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Purpose: to demonstrate the possibility of finding features reliable for more precise distinguishing between normal and abnormal Pattern Electroretinogram (PERG) recordings, in Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) coefficients domain. To determine characteristic features of the PERG and Pattern Visual Evoked Potential (PVEP) waveforms important in the task of precise classification and assessment of these recordings. Material and methods: 60 normal PERG waveforms and 60 PVEPs as well as 47 PERGs and 27 PVEPs obtained in some retinal and optic nerve diseases were studied in the two age groups (<= 50 years, > 50 years). All these signals were recorded in accordance with the guidelines of ISCEV in the Laboratory of Electrophysiology of the Retina and Visual Pathway and Static Perimetry, at the Department and Clinic of Ophthalmology of the Pomeranian Medical University. Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) was used for the time-frequency analysis and modelling of the PERG signal. Discriminant analysis and logistic regression were performed in statistical analysis of the PERG and PVEP signals. Obtained mathematical models were optimized using Fisher F(n1; n2) test. For preliminary evaluation of the obtained classification methods and algorithms in clinical practice, 22 PERGs and 55 PVEPs were chosen with respect to especially difficult discrimination problems (“borderline” recordings).

Results: comparison between the method using CWT and standard time-domain based analysis showed that determining the maxima and minima of the PERG waves was achieved with better accuracy. This improvement was especially evident in waveforms with unclear peaks as well as in noisy signals. Predictive, quantitative models for PERGs and PVEPs binary classification were obtained based on characteristic features of the waveform morphology. Simple calculations algorithms for clinical applications were elaborated. They proved effective in distinguishing between normal and abnormal recordings.

Conclusions: CWT based method is efficient in more precise assessment of the latencies of the PERG waveforms, improving separation between normal and abnormal waveforms. Filtering of the PERG signal may be optimized based on the results of the CWT analysis. Classification of the PERG and PVEP waveforms based on statistical methods is useful in preliminary interpretation of the recordings as well as in supporting more accurate assessment of clinical data.

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K. Penkala
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Praca prezentuje metodę inwentaryzacji widokowej i jej wykorzystanie we współczesnym wcieleniu znanej od wieków w kulturze dalekiego wschodu, a chętnie stosowanej na przestrzeni lat i epok stylowych idei widoku zapożyczonego (zapożyczonej scenerii).
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Michał Zieliński
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When Zamość was being built the Fortress was in a close connection with the geometry of view. This was reflected both in the utilitarian and aesthetic sphere and concerned the urban scale as well as the scale of long exposure. The visual study conducted within the Study of the shaping of postfortress areas of Zamość Fortress allowed for assessing the contemporary state of exposure and for identification of the correction opportunities. The effect of the study has become the essential element of the design concept in both the compositional and in the part related to the tourist access.

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Urszula Forczek-Brataniec
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Visualizations of mathematical functions have myriad applications in our daily lives, from the economy all the way to medicine.
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Paweł Dłotko

  1. Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw
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A mine cannot function without monitoring systems: environmental, basic mining machinery and equipment. The exploitation of ore in the mine depends heavily on properly functioning machines and mining equipment, and acceptable for the miner technical environmental conditions occurring in underground excavations. The monitoring systems of the technical environment in underground mines are primarily telemetry and gasometry systems. The first part of the article shows the typical structure of gasometry systems operating in the Polish underground mines. The existing provisions include the so-called security systems of the mining plant. The article presents a quantitative summary of the telephone exchange types and count of main telecommunication lines operating in these systems. Monitoring systems of machines and mining equipment are an essential element of the effec-tive management of the mine, because they affect the safe operation and increase time of effi-ciency equipment. The second part of the article shows selected monitoring systems of mining machinery and equipment currently used in the dispatcher rooms of mines. Attention was paid to the monitoring systems, which are only software tools as well as those in which additionally use dedicated IT solutions for these systems, hardware and measuring tools. The table shows the types of monitoring systems and technological configurations used in underground mines, preferred for them.

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Antoni Wojaczek
Adam Wojaczek
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Background: Observing one’s own body has been shown to influence pain perception—a phenomenon called visual analgesia. The effect was originally obtained using a mirror reflection of one’s own hand and later replicated with prosthetic and virtual hands. Most studies show increased pain thresholds during visual analgesia, but the opposite effect can be obtained by inducing ownership illusion over a limb that looks wounded. We tested the hypothesis that a resilient-looking virtual limb would lead to an increased pain threshold.
Methods: Eighty-eight students (Mage = 21.4, SDage = 2.98) participated in a within-group experimental design study (natural hand virtual reality [VR], marble hand VR, and non-VR control). In both VR conditions, a visuo-tactile synchronous stimulation was used to elicit the illusion of embodiment. Pressure pain stimulus was applied to the forearm. Dependent variables were: pressure pain threshold, pain intensity and self-reported embodiment.
Results: There were significant differences between the control condition and the Natural Hand VR (V = 647, p < .0001), and between the control condition and the Marble Hand VR (V = 947.5, p < .005), but not between the Natural Hand and Marble Hand conditions (V = 1428.5, p = .62). Contrary to our predictions, pain threshold was higher in the control condition. Pain intensity differences were not significant.
Conclusions: We obtained a significant effect in the opposite direction than predicted. Such results may mean that the visual analgesia effect is more context-dependent than previously thought. We discuss methodological differences between the paradigm used in this study and paradigms reported in the literature as a possible explanation.
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Marcin Czub
Joanna Piskorz

  1. Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Instytut Psychologii
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The aim of the study was to examine the relationships of Level -1/Level -2 visual perspective -taking (VPT -1/VPT -2) with theory of mind (ToM) and executive function (EF). Seventy -six adults aged 18 to 48 years participated in the study. To compare the relationships of the two levels of perspective -taking with the aforementioned abilities, the same stimuli were used in both Level -1 and Level -2 trials of the VPT task. ToM abilities were evaluated with the Strange Story task, and EF using the TMT and WCST tests. It was found that controlling for age -related differences, VPT -1 was not associated with either ToM or such components of EF as executive control and set -shifting. VPT -2 was positively related to ToM, but it was not related to EF. The relationship between VPT -2 and ToM was specific, not mediated by domain -general processing capabilities. The obtained results provide further evidence to support the view that distinct mechanisms underlie Level -1 and Level -2 perspective -taking.

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Agata Złotogórska -Suwińska
Adam Putko
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The book outlines the artistic events accompanying the large sports events in 1928: the 9th Olympic Games in Amsterdam and the 1st Summer Spartakiad in Moskow and 2nd Summer Spartakiad planned in Prague, which, however, was cancelled. The organization, character, and cultural influence of these events are outlined, while selected works of art connected to these events are analysed in meticulous detail. The author points out the general differences between the Olympic Games and the Spartakiads both in the approach to sports events, and the accompanying artistic events. The Olympic Games stressed the individualistic approach to art and creative work, and encouraged international competition. The Spartakiads were aiming at collective approach to both art and sports, which were seen not as competition between nations, but a collective effort of the Proletariat.

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Helena Postawka-Lech
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The article is a review of the book by Natalie Zemon Davis Slaves on Screen. Film and Historical Vzsion, Cambridge Mass. 2000.
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Piotr Witek
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The objective of the research was to investigate the efficiency of selected methods of data fusion from visual sensors used on-board satellites for attitude measurements. Data from a sun sensor, an earth sensor, and a star tracker were fused, and selected methods were applied to calculate satellite attitude. First, a direct numerical solution, a numerical and analytical solution of the Wahba problem, and the TRIAD method for attitude calculation were compared used for integrating data produced by a sun sensor and an earth sensor. Next, attitude data from the star tracker and earth/sun sensors were integrated using two methods: weighted average and Kalman filter. All algorithms were coded in the MATLAB environment and tested using simulation models of visual sensors. The results of simulations may be used as an indication for the best data fusion in real satellite systems. The algorithms developed may be extended to incorporate other attitude sensors like inertial and/or GNSS to form a complete satellite attitude system.
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  1.  E. Babcock, “CubeSat Attitude Determination via Kalman Filtering of Magnetometer and Solar Cell Data,” in 25th AIAA/USU Conference on Small Satellites, 2011, [Online]. Available:
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  8.  J.J. Moré, “The Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm: Implementation and theory,” in Numer. Anal., vol. 630, 1978, pp. 105–116.
  9.  A. Forsgren, P.E. Gill, and M.H. Wright, “Interior Methods for Nonlinear Optimization,” SIAM Rev., vol. 44, no. 4, pp. 525–597, Jan. 2002, doi: 10.1137/S0036144502414942.
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Janusz Narkiewicz
Mateusz Sochacki
Adam Rodacki
Damian Grabowski

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering, Institute of Aeronautics and Applied Mechanics, ul. Nowowiejska 24, 00-665 Warsaw, Poland
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The application of solid-state light sources in luminaires creates a new quality in illumination design works. In a confrontation with a commonly used but relatively unattractive flood method, the use of small-size luminaires allows one to present an illuminated architectural object in a more attractive way in the evening and at night. In this case, it is possible to apply the principles of illumination described in the literature, especially the principle of height amplification and the principle of depth amplification. The conceptual work of illumination with the use of a large number of small-size luminaires does not require the use of supporting graphical tools, but the specification of actual lighting equipment using only polygonal samples in this case is not possible. The paper presents selected issues of the key stages of the completed work. Using specialized computer software, a geometric model of the architectural object has been developed, facade materials have been parameterized, models of small-size illuminating equipment have been selected and, finally, calculations of luminance distribution on illuminated surfaces have been carried out. As a result of computer work, luminance distributions and photorealistic visualizations of illuminations from defined main directions of observation were obtained. The Lubomirski Palace in Przemysl is an example of the architectural object indicated for detailed works.
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Antoni Różowicz
Henryk Wachta
Sebastian Różowicz

  1. Department of Industrial Electrical Engineering and Automatic Control, Kielce University of Technology, Tysiaclecia Panstwa Polskiego 7, 25-314 Kielce, Poland
  2. Department of Power Electronics and Power Engineering, Rzeszow University of Technology, Wincentego Pola 2, 35-959 Rzeszow, Poland
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The Author discusses very popular interpretations of historical picture by Jan Matejko titled Eros in Despair. Jan Matejko’s Stanczyk on Queen Bona’s Party. This is one the most known historical picture in Poland associated with extremely reach symbolic meaning. Słoczyński argues that major part of existing interpretations are rather a result of sublimation of Polish history as well as anticipation of the symbolic character of later Matejko’s masterpieces than the opinion based on a correct analysis of the discussed picture.
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Henryk Słoczyński
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The paper presents the results of simulations and experiments in the field of control of the low damping and time delay oscillating system. This system includes a quadcopter hovering at a very low altitude, and the altitude is controlled. The time delay is introduced mainly by the remote control device. In order to handle the quadcopter at low altitudes, a proportional-integral controller with a negative proportional coefficient is used. Such an approach can provide good results in the case of an oscillating, low damped system. This method of steering, which uses a typical radio control transmitter, can be used on any commercially available leisure drone. Feedback is provided by a camera and algorithms of computer vision. The presented results were obtained experimentally using free flight – without a harness. Different types of controllers are used to control horizontal shift and altitude.
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Konrad Urbański

  1. Institute of Robotics and Machine Intelligence, Poznan University of Technology, Piotrowo 3A str., 60-965 Poznan, Poland
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Ground penetrating radar (GPR) is one of the most useful non-destructive techniques for locating underground objects. Advancements in this technology have facilitated the development of new sensors over the past decade. In this paper, an accuracy assessment of the location of underground objects using various GPR antennas is presented. To achieve the stated goals, measurements of 5 concrete slabs, reinforced with steel bars of various diameters and located at variable depths were taken. The experiment includes the usage of three GPR antennas to assess the format, characteristics, and differences of extracted data. This set of antennas from different manufacturers varied in terms of operating frequency. Additional lidar data from TLS (terrestrial laser scanning) was utilized in the methodology to provide precise surface measurements and therefore, external orientation of the surveyed data. The experiment allowed for the determination of vertical and horizontal accuracy for three tested antennas and the assessment of increasing errors value with greater depth of the measured items, which is important for surveying accuracy forecasting.
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Anna Lejzerowicz
Paweł Czernic
Magdalena Pilarska-Mazurek
Kamil Załęgowski
Jakub Górka
Krzysztof Bakuła

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Al. Armii Ludowej 16, 00-637 Warsaw,Poland
  2. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography, Pl. Politechniki 1, 00-661,Warsaw,Poland
  3. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography, Pl. Politechniki 1, 00-661,Warsaw, Poland
  4. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Al. Armii Ludowej 16, 00-637Warsaw, Poland
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Previous research reported about high comorbidity between asthma and neurodevelopmental disorders. Recently, asthma was associated also with executive functions poorness. The current study aimed to investigate the verbal and visual memory performances among fifteen asthmatic kindergarten children compared to the performances of other fifteen healthy kindergarten children. The results showed that the asthmatic group revealed poor performances in the immediate short term verbal memory and the verbal working memory tests but not in the verbal learning test as it was compared to the healthy group. In addition, the asthmatic group revealed poor performances in the visual memory tasks compared to the healthy group. The results were explained in light of the assumption that poor executive functions might be interfere the process of managing the attentional resources which are needed through the process of memory encoding and retrieval.

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Haitham Taha
Mahmood Khalil
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The aim of the paper was to develop determination methods of sedimentation characteristics using PIV image anemometry and suspension image analysis. Two methods of the investigation of sed- imentation process based on visualization techniques were developed. In the first one, using PIV method, vector fields of the velocity of settling particles are determined and then average particle velocities are calculated to establish the so called sedimentation dynamics curve. In the second one, the methods of suspension image analysis are utilized to determine the positions of the upper dis- continuity and to establish the sedimentation curve. Laboratory research on the sedimentation of agalit particles suspended in glycerine was conducted (using PIV method). Additionally, industrial research on the sedimentation of water-absorbing granular material used after the first carbonation (carbonation I) was conducted in a sugar factory (using the second method). The research consisted of photographic registration of images of the settling suspension by means of the time-lapse photog- raphy technique. A laboratory study was conducted for four values of the volume concentration of agalit particles in glycerine (0.5; 1.0; 1.5 and 2.0 vol%). The research methodology, the scope of the conducted measurements and sample research results together with conclusions are presented in this paper.

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Witold Suchecki
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Process intensification is one of the key branches of process engineering. High gravity equipment achieves intensification by substituting gravity with much higher centrifugal force. Rotating Packed Bed is the leading example of high gravity solutions, strongly facilitating gas-liquid mass transfer. However, cylindrical packings come with certain drawbacks, such as dry spots, that can be overcome with new solutions, such as baffle-based packing geometries. However, when baffles are arranged too close to each other, liquid bridges are formed between them, which may lead to decrease in mass transfer efficiency. This work is concerned with improvement of a Zickzack-like internal by the means of visual studies with the use of high-speed camera. According to measured ligament break-up length, two new packings were designed for particular rotational speeds and tested experimentally for effective mass transfer area and wet pressure drop.
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Dawid Zawadzki
Małgorzata Majdzik
Ondřej Hájek
Milan Malý
Michał Blatkiewicz

  1. Lodz University of Technology, Faculty of Process and Environmental Engineering, Wolczanska 213, 93-005 Lodz, Poland
  2. Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technicka 2, 616-69 Brno, Czech Republic
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Dariah.lab is a research infrastructure created for digital humanities, consisting of state-of-the-art hardware and dedicated software tools. One of the tools developed for digital musicology is Timbra, a web-based application for conducting research on sound timbre. The aim was to create an easy-touse online tool for non-programmers. The tool can be used to calculate, visualise, and compare different timbre characteristics of uploaded audio files and to export the extracted parameters in CSV format for further processing, e.g. by classification tools. The application offers extraction and visualisation of scalar features such as zero crossing rate, fundamental frequency, spectral centroid, spectral roll-off, spectral flatness, band energy ratio, as well as feature vectors (e.g. chromagram, spectral contrast, spectrogram, and MFCCs). An interested user can compare selected sound characteristics using various types of plots and run dissimilarity analysis of timbre parameters by means of 2D or 3D multidimensional scaling (MDS). The paper showcases potential applications of the tool based on presented case studies. In terms of implementation, the calculations are performed at the backend Django server using Librosa and standard Python libraries. Dash library is used for the frontend. By offering an easy-to-use tool accessible anytime and anywhere through the Internet, we want to facilitate timbre analysis for a broader group of researchers, e.g. sound engineers, luthiers, phoneticians, or musicologists.
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Authors and Affiliations

Filip Szymański
Ewa Łukasik
Magdalena Chudy

  1. Poznan University of Technology, Poznan
  2. Institute of Art, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
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The article presents the use of computer graphics methods and computational geometry for the analysis on changes of geometrical parameters for a mixed zone in resistance-heated samples. To perform the physical simulation series of resistance heating process, the Gleeble 3800 physical simulator, located in the Institute for Ferrous Metallurgy in Gliwice, was used. The paper presents a description of the test stand and the method for performing the experiment. The numerical model is based on the Fourier-Kirchoff differential equation for unsteady heat flow with an internal volumetric heat source. In the case of direct heating of the sample, geometrical parameters of the remelting zone change rapidly. The described methodology of using shape descriptors to characterise the studied zone during the process allows to parametrise the heat influence zones. The shape descriptors were used for the chosen for characteristic timing steps of the simulation, which allowed the authors to describe the changes of the studied parameters as a function of temperature. Additionally, to determine the impact of external factors, the remelting zone parameters were estimated for two types of grips holding the sample, so-called hot grips of a shorter contact area with the sample, and so-called cold grips. Based on the collected data, conclusions were drawn on the impact of the process parameters on the localisation and shape of the mushy zone.

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Authors and Affiliations

Tomasz Dębiński
Marcin Hojny
M. Głowacki
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In recent years, some expressway tunnels have started broadcasting warning sounds, such as fire alarms, to improve driver attention and traffic safety. However, there is few research on it, and in contrast to previous studies, we have considered different evaluation indices and through field measurement to determine the effectiveness of this practice. The characteristics of three warning sound signals, i.e., fire alarm, dynamic music, and voice command, in a tunnel were analyzed usingMATLAB. Considering pupil diameter and blink duration as evaluation indexes, the change in the mental state of the driver after hearing a warning sound was analyzed. Based on Markov chain theory, the change in the gaze region and gaze shift of the driver under the condition of a warning sound was analyzed. Results shows fire alarms and voice commands can increase the mental load of drivers, but the degree of impact was not determined. Dynamic music does not affect the mental load of the driver. The fire alarm and dynamic music attracted the attention of the driver; conversely, as the voice command warns the driver to focus on safety, it did not impact the attention of the driver. The research results provide a scientific reference for the selection of warning sounds in expressway tunnels and new research ideas for the prevention of traffic injuries in expressway tunnels.
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Authors and Affiliations

Yao Xiao
Bo Liang
Tao Wang
Jiaan Niu
Shiyong He

  1. Chongqing Jiaotong University, School of Civil Engineering, Chongqing Rail Transit (Group) Co., Ltd, Xuefu Avenue 66, Nanan District, Chongqing, China
  2. Chongqing Jiaotong University, School of Civil Engineering, State Key Laboratory of Mountain Bridge and Tunnel Engineering, Xuefu Avenue 66, Nanan District, Chongqing, China
  3. Chongqing Industrial School, Hualongqiong, Yuzhong District, Chongqing, China
  4. Chongqing Jiaotong University, School of Civil Engineering, Xuefu Avenue 66, Nanan District, Chongqing, China
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Construction objects must be protected not only at the stage of their construction, but also during exploitation. Particular attention should be paid to objects included in the list of monuments. The Act on the Protection of Monuments and the Guardianship of Monuments states that any building that is important for history and science can become a heritage building and should therefore be preserved. The aim of this article was to improve the method of visual assessment of the technical condition of heritage buildings with the use of fuzzy logic. The improved method is to facilitate the comparison of assessments of the technical condition of a building performed at intervals specified in the regulations, often by different people. The research was conducted on the basis of technical expertise prepared for five examined buildings that were tenement houses entered in the register of monuments. The use of the visual method provides for the assessment of individual elements of the object by an expert and a verbal description of the elements using a five-point scale. A significant limitation of this method is uncertainty associated with the exact ranges of the acceptable values, as these ranges are subjective and depend on the opinion of an evaluator. The impact of this limitation can be reduced by applying fuzzy logic. In the fuzzy logic model, as input variables the following were applied; assessments of the technical condition of individual elements of the object (underground structure, load-bearing walls, ceilings, roof, other elements) and an integral indicator of the technical condition of the entire historic object, calculated as the output value.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marzena Lendo-Siwicka
Roman Trach
Katarzyna Pawluk
Grzegorz Wrzesiński
Ada Żochowska

  1. Warsaw University of Life Sciences-SGGW, Institute of Civil Engineering, ul. Nowoursynowska159, 02-776 Warsaw, Poland
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This study is aimed at investigating the functionality of Visual Performance Management (VPM), along with determining the necessary features such a method should demonstrate to be an effective and meaningful tool for the development of Lean Management in an organisation. Based on the analysis of a case study in a large manufacturing organisation, a crosscutting assessment of such a system was made, a literature review proves the lack of such a comprehensive study. Six critical features of VPM were identified, they are very practical and giving many interesting insights into studied Lean method. The view emerged from empirical investigated shows VPM as of the wider functionality then only visual information exchange methodology. The VPM serves as cascade information exchange system and has substantial potential to support employee’s participation.
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Authors and Affiliations

Wiesław Urban
Artur Zawadzki

  1. Bialystok University of Technology, Faculty of Management Engineering, Poland
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The aim of the study was to examine how the wording of a question about audio, visual and audiovisual stimuli can affect the assessment of the environment. The participants of the psychophysical experiments were asked to rate, on a numerical scale, audio and visual information both separately and together, combined into mixes. A set of questions was used for all the investigated audio, visual, and audio-visual stimuli. The participants were asked about the comfort or the discomfort caused by the perceived stimuli presented at three different sound levels.
The results show that there are no statistically significant differences between the assessment of comfort and discomfort associated with visual samples. Actually, the comfort and discomfort ratings are equivalent to the extent that a discomfort rating can be represented as the opposite to the comfort rating, i.e. the discomfort rating is equal to the 10 minus comfort rating.
In general, the results obtained for audio and audio-visual samples were the same, with only a few exceptions that were dependent on sound level. No statistically significant differences were found for the loudest stimuli, but there were some exceptions for the softener cases. Based on the results, we show that only for visual stimuli both scales are totally interchangeable. When presenting audio and audio-visual samples, only one scale should be applied – either discomfort or comfort, depending on the context and the character of the stimuli.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jan Felcyn
Anna Preis
Marcin Praszkowski
Małgorzata Wrzosek

  1. Department of Acoustics, Faculty of Physics, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland
  2. Institute of Philosophy, Szczecin University, Szczecin, Poland
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This study investigates listeners’ perceptual responses in audio-visual interactions concerning binaural spatial audio. Audio stimuli are coupled with or without visual cues to the listeners. The subjective test participants are tasked to indicate the direction of the incoming sound while listening to the audio stimulus via loudspeakers or headphones with the head-related transfer function (HRTF) plugin. First, the methodology assumptions and the experimental setup are described to the participants. Then, the results are presented and analysed using statistical methods. The results indicate that the headphone trials showed much higher perceptual ambiguity for the listeners than when the sound is delivered via loudspeakers. The influence of the visual modality dominates the audio-visual evaluation when loudspeaker playback is employed. Moreover, when the visual stimulus is present, the headphone playback pattern of behavior is not always in response to the loudspeaker playback.
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Authors and Affiliations

Bartłomiej Mróz
1 2
Bożena Kostek

  1. Multimedia Systems Department, Gdansk, Poland
  2. Audio Acoustics Laboratory, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics, Gdansk University of Technology, Gdansk, Poland

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