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In this work, the influence of both characteristics of the lens and misalignment of the incident beams on roughness measurement is presented. To investigate how the focal length and diameter affect the degree of correlation between the speckle patterns, a set of experiments with different lenses is performed. On the other hand, the roughness when the beams separated by an amount are non-coincident at the same point on the sample is measured. To conclude the study, the uncertainty of the method is calculated.

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F. Salazar
T. Belenguer
J. García
G. Ramos
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This paper concerns the possibility of use the Jiles-Atherton extended model to describe the magnetic characteristics of construction steel St3 under mechanical stress. Results of the modelling utilizing extended Jiles-Atherton model are consistent with results of experimental measurements for magnetic hysteresis loops B(H). Material stress state determination by using non-destructive, magnetic properties based on testing techniques is an especially important problem.
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Roman Szewczyk
Dorota Jackiewicz
Jacek Salach
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The paper is concerned with comparing the methods for determining the ferrite content in castings from duplex stainless steels. It uses Schaeffler diagram, empirical formula based calculation, image analysis of metallographic sample, X-ray diffraction and measurement with a feritscope. The influence of wall thickness of the casting on the ferrite content was tested too. The results of the experiments show that the casting thickness of 25 or 60 mm does not have a significant effect on the measured amount of ferrite. The image analysis of metallographic sample and the measurement with the feritscope appear to be the most suitable methods. On the contrary, predictive methods, such as Schaeffler diagram or empirical formula based calculation are only indicative and cannot replace the real measurements. X-ray diffraction seems to be the least suitable measuring method. Values of ferrite content measured in such a way often deviated from the values measured by image analysis and with feritscope.

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V. Kaňa
V. Pernica
A. Zadera
V. Krutiš
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Advanced metallic material processes (titanium) are used or developed for the production of heavily loaded flying components (in fan blade construction). The article presents one process for diagnosing the blade interior by means of laser ultrasonography. The inspection of these parts, which are mainly made of titanium, requires the determination of the percentage of bonded grain sizes from around 10 to 30 μm. This is primarily due to the advantages of a high signal-to-noise ratio and good detection sensitivity. The results of the research into the internal blade structure are attached.

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Paweł Swornowski
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In the paper a method using active thermography and a neural algorithm for material defect characterization is presented. Experimental investigations are conducted with the stepped heating method, so-called time-resolved infrared radiometry, for the test specimen made of a material with low thermal diffusivity. The results of the experimental investigations were used in simulations of artificial neural networks. Simulations are performed for three datasets representing three stages of the heating process occurring in the investigated sample. In this work, the simulation research aimed to determine the accuracy of defect depth estimation with the use of the mentioned algorithm is descibed

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Sebastian Dudzik
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In the paper a method for correction of heating non-homogeneity applied in defect detection with the use of active thermography is presented. In the method an approximation of thermal background with second- and third-order surfaces was used, what made it possible to remove partially the background. In the paper the simulation results obtained with the abovementioned method are presented. An analysis of the influence of correction of heating non-homogeneity on the effectiveness of defect detection is also carried out. The simulations are carried out for thermograms obtained on the basis of experiments on a test sample with simulated defects, made of a material of low thermal diffusivity.

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Sebastian Dudzik
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This paper presents an innovative method for measuring the time delay of ultrasonic waves. Pulse methods used in the previous studies was characterized by latency. The method of phase correlation, presented in this article is free from this disadvantages. Due to the phase encoding with the use of Walsh functions the presented method allows to obtain better precision than previous methods. The algorithm to measure delay of the reflected wave with the use of microprocessor ARM Cortex M4 linked to a PC has been worked out and tested. This method uses the signal from the ultrasonic probe to precisely determine the time delay, caused by the propagation in medium, possible. In order to verify the effectiveness of the method a part of the measuring system was implemented in LabVIEW. The presented method proved to be effective, as it is shown in presented simulation results.
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K. Gądek
M. Jaraczewski
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This study characterizes the bronze jewellery recovered from the Lusatian culture urn-field in Mała Kępa (Chełmno land, Poland). Among

many common ornaments (e.g. necklaces, rings, pins) the ones giving evidence of a steppe-styled inspiration (nail earrings) were also

identified. With the dendritic microstructures revealed, the nail earrings prove the implementing of a lost-wax casting method, whereas

some of the castings were further subjected to metalworking. The elemental composition indicates the application of two main types of

bronze alloys: Cu-Sn and Cu-Sn-Pb. It has been established that the Lusatian metalworkers were familiar with re-melting the scrap bronze

and made themselves capable of roasting the sulphide-rich ores.

The collection from Mała Kępa has been described in terms of its structure and composition. The investigations were made by means of

the energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (ED-XRF), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) coupled with an energy dispersive

X - ray analysis system (EDS) and optical microscopy (OM). In order to fingerprint an alloy profile of the castings with a special emphasis

on the nail earrings, the data-set (ED-XRF, EDS) was statistically evaluated using multidimensional analyses (FA, DA).

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Authors and Affiliations

M. Perek-Nowak
A. Garbacz-Klempka
Ł. Kowalski
J. Gackowski
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The article deals with ultrasonic testing possibilities of the copper alloy centrifugal casts. It focused on the problems that arise when testing

of castings is made of non-ferrous materials. Most common types of casting defects is dedicated in theoretical introduction of article.

Ultrasonic testing technique by conventional ultrasound system is described in the theoretical part too. Practical ultrasonic testing of

centrifugal copper alloy cast - brass is in experimental part. The experimental sample was part of centrifugally cast brass ring with

dimensions of Ø1200x34 mm. The influence of microstructure on ultrasonic attenuation and limitations in testing due to attenuation is

describes in experimental part. Conventional direct single element contact ultrasound probe with frequencies of 5 MHz, 3.5 MHz and 2

MHz were used for all experimental measurements. The results of experimental part of article are recommendations for selecting

equipment and accessories for casting testing made of non-ferrous metals.

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R. Konar
M. Mician
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Cast axes are one of the most numerous categories of bronze products from earlier phases of the Bronze Age found in Poland. They had multiple applications since they were not only used objects such as tools or weapons but also played the prestigious and cult roles.

Investigations of the selected axes from the bronze products treasure of the Bronze Age, found in the territory of Poland, are presented

in the hereby paper. The holder of these findings is the State Archaeological Museum in Warsaw. Metallurgical investigations of axes with bushing were performed in respect of the casting technology and quality of obtained castings. Macroscopic observations allowed to document the remains of the gating system and to assess the range and kind of casting defects. Light microscopy revealed the microstructure character of these relicts. The chemical composition was determined by means of the X-ray fluorescence method with energy dispersion (ED-XRF) and by the scanning electron microscopy with X-ray energy dispersion analysis in micro-areas (SEM-EDS). The shape and dimensions of cores, reproducing inner parts of axes were identified on the basis of the X-ray tomography images. Studies reconstructed production technology of the mould with gating system, determined chemical composition of the applied alloys and casting structures as well as revealed the casting defects being the result of construction and usage of moulds and cores.

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Authors and Affiliations

P. Długosz
A. Garbacz-Klempka
Z. Kwak
Ł. Karczmarek
J. Kozana
M. Piękoś
M. Perek-Nowak
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Shot blasting machines are widely used for automated surface treatment and finishing of castings. In shot blasting processes the stream of shots is generated and shaped by blasting turbines, making up a kinetic and dynamic system comprising a separating rotor, an adapting sleeve and a propelling rotor provided with blades. The shot blasting performance- i.e. the quality of shot treated surfaces depends on the actual design and operational parameters of the unit whilst the values of relevant parameters are associated with the geometry of turbine components and the level of its integration with the separator system. The circulation of the blasting medium becomes the integrating factor of the process line, starting from the hopper, through the propeller turbine, casting treatment, separation of contaminated abrasive mixture, to its recycling and reuse. Inferior quality of the abrasive agent (shot) and insufficient purity of the abrasive mixture are responsible for low effectiveness of shot blasting. However, most practitioners fail to fully recognize the importance of proper diagnostics of the shot blasting process in industrial conditions. The wearing of major machine components and of the blasting agent and quality of shot treated surfaces are often misinterpreted, hence the need to take into account all factors involved in the process within the frame of a comprehensive methodology. This paper is an attempt to formulate and apply the available testing methods to the engineering practice in industrial conditions.

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R. Wrona
M. Brzeziński
E. Ziółkowski
P. Zyzak
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The article presents chosen aspects of foundry engineering of the settlement dwellers, including the archaeometric characteristics and

metal science analysis of the artefacts, as well as an attempted reconstruction of the production organization. Discovered in Szczepidło

(Greater Poland), the foundry workshop is unique in Central European Bronze Age.

This workshop foundry operated roughly XIV-XII Century BC. Its production is evidenced by the presence of markers of the whole

production cycle: semi-finished and finished products, production waste, fragments of crucibles and casting ladles with traces of usage,

and tools. On this basis, the alloys and foundry technologies used have been described.

The analysis of foundry technology of copper alloys in the settlement area was carried out by observing the surface and structure of the

products, semi-finished artefacts and fragments of crucibles by applying optical microscopy (OM), confocal microscopy (CLSM) and Xray

radiography (RT). The investigations of compositions were made by means of the energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy

(ED-XRF) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) coupled with an energy dispersive X-ray analysis system (EDS).

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T. Tokarski
A. Garbacz-Klempka
P. Makarowicz
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This preliminary study characterizes the bronze metalworking on a defensive settlement of the Lusatian culture in former Kamieniec

(Chełmno land, Poland) as it is reflected through casting workshop recovered during recent excavations. Among ready products, the ones

giving evidence of local metallurgy (e.g. casting moulds and main runners) were also identified. With the shrinkage cavities and dendritic

microstructures revealed, the artifacts prove the implementing a casting method by the Lusatian culture metalworkers. The elemental

composition indicates application of two main types of bronzes: Cu-Sn and Cu-Pb. Aside these main alloying additions, some natural

impurities such as silver, arsenic, antimony and nickel were found which may be attributed to the origin of the ore and casting technology.

The collection from Kamieniec was described in terms of its structure and composition. The investigations were made by means of the

energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (ED-XRF), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) coupled with an energy dispersive Xray

analysis system (EDS) and optical microscopy (OM). In order to fingerprint either local or non-local profile of the alloys, the ED-XRF

data-set was statistically evaluated using a factor analysis (FA).

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Authors and Affiliations

M. Perek-Nowak
J. Kozana
M. Piękoś
A. Garbacz-Klempka
Ł. Kowalski
J. Gackowski
G. Szczepańska
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Specimens of Si single crystals with different crystal orientation [100] and [110] were studied by Electro-Ultrasonic Spectroscopy (EUS) and Resonant Ultrasonic Spectroscopy (RUS). A silicon single crystal is an anisotropic crystal, so its properties are different in different directions in the material relative to the crystal orientation. EUS is based on interaction of two signals: an electric AC signal and an ultrasonic signal, which are working on different frequencies. The ultrasonic wave affects the charge carriers' transport in the structures and the intermodulation electrical signal which is created due to the interaction between the ultrasonic wave and charge carriers, is proportional to the density of structural defects. RUS enables to measure natural frequencies of free elastic vibrations of a simply shaped specimen by scanning a selected frequency range including the appropriate resonances of the measured specimens.

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Authors and Affiliations

Petr Sedlak
Pavel Tofel
Vlasta Sedlakova
Jiri Majzner
Josef Sikula
Lech Hasse
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The knowledge of the load in prestressed bolted connections is essential for the proper operation and safety of engineering structures. Recently, bolted joints have become an area of intensive research associated with non-destructive diagnostics, in particular in the context of wave propagation techniques. In this paper, a novel procedure of bolt load estimation based on the energy of Lamb wave signals was proposed. Experimental tests were performed on a single lap joint of two steel plates. Ultrasonic waves were excited and registered by means of piezoelectric transducers, while precise measurement of the bolt load was obtained by means of using the force washer transducer. Experimental tests were supported by the finite element method analysis based on Schoenberg’s concept. The results showed that the relationship between the bolt load and signal energy was strongly nonlinear and it depended on the location of acquisition points.

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R. Kędra
M. Rucka
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The present paper is devoted to the discussion and review of the non-destructive testing methods mainly based on vibration and wave propagation. In the first part, the experimental methods of actuating and analyzing the signal (vibration) are discussed. The piezoelectric elements, fiber optic sensors and Laser Scanning Doppler Vibrometer (SLDV) method are described. Effective detecting of the flaws needs very accurate theoretical models. Thus, the numerical methods, e.g. finite element, spectral element method and numerical models of the flaws in isotropic and composite materials are presented. Moreover, the detection of the damage in structures, which are subjected to cyclic or static loads, is based on the analyzing of the change in natural frequency of the whole structure, the change of internal impedance of the material and the change in guided waves propagating through the investigated structure. All these cases are characterized in detail. At the end of this paper, several applications of the structural health monitoring systems in machine design and operation are presented.

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Marek Barski
Piotr Kędziora
Aleksander Muc
Paweł Romanowicz
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Early detection of potential defects and identification of their location are necessary to ensure safe, reliable and long-term use of engineering structures. Non-destructive diagnostic tests based on guided wave propagation are becoming more popular because of the possibility to inspect large areas during a single measurement with a small number of sensors. The aim of this study is the application of guided wave propagation in non-destructive diagnostics of steel bridges. The paper contains results of numerical analyses for a typical railway bridge. The ability of damage detection using guided Lamb waves was demonstrated on the example of a part of a plate girder as well as a bolted connection. In addition, laboratory tests were performed to investigate the practical application of wave propagation for a steel plate and a prestressed bolted joint.

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M. Rucka
B. Zima
R. Kędra
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A large number of infrastructural concrete buildings are protected against aggressive environments by coating systems. The functionality of these coating systems is mainly affected by the composition and thickness of the individual polymeric layers. For the first time ever, a mobile nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) sensor allows a non-destructive determination of these important parameters on the building site. However, before this technique can be used on steel-reinforced concrete elements, the potential effect of the reinforcement on the measurement, i.e. the NMR signal, needs to be studied. The results show a shift of the NMR profile as well as an increase of the signals amplitude in the case of the reinforced samples, while calculating the thickness of concrete coating leading to identical results.

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J. Orlowsky
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Non-destructive testing (NDT) is generally used to estimate the compressive strength of concrete material without compromising its structural integrity. However, the available testing methods on the market have particular limitations that may restrict the accuracy of the results. Therefore, this study aimed to develop a new technique for measuring the compressive strength of geopolymer concrete using infrared imaging analysis and Thermal Diameter Variation (TDV) rate. The compressive strength range was designed within the target strength of 20, 30 and 40 MPa. The infrared image was captured on the preheated concrete surface using FLIR-ONE infrared camera. Based on the correlation between TDV rate and compressive strength, higher accuracy was obtained in the orange contour with an R2 of 0.925 than in the red contour with an R2 of 0.8867. It is apparent that infrared imaging analysis has excellent reliability to be used as an alternative NDT by focusing on the warmer region during the procedure.
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Andri Kusbiantoro
A.H. Ismail
S.K. Jema’in
K. Muthusamy
F.F. Zainal

  1. Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Faculty of Engineering Technology, Johor, Malaysia
  2. Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Faculty of Civil Engineering Technology, Pahang, Malaysia
  3. Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), Centre of Excellence Geopolymer & Green Technology (CEGeoGTech), Perlis, Malaysia
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The paper presents the statical research tests of rod bolt made of plastic with a length of 5.5 m, which were performed in a modern laboratory test facility at the Department of Underground Mining of the University of Science and Technology. Innovative The Self-excited Acoustic System (SAS) used to measure stress changes in the bolt support was characterized. The system can be used for the non-destructive evaluation of the strain of the bolt around the excavations as well as in tunnels. The aim of the study was to compare the re-sults recorded by two different measuring systems, thanks to which it will be possible to assess the load of long bolt support by means of the non-destructive method. The speed and simplicity of measurement, access to the sensors, accuracy of measurement and reading should be kept in mind in determining the load of rock bolt support . In addition, the possibility of damage to the sensor as a re-sult of technological or natural hazards should also be taken into account. In economic conditions, the „technical - balance laws of production”, which ex-cludes the use of load sensors on each bolt must be preserved. The use of indi-vidual load sensors of rock bolt support for the boundary state, allows appro-priate protection actions of the mining crew against sudden loss of excavation stability to be taken. The paper presents two basic effects used in the ultrasonic measurement sys-tem. The first result was the existence of stable limit cycle oscillations for posi-tive feedback. This effect is called the self-excited effect. The second effect is called the elasto-acoustic effect. It means that with the change of elastic stress-es in the material bring the change of the speed of propagation of the wave. In this connection, the propagation time between measuring heads is also changed. This effect manifests itself in the change in the oscillation frequency of the self-excited system. For this reason, by measuring the frequency of self-excited oscillation, it is possible to indirectly determine the level of effort of the tested material.

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Authors and Affiliations

Krzysztof Skrzypkowski
Waldemar Korzeniowski
Krzysztof Zagórski
Krzysztof Lalik
Ireneusz Dominik
Janusz Kwaśniewski
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The study aimed touse3D computed tomography (CT) to analyse a joint between two dissimilar materials produced by friction stir welding (FSW). As the materials joined, i.e., aluminum and copper, differ in properties (e.g., density and melting point), the weld is predicted to have an inhomogeneous microstructure. The investigations involved applying microfocus computed tomography (micro-CT) to visualize and analyze the volumetric structure of the joint. Volume rendering is extremely useful because, unlike computer modelling, which requires many simplifications, it helps create highly accurate representations of objects. Image segmentation into regions was performed through global gray-scale thresholding. The analysis also included elemental mapping of the weld cross-sections using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and examination of its surface morphology by means of optical microscopy (OP). The joint finds its use in developing elements used in the chemical, energetics and aerospace industries, due to the excellent possibilities of combining many different properties, and above all, reducing the weight of the structure.
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Authors and Affiliations

Wojciech P. Depczyński
Damian Bańkowski
Piotr S. Młynarczyk

  1. Radiography and Computed Tomography Laboratory, Department of Metal Science and Manufacturing Processes, Faculty of Mechatronics and Mechanical Engineering, Kielce University of Technology, al. Tysiąclecia Państwa Polskiego 7, 25-314 Kielce, Poland
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The paper presents the modeling of transmission of the ultrasonic plane wave through an uniform liquid layer. The considered sources of the ultrasonic wave were normal (straight) beam longitudinal wave probes and angle beam sheer waves probes commonly used in non-destructive testing. Coupling losses (CL) introduced by the presence of the coupling layer are discussed and determined applying the numerical procedure. The modeling applies to both monochromatic waves and short ultrasonic pulses with a specified frequency bandwidth. Model implementation and validation was performed using a specialized software. The predictions of the model were confirmed by coupling losses measurements for a normal beam longitudinal wave probe with a delay line made of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA). The developed model can be useful in designing ultrasonic probes for high-speed rail track inspections, especially for establishing the optimal thickness of the water coupling layer and estimation of coupling losses, due to inevitable changes of the water gap during mobile rail inspection.
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Authors and Affiliations

Sławomir Mackiewicz
Zbigniew Ranachowski
Tomasz Katz
Tomasz Debowski
Grzegorz Starzynski
Przemysław Ranachowski

  1. Institute Of Fundamental Technological Research Polish Academy Of Sciences Warsaw, Poland
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Large concrete structures such as buildings, bridges, and tunnels are aging. In Japan and many other countries, those built during economic reconstruction after World War II are about 60 to 70 years old, and flacking and other problems are becoming more noticeable. Periodic inspections were made mandatory by government and ministerial ordinance during the 2013-2014 fiscal year, and inspections based on the new standards have just begun. There are various methods to check the soundness of concrete, but the hammering test is widely used because it does not require special equipment. However, long experience is required to master the hammering test. Therefore, mechanization is desired. Although the difference between the sound of a defective part and a normal part is very small, we have shown that neural network is useful in our research. To use this technology in the actual field, it is necessary to meet the forms of concrete structures in various conditions. For example, flacking in concrete exists at various depths, and it is impossible to learn about flacking in all cases. This paper presents the results of a study of the possibility of finding flacking at different depths with a single inspection learning model and an idea to increase the accuracy of a learning model when we use a rolling hammer.
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Authors and Affiliations

Atsushi Ito
Masafumi Koike
Katsuhiko Hibino

  1. Faculty of Economics, Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan
  2. Department of Engineering, Utsunomiya University,Tochigi, Japan
  3. Port Denshi Corporation, Tokyo, Japan

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