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Notes about a handbook of Italian grammar by a Croatian philologist Dragutin Antun Parčić – A handbook of Italian grammar, written in Croatian by Croatian philologist Parčić, confirms that in the past educated Croatian-speaking people were bilingual and at the same time it proves that lower classes aimed to study Italian as well. The paper analyses the functionality and appropriateness of topics presented in the Parčić manuscript because it is obvious that the author was keen to help his Croatian-speaking students in the acquisition of Italian.

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Vesna Deželjin
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In this article, we attempt to examine how the issue of double‑auxiliary verbs, that is, verbs that can be conjugated – in compound tenses – with both avere and essere as auxiliaries, are presented in Italian grammar books for foreign language learners. We will focus in particular on 1) verbs that can be both transitive and intransitive (e.g., ho cominciato un nuovo lavoro vs le vacanze sono cominciate); 2) verbs expressing atmospheric phenomenon ( ha/è nevicato); 3) verbs of movement (e.g., sono volato a Roma vs ho volato diverse volte); 4) verbs that use two auxiliaries indifferently (e.g., ha/è assomigliato); and 5) verbs that change meaning depending on the auxiliary verb used in the compound tense (e.g., ho calzato gli sci vs è calzato a pennello). Our analysis is carried out on 19 grammar textbooks for Italian language referring to the CEFR, highlighting some weaknesses regarding the presentation of the rules for double‑auxiliary verbs, such as the total omission of this issue, a certain selectivity and/or disorder, as well as terminological inconsistencies. In our conclusions, we propose some solutions that may help to systematize the rules regarding double‑auxiliary verbs in Italian.
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1. BONFATTI SABBIONI, M. T. (2013): “Un approccio linguistico all’insegnamento dell’Italiano come lingua seconda”, Italica, 90/1, 95–116.
2. BOZZO, D. (2018): “Essere o avere? La selezione dell’ausiliare tra teoria e didattica nell’insegnamento dell’italiano a stranieri”, Italica Wratislaviensia, 9/2, 55–80. DOI: http://
3. FERRARI, A./ ZAMPESE, L. (2016): Grammatica: parole, frasi, testi dell’italiano, Carocci, Roma.
4. IVANOVSKA-NASKOVA, R. (2018): “L’insegnamento della grammatica dell’italiano LS attraverso corpora”, Italica Wratislaviensia, 9/1, 71–87. DOI:
5. KARCZEWSKA, M. (2015): “Auxiliary verbs in compound tenses in Italian and German: A comparative study”, Studia Linguistica, 34, 61–74.
6. KILGARRIFF, A./ BAISA, V. et al. (2014): “The Sketch Engine: ten years on”, Lexicography, 1, 7–36.
7. PAOLI, M. (2016): “Entrare, uscire, salire e scendere: transitivi a furor di popolo?”, disponibile on line: furor-di-popolo/1047.
8. ROCCHETTI A. (1987), “’Sono’ ou ‘Ho vissuto’? L’emploi des auxiliaires avec les verbes intransitifs”, Chroniques italiennes, 11/12 (3/4), 161–171.
9. SALVI, G. (2001): “La frase semplice”, in: RENZO, L./ SALVI, G./ CARDINALETTI, A. (a cura di): Grande grammatica italiana di consultazione. Vol. I. La Frase. I sintagmi nominale e preposizionale, il Mulino, Bologna, 37–127.
10. SALVI, G./ VANELLI, L. (2004): Nuova grammatica italiana, il Mulino, Bologna.
11. SANTI, M. (2006): “Inaccusatività (intransitività scissa)”, Quaderni del Laboratorio di Linguistica, 6, 1–15.
12. SATTA, L. S. (1981), La prima scienza. Grammatica italiana per il biennio delle scuole medie superiori, Messina‑Firenze, D’Anna.
13. SENSINI, M. (1997): La grammatica della lingua italiana, Mondadori, Milano.
14. TRIFONE, P./ PALERMO, M. (2007): Grammatica italiana di base, Bologna, Zanichelli.
15. ZAMBORLIN, C. (2005): “Essere o avere? Oltre le regole tradizionali per comprendere la selezione dell’ausiliare nel passato prossimo. Applicazione glottodidattica delle nozioni di ruolo semantico e di verbo inaccusativo”, in: Insegnare Italiano in Giappone, Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Tokyo, 39–72.

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Anna Grochowska-Reiter
Daniel Słapek

  1. Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza, Poznań
  2. Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków
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The acquisition of the definite article by LS/L2 Italian learners represents a very delicate issue, on the one hand, in relation to the mother tongue and other known languages and, on the other, to the range of uses of this part of the discussion (among others, cf. Chini 1995a; Pallotti 1998). The research is exploratory, and the results allow us to examine a sector of applied linguistics and language teaching that is still little investigated (Krámský 2016).
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Paolo Nitti

  1. Università degli Studi dell’Insubria
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Traces of the idea of verbal valency structure in nineteenth-century grammars – This paper aims to show how K.F. Beckers’s notion of “subjektive” and “objektive Verben” (i.e. those always used with an “ergänzende Objekt”, a ‘completive object’) is a rough forerunner to the modern idea of dependency grammar. In Italy, this theoretical core was assumed by Raffaello Lambruschini in 1840 (and, after him, by the basic school grammar La grammatica del mio Felicino written by Ulisse Poggi, 1865, 18722), but with a huge trivialisation: subjective verbs were identified with intransitive verbs and objective verbs with transitive ones.

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Roberta Cella

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