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Although formulaic expressions found in earlier correspondence have drawn scholarly attention, their (un)grammaticality has not been thoroughly researched. The present paper thus focuses on the two types of formulae with the verb remain found in private correspondence: one headed by 1st person pronoun (as in: we remain(s) your daughters), the other one starting with but/so/also/and/only (as in: but remain(s) your affectionate child until death). For the purpose of the study a corpus of 19th-century correspondence has been compiled and analyzed; additionally, the data from Dylewski (2013) have been taken into account. Next to the corpus scrutiny, an Internet search has been carried out to verify whether the use of the formulae at issue goes beyond the 19th century. An analysis from both a qualitative and quantitative angles allowed for putting forth a number of hypotheses concerning the origin of variation between -s-marked and unmarked forms as well as their distribution across letter-types and different geographical locations. The results of the analysis also corroborate the claim that -s on remain in the structures under discussion is neither a “part of the authentic local vernacular nor of authentic contemporary standard English, but part of a specifi c, localized practice of letter writing, which had its own linguistic rules” (Pietsch 2015: 226).
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Radosław Dylewski
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Joris-Karl Huysmans, one of the most prominent French writers of the turn of the twentieth century, began his literary career as a naturalist, a promising disciple of Emile Zola. He departed from these ideals in his best-known novel A rebours (1884), considered the “bible of decadence”. Its protagonist, the eccentric misanthrope des Esseintes, withdraws from society to indulge in contemplation in solitude, studying rare prints and seeking beauty in the singular. He appreciates the scandalising works of writers such as Barbey d,Aurevilly and Baudelaire. These authors have been accused of promoting satanism. Durtal, the protagonist of the novel Lă-bas, goes even further, in which we find contemporary echoes of satanism, attempts to revive the ritual of the black mass or a fascination with cruelty. Ultimately, however – and this is best evidenced in subsequent works ( En route, La Cathédrale, L,Oblat) satanism brings disillusionment. A return to the Christian religion, which Huysmans nevertheless interprets in an original way, becomes inevitable.
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Jan Tomkowski

  1. Instytut Badań Literackich PAN, Warszawa
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The article discusses the complex issues related to 19th-century reproductive prints. Its starting point is the oeuvre of Feliks Stanisław Jasiński, a Polish engraver who was mainly active in France. He specialized in reproductive prints of works of art, and is a relatively well- -known and researched figure in the history of Polish graphic arts. Outlining the context for his activities also becomes a contribution to reflections on the place of reproductive prints in 19th century artistic culture, as well as an attempt to define a framework for considering this type of graphic production. In citing various examples of modern reproductive graphics, its diversity is proven. Theses on the primacy of the criterion of “fidelity” and technological determination in the history of reproduction are rejected. Instead, the complex links between this field and various aspects of artistic culture are pointed out. Particular emphasis is placed on the links between the functions, form and production methods of such prints. Chief consideration is given to the type of reproductive graphics made by using traditional metal techniques, which apart from their informative functions, also performed important artistic functions, as evidenced by the described phenomena occurring within this field in the second half of the 19th century, and the accompanying written tradition, formed since the 18th century.
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Katarzyna Ubysz-Piasecka

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski
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In his article Author analyses two different approaches to Polish philosophy of the second half of the 19th century represented by Tadeusz Kroński and Andrzej Walicki.
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Ryszard Sitek
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“The Unsleeping Eye” is one of the frequent themes of Ukrainian domestic icons in the 19th century. The little Jesus is resting on the cross lying on the ground, and next to him there are the instruments of the Passion. His closed eyes indicate sleep (death?) after the crucifixion, and the arma passionis emphasize the Passion contents. A late medieval Byzantine theme with deep and complex symbolism, called in Greek άναπεσών (Anapeson) constitutes the origin of this representation. The main idea of this picture grows from the parallel of the lion – Christ, described in the fourth‑century Greek Physiologist. The article shows how the theme, which arose within Byzantine intellectual circles, in gradually changing its form, content and purpose, settled down in the art of the common people.
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Adamovich O.V., Stylistyka іkon “Nedrіmanne oko” na materialakh kolektsii Natsionalnoho Kyevo-Pecherskoho istoryko-kulturnoho zapovidnyka, [v:] Obraz Khrysta v ukrainskii kulturi, Kyiv 2003.
Bakalova E., Stenopisite na tsʹrkvata pri selo Ђerende, Sofie 1976.
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Bohomolets O., Domashni ikony tsentralnoi Ukrainy, Kyiv 2008.
Bogyay T., Deesis, w: Lexikon der christlichen Ikonographie, hrsg. H. von Engelbert Kirschbaum, B. 1, Freiburg im Breisgau u. a. 1968, szp. 494‑499.
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Kondakov N.P., Litsevoy ikonopisnyy podlinnik, t. 1, Ikonografiya Gospoda Boga nashego Iisusa Khrista, Sankt Peterburg” (reprint wydania z 1905).
Kondratyuk A.Yu., Stіnopis tserkvi Spasa na Berestovі 40‑rokіv XVII stolіttya; gіpotezi, problematika y perspektivi doslіdzhennya, «Lavrsʹkiy Alʹmanakh» 2008, t. 20.
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Lykhach L., Kornienko M., Ukrainian folk icons from the land of Shevchenko, Kyїv 2000.
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Agnieszka Gronek

  1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie
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The statutes of the community Association for the Establishment and Maintenance of Early Childcare Facilities ( Verein zur Errichtung und Erhaltung von Klein-Kinder-Bewahr- Anstalten) dating to 1870 underlines the goal behind the activity of the organisation: the provision of appropriate day care to children aged from 2 to 7 years during the time when their unwealthy parents work. In compliance with the guidelines of the authorities of the Association, the staff of the facilities shaped the moral attitudes of the children, educated them, taught them hygiene habits, and provided them with a good start to subsequent stages of their school education by conducting classes. Towards the end of the 1860s, the four Facilities – located in the Old Town (as of 1839), in the Lower Town (as of 1844), in the Old Suburbs (as of 1848) and on the edge of the Main Town (as of 1858) – provided care to about 700 little children. The Association activated the inhabitants of Gdansk – not only the ones actively participating in the work of the organisation, but also the ones providing financial support and support in kind. What should be stressed is the involvement of women in the activity: they were not only members of the Association, but, in line with the 1870 Statutes – which was exceptional in the social realities of the time – could sit on the Governing Council ( Verwaltungs-Rath), and even (in one case) on the Board ( Vorstand).
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Ewa Barylewska-Szymańska
1 2

  1. Muzeum Gdańska
  2. Instytut Historii Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Zakład Dziejów Pomorza
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This paper presents two photographs referred to as pannotypes (from the Latin word pannus) from an album of photographs. It discusses the history of the pannotype technique, which was popular in the 1850s and 1860s in photography ateliers all over the world (it presents a review of materials and substances used in this technique and the transferring of the negative layer onto a black, flexible substrate). Pannotype is one of the most interesting techniques used in the 19th century. The paper then discusses the Kórnik photographs, the people they show, and their dimensions and structural features. Some conservation-related remarks on the susceptibility of precious objects of this type to damage also follow.
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Tomasz Kozielec
Marta Nalaskowska

  1. Katedra Konserwacji - Restauracji Papieru i Skóry, Wydział Sztuk Pięknych UMK
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The article examines the relationship between the lyrics and prose of Mieczysław Romanowski, the most talented poet of the last generation of the Romantics, and the work of other contributors of the weekly magazine Dziennik Literacki, published in Lwów between 1852 and 1870. Although their concerns and poetics have a lot in common, the high tone of Romanowski’s patriotic art is distinctly his own. In this article the analysis of his poetry is complemented by an examination of his essays and other writings which contain his views on contemporary social issues.

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Magdalena Chołojczyk
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This article examines the occasional verse published by the daily Czas [Time] in 1864–1879, i.e. over a decade and a half after the suppression of the January Rising. These texts, which feature both solemn occasions and local ephemera, present us with a unique chronicle of life of Cracow and its environs. In addition to listing all the relevant texts, the article attempts to identify their authors, i.e. unlock their initials or pseudonyms, to outline the conventions and genological peculiarities of that verse, and to gauge the attitudes of the Cracovians towards the question of Poland’s independence, Romanticism, patriotism as well as some well-known authority figures.

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Dorota Samborska-Kukuć
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The aim of the article is to present a Polish example of revitalization activities in the „recovered” areas in the city. The process described concerns the Garrison in Gdańsk Wrzeszcz. These areas were formerly occupied by the army, now for several years they have been carrying out construction works aimed at creating a comprehensive residential and service complex with a wide range of accompanying services. The revitalization of this area makes it possible to incorporate it into strongly urbanized city tissue. The location in the center of one of the main districts of the city, very good transport connections make it an attractive location for residents and entrepreneurs. The article refers to other implementations of this type of actions, stressing that the successful revitalization of the former military barracks in Gdańsk is to a relatively large extent carried out with respect for the existing historical tissue. The presented historical outline of the analyzed area makes it possible to get acquainted with its former character and its infl uence on contemporary design decisions. The methods of forming attractive urban spaces have been indicated.

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Michał Kwasek
Karol Grębowski
Jarosław Przewłócki
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The author analyses the history of scientific and public discourses growing around the phenom-enon of Głuchoniemcy (Deaf‑Germans) in Poland. In the literature, this term refers to the des-cendants of the German‑speaking colonists who settled in the Polish‑Ruthenian border in the mid‑fourteenth century. The history of interest in this phenomenon from the eighteenth to the twentieth century reflects the cultural changes and social tensions over time. These descendants of the German‑speaking colonists living in the Carpathian Foothills were mentioned for the first time in the eighteenth and beginning of the nineteenth century as a regional phenomenon of cultural diversity. In the era of Romanticism, when the importance of national identity in Europe grew, so‑called Deaf Germans were portrayed as fully assimilated Polish settlers with only relics refer-ring to German culture. At the end of the nineteenth century, after the publication of Józef Szujski, they became the subject of a political debate and were placed in the context of peasant history. Finally, the socio‑political situation of the interwar period led to the term “Głuchoniemcy” being removed from scientific and public discourses for many decades. After World War II, the absence of the topic became permanent, still directly related to the Polish‑German antagonism that set the directions of scientific interests of ethnographers and historians in Poland. The article tries to answer the question about the course of these changes in the perception of Deaf Germans by looking for external causes as well as those resulting from the nature of the subject of interest.
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Marta Raczyńska-Kruk

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski
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The article applies postcolonial approaches to economic discourses in regard to Habsburg Galicia at the turn from the 18th to the 19th century, focusing on the reform discourses of the state bureaucracy, the Galician landlords and the Polish national movement with regard to serfdom and agrarian reform. Making use of Said’s concept of “orientalism”, the article’s main section is dedicated to the analysis of how the definition and construction of peasants as social actors influenced reforms of serfdom until it was finally abolished in course of the revolution of 1848. Here, several different simultaneous narratives, as well as varying positions in the course of time can be observed, where cultural differences were overlapping with social cleavages. Thus, a polycentric, but not polyvalent approach of power and rule could help deconstructing or at least questioning binary dichotomies, in the way that hegemony is always dependent on a complex web of political, social and economic relations in a spatial context.

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Klemens Kaps
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In this interpretation of Juliusz Słowacki's ‘Snycerz był zatrudniony Dyjanny lepieniem…’ [The carver was busy shaping Diana's statue] the discussion focuses on his attitude to matter, especially as the material of art. The article argues that Słowacki elevates and even sacralises mud, the most lowly of raw materials, and thus exposes the falseness of the popular view that he despises matter, the base opposite of the spirit. However, it would be more accurate to say that in his vision, which is part of his Genesis from the Spirit philosophy, the path to salvation leads through the reconciliation of spirit and matter rather than a triumph of one over the other.
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Anna Rzepniewska-Kosińska

  1. Zakład Literatury Romantyzmu Instytutu Literatury Polskiej, Uniwersytet Warszawski
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On 31 July 1834 Juliusz Słowacki in the company of the Wodziński family set off from Geneva on a tour of Switzerland. He completed the first leg of journey on the same day in Bex, a village to the south‑east of Lac Leman. The following day the party visited Bex's famous salt mine and Słowacki wrote a laconic account of their excursion to the bowels of the earth in a letter to his mother. With the help of contemporary travel guides and the accounts of other travelers it is possible to fill the details of that trip. After exiting the mine, the party made their way south to Martigny.
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Wojciech Tomasik

  1. prof. dr hab., Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy
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This article examines Bolesław Prus's use of futurology and utopia in his short story Phantoms (Widziadła). A closer look at the story's images and their sequence not only gives us an insight into the author's philosophy of history but also reveals a utopian vision which can hardly be squared with the realism of his previous work. Thus ‘Widziadła’, written in 1911, can be seen as an important piece of evidence of a change in the writer's beliefs and worldview. It was at that late stage of his life that Prus, a hard-nosed realist and critic of the Romantics, turned into an impassioned idealist who, disillusioned with the world around him, sought refuge in literature. It was to be, however, a fiction like ‘Widziadła’, looking beyond the conventions of realism, unashamedly eclectic and visionary.

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Kamil Barski
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This article presents the results of a search aimed at identifying the original publication details of Maria Konopnicka's reportages included in Ludzie i rzeczy ( People and Things), a book of her short stories and journalism published in 1898. It has been found that “Na kwiatowej giełdzie” (The Flower Festival [in Nice]) was published in Kurier Warszawski, 1893, No. 103–104; “Akwileja” (Aquileia [Italy]) in Kurier Warszawski, 1895, No. 103, pp. 5–6, while “Po drodze” (On the way [Admont Abbey, Austria]) was originally published in Wędrowiec, 1892 (No. 46–50), and “Chryzantemy” (Chrysanthe-mums) in Kurier Warszawski, 1894, No. 1. A discussion of the motif of flowers and flower shows is based on these and Konopnicka's other texts. In her work flowers functioned as a visual representation of thought, which enabled her to establish a connection between nature, human beings and culture (whose development was conditioned by the economy).
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Tadeusz Budrewicz

  1. Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. KEN w Krakowie
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This article is intended as an updated addendum to the history of the reception of Jakub Szela, leader of the peasant uprising in Galicia in 1846, in Franciszek Ziejka’s Złota legenda chłopów polskich [ The Golden Legend of Polish Peasants], published in 1984. It seems that practically all of the accounts of the bloody events of 1846 follow either of two master narratives distinguished by their characteristic patterns of sidetracking and omissions. The two narratives also differ in their contrarian ideological leanings and aesthetic sensitivity. Another important observation concerns the congruence of the narrative written by the gentry and the traditional national history, and a similar congruence of the peasant narrative with the approach of social history.
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Iwona Węgrzyn

  1. Wydział Polonistyki Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Kraków
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Twentieth-century historians of Polish literature (e.g. Henryk Markiewicz and Grażyna Borkowska) unanimously agree that Waleria Marrené-Morzkowska was at best a second-rank writer. It seems that such negative opinions are founded, fi rst of all, on the critics’ low view of her favourite genre, the popular romance; and secondly on a critical survey of her work written in 1966 by Irena Wyczańska for a multivolume Guide to Polish Literature of the 19th and 20th Century (Obraz literatury polskiej XIX i XX wieku). This article attempts to revise the established view of her fiction by analyzing some of works, i.e. two novels, Leonora’s Husband (Mąż Leonory, 1883) and The Little Blue Book (Błękitna książeczka, 1876), and the short story A Duplex Woman (Dwoista, 1889). This reappraisal draws on the favourable assessments of her work of the first generation of her readers, among them writer Teodor Jeske-Choiński, literary historian Henryk Galle and Piotr Chmielowski, a leading literary scholar of the late 19th century. In their view her work rose above the level of run-of-the-mill romances and didactic fi ction thanks to her skill in combining the conventions of the realist novel with plots of popular romance.

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Aleksandra E. Banot
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Gabriela Matuszek-Stec

  1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków
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This article deals with the ephemeral magazine Strumień [ The Stream], which represents an all but forgotten chapters in the history of Warsaw modernism. Launched by Wacław Gąsiorowski in 1900, this artistic and literary periodical was inspired by the success of the illustrated weekly Życie [ Life], published since 1897 in Cracow. Aimed primarily at a small elite readership, Strumień was plagued from its inception by financial difficulties. As a result, it had to close down after a few months and made its mark primarily as a target of jokes in Warsaw satirical press.
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● Bąbiak G., Bibliografia zawartości „Życia" warszawskiego i krakowskiego, „Strumienia" oraz „Chimery", Warszawa 2000.
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Magdalena Sadlik

  1. Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
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This articles explores the life and work of Elżbieta Glaize Walkerowa, a forgotten poet from the early19th century and owner of a girls’ boarding school in Lwów. Hitherto unknown archival sources, which have been used to reconstruct her biography, reveal that she was a close relative of François Glaize, Poland's most eminent tapestry-weaver, with connections to the House of Działyński (the Trojanów branch). The second part the article focuses on Elżbieta Glaize's 1801 debut poetry volume Pierwiastki mojej muzy [ Elements of My Muse]. The poems, written in the sentimental style which was in fashion at that time, represent the sensitivity and worldview of a young woman who, having been raised in a home steeped in literary culture, was keen to showcase her own literary ambition.
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Dorota Samborska-Kukuć

  1. Instytut Filologii Polskiej i Logopedii, Wydział Filologiczny Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
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Tomasz Zan was one of the leaders of the Philomatic Association, a secret student organization that existed from 1817 to 1823 at the Imperial University of Wilno (Vilnius). This article deals with his autobiographical novel made up of letters he wrote between 1815 and 1823. As the assembled letters do not follow the author’s life in chronological order, the text has be read outside the formal categories of an autobiographical record, with due attention to the poetics of the fragment. Moreover, the textual narrator is not always a representative of the author. The occasional use of a persona suggests that the letters are not underpinned by a consistent and well-defined narrative “I”. It seems that in so far as Zan’s identity inscribed in the text appears fuzzy or disparate, its accurate reconstruction would not be possible without an analysis of the tropological system of his letters.
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Martyna Olejniczak

  1. Wydział Filologii Polskiej i Klasycznej, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu (Szkoła Doktorska Nauk o Języku i Literaturze)
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Galicia’s autonomous status was in fact a doubletrack affair. On the one hand Galicia became a shining example of freedom and autonomy, embedded in the new constitutional order of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, while on the other hand it was tied down to a monarchical absolutism which offered only limited protection of individual rights. The press in particular was caught in the dilemmas produced by this situation, especially in the sensitive areas of political loyalty and religion.

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Elżbieta A. Maj
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This article examines the editorial work of Ignacy Szydłowski, who was in charge of Wizerunki i Roztrząsania Naukowe [ Scholarly Profiles and Research], a highbrow literary and historical magazine published between 1834 and 1843 by Zawadzki Brothers, Wilno's leading publisher and bookseller company. The periodical holds an important place in the history of Polish Lithuanian learned journals in the 19th century and provides the focus of the final phase of Ignacy Szydłowski's intellectual biography. The article detects a notable parallel between the evolution of Szydłowski's aesthetic views and changes in the character of the magazine he edited.
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Paulina Podolska

  1. Instytut Polonistyki i Dziennikarstwa, Uniwersytet Rzeszowski, al. Rejtana 16c, PL 35-59 Rzeszów

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