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This article looks at Brunon Jasieński's revolutionary novel I burn Paris ( Je brûle Paris) in the context of the key ideas of Marxist philosophy and that strand of its contemporary reception which saw in it a blend of agitprop and apocalyptic fiction. A close reading of I burn Paris reveals that its author is anything but an orthodox Marxist and his Marxism is open to all kinds of alterations and ideological variants. The article, inspired by Peter Sloterdijk's discussion of ressentiment, argues that the best way to make sense of those disparities is to treat them not as deviations but as an attempt to converge the ideological vision and the thymos (in the sense given to it by Francis Fukuyama in The End of History and the Last Man); or, in other words, an attempt at tapping and channeling the accumulated rage of the masses to energize the Communist project.
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Jerzy Franczak

  1. Wydział Polonistyki UJ
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The question of the human person is very important for moral theology because of the possibility of responsible human action. Nevertheless, the old utilitarianism that already comes from the empiricist position of Hume reduces the calculation of costs and benefits to an evaluation of the pleasant/unpleasant of the individual subject. The new utilitarianism takes its inspiration from Bentham and Mill and can be summarized in a threefold injunction: maximizing pleasure, minimizing pain, and expanding the sphere of personal freedom for the greatest number of persons. One of the popular promoters of preference utilitarianism in modern times is the Australian ethicist Peter Singer, whose controversial views attracted much attention not only from the scientific community in the late 1970s. In this paper we will try to show a critique of this position in several figures of philosophical and theological ethics as well as a defence of the importance of the notion of the human person and human dignity for the integral protection of human life from conception to natural death and of anthropocentrism as such in respect for all creation and all of nature.
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Inocent-Mária V. Szaniszló

  1. Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum) in Rome, Italy
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This article analyzes the poetic imagery of the bilingual, Polish-German, author Piotr (Peter) Lachmann. The key images of his poems bring into focus the problem of keeping up the ties between the world of the living and the world of the dead. Lachmann’s term for this kind of remembrance, made possible by the abundance of pictorial records (photography, fi lm) that transcend the linear axis of time, is ‘sepulchral humanism’. While examining the relations between sacrum and profanum in Lachmann’s verse, the article also notes their contamination by depictions that draw on the aesthetics of disgust and ugliness. Finally, the article discusses the German themes in Lachmann’s poetry and his intellectual bond with Tadeusz Różewicz, a poet and playwright with a better understanding of German culture than most Polish writers of his (post-war) generation.
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Przemysław Chojnowski
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The main objective of the paper is to show original theological emphasis on Peter the Apostle. Chapter 21 is considered to be a later addition to the Gospel of John. It is necessary to pay a special attention to related issues of editorial text. Despite its seemingly simple structure John 21: 15-19 poses other challenges. One of them is a puzzling variation of terminology. It is therefore necessary to draw attention to possible variants of critical-literary assessment of the biblical text. In John 21: 15-19 Peter is presented as a shepherd. This par-ticular mission is given to him by the Risen Jesus. The flock, which he has to feed, remains Jesus’ property. John 21:18-19 associated the ministry of Peter with his martyrdom. The entire passage has an ecumenical significance. The delegation of pastoral authority can be treated as a one-off event. The historical context of John 21 indicates the unifying character of the ministry of Peter the Apostle. Proper reading of the text can facilitate dialogue on the nature of the primacy of the Bishop of Rome.

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Ks. Marek Karczewski
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The article analyses phraseological and paremiological borrowings in the Russian language of the era of Peter the Great. The end of the 18th – the first half of the 19th centuries was a time of intensive political, economic and linguistic transformations in Russia. From the “window to Europe”, which was opened at that time, a powerful stream of innovations, primarily lexical ones, poured into Russian life and the Russian language. This borrowed vocabulary has been fundamentally studied by both domestic and foreign linguists, and has become an object of lexicographic description. The process of borrowing phraseological units and proverbs of the Petrine era has been studied much less than borrowed vocabulary. The reason for this is the different way of borrowing such linguistic units: if the borrowed vocabulary is easily recognized by a foreign language root words, then phraseological units and proverbs perceive European innovations mainly by the literal translation of components, i.e. tracing, which makes them “their own” in the composition of lexical components. The article analyses the phraseological units and proverbs that were mastered in the time of Peter the Great in the form of half calks and calks, characterizes the common and different features in the adaptation of these types of units to the Russian language, emphasizes the methodological difficulties in their identification as Europeanisms. Special attention is paid to phraseological and paremiological borrowings from the Dutch and German languages, something typical for the era of Peter the Great.
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Berkov V.P., Mokiyenko V.M., Shulezhkova S.G., Bolʹshoy slovarʹ krylatykh slov russkogo yazyka, Moskva 2000.

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Валерий Мокиенко

  1. Санкт‑Петербург, Санкт‑Петербургский государственный университет
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Claude Carloman de Rulhière was a French diplomat and writer who was sent to Russia in 1762 as a secretary to the French ambassador. During his stay in St. Petersburg, he eye-witnessed the coup d’état staged by the future Catherine II to dethrone Peter III and to seize the imperial power. Upon his return to Paris, Rulhière publicized his testimony of the event. It soon became notorious and provoked controversy, splitting French elites into supporters and detractors of Catherine II. The agents of the empress attempted to persuade him not to divulge his text, but Rulhière did not succumb to their financial offers and resolved to reveal the truth.

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Marek Mosakowski
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The article concerns the ethics of memory in the book Karta rodiny [ Map of the Homeland] by Peter Vayl. The first part of the article examines the issue of the ethics of remembering in relation to the phenomenon of trivialising the memory of the Solovki prison camp. It is represented here, among others, by the picture of contemporary religious and con-sumer tourism described by Vayl in the Solovetsky Islands. A monument dedicated to the victims of the Solovki prison camp will be treated as a separate form of downgrading. The reflection on the monument is an important element of the criticism of collective memory, made in Karta rodiny. In the second part of the article, the author refers to Vayl’s assessment of the attitude of the Soviet writers Maxim Gorky and Mikhail Prishvin, who visited Solovki prison camp and wrote testimonies of this event, ignoring the truth about the crimes which took place in the camp.
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Małgorzata Sylwestrzak

  1. Uniwersytet w Białymstoku
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Exegesis of Matthew 16:13-20, made in the light of historical and doctrinal terms occurred after 70 years in Judea, in which the evangelist Matthew was presented with its Judeo-Christian Church, indicates clearly existing in the text emphasis and related them to universalist objectives . They primarily guided him to define the saving message of Jesus the Risen of being Christological and Ecclesiological, in the final version edited by himself, in the Gospel of the Kingdom at the turning point for the fate of the Palestinian Church. The scene from Caesarea Philippi is edited in a manner which allows Peter to run his church in the Hellenistic world in order to gain complete doctrinal confidence that the same power of binding and resolving in heaven and on earth which he received from Jesus Simon Barjon to exercise it in the land of Israel, is also possessed by Simon Peter to celebrate it with the same saving efficiency in the lands of the heathen. Without this doctrinal certainty, it would probably be impossible to guarantee its further Judeo-Christian existence in the world of ethnochristians and gentiles.

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Ks. Zdzisław Żywica
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As we know the idea of papacy defined during the First Vatican Council is one of the biggest problems for the unity of Christian Churches. The author of this article attempts to re-interpret the statements of the Council relating to this matter. It will be done against the background of the theology of faith that definitely relates the content of faith (fides quae) to the fides qua. In this way, certain statements regarding faith, also referring to the pope, are relativized, but not in the sense of elimination, but in the sense of their intense reference to the center of biblical faith. We have also the possibility to give every time a new shape of papacy, understood as a “ministry of unity”.

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Gisbert Greshake
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Occasional poetry included important genres of Gdańsk literature. The development of the poetry climaxed in the 17th century when Gdańsk experienced rapid growth in the field of science, culture and economy. Johann Peter Titz (1619–1689) was a professor of rhetoric at the Academic Gymnasium in Gdańsk and one of the most prolific authors of occasional poetry. Besides writing poems for the occasion, Titz was often himself a formal addressee of the poems. The events in Titz’s life became the subjects of a number of epithalamiums, epitaphs and gratulatory poems written by Titz’s friends including students and professors of the Academic Gymnasium in Gdańsk (Samuel Schelwig (1643–1715), Christoph Behr (1642–1704), Friedrich Büthner (1622–1701) and the members of the patriciate in Gdańsk (Johann Ernst Schmieden (1626–1707), Constantin Freder (1643–1707). The article provides a preliminary analysis of the occasional poetry composed for Titz and the register of the poems that have survived in the holdings of the PAS Gdańsk Library.
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Maria Otto
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In December 1939 the Deputy Führer Rudolf Hess performed the ground-breaking ceremony for the Oder-Danube Canal, with Austria, Poland and the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia already under German control,. Besides connecting the Oder and the Danube, resulting in a nonstop waterway from the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea, spatial planning authorities, he saw the canal as a fundamental addition for the ‘second Ruhr valley in the East’ (Upper Silesia). The outcome of this connection would have been a widely expanded trade between northern and southern Europe. The trade might become then faster and cheaper, a wide array of strategic materials like coal, ore, petroleum and petrol would have been accessible for industry and armed forces. Due to the war progress the work on the canal had to be discontinued in 1940. One of the profiteers of the canal should have been the seaport in Szczecin, located at the intersection of the Oder and the Baltic Sea. Therefore a think tank called the ‘Oder-Donau-Institut’ has been found to deliver scientific arguments reinstating the work on the canal under the lead management of the economic chamber of Pomerania (Szczecin) in close contact with the University of Greifswald. The director of the institute was Heinz Seraphim, professor for political economy at the University of Greifswald. Under his leadership, the well-financed institute started to work not only for the economic interests of the economic chamber but also for the SS-Reichssicherheitshauptamt.
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Klemens Grube
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This article attempts to throw some light on what may be called Poland’s new national-identity literature and its leading fi gures, Jarosław Marek Rymkiewicz, Wojciech Wencel and Przemysław Dakowicz. They see their work as a psychopolitical educational tool in the service of a patriotic mission to reactivate the ‘real’ national identity. They believe that such an identity is necessary for individuals to develop strong personal identities, founded on a sense of belonging to an integral national community. Rymkiewicz, Wencel and Dakowicz champion this, somewhat archaic, model of national identity which claims total commitment from its members in virtually all their writings. This article focuses on the rhetorical devices used by the new national-identity literature to present and promote its key concept, especially the idea of a ‘sublime’ ethnic community, or a sentimentalized vision of a Polish Commonwealth.
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Marcin Czardybon
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This article is devoted to a diplomatic (formal) analysis of 13 documents, including 12 originals issued by Russian tsars between 1576 and 1707, which are kept at the Kórnik Library. Among them, there are two original letters by Tsar Michael of Russia dating to 1634 and 1645 and four documents by Tsar Alexis of Russia from 1645 and 1668–1669. The collection also includes Peter the Great’s mandate of 1707 given to Russian negotiators for talks with representatives of the Sandomierz confederation, two extremely interesting documents (in the form of scrolls) of border-related negotiations dating to 1634 and 1645, as well as a notebook of 40 pages containing the Russian party’s proposals presented to Polish envoys during negotiations in Moscow at the turn of 1671 and 1672. The article is enriched with an analysis of the content of four well-preserved tsar’s seals applied to the documents in question.

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Krzysztof Pietkiewicz

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