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The issue of maximizing penetration depth with concurrent retaining or enhancement of image resolution constitutes one of the time invariant challenges in ultrasound imaging. Concerns about potential and undesirable side effects set limits on the possibility of overcoming the frequency dependent attenuation effects by increasing peak acoustic amplitudes of the waves probing the tissue. To overcome this limitation a pulse compression technique employing 16 bits Complementary Golay Sequences (CGS) Code was implemented at 4 MHz. In comparison with other, earlier proposed, coded excitation schemes, such as chirp, pseudo-random chirp and Barker codes, the CGS allowed virtually side lobe free operation. Experimental data indicate that the quality — resolution, signal penetration and contrast dynamics — of CGS images is better than the one obtain for standard ultrasonography using short burst excitation.

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A. Nowicki
W. Secomski
I. Trots
J. Litniewski
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Developing the empathic attitude is one of the tasks of medical education as it aff ects the quality of therapeutic contact in the relationship between the doctor and the patient, conditioning the treatment process. According to Davis’s concept, empathy is defi ned as an aff ective-cognitive reaction in the context of the other person’s experience. Aim: Analysis of profi les of empathic sensitivity in students of medicine. Group: Male and female students of the fi ft h year of medicine who agreed to participate in an anonymous study (n = 153; M = 57, F = 96; mean age: 23 years). Tools: Th e Empathetic Sensitivity Scale (EES), which is the Polish tool for Davis’s Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI) was used. Th e ESS includes three sub-scales: Empathic Care (EC), Personal Distress (PD) and Adopting Perspective (AP). Results: The raw results were converted into sten scores and for sten scores for all three dimensions of empathetic sensitivity no diff erences were found between male and female students. Th ree clusters (1: n = 33%, 2: n = 39%, 3: n = 28%), which diff er in terms of each distinguished indicator, were identifi ed. Conclusions: Th e first cluster characterizes empathetic people, both in the aff ective and cognitive spheres, and those dealing well with unpleasant emotions in situations diffi cult to others. Th e second cluster characterizes participants with the ability to recognize the needs of others and to take into account their perspectives; the third cluster includes participants with a tendency to focus on their own experiences emerging in response to other people’s suff ering but with the ability to understand a situation and show empathic concern for the other person. The most favourable profi le — for a future doctor as well as for his patients — is the fi rst cluster because the doctor, with his empathic sensitivity directed towards the other man, can deal with his own unpleasant emotions.
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Barbara Bętkowska-Korpała
Katarzyna Olszewska
Anna Pastuszak
Karolina Sikora
Roksana Epa
Aleksandra Arciszewska
Agnieszka Baran
Paulina Zielińska
Józef Krzysztof Gierowski
Anna Starowicz-Filip
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Transcatheter valve replacement often saves patients’ lives. The procedure has become relatively safe and very effective, and may soon become common practice.
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Adam Witkowski

  1. National Institute of Cardiology in Warsaw
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The literature is undisputed regarding the impact of mental health on public health, and there has been an increase in the use of primary healthcare, in particular, the consultations of general practitioners (GPs), with issues at this level. In the literature on the subject, the psychological intervention has been indicated as a positive factor in reversing this trend, and it is in this context that the present study was developed. We intend to explore the differences in the number of GP consultations prior to and after the psychology consultation in a Primary Healthcare Centre (PHC). To this end, data from 845 healthcare center users were collected between June 2004 and September 2014. Student’s t-test and mixed analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed. The results point out a decrease in the number of GP consultations in the period subsequent to the first psychological consultation. We discuss that psychological intervention seems to have a positive effect, not only in improving the mental health of the population but also in the containment of costs in the health sector. The importance of the role of psychology in PHC was assumed.

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Miguel Ricou
Sílvia Marina
Catarina Canário
Ricardo Soares
Ivone Duarte
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We studied dynamic changes in anthropogenic bacterial communities at a summer−operated Czech research base (the Mendel Research Station) in the Antarctic during 2012 and 2013. We observed an increase in total numbers of detected bacteria between the beginning and the end of each stay in the Antarctic. In the first series of samples, bacteria of Bacillus sp. predominated. Surprisingly, high numbers of Gram−positive cocci and coli − forms were found (including opportunistic human pathogens), although the conditions for bacterial life were unfavourable (Antarctic winter). In the second series of samples, coliforms and Gram−positive cocci predominated. Dangerous human pathogens were also detected. Yersinia enterocolitica was identified as serotype O:9. Antibiotic susceptibility testing showed medium−to−high resistance rates to ampicillin, cefalotin, cefuroxime, amoxicillin−clavulanate and gentamicin in Enterobacteriaceae. 16S rRNA sequencing showed high rates of accordance between nucleotide sequences among the tested strains. Three conclusions were drawn: (1) Number of anthropogenic bacteria were able to survive the harsh conditions of the Antarctic winter (inside and outside the polar station). Under certain circumstances ( e.g. impaired immunity), the surviving bacteria might pose a health risk to the participants of future expeditions or to other visitors to the base. (2) The bacteria released into the outer environment might have impacts on local ecosystems. (3) New characteristics ( e.g. resistance to antibiotics) may be introduced into local bacterial communities.
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Kristian Brat
Ivo Sedlacek
Alena Sevcikova
Zdenek Merta
Kamil Laska
Pavel Sevcik
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The issue of linguistic interference will be analysed from the point of view of medical translations in the Italian-Polish linguistic pair. Since linguistic interference can manifest itself at almost all levels of the text (phonetic, orthographic, morphological, syntactic, socio-cultural), with the analysis of the fragments taken from translated medical documents we would like to understand which are the most frequent cases of the phenomenon when it comes to translated medical texts and which factors favour the interference most.
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Katarzyna Maniowska

  1. Università Marie Curie-Skłodowska
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In the fi rst half of the 20th century, the German historiography of medicine created genuine ideas of methodology of research on the history of the medical sciences and medicinal practice. They were a continuation of the native historiographic tradition which was present in German university didactics and literature about the history of medicine in the 19th century. The uniqueness of German anti-positivist methodologies was based on a perception of cultural context in the genesis of medical theories and doctrines. They were researching cultural factors in the overall structure and analysing their infl uence on academics’ and common folk’s perception. There were two rival methodological trends — neoromantic and sociocultural ones, and the second gained wider infl uence in the historiography of medicine. The sociocultural trend had a few research schools, among them: Kulturgeschichte der Medizin, Sozialgeschichte der Medizin and Alltagsgeschichte der Medizin. The main purpose of this paper is to show the genesis of German anti-positivist trends in 20th century, the most important achievements of sociocultural historiography in Germany till 1933 and after 1945, and its infl uence on the standard American historiography of medicine in 20th century. The paper also presents a wide range of literature printed in both Germany and USA about the aforementioned historiographic trends.

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Bożena Płonka-Syroka
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Almost all matter in our Universe exists in the form of plasma. Although it’s not easy to generate on Earth, it has a vast range of applications in medicine, biotechnology, farming and industry.

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Joanna Pawłat
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Prof. Jacek Jemielity of the Centre of New Technologies, University of Warsaw, talks about tailor-made cancer therapies and explains what coronavirus vaccines have to do with cancer treatment.
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Jacek Jemielity

  1. Centre of New Technologies, University of Warsaw
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The aim of the paper is to analyse the Italian medical terminology, in particular will be taken into consideration the link between names of different illnesses and rhetoric procedures that might have influenced their lexical form. The examples of medical nomenclature will enable to illustrate the attitude towards the concept of illness and to show the complexity of phenomena perception and the impossibility to understand them completely. For this reason literary tropes, especially metonymy, enable to create terminology, although it will be never enough sufficient to guarantee the highest precision of these concepts.

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Authors and Affiliations

Katarzyna Maniowska
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Genetic engineering is now a reality. If used wisely, it can be beneficial for humans. A good example is offered by gene therapies that put viruses to work.
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Mirosław Ząbek
1 2
Paweł Obierzyński
1 2
Adrian Drożdż
1 3

  1. Interventional Neurology Center (INC), Department of Neurosurgery, Bródno Mazovian Hospital in Warsaw
  2. Department of Neurosurgery, Medical Center for Post-Graduate Education (CMKP)
  3. Center for Biostructure Research, Medical University of Warsaw
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Computed tomography is opening up new possibilities for the diagnosis of coronary artery disease. If used routinely as a future screening method, it can detect the disease at a very early stage.
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Cezary Kępka

  1. Institute of Cardiology in Warsaw
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The term peritonitis is relatively new in medical language, however some of its symptoms were observed and noted even in antiquity. The proper recognition of peritonitis as a distinct pathological entity was made possible when progress in the clinical and experimental sciences give birth to the methodology needed for the investigation of the etiology and mechanism of peritoneal inflammation. Research con-cerning this clinical topic began to yield significant results in the second half of 19th century. This paper aims to give some insight into this pioneering period of scientific investigation focused on the etiology and pathology of peritonitis. From the work of von Recklinghausen in the 1860s, through the later research of Wegner and Gravitz, the next major step in this field was made by the Polish experimental pathologist and pathophysiologist Karol Klecki.
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1. Hau T.: The History of Peritonitis. Acta Chirurgica Austriaca. 2000; 32: 157–161.
2. Hau T.: Biology and treatment of peritonitis: the historic development of current concepts. J Am Coll Surg 1998; 186: 475–484.
3. Recklinghausen F.v.: Zur Fettresorption. Archiv f pathol Anat. 1863; 26: 172–208.
4. Wegner G.: Chirurgische Bermekungen über die Peritonealhöle, mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der Ovariotomie. Arch Klin Chir. 1877; 20: 51–145.
5. Curtis B.F.: I. The Pathology of Peritonitis. Ann Surg. 1887; 5 (2): 120–124. doi: 10.1097/00000658-188701000-00026.
6. Dubar L., Remy Ch.: Sur l’absorption par le péritoine. Journal de l’anatomie et de la physiologie normales et pathologiques de l’homme et des animaux. 1882; 18: 60–106, 342–372.
7. Grawitz P.: Statistischer und experimentell-pathologischer Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Peritonitis. Charité-Annalen. 1886; 11: 770–823.
8. Grawitz P.: Beitrag zur Theorie der Eiterung. Virchows Archiv. 1889; 116: 116–153.
9. Guzek J.W.: Karol Klecki (1866–1931). Acta Phisiologica Polonia. 1987; 38: 272–278.
10. Klecki C.: Recherches sur la pathogénie de la péritonite d’origine intestinale; étudo de la virulence du coli bacille. Annales de l’Institut Pasteur. Paris. 1895; 9: 710–735.
11. Laruelle L.: Etude bacteriologique sur les peritonitis par perforation. Le Cellule. 1889; 5: 61–122.
12. Pawlowsky A.D.: Zur Lehre von der Aetiologie, der Entstehungsweise und den Formen der acuten Peritonitis. Virchows Archiv. 1889; 117: 469–530.
13. Barbacci O.: Sulla etiologia e patogenesi delle peritonite da perforatione. Studio anatomico e sperimentale. La Sperimentale. 1893: 4, 15.
14. Malvoz E.: Le bacterium coli commune comme agent habituel des peritonitis d’origine intestinale. Archive de medicine Experimentale et d’anatomie Pathologique. 1891; 3: 593–614.
15. Ziegler P.: Studien ueber die intestiale Form der Peritonitis. Munich 1893. 16. Treves F.: An Address On Some Rudiments Of Intestinal Surgery. BMJ 1898; 2 (1975): 1385–1390.
17. Neisser M.: Ueber die Durchgängigkeit der Darmwand für Bakterien. Zeitschr f Hygiene. 1896; 22: 12–32.
18. Weil S.: Die akute freie Peritonitis [in:] E. Payr et al. (eds.) Ergebnisse der Chirurgie und Orthopädie. 1911; 2: 278–357.
19. Lartigau A.J.: The Bacillus Coli Communis in Human Infections. Journal AMA. 1902; 38 (15): 930– 937.
20. Dudgeon L., Sargant P.: The Bacteriology of Peritonitis. London 1905.
21. Hertzler A.: The Peritoneum. St Louis: Mosby. 1912; 2: 36.
22. Meleney F.L., Harvey H.D., Jern H.Z.: Peritonitis: I. The Correlation of The Bacteriology of The Peritoneal Exudate and The Clinical Course of The Disease in One Hundred and Six Cases of Peritonitis. Arch Surg. 1931; 22 (1): 1–66.
23. Haas W.: Über den Bakteriengehalt des Pfortaderblutes und die Entstehung von Leberabszessen. Deutsche Zeitschrift f Chirurgie. 1922; 173: 239–293.
24. Dieulafoy G.: A Text-book of medicine. New York. 1912; 1: 780.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ryszard W. Gryglewski

  1. Department of the History of Medicine, Jagiellonian University Medical College
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The aim of this article is to examine the current state of research on cancer in the field of the social history of health and illness (social history of medicine). The scope of analysis includes both Polish and foreign (English‑language) historical scientific journals and the most important monographic studies of the last three or four decades. The starting point for the following paper is the question of the origins of interest in cancer as a subject of historical research. The author indicates the main directions and dominant perspectives in the historical discourse of cancer, and through such a perspective, simultaneously tries to see to what extent research approaches on cancer history differ or converge in the approaches of different countries. The last aspect of the history of cancer, briefly outlined, touches upon the extent to which historical, anthropological and sociological as well as medical (history of medicine) research are intertwined and mutually inspiring or complementary.
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Ewelina Szpak

  1. Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla, Polska Akademia Nauk, Warszawa
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Artificial Intelligence begins to play an increasingly important role in medicine, in particular in diagnostics, therapy selection and drug design. This article shows how the latest machine learning algorithms support the work of physicians and pharmacists. However, the effective implementation of Artificial Intelligence methods in everyday medical practice requires overcoming a number of barriers. These challenges are discussed in the article. The objectives and functioning of the Artificial Intelligence Center in Medicine of the Medical University of Bialystok were also discussed, as an example of Polish contribution to the development of the latest computer algorithms supporting diagnostics and therapy.
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Konrad Wojdan
1 2
Marcin Moniuszko

  1. Politechnika Warszawska, Instytut Techniki Cieplnej
  2. Transition Technologies Science sp. z o.o.
  3. Uniwersytet Medyczny w Białymstoku
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Manuscript number 888 of the Collection of Arabic manuscripts of the Royal Monastery of San Lorenzo of El Escorial (Spain) contains a small treatise composed by physician and pharmacologist ʿĪsā b. Māssah al-Baṣrī (9th century). This work offers a detailed description of different causal agents that originate the sexual impulse and its culmination, the coitus. The treatise enumerates and interprets the physical factors that conform man’s sexual response, which is viewed as a purely physiological process, as well as the cultural and psychological factors that shape and modulate the sexual preferences of each individual.

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Ana M. Cabo-González
Samir Jalil Rashid
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Early modern medicine knew thousands of medicines and possible treatments that could be found in guidebooks, medical dissertations, herbaria, and dispensaries. The article presents the characteristics of the basic sources of the history of medicine, as well as their specifi city and the range of information they provide. The aim is to show possible source selection method in an attempt to describe a real picture of the therapeutic methods most commonly used by the offi cial medicine in Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

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Jakub Węglorz
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Septoria melissae Desm., the most important pathogen of lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) occurs each year on plantations. The fungus may cause serious yield losses in the absence of proper plant protection. Breeding resistant or tolerant cultivars could play an important role in plant protection of medicinal plants. However, only a few descriptions of tolerant varieties of lemon balm are available. The goal of this work was to evaluate the susceptibility of three accessions of M. officinalis against the pathogen of Septoria leaf spot under field conditions at Budapest-Soroksár (Hungary) in 2017–2018. Differences in susceptibility of the accessions were observed in both years. The accession of M. officinalis subsp. altissima proved to be the least susceptible to Septoria infection. The frequency of the infected leaves was only 5.1 and 28.1% in 2017 and 2018, respectively. However, the cultivar M. officinalis subsp. officinalis ‘Lorelei’ turned out to be the most susceptible to the pathogen with an average infection level of 26.1 and 66.6%, 1.3–6.1 times higher than that of the other accessions in each year, respectively. Development of disease tolerant M. officinalis cultivars may be an effective tool in the plant protection of lemon balm.

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Gergő Kovács
Géza Nagy
Éva Zámbori-Németh
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In the current study, it was tried to investigate the medicinal plants of the native flora of the Northern Tien Shan to bring them into domestication. The study was carried out on the territory of a botanical garden located at an altitude of 880 m a.s.l., in the foothill steppe zone of the Zailiysky Alatau ridge, People’s Republic of China on light chestnut loamy soils. In 2018–2019, more than 90 samples of 51 species of medicinal plants of the Northern Tien Shan flora was selected from 17 families for introduction tests. The families Compositae (10 genera, 12 species) and Lamiaceae (12 genera, 13 species) were represented by the largest numbers of genera and species. The family Leguminosae was represented by four species from four genera; the families Polygonaceae and Ranunculaceae, by three species each; the family Rosaceae, by two species; and the remaining 11 families, by one species each. The results suggested that the majority of medicinal plants of the Northern Tien Shan tested can be successfully cultivated in the foothill zone of the Zailiysky Alatau. The results indicated that when propagated by seed, the laboratory germination varied from 2 to 30%, and the mass of seeds was 0.21 g. When sown in spring, the field germination was 8%, and when sown in autumn, 42% from 50 to 70% of seedlings survived until the end of the growing season. The massive flowering was observed in the third year, and the plants vegetated until the end of the growing season.
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Gulnara Sitpayeva
Svetlana Yerekeyeva
Lyudmila Grudzinskaya
Nadejda Gemejieva
Gulshat Anarbekova
Bakytzhan Saikenov

  1. Institute of Botany and Phytointroduction of the Committee for Forestry and Wildlife of the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
  2. Kazakh National Agrarian University, Almaty, 8 Abai Avenue, 050010, Republic of Kazakhstan
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The paper discusses conditions of proper communication between the doctor and the patient focusing on the Treatise of the Hypochondriack and Hysterick Passions (1711) by Bernard Mandeville. The method of treating hypochondria, based mainly on dialogue, presented in this work allows the doctor to correctly recognize disease and to awaken self-knowledge in the patient. Combining hypochondria with stomach problems, expanding the field of factors influencing the development of this disease proves that Mandeville interprets man holistically in the treatment process, and his preferred method focuses more on psychological rather than physical problems. Philopirio, as a representative of Mandeville’s medical views, assumes the role of a medical advisor, whose main task is physical and constant contact with the patient. The Philopirio’s method of treatment becomes effective thanks to medical virtues, especially diligence and empathy. Mandeville’s work unambiguously proves that in the process of diagnosis and convalescence communication between the doctor and the patient has an important role, and sometimes it is essential in the process of curing the patient.

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Agnieszka Droś
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Indonesia is widely known as a country with rich biodiversity. Medicinal plants that thrive in Indonesia are utilized as traditional medicine locally known as “jamu”. One of the islands famous for jamu production is Madura Island. As a well-known jamu producer, Madura Island are facing problems related to jamu production. Procurement of medicinal plants is not well controlled. There are no reports of spices procurement and production. When there is an increase in demand or sale of certain jamu, the stock of jamu is commonly inadequate/insufficient This may result in order cancellation. The solution to this problem is to create a production forecasting information system by using single exponential smoothing. The data used is a weekly report on the number of sales of 3 types of jamu from August to October 2024. Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) testing using an alpha value of 0.1 to 0.9 resulted in “high” accuracy and the forecasted values were close to the actual data values.
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Muhamad Afif EFFINDI
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Scientists are increasingly specializing in narrower fields, and communication is often difficult between physicists researching elementary particles and those studying semiconductors, not to mention between physicists and biologists or doctors. This makes interdisciplinary work difficult. And yet sometimes they succeed. One thread of work underway at the PAS Institute of High Pressure Physics offers a good example.

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Witold Trzeciakowski
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The objective of this paper is the Arabic edition and the English translation of the Dissertation on thirst (الكلام في العطش), an anonymous text included in the miscellaneous manuscript nº 888 of the Royal Library of the Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial in Madrid (Spain). This small treatise describes what thirst is, the types of thirst that exist, the causes why hydroponics are averse to water, the reason why diabetic people are continuously thirsty, the causes why people with fever are thirsty, the reason why some foods produce thirst and others do not, and so on. The whole manuscript is composed of fourteen works, written by the same copyist along 170 folios under the general title The book of medical and philosophical curiosities and utilities (كتاب النكت والثمار الطبية والفلسفية) and their subject are curious matters that are generally out of the span of most works on these two branches of knowledge.

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Ana M. Cabo-González

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