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Słowa kluczowe BLD FPGA real time simulation


This article presents the simulation of a BLDC motor and its closed control system in FPGA. The simulation is based on a mathematical model of the motor, including the electromagnetic torque, phase currents, back electromotive force, etc. In order to ensure calculation precision, the equations describing the motor were solved using a floating point representation of real numbers, and a small step of numerical calculations of 1 μs was assumed. The time step selection methodology has been discussed in detail. The motor model was executed with the use of Textual Programming Languages (with HDL codes).

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Marcin Baszyński
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This paper aims to discuss the behavior of the proprietary real-time simulator (RTS) during testing the coordination of distance relay protections in power engineering. During the construction process of the simulator, the mapping of various dynamic phenomena occurring in the modeled part of the power system was considered. The main advantage to the solution is a lower cost of construction while maintaining high values of essential parameters, based on the generally available software environment (MATLAB/Simulink). The obtained results are discussed in detail. This paper is important from the point of view of the cost-effectiveness of design procedures, especially in power systems exploitation and when avoiding faults that result from the selection of protection relay devices, electrical devices, system operations, and optimization of operating conditions. The manuscript thoroughly discusses the hardware configuration and sample results, so that the presented real-time simulator can be reproduced by another researcher.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Adam Smolarczyk
Sebastian Łapczyński
Michał Szulborski
Łukasz Kolimas
Łukasz Kozarek

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Electrical Power Engineering Institute, 00-662 Warsaw, Poland
  2. ILF Consulting Engineers Polska Sp. z o.o., ul. Osmańska 12, 02-823 Warsaw, Poland

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