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Quantitative evaluation of the microstructure obtained in a product is nowadays commonly required both in R&D activities and during routine quality control of materials and components.
This paper presents an assessment of the quality of ductile cast iron, based on investigations of the effect of chemical composition on the distribution of ductile graphite precipitates in low-alloy cast iron EN-GJS-500-7. The size of graphite precipitates was expressed in terms of equivalent cross-sectional diameter, which made it possible to describe the distribution of graphite precipitates with a function simulating the log-normal distribution of graphite. The resulting U, W and Z parameters were statistically analysed, including the effect of chemical composition on graphite distribution. In the studied cast iron, the components that increase the U parameter are silicon, manganese and phosphorus, thus favourably affecting the total graphite number. In contrast, the constituents that decrease the U parameter are carbon, chromium and aluminium.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

H. Pacha-Gołębiowska

  1. Akademia Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Amosa Komeńskiego w Lesznie, ul. Mickiewicza 5, 64-100 Leszno, Poland


The results of research on stereological parameters of carbides in modified hypoeutectic chromium cast iron were shown in the paper. The

effect of distance the casting heat centre of casting to the carbide phase morphology was examined. The samples for metallographic

examination were taken from various locations of the model casting prepared in a special tester. This model casting was designed to

simulate the solidification of heavy castings. Using the proposed methodology the relation of the distance from the model mould and the

size, perimeter, length, width and the shape factor of carbides was examined. During the analysis, the values of stereological parameters of

carbides changed on various sections of the model casting.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

M. Gromczyk
A. Studnicki
M. Kondracki
J. Szajnar

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