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In this article the Author Irys to show in what ways popular computer games influence the historical awareness in modem culture.
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Radosław Bomba
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Postmodern society is a society in the process of changing value systems and norms, increasing diversity, and individualisation, also in the area of intimate relationships. Contemporary consensual non-monogamy seems to be one example of this changing outlook. The article seeks to answer the questions as to how non-monogamous people identify themselves, what the motivations for entering such relationships they have, and what features of a new approach to relationships this type of relationship demonstrates. The theoretical framework of the article is based, among others, on Giddens’ and Prandini’s theoretical proposals as well as on Luhmann’s ‘semantics of love’. The text presents the results of the qualitative research consisting of 15 in-depth interviews. Its key findings are that in motivating their commitment to such relationships, respondents very often refer to self-discovery and to the choice to be consciously ‘non-normative’. They also demonstrate many features of a new approach to relationships, specifically, relational anarchy.
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Magdalena Lipnicka

  1. Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
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The conflict between modernism and post-modernism is one of the defining philosophical debates of the latter half of the 20th century. Proponents of modernism, striving to uphold the banner of the Enlightenment, have sought to undermine dogmatism while maintaining the tenability of certain inviolable principles. Proponents of post-modernism, similarly seeking to advance emancipation, have seen “principles” as inherently antithetical to the achievement of the professed goals of the Enlightenment. In Habermas and Derrida – prime speakers of these respective camps – this debate reached a crescendo. Yet, in both of them, we see that the respective positions of modernism and post-modernism are essentially systemically incommensurable, whereby the position of each side is undermined – in the view of the other side – by its own stance.
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Lance W. Garmer
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Arata Isozaki, winner of the Pritzker Prize in 2019, stated in his acceptance speech that “Change” is his artistic credo. This article discusses the architect’s artistic attitudes in a career that is characterized by a consistent desire to challenge the world with his sophisticated architecture, artistic spirit and wit.
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Krzysztof Ingarden

  1. Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University, Faculty of Architecture and Fine Arts
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In this article the author intend to use an epistemological concept and its categories of description to analyse two specially chosen biographies reflecting diverse postmodern life patterns. Postmodernity, or in fact the postmodern order, refers to the concept of order-making dimensions discussed in the previous article concerning hypermodernity. It is treated there as casual and variable with regard to the category of relations and work, and the only certainty for the individual, in regard to future possibilities or necessities, is the individual’s own identity. This article adds the category of resonance to the characteristics of postmodernity, as a synonym for a person’s primary entanglement in the world. It is a category of which individuals are increasingly aware, on which they reflect, and which they make an object of their experience.

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Kamila Biały
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The article deals with the problem of historical writing. Up to our time methodologists used to believe that authors of historical works were exclusively historians themselves. The contemporary philosophy and literary theory rejects the idea of such an importance of the author. Other factors like paradigm, discourse or culture are admitted also into creation of historical texts.
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Andrzej Radomski
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The subject of the research of this article is the vision of the identity of the person in the light of postmodernism in confrontation with the Christian personalist vision of the person. The person in the perspective of postmodernism is deprived of nature and transcendent sense of existence. The identity of the person is understood as relative, fluid. It is not conceived as something permanent, stable, immanent and universal. The identity of a person in the personalist perspective is the resultant of unquestionable certainty regarding his subjectivity. It is an objective, permanent, universal characteristic, constitutive of the person, existing regardless of circumstances. The personalistic, Christian perspective allows one to see the fullness of a person’s existence, the richness of his spiritual dimensions, which is not guaranteed by identity understood postmodernistically. Only in the ontological perspective can the foundation of the uniqueness, distinctiveness and ultimate constitution of the person be found.
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Antoni Jucewicz

  1. Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
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The study aims to contribute to research on the onomastic-stylistic diversity of Polish prose in the late 20th century. In focus are those onomastic properties of literature that reveal connections between names and language in the process of creating non-mimetic, literary-style fiction. These properties also point to the nature of proper names as they function in a literary work of art — that work being a post-modern intellectual-literary game. The names used in the novel (anthroponyms, toponyms, chrematonyms, also zoonyms) mainly derive from the author’s linguistic creativity: they contribute to the world-view projected through the text. That world-view is “purposefully and totally unusual”, different from the real world.

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Adam Siwiec
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The article is devoted to a well known book of Miłorad Pavić Khazar Dictionary. The discussed work is. unusual, as it merges literature with historical writing. As such, it presents an interesting alternative to traditionally understood historiography.
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Andrzej Radomski
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The article is a case study of human behaviour against the background of political, economic and cultural changes in the 1990s in the countries of the former USSR based on the example of the life of insects depicted by Victor Pelevin. The writer in his book The Life of Insects reduces all human life to the world of insects, constantly trying to find themselves. Pelevin by means of grotesque and allegory, touches upon the issues of human life and the use of culture by the authorities to educate the Soviet people, depriving them of their personal consciousness and independence. The picture presented by the author makes the reader wonder whether people who are deprived of their own consciousness deserve to live?

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Karolina Stawiarz
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The topic of the article is the presentation of artistic trends that appeared in Ukrainian art at the turn of the 1980s and 1990s and which are described as postmodern. These include: trans-avant-garde painting, performative art, media art, and conceptual art. All of them are an expression of the newly gained freedom, they choose the oppressive past as their main adversary, but they are also a form of reflection on new cultural and intellectual phenomena that appeared in Ukraine during this period (mass culture, “new spirituality”). The point of my article is not a detailed analysis of the works of individual artists, as I only indicate selected trends and directions.
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Marta Zambrzycka

  1. Warszawa, Uniwersytet Warszawski
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In the article an attempt is made to analyze the aspects of non-dogmatic spirituality of characters in the prose works of Ukrainian postm odernists (including Yuriy Andrukhovych, Oksana Zabuzhko, Yuriy Izdryk, Natalia Sniadanko). The theoretical aspects of problem are considered in the context of analytical psychology of Carl Gustav Jung. The following concepts play an important role in the study: religious position, father complex, conflict and some others.

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Irena Betko
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This article presented some critical remarks relating to the understanding of the panen-theism as a postmodern revelation, proposed by David Ray Griffin in his book Panentheism and Scientific Naturalism. Rethinking Evil, Morality, Religious Experience, Religious Pluralism, and the Academic Study of Religion. The main objection relates to the question that the American philosopher and theologian presents the philosophical, not theological conception of revelation. In addition he used the assumptions taken from process philosophy of A.N. Whitehead to construct this conception. The result of these assumptions is a new and original understanding of postmodernism. According to these assumptions panentheism is a conception that reflects properly the God-world relationship. Moreover, panentheism, as Griffin said, avoids mistakes of classical theism and extremes of early and late modernity. This panentheism is an integral part of naturalismppp. Griffin’s attempt to equate panentheism and revelation is based on the interaction recognized by him between God and the world. It manifests in the religious experiences and in the human drive to discover truth, which is, as Griffin said, a divinely-instilled drive. Process panentheism is the attempt to reconcile this revelation with the revelation that comes to us through the Abrahamic and other the-istic traditions. But it is difficult to accept that the revelation that comes to us from these religions, especially the revelation realized in Jesus Christ, gave rise to the recognition of the God-world relationship in terms of panentheism proposed by process theology

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Paweł Sokołowski
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For many ethicists, natural law no longer seems to be relevant as a model for the motivation of norms. At the same time, moral theology after Vatican II strives for renewal which, on the one hand, distances itself from radical autonomous thinking and, on the other hand, overcomes certain narrownesses of the past. It happens in the context of a cultural upheaval between modernity and postmodernity, in which universalistic ethical concepts are regarded critically anyway. Nevertheless, the increasing ethical challenges of the present, especially those in the bioethical field, call for universally valid solutions in the globalized world. In this context, natural law thinking can and should be used again. However, it would have to be suitably presented. An ethical understanding beyond cultural and temporal boundaries is possible, but requires an agreement on the binding character of human nature.
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Andrzej Dominik Kuciński

  1. Kongregation für die Glaubenslehre, Rom
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The publication of Dialectics of Enlightenment by M. Horkheimer and T. Adorno in 1947 provoked a fundamental shift in social philosophy of that time. It forced post-war philosophy to look for a new theory that could be used to analyze ‘the society of late
capitalism’. According to the common view, Dialectics of Enlightenment did not propose any new theory that could fulfill the expected role. Because of that, Horkheimer and Adorno allowed post-war ‘anti-enlightenment’, postmodern philosophical currents to deliver a solution to this problem, which ‘cut this Gordian knot’ by getting rid of the idea of determinate negation from philosophy – which had been one of the most fundamental assumptions of modern philosophy from Hegel to Lukács. According to this popular interpretation, works of critical deconstructors of the discourse of modernity, such as e.g. G. Bataille, J. Lacan, M. Foucault, J. Derrida, F. Jameson, N. Land, G. Deleuze, J.F. Lyotard or J. Baudrillard, were a necessary implication of Dialectics of Enlightenment and its inability to form a new theory. My main aim in this work is to undermine such misinterpretations of Dialectics of Enlightenment and to show errors underlying such views about the ‘counterenlightenment’ as its necessary, long-term effect. My goal is to show that Horkheimer and Adorno in fact considered their book to be a beginning of a new, still ‘proenlightenment’ method of critical social philosophy. They also inserted in the book a real solution to the post-war crisis of social philosophy. The ongoing work of contemporary Frankfurt School representatives is a proof that Dialectics of Enlightenment and the critical theory are still alive and actual nowadays.
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Karol Staśkiewicz
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This article explores the reception of French Theory in Poland after 1989. I argue that post-modern tendencies entered the Polish humanities in a distorted form, having travelled via the USA. I propose the hypothesis that the transplantation of the concept of power‑knowledge, which was central to the US‑American take on Michel Foucault, led to something that I term “the Foucault Effect.” It became entangled in the processes of democratization and political and economic transformation taking place in the 1990s, meaning that on the one hand it “raised consciousness” of power mechanisms, while on the other hand promoting a sense of subjecthood that was a product of power relations and thus was deprived of agency. I argue that regardless of the critique of anthropocentrism that is prevalent in the contemporary humanities, the socio-‑political situation in the world today demands a return of the strong subject, whose figuration would take into account lessons learned from French Theory.
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Ewa Domańska

  1. Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań
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The Strange Adventures of Don Quixote Retold by Wiktor Woroszylski is a book that has been consistently mislabelled since its publication in 1983. It is described as an abbreviated version of Don Quixote for young readers, probably because of its publisher Nasza Księgarnia specializes in children's books. In fact, however, Woroszylski's the book plays a sophisticated literary game with the original using a whole bag of postmodernist tricks. Like Foucault, Woroszylski does not believe in Quixote's deathbed renunciation of chivalry and conversion to common sense. Nor does he go with the narrator's account of the knight errant's death. In this and many other instances he blames the original author for ignorance. As a result, he takes over and retells the story from a diametrically opposite point of view. Woroszylski's text is thus a supplement and a corrective of the original. The article examines the techniques used to by him to achieve his goals. It also tries to shed more light on his decision to stand up to Cervantes and to position this novel in Woroszylski's oeuvre. Finally, the article considers the effect the reassessment of this novel would have for the history of contemporary Polish fiction.
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Marta Skwara

  1. Uniwersytet Szczeciński
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This paper not only clarifies the concepts of secularism and secularization, but also analyzes them, and in its final part it evaluates them. The phenomenon of secu-larism is defined as an ideological and active attitude of hostility toward everything that is Christian. In turn, secularism, quite strongly associated with the current form of culture of societies and their development, is seeking autonomy and freedom. Rad-ical (sometimes irresponsible) secularization thesis of the Protestant (R. Bultmann, K. Barth, D. Bonhoeffer, E. Fuchs, F. Gogarten, G. Vahanian, P. van Buren, W. Ham-ilton, Th . J. Alitzer, J.A.T. Robinson, D. Sölle, W. Pannenberg) mind has been adopted by most Catholic theologians with a reasonable reserve. Catholic doctrine accepts the autonomy of temporal realities and a specifically understood process of profanation of the world (constructio mundi and consecratio mundi). However, the fact that different sectors of earthly life are governed by their own relevant laws, does not mean that the created things are totally independent of God, or that man can dispose of them freely and without any relation to the Creator (K. Rahner, J. B. Metz, P. Teilhard de Chardin, M. D. Chenu, J. Danielou, G. Thils, Ch. Duquoc, J. Maritain, H. de Lubac, Y. Congar, Cz. Bartnik, A. Skowronek, A. Nossol, J. Mariański). The position of the Catholic Church on this matter is contained in the conciliar Constitution Gaudium et Spes.

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O. Andrzej Napiórkowski OSPPE

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