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The reflection proposed in this article starts from the realities of the border and the sea, and from the problematic meaning they assumed in the frame of the city of Fiume (Rijeka) in the early twentieth century. The main goal is to explore how in the work of Enrico Morovich, an Italian writer coming from Fiume who had to personally and tragically experience war and exile, the border and the sea act as devices of literary creation, providing models of humorous reversal (the border) and symmetrical thinking (the sea). The analysis will focus in particular on the following works by Morovich: Cronache vicine e lontane (1981), La nostalgia del mare (1981), Un italiano di Fiume (1994).
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1. BACHTIN, M. M. (1979): “Autor i geroj v èstetičeskoj dejatel’nosti”, in ID.: Èstetika slovesnogo tvončestva, pod redaktsiyey S. G. Bočarov/S. S. Averincev, Iskusstvo, Moskva, 9–192.
2. ID. (1988): “L’autore e l’eroe nell’attività estetica”, in: ID.: L’autore e l’eroe. Teoria letteraria e scienze umane, a cura e trad. it. di C. STRADA JANOVIČ, Einaudi, Torino, 5–187.
3. BELLABARBA, M. (2014a): L’impero asburgico, Il Mulino, Bologna.
4. ID. (2014b): “Un impero multinazionale nella guerra delle nazioni. Lo strano caso dell’impero asburgico”, Studium, 110/6, 830–840.
5. BORONI, C. (2015): “Prefazione” a: MOROVICH, E.: I racconti per il “Giornale di Brescia”, a cura di C. BORONI, La Compagnia della Stampa Massetti Rodella Editori, Brescia, 13–57.
6. CIMADOR, G. (2018): “Bruno Maier: forme, categorie, aspetti del comico”, Archeografo Triestino, Serie IV, vol. LXXVIII (CXXVI della Raccolta), Trieste, 179–253.
7. D’ALESSANDRO, L. (2014): Mediterraneo crocevia di storia e culture: un caleidoscopio di immagini, Harmattan Italia, Torino.
8. MATTE BLANCO, I. (1975): The unconscious as infinite sets. An essay in bi‑logic, Duckworth, London.
9. MATVEJEVIĆ, P. (2006): Breviario del Mediterraneo, trad. it. di S. Ferrari, Garzanti, Milano.
10. MOROVICH, E. (1981a): Cronache vicine e lontane, San Marco dei Giustiniani, Genova.
11. ID. (1981b): La nostalgia del mare, Unimedia, Genova.
12. ID. (1985): Racconti di Fiume e altre cose, Compagnia dei Librai, Genova.
13. ID. (1988): Miracoli quotidiani, Sellerio, Palermo.
14. ID. (1994): Un italiano di Fiume, Rusconi, Milano.
15. ID. (2014): “Per una storia di Fiume”, Fiume. Rivista di studi adriatici, 29, 3–30.
16. MOROVICH, E./ VERDINO, S. (1990): Intervista a Enrico Morovich. Realizzata dal professor Stefano Verdino 21 novembre 1990, a cura della Provincia di Genova, Fondazione Mario Novaro, s.n., Genova, I:; II: https://www.; III: sYE7rk; IV:
17. ROMBI, B. (1997): Morovich oltre i confini, Editrice Liguria, Savona.
18. STELLI, G. (a cura di) (2006): Fiume, crocevia di popoli e culture, Atti del convegno internazionale, Roma, 27 ottobre 2005, Società di studi fiumani, Roma.

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Authors and Affiliations

Novella Di Nunzio

  1. Vilniaus Universitetas, Vilnius
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Plastic pollution in the hydrosphere ranks among the most pervasive environmental issues since the inception of the plastic industry and its widespread use in our daily lives. Nowadays, numerous countries worldwide suffer from this pollution not only along coastlines but also in deep-sea ecosystems. Our study carried out in the Gulf of Annaba aims to assess the prevalence and spatial distribution of plastic waste. Sampling was conducted at four coastal sites: El Battah, Seybousse, Rizzi Amor, and Ain Achir, both before and after the Covid-19 pandemic. The results reveal varying rates of macro and microplastic contamination, influenced by geographical differences, urban activities, and hydrodynamic factors. Moreover, the proportions of contamination depend on the types of waste. Furthermore, our study showed a clear divergence, particularly in two periods before and after the pandemic. Due to the lockdown, implemented in 2020, there was a marked decrease in the percentage of sediment plastic pollution, attributed to reduced human activity and partial cessation of industrial operations in these areas.
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Lakbar Chanez
Djennane Rania
Trea Fouzia
Samar Faouzi
Ouali Kheireddine

  1. Laboratory of Environmental Biosurveillance, Badji Mokhtar University, BP 12 Sidi Amar, Annaba 23000, Algeria
  2. University Chadli Bendjedid, El Tarf 36000, Algeria

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