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The goal of the article is to describe the new and progressive category of onyms in contemporary Polish: names of awards. The author proposes for this category the term lauronyms. Synchronic analysis of lauronyms reveals their typical structure and their meaning. There are special collections of lexical items which are used to create the onyms the most fit for particular type of awards. The creation of lauronyms in Polish mirrors these areas of life, which are nowadays especially important for society and which can be the field of competition.
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Renata Przybylska
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Sukcesy gospodarki rynkowej przyczyniły się do ukształtowania rynkowej ideologii, według której zasady rynkowe są najlepszym sposobem regulowania tak gospodarki, jak innych dziedzin, takich jak edukacja, nauka, służba zdrowia itp. Ideologia ta opiera się na psychologicznym założeniu, że źródłem sukcesu wolnego rynku jest jego zdolność do mobilizowania ludzkiej motywacji i twórczych sił człowieka. Źródłem tej mobilizacji jest osobisty interes pobudzany przez rywalizację o kontrolę nad zasobami. Artykuł pokazuje, że aktywność kierowana wyłącznie przez własny interes może deformować działalność rynkową. Psychologowie dowodzą, że ludzie są zdolni do generowania motywów nastawionych na dobro własne, lecz również na dobro innych osób i na dobro społeczne w różnych jego formach. Te dwa rodzaje motywacji nieraz ze sobą konkurują, ale też mogą współdziałać. Uaktywnienie danej motywacji zależy od społecznych definicji znaczenia sytuacji, z którymi człowiek ma do czynienia. Ideologia rynkowa, stanowiąc jedno ze źródeł takich definicji, sprzyja dominacji własnego interesu jako podstawy rynkowej działalności.
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Janusz Reykowski

  1. Instytut Psychologii PAN, Warszawa
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The aim of the article is an attempt to trace the fate of several appellatives grouped in the lexical field around the hyperonym świnia ʽpig, swine’ (wieprz ʽhog’, knur/kiernoz ʽboar’ and prosię ʽpiglet’) as the motivation of many names in Polish onymy, mainly in anthroponymy and toponymy. My research has been conducted along the lines of historical anthropology. Proper names in this approach play an important role in the reconstruction of the past. The field of interest of this article includes mainly names belonging to the old onymic layer. Proper names arise from the lexicon of a given language, which is why my analysis is based on lexical and semantic methodology. My point of departure is the meaning (often reconstructed) of appellative lexical units, including their semantic modifications in the proprial layer. I interpret proper names on the basis of findings regarding their origin and motivation. The first names motivated by the lexeme świnia were associated with the economic organization of the Piast state. In the article I present the history of their creation. I go on to discuss the other lexemes which became the basis of many names belonging to different naming categories. The presence of etymons of interest to us in so many proper names during the Middle Ages allows us to draw the conclusion that pigs played an extremely important role in the lives of our ancestors.

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Urszula Wójcik
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The paper considers a particular case of onomastic motivation, providing examples of the use of the adjective tani ‘cheap’ in the creation of pharmacy names in Poland (e.g. Tanie Leki ‘cheap medicines’, Tania Apteka ‘cheap pharmacy’). This Polish word is frequently used in marketing, both as an element of company names and marketing slogans. In many instances tani constitutes part of a complex pharmacy name, e.g.: Całotygodniowa Apteka Familijna — Tylko Tanie Leki, Super Tania Apteka im. Zawiszy Czarnego, Centrum Tanich Leków — Apteka św. Barbary. On the basis of judgments from Polish administrative courts, the article discusses the question of the distinction or lack of one between advertisements and proper names. The significant fact is that the Pharmaceutical Law has prohibited the advertising of the operations of pharmacies since 2012 and, as a result, the use of names with the component tani was found to be in violation of the provision. In response to this, the owners of stores have argued that the proper name refers to the object alone, having no literal meaning. The controversial phrases were used to create legal names which are placed on signboards and in announcements. The paper focuses on a more general problem: chrematonyms and appellative lexis can hardly be distinguished due to their persuasive and marketing value.

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Mirosława Sagan-Bielawa
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The term “cause” is ubiquitous in life and science. It is surprising how, generally speaking, the existing all-purpose dictionaries, and even «professional» ones, are clumsy in their attempts to define “cause” and its derivative terms. We urgently need a more satisfactory definition of these words, along the following lines: an acting of object x on object y is the cause of the change in object y, when at the same time object x acts on object y, object y changes, and if something of the type of object x acts on an object of the type of object y, then object y changes. When expanding the proposed definition, I consider, among others: (a) traditional counterarguments aimed at the existence of cause-effect relation, (b) the question of necessity as a component of the notion of causality, (c) the notion of acting on something and the circumstances of its occurrence, (d) the essence of change, and (e) the causality principle. In addition, I sketch the relation of the reconstructed notion of causality to the notions of motivation, perpetration, and the act of creation (in arts and in Catholicism).

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Jacek Jadacki
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Fenomenologia to projekt filozoficzny o ogromnym, przede wszystkim metodologicznym, do dziś niewykorzystanym potencjale. Nie wyczerpuje się on ani w nawiązujących raczej do Heideggera hermeneutykach dwudziestego wieku, ani też w bardziej analitycznie zorientowanych współczesnych badaniach nad językiem. Potencjał ten odkrywamy dziś, kiedy przede wszystkim humanistyka i badania społeczne stoją przed nowymi wyzwaniami, wymagającymi nowej interpretacji ludzkiego doświadczenia. Tu fenomenologia transcendentalna jako teoria doświadczenia z perspektywy przeżyciowej odwołująca się do metody intencjonalno-genetycznej analizy oferuje nowe możliwości badawcze.Fenomenologia to projekt filozoficzny o ogromnym, przede wszystkim metodologicznym, do dziś niewykorzystanym potencjale. Nie wyczerpuje się on ani w nawiązujących raczej do Heideggera hermeneutykach dwudziestego wieku, ani też w bardziej analitycznie zorientowanych współczesnych badaniach nad językiem. Potencjał ten odkrywamy dziś, kiedy przede wszystkim humanistyka i badania społeczne stoją przed nowymi wyzwaniami, wymagającymi nowej interpretacji ludzkiego doświadczenia. Tu fenomenologia transcendentalna jako teoria doświadczenia z perspektywy przeżyciowej odwołująca się do metody intencjonalno-genetycznej analizy oferuje nowe możliwości badawcze.
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Jagna Brudzińska
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The article presents the achievements of professor Aleksandra Cieślikowa in the field of word-formation of proper names. The most important issues concerning the creation of anthroponyms in the Old Polish era selected from monographs and scientific articles are detailed. These issues include the problems of motivation in onomastic word-formation, the onimization process and the way of describing non-derivatized words by word formation and the participation of paradigmatic derivation in the emergence of Old Polish personal names. The views of Aleksandra Cieślikowa regarding Old Polish anthroponymy contributed to the development of onomastic word-formation, an integral part of the grammar of proper names and gave methodological foundations for the description of Old Polish personal names from a synchronic perspective.

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Maria Biolik
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According to the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education and Polish Central Statistical Office the number of students systematically decreases since 2015. This demographic change was a reason to examine students motivation for undertaking their studies in order to improve educational program and to encourage students to peruse higher education. By approaching the subject of “Motivations for Undertaking Special Education Studies in The Opinion of Students at Pedagogical University of Cracow”, the answers were sought to the three following questions: What were the main reasons for choosing studies at Pedagogical University of Cracow? What motivators played a key role for students while selecting field of studies? What student’s personality traits did mainly influence their choice? Research material was collected basing on a self-designed questionnaire. The group of first-year 54 students year were tested, in which 39% didn’t know which specialization they would choose after a one year. The article’s conclusions present key factors motivating students for undertaking Special Education Studies and explain how personality traits influenced their choice.

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Anna Gagat-Matuła
Natalia Malik
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This work is complementary with Bogusław Wolniewicz’s text Elzenberg about Milosz. The circumstances surrounding the discovery of Czesław Milosz’s article Duty and Henryk Elzenberg’s polemic are portrayed here. Moreover, in the second part we have attempted to evaluate Joseph Conrad’s novel The Rover.

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Bogusław Wolniewicz
Jan Zubelewicz
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In the article, we characterize the current and extremely serious problem of mass migration of people and indicate the necessary political actions that can alleviate it. The problem in question has increasingly dramatic consequences and has now reached proportions requiring decisive action. The basic suggestions are, on the one hand, the need to recognize the social situation in emigrants' homelands and offer these countries well-thought-out assistance, and, on the other hand, arrangements must be made on the part of the countries that are the destination of migration in order to develop a common and uniform policy, which is of special importance in countries of the European Union.
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Michał Kleiber

  1. Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki PAN, Warszawa
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The Moral Theology


The study of the principles of the pursuance of a certain scientific discipline is related over all to the question of its identity, its specificity and that is why also of its separateness from other disciplines. This methodological reflection is very essential for maintaining the unity of the scientific discipline but also for its correct and easier pursuance. When the moral theology is concerned it is particularly essential today because contemporary discussions about postcouncil restoration of this discipline have resulted in the new research for the status of this discipline.

The concern about the identity of the moral theology should be connected with the concern about the future development of this discipline. It depends on the one hand on a better, fuller and more and more integral recognition and utilization of the specific Christian sources. On the other hand it depends also on a bolder utilization of the sources in general as well as also these non-theological which are connected over all with a development of the human sciences. It must not be forgotten that the moral theology as a separate discipline of the scientific reflection on the Gospel, guarding its status as a normative science, can 'cannot be reduced to a body of knowledge worked out purely in the context of the so-called behavioural sciences. The latter are concerned with the phenomenon of morality as a historical and social fact; moral theology, however, while needing to make use of the behavioural and natural sciences, does not rely on the results of formal empirical observation or phenomenological understanding alone' (Veritatis Splendor 111). The aspiration for the development of this scientific discipline can not take no account of the fundamental truth that it still remains the theological discipline, it means it is the science springs from the faith and it is fundamentally connected with the salutary mission of the Church.

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Ks. Paweł Góralczyk SAC

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