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Readiness and reliability is a special attribute of rescue systems (army, police, fire service), where performance at the highest level is more important than economic efficiency. For this reason, special attention is given to the process of renewal of technical objects. In such systems, a preventive strategy is most often used. Though this is a safe model, it does not always take into account the specifics of the use of a technical object. Moreover, in some situations, it forces the end of life of a device that could still continue to operate as intended. The article analyzes precisely such technical objects, removed from operation after just 10 years of use. It was shown that such approach is not justified and that modern management strategies must be implemented also in relation to machinery and equipment operating in rescue systems. The most important achievements of the article are the use of reliability analysis methods in the systems where it is not common, and the indication of the benefits of such analysis. It has been shown that knowing the characteristics of reliability, you can consciously control each process and make decisions in this regard based on the technical condition of the facility and not on instructions. In the case under study, this would make it possible to undermine the decision to withdraw the analyzed objects from operation.
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Anna Borucka

  1. Military University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland
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The goal of this paper is to discuss changes implemented in Danish early childhood education influenced by neoliberal ideology, and views concerning the new requirements for teachers (pedagogues) at private and self-owned kindergartens. The paper describes the historical tradition of Danish kindergartens based on children’s free play and democracy, allowing children to develop social skills and cognition through exploration and discovery, and giving practitioners a great deal of autonomy. The new trend in Danish early childhood education is towards detailed planning of work and accountability-based-assessment, which contradicts the traditional philosophy. It pushes teachers to create programs that develop children’s readiness for school and to implement teaching methods based on educational standards mandated by the government. The results of this research project, based on interviews conducted with teachers and educational experts, demonstrates the educators’ criticism of this new approach and their attempts to save democracy as a central value in education

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Katarzyna Gawlicz
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A product is referred to as robust when its performance is consistent. In current product robustness paradigms, robustness is the responsibility of engineering design. Drawings and 3D models should be released to manufacturing after applying all the possible robust design principles. But there are no methods referred for manufacturing to carry and improve product robustness after the design freeze. This paper proposes a process of inducing product robustness at all stages of product development from design release to the start of mass production. A manufacturing strategy of absorbing all obvious variations and an approach of turning variations to cancel one another are defined. Verified the application feasibility and established the robustness quantification method at each stage. The theoretical and actual sensitivity of different parameters is identified as indicators. Theoretical and actual performance variation and accuracy of estimation are established as robustness metric. Manufacturing plan alignment to design, complimenting the design and process sensitivities, countering process mean shifts with tool deviations, higher adjustable assembly tools are enablers to achieve product robustness.
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Murthy S. Boorla
Tobias Eifler
Chris McMahon
Thomas J. Howard
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The Hong Kong Convention is an international attempt to regulate the scrapping of seagoing ships. It aims to ensure that ships recycled at the end of their lives do not pose unnecessary risks to health, safety and the environment. It aims to address all problems associated with ship recycling, including the fact that ships sold for scrap may contain environmentally hazardous substances such as asbestos, heavy metals, hydrocarbons, ozone-depleting substances and others. The Convention provisions also aim to improve working and environmental conditions at many ship recycling sites around the world. The second part of this article on the scrapping of seagoing ships is a translation into Polish of the English text of the Convention adopted in May 2009 by the International Conference on the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships.
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Ahmed I., Towards a Safe and Sustainable Industry of Ship Breaking: International Initiatives and South Asian Response, Journal of Maritime Law&Commerce, vol. 51, nNo. 3, July, 2020, s. 226; [dostęp 1.09.2021 r.]
Contradiction in Term: European Union must align its waste ship exports with international law and green deal, September 2020, s. 3; [dostęp 1.09.2021 r.]
Gopal M., Beached Waste and Wasted Beaches: A Critical Analysis of the New Ship Recycling Law in India; [do-stęp 1.09.2021 r.]
Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships, 2009. [dostęp 1.09.2021 r.]
Mikelis N., Developments in Ship Recycling in 2019, The Maritime Executive; [dostęp 1.12.2020 r.]
Rozporządzenie Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) nr 1257/2013 z dnia 20 listo-pada 2013 r. w sprawie recyklingu statków oraz zmieniające rozporządzenie (WE) nr 1013/2006 i dyrektywę 2009/16/WE, Dz. Urz. UE L 330 z 10.12.2013, s. 1
UNCTAD, Review of Maritime Transport 2020, s. 45; [dostęp 1.09.2021 r.]
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Authors and Affiliations

Cezary Łuczywek

  1. Deputy Managing Director w przedsiębiorstwie zarządzającym statkami (ship manager) Green Management Gdynia

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