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The paper is concerned with issues of the estimation of random variable distribution parameters by the Monte Carlo method. Such quantities can correspond to statistical parameters computed based on the data obtained in typical measurement situations. The subject of the research is the mean, the mean square and the variance of random variables with uniform, Gaussian, Student, Simpson, trapezoidal, exponential, gamma and arcsine distributions.

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Sergiusz Sienkowski
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The aim of the paper is to point out that the Monte Carlo simulation is an easy and flexible approach when it comes to forecasting risk of an asset portfolio. The case study presented in the paper illustrates the problem of forecasting risk arising from a portfolio of receivables denominated in different foreign currencies. Such a problem seems to be close to the real issue for enterprises offering products or services on several foreign markets. The changes in exchange rates are usually not normally distributed and, moreover, they are always interdependent. As shown in the paper, the Monte Carlo simulation allows for forecasting market risk under such circumstances.

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Jan Kaczmarzyk
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The paper presents the results of laboratory tests of SCB (semi-circular beam) samples of asphalt concrete, subjected to the destructive effect of water and frost as well as the aging processes. The determined values of material parameters show significant dispersions, which makes the design of mixtures difficult. Statistical analysis of the test results supplemented by computer simulations made with the use of the proprietary FEM model was carried out. The main distinguishing feature of the model is the assignment of material parameters of coarse aggregate and bituminous mortar to randomly selected finite elements. The parameters of the mortar are selected by trial and error to match the numerical results to the experimental ones. The stiffness modulus of the bituminous mortar is, therefore, a substitute parameter, taking into account the influence of many factors, including material degradation resulting from the aging and changing environmental conditions, the influence of voids, and contact between the aggregate and the bituminous mortar. The use of the Monte Carlo method allows to reflect the scattering of the results obtained based on laboratory tests. The computational algorithm created in the ABAQUS was limited only to the analysis of the global mechanical bending response of the SCB sample, without mapping the failure process in detail. The combination of the results of laboratory tests usually carried out on a limited number of samples and numerical simulations provide a sufficiently large population of data to carry out a reliable statistical analysis, and to estimate the reliability of the material designed.
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Authors and Affiliations

Cezary Szydłowski
Łukasz Smakosz
Marcin Stienss
Jarosław Górski

  1. Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Department of Highway and Transportation Engineering, 11/12 Gabriela Narutowicza Street, 80-233 Gdansk, Poland
  2. Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Department of Structural Mechanics, 11/12 Gabriela Narutowicza Street, 80-233 Gdansk, Poland
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Improvements of modern manufacturing techniques implies more efficient production but also new challenges for coordinate metrologists. The crucial task here is a coordinate measurement accuracy assessment. It is important because according to technological requirements, measurements are useful only when they are stated with their accuracy. Currently used methods for the measurements accuracy estimation are difficult to implement and time consuming. It is therefore important to implement correct and validated methods that will also be easy to implement. The method presented in this paper is one of them. It is an on-line accuracy estimation method based on the virtual CMM idea. A model is built using a modern LaserTracer system and a common test sphere and its implementation lasts less than one day. Results obtained using the presented method are comparable to results of commonly used uncertainty estimation methods which proves its correct functioning. Its properties predispose it to be widely used both in laboratory and industrial conditions.

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Jerzy Sładek
Adam Gąska
Magdalena Olszewska
Robert Kupiec
Marcin Krawczyk
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When an artificial neural network is used to determine the value of a physical quantity its result is usually presented without an uncertainty. This is due to the difficulty in determining the uncertainties related to the neural model. However, the result of a measurement can be considered valid only with its respective measurement uncertainty. Therefore, this article proposes a method of obtaining reliable results by measuring systems that use artificial neural networks. For this, it considers the Monte Carlo Method (MCM) for propagation of uncertainty distributions during the training and use of the artificial neural networks.

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Rodrigo Coral
Carlos A. Flesch
Cesar A. Penz
Mauro Roisenberg
Antonio L.S. Pacheco
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The purpose of this study is to identify relationships between the values of the fluidity obtained by computer simulation and by an experimental test in the horizontal three-channel mould designed in accordance with the Measurement Systems Analysis. Al-Si alloy was a model material. The factors affecting the fluidity varied in following ranges: Si content 5 wt.% – 12 wt.%, Fe content 0.15 wt.% – 0.3wt. %, the pouring temperature 605°C-830°C, and the pouring speed 100 g · s–1 – 400 g · s–1. The software NovaFlow&Solid was used for simulations. The statistically significant difference between the value of fluidity calculated by the equation and obtained by experiment was not found. This design simplifies the calculation of the capability of the measurement process of the fluidity with full replacement of experiments by calculation, using regression equation.

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P. Futáš
J. Petrík
A. Pribulová
P. Blaško
P. Palfy
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This paper identifies and describes the parameters of a numerical model generating the microstructure in the integrated heating-remelting-cooling process of steel specimens. The numerical model allows the heating-remelting-cooling process to be simulated comprehensively. The model is based on the Monte Carlo (MC) method and the finite element method (FEM), and works within the entire volume of the steel sample, contrary to previous studies, in which calculations were carried out for selected, relatively small areas. Experimental studies constituting the basis for the identification and description of model parameters such as: probability function, initial number of orientations, number of cells and number of MC steps were carried out using the Gleeble 3800 thermo-mechanical simulator. The use of GPU capabilities improved the performance of the numerical model and significantly reduced the simulation time. Thanks to the significant acceleration of simulation times, it became possible to comprehensively implement a numerical model of the heating-transformation-cooling process in the entire volume of the test sample. The paper is supplemented by results of performance tests of the numerical model and results of simulation tests.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marcin Hojny
Przemysław Marynowski
Tomasz Dębiński
D. Cedzidło

  1. AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland
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This work proposes a systematic assessment of measuring type A uncertainty (caused by random errors) used in RF power sensor calibration. To reduce A type uncertainty, several successive measurements are repeated. The uncertainty arises from repeatability errors in connectors caused by changes in their electrical properties during repeated mating. The suitability of the METAS UncLib software was analysed and we concluded that software should be developed to take into account the shape of probability density function (PDF) using a Monte Carlo method (MCM), which was lacking in METAS UncLib. The self-developed software was then tested on an example taken from the literature and the superiority of the MCM over the analytical method (GUM) was confirmed. During the calibration of the RF sensor using a vector network analyzer (VNA), a series of repeated measurements were performed and, after applying our MCM software, it was found that the measurement uncertainties calculated by the MCM method were several times larger than those by the GUM. The reason for this was that the correlation between the measured input quantities was not taken into account. When this was done using a covariance matrix and assuming a normal PDF of the input quantities, the results obtained with the GUM and the MCM converged. Our main objective was to investigate the influence of the PDF shape of the input measurement samples on the measurement uncertainty. Taking more than a dozen measurements is too costly, on the other hand, the small sample size prevents a reliable determination of the PDF shape. Finally, to overcome this inconvenience, we have developed a special method that uses the histograms of standardized input data taken at all measurement frequencies under fixed conditions without disconnecting the connectors, to increasing the total number of results which were needed to create the PDF histograms of input quantities.
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Marek Jaworski
Jarosław Szatkowski
Tomasz Kossek

  1. National Institute of Telecommunications (NIT), Warsaw, Poland
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The paper presents a multi-scale mathematical model dedicated to a comprehensive simulation of resistance heating combined with the melting and controlled cooling of steel samples. Experiments in order to verify the formulated numerical model were performed using a Gleeble 3800 thermo-mechanical simulator. The model for the macro scale was based upon the solution of Fourier-Kirchhoff equation as regards predicting the distribution of temperature fields within the volume of the sample. The macro scale solution is complemented by a functional model generating voluminal heat sources, resulting from the electric current flowing through the sample. The model for the micro-scale, concerning the grain growth simulation, is based upon the probabilistic Monte Carlo algorithm, and on the minimization of the system energy. The model takes into account the forming mushy zone, where grains degrade at the melting stage – it is a unique feature of the micro-solution. The solution domains are coupled by the interpolation of node temperatures of the finite element mesh (the macro model) onto the Monte Carlo cells (micro model). The paper is complemented with examples of resistance heating results and macro- and micro-structural tests, along with test computations concerning the estimation of the range of zones with diverse dynamics of grain growth.

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Authors and Affiliations

M. Hojny
M. Głowacki
P. Bała
W. Bednarczyk
W. Zalecki
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When studying porous materials, most acoustical and geometrical parameters can be affected by the presence of uncertainties, which can reduce the robustness of models and techniques using these parameters. Hence, there is a need to evaluate the effect of these uncertainties in the case of modeling acoustic problems. Among these evaluation methods, the Monte Carlo simulation is considered a benchmark for studying the propagation of uncertainties in theoretical models. In the present study, this method is applied to a theoretical model predicting the acoustic behavior of a porous material located in a duct element to evaluate the impact of each input error on the computation of the acoustic proprieties such as the reflection and transmission coefficients as well as the acoustic power attenuation and the transmission loss of the studied element. Two analyses are conducted; the first one leads to the evaluation of the impacts of error propagation of each acoustic parameter (resistivity, porosity, tortuosity, and viscous and thermal length) through the model using a Monte Carlo simulation. The second analysis presents the effect of propagating the uncertainties of all parameters together. After the simulation of the uncertainties, the 95% confidence intervals and the maximum and minimum errors of each parameter are computed. The obtained results showed that the resistivity and length of the porous material have a great influence on the acoustic outputs of the studied model (transmission and reflection coefficients, transmission loss, and acoustic power attenuation). At the same time, the other physical parameters have a small impact. In addition, the acoustic power attenuation is the acoustic quantity least impacted by the input uncertainties.
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Authors and Affiliations

Hanen Hannachi
1 2
Hassen Trabelsi
Marwa Kani
1 2
Mohamed Taktak
3 4
Mabrouk Chaabane
Mohamed Haddar

  1. Laboratory of Mechanics, Modeling and Productivity (LA2MP), National School of Engineers of Sfax, University of Sfax, Sfax, Tunisia
  2. Faculty of Science of Sfax, University of Sfax, Sfax, Tunisia
  3. Laboratory of Mechanics, Modeling and Productivity (LA2MP), National School of Engineers of Sfax, University of Sfax, Tunisia
  4. Faculty of Sciences of Sfax, University of Sfax, Tunisia
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This paper presents the results of developing a methodology for assessing and predicting the technical condition of boiler plants and steam turbines. The proposed method is based on generalized experimental data on failures to predict the damage of the principal elements and components of thermal power plants by Monte-Carlo simulation. The proposed method considers the complexity of technological processes, turnaround time, failure rate, and condition of the residual metal life. It allows developing approaches to assessing each element’s safety to obtain a reliable and representative sample of failure statistics to reliability assessment of boilers and steam turbines of thermal power plants. According to the results, the probability of failure operation of steam boilers and turbines is 0.037 in the 100 MW conditions. The obtained results can be used to create predictive models that provide approaches to prolonging the operational state of elements of boiler plants and steam turbines of thermal power plants. It can be used in the implementation of projects of digital energy systems for monitoring and diagnostics of the main power equipment of thermal power plants.
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Authors and Affiliations

Makhsud Mansurovich Sultanov
Stepan Anatolyevich Griga
Maksim Sergeevich Ivanitckii
Anatoly Alekseevich Konstantinov

  1. National Research University MPEI, Krasnokazarmennaya 17, Moscow, 111250 Russia
  2. PJSC “Mosenergo”, Vernadsky Avenue 101/3, Moscow, 119526 Russia
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Photoelectrical characteristics of scanning IR detectors with implemented time delay and integration mode are analyzed. A new “shifted cellular” layout of photosensitive elements in the FPA structure is proposed. Advantages of the new FPA configuration in terms of threshold sensitivity for small-size/point objects are demonstrated. The analysis is based on the Monte Carlo simulation of the diffusion process of photogenerated minority charge carriers in the photosensitive layer photodiode arrays. The analysis is performed taking into account the main photoelectric parameters of FPA elements: photosensitive layer thickness, diffusion length of charge carriers, optical absorption length, their design parameters: geometric sizes of FPA elements, diameters of p-n junctions, and design parameters of the optical system: optical-spot diameter.

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S. A. Dvoretsky
A. P. Kovchavtsev
I. I. Lee
V. G. Polovinkin
G. Yu. Sidorov
M. V. Yakushev
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In this study, the uncertainty of measurement paths was estimated using selected statistical methods. Specifically, temperature measurements obtained from contact temperature sensors used in a heat transfer test section were investigated. The experiments utilized a drywell temperature calibrator, thermoelements (types K, J, N, and T), and a data acquisition station. Additionally, a certified Pt-100 resistance sensor connected to the temperature meter was considered during measurements. The temperature range for the selected measurement points was 0.3 to 100 °C, covering both increasing and decreasing temperatures. To calculate the expanded uncertainty, both the uncertainty propagation method and the Monte Carlo method were employed. The results were analyzed and found to be similar.
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Authors and Affiliations

Dariusz Michalski
Beata Maciejewska
Magdalena Piasecka
Norbert Dadas
Artur Piasecki

  1. Kielce University of Technology, Poland

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