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Geomorphic relationships characteristic of the region between the Billefjorden and Austfjorden display a high degree of complexity. The relationships result from palaeogeographical changes which took place during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene. A topographic expression is the product of glacial, marine and lacustrine processes. In view of the gathered observational information and the 14C date of 8.120+60 ɣr BP (Gd-1900) provided in 1987 on marine shells found in glacial deposits between Hoglandvatnet and Alandvatnet, inferences can be made as to a large extent of marine processes in the study area during the maior part of the tarlier Holocene.

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Wojciech Stankowski
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Rare erratic clasts – extraneous rock types – occur in the Upper Cretaceous Chalk, including a local basal facies, the Cambridge Greensand. The underlying Upper Albian Gault Clay and the Hunstanton Red Chalk Formations have also yielded erratics. The discovery of these erratics, their description and the development of hypotheses to explain their origins and significance are reviewed. They became the subject of scientific interest with the interpretation of a particularly large example “The Purley Boulder” by Godwin-Austen (1858) as having been transported to its depositional site in the Chalk Sea by drifting coastal ice. Thin section petrography (1930–1951) extended knowledge of their diverse provenance. At the same time the Chalk Sea had become interpreted as warm, so drifting ice was considered out of context, and the preferred agents of transport were entanglement in the roots of drifting trees, as holdfasts of floating marine algae, or as stomach stones of marine reptiles or large fish. Reconsideration of their occurrence, variable nature and sedimentary setting suggests that there are three zones in the English Chalk where erratics may be less rare (1) near the base of the Cenomanian in the Cambridge area, (2) the Upper Cenomanian–Middle Turonian in Surrey, and (3) the Upper Coniacian and Lower Santonian of Kent. The assemblage from each level and their sedimentary setting is subtly different. Present evidence suggests that the erratics found in the Upper Albian–Lower Cenomanian and the Upper Cenomanian–Middle Turonian zones represent shallow water and shoreline rocks that were transported into the Chalk Sea by coastal ice (fast-ice) that enclosed coastal marine sediments as it froze. The Upper Coniacian and Lower Santonian erratics from Rochester and Gravesend in Kent are gastroliths.
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Authors and Affiliations

Christopher V. Jeans
Ian M. Platten

  1. Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge, Downing Place, Cambridge, CB2 3EN, UK
  2. 4 Little Youngs, Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire, AL8 6SL, UK
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The Family Kumpanophyllidae Fomichev, 1953, synonymised by Hill (1981) with the Family Aulophyllidae Dybowski, 1873, is emended and accepted as valid. The new concept of this family, based on both new collections and discussion on literature data, confirms the solitary growth form of its type genus Kumpanophyllum Fomichev, 1953. However, several fasciculate colonial taxa, so far assigned to various families, may belong to this family as well. The emended genus Kumpanophyllum forms a widely distributed taxon, present in Eastern and Western Europe and in Asia. Its Serpukhovian and Bashkirian occurrences in China vs Bashkirian occurrences in the Donets Basin and in Spain, may suggest its far-Asiatic origin, but none of the existing taxa can be suggested as ancestral for that genus. Thus, the suborder position of the Kumpanophyllidae remains unknown. Four new species: K. columellatum, K. decessum, K. levis, and K. praecox, three Kumpanophyllum species left in open nomenclature and one offsetting specimen, questionably assigned to the genus, are described.

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Jerzy Fedorowski
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The paper focuses on the taxonomic description of the lower Carboniferous (uppermost Tournaisian to middle Viséan) solitary rugose corals from bedded limestone and shale units in the Flett Formation in the Jackfish Gap (eastern Liard Range), northwestern Canada. The corals described herein include 12 species representing the genera Ankhelasma Sando, 1961, Bradyphyllum Grabau, 1928, Caninophyllum Lewis, 1929, Cyathaxonia Michelin, 1847, Ekvasophyllum Parks, 1951, Enniskillenia Kabakovich in Soshkina et al., 1962, Vesiculophyllum Easton, 1944 and Zaphrentites Hudson, 1941. Two of these species are new (Ankhelasma canadense sp. nov. and Ekvasophyllum variabilis sp. nov.) and 6 taxa are described in open nomenclature. The distribution and relative abundance of solitary Rugosa in Europe and the Liard Basin confirm the geographical proximity of those areas and the open marine communication between them during the early Carboniferous. It therefore represents an important contribution to the determination of the time of isolation of the western Laurussia shelf fauna from that of southeastern Laurussia, as well as the time of the possible emergence of species from southeastern Laurussia into the western Laurussia seas. Of particular importance here are cosmopolitan taxa and the timing of their disappearance from the fossil record.
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Edward Chwieduk

  1. Institute of Geology, Adam Mickiewicz University, Bogumiła Krygowskiego 12, 61-680 Poznań, Poland
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Palaeomagnetic investigation of the Upper Carboniferous clastic Hyrnefjellet Formation from opposite limbs of the Hyrnefjellet Anticline in southern Spitsbergen (Svalbard Archipelago) uncovered two components of NRM. Direction C1 (D = 224.6°; I = –27.9°; κ = 22.40; α95% = 5.6°) is of prefolding origin and most probably of near-primary origin. High Tb spectra above 575°C indicate hematite as the carrier of C1. Acquisition of the C1 component may be related to an early diagenetic crystallization of hematite, not excluding a detrital origin of the NRM. A paleopole calculated for the C1 component (F = 23.3°N; L= 147.7°E) falls into the Late Devonian–Early Carboniferous sector of APWP for Baltica. This result suggests that Svalbard remained in the present day orientation with respect to Baltica since the Carboniferous time. A second component with intermediate unblocking temperatures, determined in the Hyrnefjellet Formation deposits, is labelled C2. Its mean orientation for in situ position is D = 11.2°; I = 69.2° (κ = 44.05; α95% = 6.3°), thus being similar to Late Mesozoic directions for Baltica. After 100% tectonic correction for tilting of anticline limbs and axis, the C2 component orientation is D = 265.7°; I = 59.7°, thus being distant from any directions for Baltica. Detailed analysis suggest that the C2 component is most probably of synfolding origin, and it was formed during the Tertiary Alpine Tectonic Event.

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Krzysztof Michalski
Marek Lewandowski
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The paper is focused on the palaeographic development of the western part of the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland, during the maximum extent of the Sanian 2 (MIS 12) ice sheet and its retreat. The studies were based on archival cartographic data, coupled with new lithological and petrographic analyses of limni- and fluvioglacial sands, i.e., grain-size composition, quartz grain morphology and heavy mineral analysis, as well as analysis of the erratic material of tills. The results confirm the regional variability of the erratic material in the Sanian 2 tills and point to the long-term development of fluvioglacial sands cover documenting cold climate conditions. They also evidence that the western part of the Holy Cross Mountains was the area where two oppositely directed ice sheet lobes (Radoszyce and Sandomierz) advanced during the Sanian 2 Glaciation and that deglaciation of the area took place in two stages. Huge quantities of meltwater released at that time contributed to the intensification of earlier initiated karst phenomena, as well as filling of the existing caves by fluvioglacial sands.
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Jan Dzierżek
Leszek Lindner
Krzysztof Cabalski
Jan Urban
Michał Cyglicki

  1. Faculty of Geology, University of Warsaw, Żwirki i Wigury 93, PL-02-089 Warszawa, Poland
  2. Institute of Nature Conservation, Polish Academy of Sciences, Adama Mickiewicza 33, PL- 31-120, Kraków
  3. Polish Geological Institute-National Research Institute, Rakowiecka 4, PL-00-975, Warszawa, Poland
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The paper presents characteristics of the Pleistocene sediments in the western part of the Holy Cross Mountains. They are subdivided into four complexes and their stratigraphic setting is referred to the updated scheme for the Pleistocene of Poland. The Preglacial Complex includes fluvial sediments characteristic for its lack of Scandinavian material. Sediments of three main glaciations (Nidanian, Sanian 1 and Sanian 2) within the South Polish Complex, are referred also as the South Polish Glaciations. The oldest of these glaciations (Nidanian) is separated from the middle glaciation (Sanian 1) by sediments of the Podlasian Interglacial, represented by clay at the Kozi Grzbiet Cave that contains faunal remains and record of the Brunhes/Matuyama palaeomagnetic boundary. During the middle (Sanian 1) and youngest glaciation (Sanian 2), the Holy Cross Mountains were almost completely covered by the Scandinavian ice sheet, forming glacial deposits separated by fluvial series of the Ferdynandovian Interglacial. The Middle Polish Complex begins with sediments of the Mazovian Interglacial, represented by a pollen record from the Zakrucze site. They are followed by deposits of periglacial and fluvial origin of the Liwiecian Glaciation, Zbójnian Interglacial, Krznanian Glaciation and Lublinian Interglacial. The following glaciation (Odranian) is represented by the youngest glacial deposits that document presence of the Scandinavian ice-sheet in the westernmost part of the Holy Cross Mountains. The North Polish Complex is composed of a climatic warming (Eemian Interglacial) and cooling (Vistulian Glaciation), and is represented by valley and periglacial deposits. The last cooling of the Pleistocene is recorded in faunal remains in the Raj Cave.

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Authors and Affiliations

Leszek Lindner
Jan Dzierżek
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According to the current state of research five sand-gravel accumulation levels of Quaternary age are visible in the morphology of the western part of the Holy Cross Mountains, within the Wierna Rzeka, Hutka and Bobrza river valley systems and the lower stretches of the Biała Nida and Czarna Nida river valleys. Two upper levels (V and IV) correspond to valleys formed during the Odranian Glaciation-Saalian, MIS6 and its reccesional phases under the influence of proglacial and extraglacial waters beyond the extent (to the east) of the maximal ice-sheet limit of this glaciation, reaching to the present-day Leśnica-Gnieździska-Łopuszno line. Two lower levels (III and II) are terraces that were typically formed during the climatic conditions thatprevailed during Vistulian stadials. Sands and gravels of the three upper levels (V−III) contain numerous debris flow deposits and cryoturbation structures documenting periglacial conditions during their accumulation. The lowermost level (I) is a typical Holocene floodplain.

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Authors and Affiliations

Jan Dzierżek
Leszek Lindner
Krzysztof Cabalski
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The main relief features of glacier marginal zones in the region between the Billefjorden and Austfjorden comprise ice-cored moraines, outwash plains and glacial lakes. Characteristics of various types of ice-morainic ridges are given. This article presents examples of outwash fan relief. The results of palaeogeographical analysis serve as the basis for distinguishing between three principal stages of development of glacier morphology and meltwater outflow in the region between the Billefjorden and Austfjorden.

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Przemysław Gonera
Leszek Kasprzak
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We propose a spit bar setting as the possible palaeoenvironment of the basal Late Cretaceous transgressive sequence in NW Bohemia. A new Cenomanian transgression model for the Bohemian Basin is also proposed. The uppermost Devět Křížů Sandstone, which has been conventionally referred to the Bohdašín Formation, probably represents the middle or lower upper Cenomanian (Upper Cretaceous), not the Triassic as previously supposed. We assume that this controversial unit was deposited before the main latest Cenomanian–early Turonian transgression. The spit bars were likely overgrown by vascular plants during their emergence in the late Cenomanian, and then inundated during the latest Cenomanian and early Turonian transgressive phases. The studied deposits had been intensively bioturbated, and the cf. Taenidium suite was recognized for the first time in them alongside the Thalassinoides assemblage (T. paradoxicus, T. suevicus, Thalassinoides isp., cf. Thalassinoides), which are characteristic of the Scoyenia and Glossifungites ichnofacies, respectively. The bioturbated, rhizolith-bearing horizon was presumably a paleosol.
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Alina Chrząstek
Jurand Wojewoda

  1. Institute of Geological Sciences, University of Wrocław, Maksa Borna 9, 50-204 Wrocław, Poland
  2. Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining and Geology, Wrocław University of Science and Technology,Na Grobli 15, 50-421 Wrocław, Poland

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