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The article is dedicated to philosophical and religious aspects of the work of Russian writer and thinker Mary (Skobcowa). The aim is to investigate the key concepts that shaped her writings such as the problem of creativity, asceticism, the problem of the person. Particular attention was paid to the religious roots of her works. Her ideas are examined in the context of the theological thought of the twentieth century. Mother Mary synthesized the Sergiei Bulgakhov’s ‘philosophical system’ and the existentialist analysis of Nikolai Berdiayev. Special attention was paid to a critical rethinking of nineteenth-century Russian monastic tradition as well as polemic in the academic tradition of the early twentieth century.

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Dymitr Romanowski
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Love is the most widespread phenomenon at the individual, social and cultural level. Our knowledge of love comes both from our individual experiences and the social and cultural models that depict the nature of love in that particular era. There are a number of tools for measuring individual attitudes, feelings, manifestations, and behaviours relating to love. The Individual Representations of Love Scale is based on the fact that representations of love are created at the point where the individual intersects with the culture. The psychometric parameters of the Individual Representations of Love Scale were verified on a sample of 755 young people aged 18-35. Cultural resources and differentiation ability with regard to religious status, gender, and multiple partner relationship characteristics are taken into account. The results show that there are five factors of individual representations of love: 1. biological and selfcentred love, 2. spiritual love, 3. physical love, commitment, searching and building, 4. strength and positive benefits of love, and 5. reverse side of love. The cultural resources of these five factors and the scale’s differentiation ability are discussed.
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Ivan Lukšík
Jakub Šrol

  1. Trnava University in Trnava, Trnava, Slovak Republic
  2. Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovak Republic
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The essay aims to analyse Dostoevsky’s artistic and literary strategies in relation to A Writer’s Diary and the short story A Gentle Spirit. The intention is to demonstrate how Dostoevsky’s artistic processes as a writer and as a publicist are combining, starting from crime news to reveal to the reader, through the path into the abysses of the human soul, the representation of the author's conception.
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Gloria Politi

  1. Università del Salento, Italia
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Postmodern society is a society in the process of changing value systems and norms, increasing diversity, and individualisation, also in the area of intimate relationships. Contemporary consensual non-monogamy seems to be one example of this changing outlook. The article seeks to answer the questions as to how non-monogamous people identify themselves, what the motivations for entering such relationships they have, and what features of a new approach to relationships this type of relationship demonstrates. The theoretical framework of the article is based, among others, on Giddens’ and Prandini’s theoretical proposals as well as on Luhmann’s ‘semantics of love’. The text presents the results of the qualitative research consisting of 15 in-depth interviews. Its key findings are that in motivating their commitment to such relationships, respondents very often refer to self-discovery and to the choice to be consciously ‘non-normative’. They also demonstrate many features of a new approach to relationships, specifically, relational anarchy.
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3. Balzarini, Rhonda N., Christoffer Dharma, Amy Muise, Taylor Kohut. 2019. Eroticism Versus Nurturance How Eroticism and Nurturance Differs in Polyamorous and Monogamous Relationships. Social Psychology, 50, 3: 185–200. DOI: 10.1027/1864-9335/a000378.
4. Barker, Meg, Darren Langdrige. 2010. Whatever happened to non-monogamies? Critical reflections on recent research and theory. Sexualities, 13, 6: 748–772. DOI: 10.1177/1363460710384645.
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8. Cardoso, Daniel, Patricia M. Pascoal, Francisco Hertel Maiochi, 2021. Defining Polyamory: A Thematic Analysis of Lay People’s Definitions. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 50: 1239–1252.
9. Conley, Terri D., Amy Moors, Jes Matsick, Ali Ziegler. 2013. The fewer the merrier? Assessing stigma surrounding consensually nonmonogamous romantic relationships. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, 13: 1–30. DOI: 10.1111/j.1530-2415.2012.01286.x.
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18. Haupert, Margaret L., Amy Moors, Amanda Gesselman, Justin Garcia. 2017. Estimates and correlates of engagement in consensually non-monogamous relationships. Curr. Sex. Health Rep., 9: 155–165.
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20. Rubin, Jennifer D. et al. 2022. On the Margins: Considering Diversity Among Consensually Non-Monogamous Relationships. Journal für Psychologie, 1: 7–8.
21. Jordan, Lorien S., Cathy Grogan, Bertranna Muruthi, Maria Bermúdez. 2016. Polyamory: Experiences of Power from Without, from Within, and in Between. Journal of Couple & Relationship Therapy, 16, 1: 1–19.
22. Klesse, Christian 2011. Notions of love in polyamory—elements in a discourse on multiple loving. Laboratorium, 3, 2: 4–25.
23. Levine, Ethan C., Debby Herbenick, Omar Martinez, Tsung-Chieh Fu, Brian Dodge. 2018. Open relationships, nonconsensual nonmonogamy, and monogamy among US adults: Findings from the 2012 National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 47, 5: 1439–1450.
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28. Manley, Melissa H., Lisa M. Diamond, Sari M. van Anders. 2015. Polyamory, monoamory, and sexual fluidity: A longitudinal study of identity and sexual trajectories. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, 2, 2: 168–180. DOI: 10.1037/sgd0000098.
29. Michalczak, Katarzyna. 2014. Związki intymne i rodzinne konstruowane poza normą monogamii. Praca doktorska. Warszawa 2014. (18.10.2022).
30. Mitchell, Melissa E., Kim Bartholomew, Rebecca J. Cobb. 2014. Need Fulfillment in Polyamorous Relationships. The Journal of Sex Research, 51, 3: 329–339. DOI : 10.1080/00224499.2012.742998.
31. Moors, Amy C., Amanda Gesselman, Justin Garcia. 2021. Desire, Familiarity, and Engagement in Polyamory: Results From a National Sample of Single Adults in the United States. Front. Psychol, 12: 619–640. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.619640.
32. Moors, Amy C., Jes Matsick, Heath Schechinger. 2017. Unique and shared relationship benefits of consensually non-monogamous and monogamous relationships. European Psychologist, 22: 55–71.
33. Morrison, Todd Graham, Dylan Beaulieu, Melanie Brockman, Cormac Ó Beaglaoich. 2013. A comparison of polyamorous and monoamorous persons: are there differences in indices of relationship well-being and sociosexuality? Psychology & Sexuality, 4, 1: 75–91. DOI: 10.1080/19419899.2011.631571.
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Magdalena Lipnicka

  1. Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
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Adam Mickiewicz’s Pan Tadeusz (in English: Sir Thaddeus, or The Last Lithuanian Foray ), the national epic poem, was first published in June 1834. It was perceived as a patriotic work, full of very ideal heroes. However, one of the most problem of this poem is love! Pan Tadeusz is the poem about love. There are many kinds of love: erotic love and maritial love, also familiar love (between parents and their children), love for country and others. My article applies not just to love affairs, but the very essence of love. What is love in Mickiewicz’s poem – is it “love that moves the sun and other stars” (Dante)?

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Jan Tomkowski
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The aim of the following paper is to compare the female protagonists of Honoré de Balzac’s novel that dates back to 1842. The comparison is drawn in the context of two philosophical notions which are in opposition: volonté, understood as intent and desire to achieve goals or realize passions, and liberum arbitrium representing the free will to make conscious personal decisions. Mrs de l’Estorade, alias Renée de Maucombe, is the most conspicuous example of a character, who seems to be driven by social determinism. However, this assumption is paradoxically far from truth because the actions she takes reflect the principles of liberum arbitrium. The epistolary form of the novel complements the analysis of the aforementioned concepts. It allows the women to give vent to their feelings and explain the reasons behind their choices.

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Andrzej Rabsztyn
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This study discusses the cross-cultural re-conceptualization of the slogan ‘I’m lovin’ it’, popularized in Poland by a global fast-food restaurant chain, which occurs in the inter-linguistic transfer between English and Polish. The analytical framework for the study is provided by Cultural Linguistics and the Re-conceptualization and Approximation Theory. The analysis is based on proposals submitted by 45 translators asked to come up with a Polish equivalent of the slogan. The results indicate that because the semantic networks for the meaning of love do not overlap between English and Polish perfectly, attempts at the cross-cultural transfer of the slogan can be approached only as more or less accurate approximations of the original meaning constructed according to culture-specific norms, expectations, and attitudes.

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Jacek Tadeusz Waliński
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Edith Stein is a person who was born in the Jewish traditionally religious family. In her youth she lost her faith in God. However in her life she was seeking the truth. In this search she was very honest. The article first shows different definitions of truth. Then he takes the presentation of Edith Stein’s, the ways of phenomenological discov-ery of the truth about a human person. Finally, it shows her coming to the discovery of the God of Love, who has drawn her to mystical union in the spirituality of Carmel. Edith Stein died in the concentration camp in Auschwitz, experiencing the mystery of the Cross of Christ and sacrificing herself for her people.

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Ks. Andrzej Pryba MSF
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The purpose of this two-wave longitudinal study was to investigate cross-lagged relations between sexual attitudes, perception of love and sex, and young adults’ relationship status over a period of one year. The current study tested two hypotheses: the first hypothesis assuming that sexual attitudes, perception of love and sex can be predictive of relationship status after a one-year interval; and the second hypothesis assuming that relationship status at T1 can be predictive of sexual attitudes and perception of love and sex after a one-year interval. Results from 117 Polish young adults (94 females and 23 males) aged 20–33 (M = 21.42, SD = 1.79) indicated that the conviction that sex is no longer as much a part of the relationship as it used to be (i.e., Sex is Declining scale) measured in the first assessment was a significant predictor of relationship status after a one-year interval. Furthermore, sexual attitudes and perception of love and sex at T1 were found to be predictive of sexual attitudes and perception of love and sex at T2. In addition, gender at T1 was predictive of instrumentality at T2, while being female at T1 related to higher instrumentality at T2.
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Katarzyna Adamczyk
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In this work we analyse basic characteristics of Love wave sensors implemented in waveguide structures composed of a lossy viscoelastic surface layer deposited on a lossless elastic substrate. It has to be noted that Love wave sensors working at ultrasonic frequencies have the highest mass density sensitivity $S_σ^(v_p )$ among all known ultrasonic sensors, such as QCM, Lamb wave or Rayleigh wave sensors. In this paper we have established an exact analytical formula for the mass density sensitivity $S_σ^(v_p )$ of the Love wave sensors in the form of an explicit algebraic expression. Subsequently, using this developed analytical formula, we compared theoretically the mass density sensitivity $S_σ^(v_p )$ for various Love wave waveguide structures, such as: (1) lossy PMMA surface layer on lossless Quartz substrate and (2) lossy PMMA on lossless Diamond substrate. The performed analysis shows that the mass density sensitivity $S_σ^(v_p )$ (real and imaginary part) for a sensor with a structure PMMA on Diamond is five times higher than that of a PMMA on Quartz structure. It was found that the mass density sensitivity $S_σ^(v_p )$ for Love wave sensors increases with the increase of the ratio: bulk shear wave velocity in the substrate to bulk shear wave velocity in the surface layer.
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Piotr Kiełczyński
Marek Szalewski
Andrzej Balcerzak
Krzysztof Wieja

  1. Institute of Fundamental Technological Research Polish Academy of Sciences Warsaw, Poland
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The author presents the concept of man in the philosophy of Erich Fromm. The article consists of two parts. In the first part, the author presents how Fromm characterised the existential situation of man; in the second part he describes love as the main factor in the action and development of a human being. Man is part of nature, subjected to the rules of its laws, but he also transcends nature by the ability to use mind. A human subject is aware of his/her limitations and weaknesses with regard to nature. He/she feels lost and lonely in relation to other people and the natural world. Therefore, s/he looks for the frame of orientation and references. This search is the most important existential problem. Love is the solution to all problems of human existence. According to Fromm, man is the subject of love.

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Tadeusz Sznajderski
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The major underlying principle of the present paper is that, in opposition to the viewpoint of emotions as discrete entities, emotions are represented as clusters in conceptual space. The graded structure and fuzzy boundaries inherent in the prototype-periphery nature of these clusters dictate that the meaning of a specific emotion is governed by both inter- and intra-cluster relationships and their interactions. In addition to these relationships and interactions the paper examines both external and internal affects to compare and contrast the FEAR, COMPASSION, LOVE/JOY, and PRIDE clusters in British English and Polish. The three specific methods employed to analyze these are the GRID instrument, an online emotions sorting task, and a corpus-based cognitive linguistic methodology.

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Paul A. Wilson
Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk
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This paper presents a theoretical study of the propagation behaviour of surface Love waves in nonhomogeneous functionally graded elastic materials, which is a vital problem in acoustics. The elastic properties (shear modulus) of a semi-infinite elastic half-space vary monotonically with the depth (distance from the surface of the material). Two Love wave waveguide structures are analyzed: 1) a nonhomogeneous elastic surface layer deposited on a homogeneous elastic substrate, and 2) a semi-infinite nonhomogeneous elastic half-space. The Direct Sturm-Liouville Problem that describes the propagation of Love waves in nonhomogeneous elastic functionally graded materials is formulated and solved 1) analytically in the case of the step profile, exponential profile and 1cosh2 type profile, and 2) numerically in the case of the power type profiles (i.e. linear and quadratic), by using two numerical methods: i.e. a) Finite Difference Method, and b) Haskell-Thompson Transfer Matrix Method. The dispersion curves of phase and group velocity of surface Love waves in inhomogeneous elastic graded materials are evaluated. The integral formula for the group velocity of Love waves in nonhomogeneous elastic graded materials has been established. The results obtained in this paper can give a deeper insight into the nature of Love waves propagation in elastic nonhomogeneous functionally graded materials.
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Piotr Kiełczyński
Marek Szalewski
Andrzej Balcerzak
Krzysztof Wieja
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In the paper approximate controllability of second order infinite dimensional system with damping is considered. Applying linear operators in Hilbert spaces general mathematical model of second order dynamical systems with damping is presented. Next, using functional analysis methods and concepts, specially spectral methods and theory of unbounded linear operators, necessary and sufficient conditions for approximate controllability are formulated and proved. General result may be used in approximate controllability verification of second order dynamical system using known conditions for approximate controllability of first order system. As illustrative example using Green function approach approximate controllability of distributed dynamical system is also discussed.
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Jerzy Klamka
Asatur Zh. Khurshudyan

  1. Department of Measurements and Control Systems, Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland
  2. Institute of Mechanics, NAS of Armenia
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In this paper, the authors analyse the propagation of surface Love waves in an elastic layered waveguide (elastic guiding layer deposited on an elastic substrate) covered on its surface with a Newtonian liquid layer of finite thickness. By solving the equations of motion in the constituent regions (elastic substrate, elastic surface layer and Newtonian liquid) and imposing the appropriate boundary conditions, the authors established an analytical form of the complex dispersion equation for Love surface waves. Further, decomposition of the complex dispersion equation into its real and imaginary part, enabled for evaluation of the phase velocity and attenuation dispersion curves of the Love wave. Subsequently, the influence of the finite thickness of a Newtonian liquid on the dispersion curves was evaluated. Theoretical (numerical) analysis shows that when the thickness of the Newtonian liquid layer exceeds approximately four penetration depths 4δ of the wave in a Newtonian liquid, then this Newtonian liquid layer can be regarded as a semi-infinite half-space. The results obtained in this paper can be important in the design and optimization of ultrasonic Love wave sensors such as: biosensors, chemosensors and viscosity sensors. Love wave viscosity sensors can be used to assess the viscosity of various liquids, e.g. liquid polymers.

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Piotr Kiełczyński
Marek Szalewski
Andrzej Balcerzak
Krzysztof Wieja
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The main purpose of the study is to investigate the mechanical properties around an underground gas storage cavern in bedded salt rock. Firstly, considering the characteristics of the salt rock formation in China, the mechanical model was simplified into a hollow cylinder, which containing non-salt interlayer. In terms of elastic theory, Love displacement function was developed, and the elastic general solution of stress and deformation components were obtained after determining the undetermined coefficients. Under the same condition, numerical simulation was carried out. The validity of the elastic general solution is verified by comparing to numerical simulation results. Furthermore, Based on the feasible general elastic solution, viscoelastic solution was obtained through Laplace transformation and inverse Laplace transform, which could provide reference for the study on the stability and tightness of underground gas storage carven during operation to some extent.

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P. Xie
H.J. Wen
G.J. Wang
J. Hu
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This article takes up Adam Dziadek’s somatic approach to literature to explore the theme of erotic experience in two poems by Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz, ‘L’amour Cosaque’ and ‘Amore profane’. With the help of inputs from gender studies and the contemporary theories of the subject it has been possible to profi le the ‘I’ of the poems as a deeply fragmented and sexually ambiguous subject, and, upon the evidence of the elusive autobiographical details woven into the text, as a subject suspended in a liminal space, between the real and the fi ctive world. After analyzing the body represented in the text, both perfect and decrepit, as well as traces of the poet’s carnality that interfere with the text and the reader’s sense of his own soma the article arrives at the following conclusion: in Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz’s lyrics the body seems to project its impressions and experiences onto reality, thus blurring the border between the inside and the outside.

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Łukasz Kraj
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The author’s aim is to analyze the letters of Lydia Zinovieva‑Annibal to Vyacheslav Ivanov for the years 1894‑1899. Not only was their relative‑communicative aspect interpreted, but chiefly the reflection contained in it, concerning literature (poetry), music, creating works of art, the condition and role of an artist etc. It was demonstrated, by joining the author in her general reflections on life, that she constituted a voice in the dialogue with Vyacheslav Ivanov – the poet, literary theorist and philosopher. The conducted analysis also proves that the writer’s views, as reflected in her letters, are inscribed in the aesthetics of symbolism and the philosophical‑literary tradition contained in it (Plato, Nietzsche).
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Agnieszka Gozdek

  1. Lublin, Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
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The Christian vision of love, so deeply personalistic and clearly emphasizing that the love of God and the love of neighbour cannot be opposed, has to take the social na-ture of man into account. If love is the centre of the Christian life and also points to the specificity of its vocation and mission, then it is impossible to imagine that this funda-mental life perspective does not find the right expression in relation to social life. This love should be expressed in a number of social attitudes, especially in those which are considered fundamental principles of social life. The ability to enact the principles of love is important in everyday social life. It involves multiple specific attitudes. This paper discusses – in the light of the encyclical Deus Caritas Est and Caritas in veritate by Pope Benedict XVI - the issue of love in three aspects: love in micro-relations, love and justice in macro-relations and love as a common good in macro-relations.

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Ks. Marek Kluz
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Tristan et Iseut represents one of the most famous profane literary works of the 12th century. In its original form, the novel was conceived in parte hominum. The first editions were entitled ‘Le Roman de Tristan’ and the plot was articulated around the figure of the male hero. As the work spread throughout courts and villages alike, among ordinary people, attention increasingly shifted from Tristan to Isolde. This work attempts to analyse samples of the various versions of Tristan and Isolde through the figure of the female protagonist. The synchronic and diachronic analysis pays particular attention to aspects related to eros and passion, as useful elements to reveal the broader theme of the status of women in the Middle Ages and its relationship with sexuality.
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Ciro Ranisi
1 2

  1. Università Degli Studi Federico II
  2. Università degli Studi Suor Orsola Benincasa
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The aim of this article is to describe the silver tankard made by Nathaniel Pressding I for the wedding of Johann Peter Titz with Aurelia von Strackwitz in 1678. The bride and groom received the cup from the students of the Academic Gymnasium in Gdańsk. One of the customary rituals in Gdańsk involved giving gold and silver coins, medals and dinnerware as wedding gifts. Silver tankards were one of the most popular gifts in the late 1600s. The decorations on the tableware were chosen to match the importance of an occasion. In the case of wedding gifts the ornaments were taken either from Bible stories (Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, Isaac and Rebecca, the Wedding Feast at Cana) or from Greek and Roman art. The scene of the relief of the tankard’s corpus presents popular decorative elements with Cupid taken from Otto van Veen’s Amorum emblemata… (Antverpiae 1608). The described object is striking in the perfection of its workmanship and refined expression of the creator’s expertise. It is also an example of the first use of the master craftsman’s mark.
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Anna Frąckowska
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This article examines the sources of literary invention in Philtron, a treatise in verse on the theme of Christian love by the Polish and neo-Latin Renaissance poet Sebastian Fabian Klonowic. To get a better appreciation of his work it is necessary to look at his sources, especially books of humanist erudition, learned compendia, dictionaries, handbooks of rhetoric, anthologies and commonplace books. An analysis of his use of those sources in Philtron and an examination of his notes indicate that Klonowic probably did not read all of his books through from beginning to end. Some of his readings were intentionally selective. In particular, while collecting material for his treatise, he would mine the grand 16th-century reference books like Ambrogius Calepinus's multilanguage Dictionarium, Dominico Nani's anthology Polyanthea, or Erasmus' Apophtegmata. The argument and topoi in at least some parts of Philtron are much indebted to the contemporary compendia and erudite research.

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Tomasz Lawenda
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This Paper takes in consideration the Social teaching of the Church, particularly expressed in the Encyclical Letter of Pope Francis Laudato si’ and in other documents of the Magisterium. The article presents the basic characteristics of „Culture of Care” and „Culture of Waste”, of biopower, of positive biopolitics and of negative biopolitics (thanatobiopolitics) with some alarming examples (legalization of abortion, selective abortions of females, destruction of supernumerary frozen embryos, lobbying for the legalization of euthanasia). Subsequently, it introduces the contribution of the Christian faith to these debates, from the biblical, theological and moral point of view, and invites the reader to respond to the urgent challenges in biopolitics by the responsible creativity in the social, moral and political fields. The „Culture of Care” is a culture of acceptance of the other, shaped by Christian hope and love, a culture of presence and of interest in the other, following the example of Jesus Christ.

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Ján Ďačok SJ

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