in the vicinity of the Przemyśl town, close to the San River valley (SE Poland). They represent the Vistulian loess-palaeosol sequences. Carbonates occur mainly in the loesses representing OIS 2 and 3. Pollen analysis, carried out for two profiles (Tarnawce, Radymno), throws light on palaeoecological conditions of loess cover formation and transformation.Isotopic analysis of authigenic carbonates was carried out on carbonate cemented bodies dispersed throughout the loess in forms of nodule, rhizolith and rhizocretion and on bioclasts, mainly snail shells, ostracod valves, and sparse globules (probably the internal shells of the naked snails).In the successions studied, the upper Vistulian loess deposited in environment with poor vegetation, contains rhizo- liths and rhizocretions mainly, while in the middle and lower Vistulian loess with well developed soils, gley horizons, and intercalations of subaqueous sediments, remains of snail shells and ostracod valves prevail. The two main forms of carbonates differ markedly in isotopic composition from one another. These differences seem to be more important than those between samples of one form of carbonates along particular sections. That is the result of numerous factors affecting the fractionation of carbon and, in particular, oxygen stable isotopes in the environment of precipitation of authigenic calcite. The isotopic composition of carbonates cementing sediments is controlled mainly by biominerali- zation of organic matter and local climatic parameters which were rather slightly differentiated during the formation of the studied sediments. The d13C values for bioclasts vary in a broader range than for calcitic cements. Usually the snail shell carbonate is more enriched with heavier carbon isotope than that from ostracod valves, resulting from the isotopic equilibrium with precipitation and with surface waters, respectively. Basing on our study we can conclude that fluctuations of isotope composition of authigenic carbonates make it hard to apply as a paleoclimatic indicator. However, the general trend of d18O variation in analysed carbonate fractions from leoss-palaeosol sequences displays some connections with climatic fluctuations.

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Bożena Łącka
Maria Łanczont
Maryna Komar
Teresa Madeyska
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In this paper we describe a fossil graben and associated normal faults and joints. The graben occurs in the section of the Vistulian (Weichselian) and Holocene sediments in an archaeological excavation site at Brzezie, in the central part of the Polish Carpathian Foredeep (Wieliczka-Gdów Upland, western part of the Sandomierz Basin). Normal faults strike mostly NNE-SSW and dip steeply about 65 - 850. Some of them, namely master normal faults, bound the fossil graben. The joints form orthogonal pattern and are closely spaced close to the faults. They developed simultaneously with faulting. Normal faulting took place during the Vistulian - Mesoholocene (Neoholocene?) time, according to age of the archaeological artefacts which were found in the faulted sediments. The faulting was probably finished during the Neolithic or even later, during the Bronze Age. The NNE-striking normal faults connected with graben formation could have been produced by reactivation of a NE-striking sinistral regional fault in the basement.
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Marta Rauch-Włodarska
Tomasz Kalicki
Wojciech Włodarski
Anna Budek
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This paper is a summary of the results of research on the accumulation conditions of the Upper Younger Loess (LMg) in Poland and Bug loess (bg) in Ukraine from the maximum stage (MIS 2) of the Vistulian (Weichselian) Glaciation in central and eastern Europe. These studies included an analysis of the morphological (topographic) situation of the loess cover, its grain size and heavy mineral composition, the preserved structures of loess sedimentation as well as mollusc and pollen analyses of this loess. They revealed that the accumulation of Upper Younger Loess (UYL) might have been more dependent on the prevailing moisture conditions than previously thought. These conditions could have been caused by cold air masses from an ice sheet and warm air masses from the Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic coming together in the Carpathians and the Holy Cross Mountains and favouring the formation of dust storms and precipitation. In this process, a loading of loess dust (formed from local rocks weathering in periglacial conditions) by atmospheric moisture particles was especially significant. The moist substrate not only favoured the periodic development of vegetation and molluscs but also enabled the interception of dust and the accumulation of an increasingly thick loess cover. Westerly and south-westerly winds predominated in the UYL as indicated by the topographic position of loess patches and the mineral composition of the studied loess. Periodically an increased air circulation from the east and northeast occurred.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jan Dzierżek
Leszek Lindner
Roman Chlebowski
Marcin Szymanek
Andryi Bogucki
2 3
Olena Tomeniuk
2 3

  1. University of Warsaw, Faculty of Geology, Żwirki i Wigury 93, 02-089 Warszawa, Poland
  2. Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Department of Geomorphology and Palaeogeography, Doroshenka 41, 79000 Lviv, Ukraine
  3. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, I. Krypiakevych Institute of Ukrainian Studies, Vynnychenka 24, 79008 Lviv, Ukraine
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The non-linearity of the modulus in the zone of small deformations has become one of the three basic concepts of modern soil mechanics, together with “effective stresses” or “critical state”. It is therefore necessary to obtain suitable parameters to describe these phenomena through the development of modern measuring equipment and newresearch methods. Limitations in the availability of the research area or research equipment indicate the need to create a data set, in the formula of regional assessments. The article presents a compilation of data on the deformation characteristics of soils covering about 75% of the country’s area, which are the most common subsoils for building. Descriptions, images of microstructures, and a record of mechanical parameters are presented for various age-old glacial clays and marginal clays and loesses. Emphasis is placed on parameters obtained from triaxial tests, including the determination of the shear modulus at small deformations obtained from BET measurements. In combination with the patented solution of sample strain measurement, complete deformability curves of the tested samples were obtained, indicating model reference curves developed for the above soil types. The statistically significant amount of data collected allowed the creation of a specific portfolio for selected soils as a starting point for assessing deformability. This corresponds to the current expectations regarding the characteristics of the behaviour of the substrate in the full spectrum of stresses and deformations, obtained from different types of tests, which, as in the case of soil stiffness degradation, together allow the correct determination of the necessary parameters.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marcin Witowski
Tomasz Godlewski
Krzysztof Nepelski
Filip Chyliński

  1. Department of Building Structures, Geotechnics and Concrete, Building Research Institute, Filtrowa 1 St., 00-611 Warsaw, Poland
  2. Building Research Institute, 21 Ksawerów St., 02-656 Warsaw
  3. Department of Construction Materials Engineering and Geoengineering, Lublin University of Technology, Nadbystrzycka 40 St., 20-618 Lublin, Poland
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Geographical names are extremely helpful in giving evidence of early settlements and their inhabitants due to their solid anchorage in the landscape, even in the case of population changes. Through the investigation of these place names, information can be gathered not only on the name giver, but also on the settlers who took on the names later on. Therefore, it is considered that any linguistic investigation has to start from the river and place names of a region.

The utilization of geographical names yields the following findings:

— The centre of Old Slavic names is situated on the northern slope of the Carpathian Mountains, approximately between Bukovina and Krakow; it is based on a substrate of older, Indo-European hydronyms.

— The expansion of the East Slavic tribes bypasses the Pripyat Marshes and extends further through Central Russia and especially to the North and the East.

— West Slavic settlers reach their new settlement areas through migration from Bohemia and further on to Saxonia and Thuringia, and also through Western Poland to Brandenburg and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

— The migration of the South Slavs takes place in two big, yet separate flows, on the one hand through the Moravian Gate to Slovenia, Hungary and Croatia, and on the other hand on the Eastern edge of the Carpathian Mountains to Serbia and Bulgaria.

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Jürgen Udolph

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