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The paper presents the results of the energy analysis of the conversion of solar radiation energy into electrical energy in Polish weather conditions. The effect of sunlight and working temperature on the photovoltaic module on its power curve P = f(U) is shown. STC and NOCT conditions are described for which the manufacturers specify the parameters of the photovoltaic modules. The manufacturers of photovoltaic panels should give the PPV = f(E) characteristic for the different values of the operating temperature of the modules. An analysis of the economic efficiency of a photovoltaic power plant investment of 1 MWp taking the current legal regulations for the three variants into account was presented. Variant I – the investor benefits from the support of public aid of operational only, Variant II – the investor benefits from the support of public aid for investment in the amount of PLN 1 million, Variant III – the investor benefits from the support of public aid for investment in the amount of PLN 2 million. For all variants, indicators for assessing the economic effectiveness of the investment and the value of the auction price from the maximum price to the price at which the project loses its profitability are determined.

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Bartosz Ceran
Radosław Szczerbowski
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In the era of the fight against global warming and in light of the search for energy with the least possible impact on the environment, interest in hydrogen has become a natural direction of development. Striving for a zero-emission Europe by 2050, the EU promotes low-emission and ultimately emission-free hydrogen for the widest possible use in the economy. Poland has developed a strategic document specifying the necessary activities for the use of hydrogen in the economy, which should at the same time maintain its competitiveness. Poland is currently the third producer of hydrogen in the European Union, which enables strategic thinking about maintaining Poland as a leading player on the hydrogen market in the long term. Currently, hydrogen in Poland is produced by (usually large) state-owned enterprises for their own needs with only a small margin of its resale. This is conventional hydrogen that is mainly obtained from natural gas. Therefore, it is difficult to talk about the hydrogen market, which must develop so that this raw material can be widely used in many branches of the modern economy. However, this requires taking a number of legislative, research and development and investment activities, as well as directing the national energy transformation to renewable energy sources, which may ultimately reduce the costs of pure hydrogen production. A number of actions have been taken, but the delay in legislative actions is slowing down the creation of the hydrogen market and is limiting the interest of private businesses in engaging in transformation activities.
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Aleksandra Komorowska
Eugeniusz Mokrzycki
Lidia Gawlik

  1. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute PAS, Poland
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The article presents methods of evaluating energy consumption of water pumps. Pump characteristics during work at variable rotational speed and constant head are discussed. Characteristics of the upper slope of pump efficiency curve were determined for the cases of constant and variable growth of rotational speed The left-sided coefficient of pump efficiency correction was defined.
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Leszek Szychta
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The article presents criterion of evaluating energy consumption of water pumping. The lower slope of pump efficiency characteristic curve was plotted for the case of: constant gain of rotational speed and variable gain of rotational speed. The unified form of the lower slope of pump efficiency characteristic curve was defined for variable head. The right-side coefficient of pump efficiency correction was defined.
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Leszek Szychta
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At present, it is said that Industry 4.0 is the fourth industrial revolution. Like the previous ones, it also has the ability to transform economies, jobs and societies. Our expectations are changing to the speed of obtaining answers to the questions asked. This is done by introducing new technologies and processes. This is an opportunity for Polish participants of local heat markets, or participants of the power or energy market. who are currently facing profound changes and investments forced, among others, by BAT conclusions. Such mega-processes as digitization, automation, artificial intelligence, IoT, machine learning are increasingly penetrating the world and business. More than 200 years have passed since the first industrial revolution, which was the use of the steam engine, and the requirements for testing the efficiency of enterprises have changed, which themselves are changing very quickly. The basic efficiency measures used in a given sector often result from the specifics of the sector and its degree of development on a macroeconomic scale. Therefore, it is worth placing the energy company in this environment and presenting its role to better match the instruments used. The above is also associated with increased reporting and the need to use additional evaluation measures, e.g. effectiveness of individual projects. It is therefore worth analyzing the available literature in this area, and the performance measures available and used in it, which will help in assessing the effectiveness of management, despite political and regulatory turmoil, and help us use the opportunities brought by the fourth industrial revolution.

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Grzegorz Kinelski
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On fifth-generation wireless networks, a potential massive MIMO system is used to meet the ever-increasing request for high-traffic data rates, high-resolution streaming media, and cognitive communication. In order to boost the trade-off between energy efficiency (EE), spectral efficiency (SE), and throughput in wireless 5G networks, massive MIMO systems are essential. This paper proposes a strategy for EE 5G optimization utilizing massive MIMO technology. The massive MIMO system architecture would enhance the trade-off between throughput and EE at the optimum number of working antennas. Moreover, the EE-SE tradeoff is adjusted for downlink and uplink massive MIMO systems employing linear precoding techniques such as Multiple -Minimum Mean Square Error (M-MMSE), Regularized Zero Forcing (RZF), Zero Forcing (ZF), and Maximum Ratio (MR). Throughput is increased by adding more antennas at the optimum EE, according to the analysis of simulation findings. Next, utilizing M MMSE instead of RZF and ZF, the suggested trading strategy is enhanced and optimized. The results indicate that M-MMSE provides the best tradeoff between EE and throughput at the determined optimal ratio between active antennas and active users equipment’s (UE).
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Ibrahim Salah
Kamel Hussein Rahouma
2 3
Aziza I. Hussein
Mohamed M. Mabrook
5 1

  1. CCE Department, Faculty of Engineering, Nahda University, Beni-Suef, Egypt
  2. Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Minia University, Minia, Egypt
  3. Faculty of Computer Science, Nahda University, Beni-Suef, Egypt
  4. Electrical & Computer Eng. Dept., Effat University, Jeddah, KSA
  5. Faculty of Navigation Science & Space Technology, Beni-Suef University, Beni-Suef, Egypt
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The paper is devoted to some problems connected with last modification of EU directive on energy efficiency, viz.: free choice of the measure concerning the improvement of energy efficiency, i.e. final or primary energy consumption, corresponding energy savings or energy-consumption index; however without cumulative consumption or cumulative savings of primary energy. In EU directive it has been stressed the importance of measurements systems (reliable measurement information); but has not been recommended any advanced validation of measurements results, nor energy auditing or algorithms of calculating the energy savings due to improvement of energy efficiency concerning large industrial plants. Evaluation of complex buildings should be realized by means of the system method (input-output analysis). The separate problem is devoted to application of thermo-ecological approach in the analysis of complete results of improving the energy efficiency. Human activity is connected with the depletion of nonrenewable resources, including primary energy, due to not only production of consumer goods but also the necessity of compensating the unfavourable effects of harmful emissions from energy-technological processes. Therefore the index of energy-ecological efficiency has been proposed as the most competent evaluation of improvement energy efficiency of production processes and systems.

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Andrzej Ziębik
Wojciech Stanek
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The paper highlights calculations of bioenergy indicators when growing corn for grain and vegetable crops in Ukraine. The research results indicate the economic benefit of growing these crops for all the variants studied. Our research established that an increase in the bioenergy efficiency of the production of these crops is achieved due to the use of different rates of fertilizer application. The increase in productivity that was obtained as a result of the implementation of farming practices exceeds additional costs associated with the use of fertilizers. This confirms the economic benefit of producing these types of crops due to the enhanced bioenergy efficiency achieved through the optimal application of fertilizer.
The conducted research confirms the high energy efficiency of the bio-organic fertilizer (digestate) and the energy-saving technology of growing crops which were studied. High values of the coefficients of energy efficiency were also observed in the variants with the simultaneous application of mineral fertilizers (N90P90K90) and digestate-based bio-organic fertilizer “Efluent” (55.0 t/ha) on experimental sites of corn grown for grain (3.05–3.07), carrot (1.41–1.45) and red beet (1.97–2.00), but the cost of these variants also appeared to be the highest. Scientific research has used new methods and technologies for the effective processing of livestock waste in order to obtain organic fertilizer, which can be used to improve soil fertility and increase crop yields on the one hand, and biogas production as an energy-efficient process that has significant potential for producing ecologically clean and renewable energy on the other. The proposed approach to achieving energy efficiency helps to increase crop yield without increasing fertilization costs.
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Roman Lohosha
Vitalii Palamarchuk
Vadim Krychkovskyi
Ihor Belkin

  1. Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, Ukraine
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The need for effective and rational use of land, protection, and preservation of its qualitative state (as the agricultural land soil) is due to some negative details, namely, more than a third of the land is eroded, half of which are black soil in particular, which have an average level of nutrient supply, a lot of contaminated abandoned or overdented land. The acuteness of this problem, which has developed with regard to the protection and preservation of the land qualitative state, has become particularly relevant. The solution to this problem requires truly effective methods of influence. One of such methods is the surveillance of ecological and economic monitoring of land. The article analyzes the ecological and economic factors and factors influencing the monitoring and surveillance of land in Ukraine. Perspectives and objectives for improvements in land monitoring are highlighted. The paper discloses a theoretical synthesis and new approaches to solving the problem of environmental management, which can participate in the development of innovative economic and environmental factors of rational land use, which will contribute to enhancing the transition of Ukraine to the model of sustainable land use. The purpose of this work is a scientific analysis of the various organizational factors of monitoring and surveillance of agricultural land in relation to the current legislation in Ukraine.

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Lesya Perovich
Oleksandra Hulko
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The development of the modern economic system is becoming increasingly dependent on the sufficient provision of quality energy resources due to the intensification and transformation of the mechanization and automation of all industries. The growth of the energy needs of society is parallel to the awareness of the need to ensure the environmentally friendly development of society. There are a number of reasons for the search for new energy sources, including the limited reserves of traditional sources, dependence on oil-exporting countries, the greenhouse effect due to the entry of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and air pollution by harmful gases. The biofuel sector offers the potential for both the development of national agriculture and for increasing its energy independence. Global trends in the rapid development of bioenergy in combination with the systemic crisis of the energy sector in Ukraine have necessitated a detailed study on the possibility of increasing the yield of biofuels from crops. The economic and mathematical modeling of the possibility of increasing the yield of bioethanol and vegetable oil from agricultural crops has been carried out. An economic optimization model has been formed, which made it possible to study an increase in the yield of bioethanol from sugar-containing and starch-containing crops and vegetable oil from oil crops from 1 ton per 1 hectare of area. Also, an assessment of the lost yield for the investigated crops has been carried out using the method of analysis of the functioning environment (Farrell’s method).
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Natalia Pryshliak
Andrii Sakhno
Dina Tokarchuk
Hanna Shevchuk

  1. Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
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The theoretical dependence between flocculated suspension settling time and mass floe size has been presented. The good agreement with the experimental relation between settling time of 80% of suspension and mass median floe size was showed, which indicates the possibility of developing a new method for clarification efficiency estimation.
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Bernard Połednik
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The yield of many crops can be increased by irrigating them with magnetically treated water (MTW). The aim of our research was to determine if the efficacy of a soil-applied herbicide such as metribuzin against weeds could be affected by MTW. A split-plot randomized complete block experiment was designed with two main plots, including potato ( Solanum tuberosum L.) irrigated with equal volumes of MTW and non-MTW. Sub-plots were weedy control, weed-free control (hand-weeded), and pre-emergence application of metribuzin at 420 and 525 g a.i. · ha–1. Generally, MTW induced the seed germination and vegetative growth of Amaranthus blitoides S.Watson and Convolvulus arvensis L., resulting in a reduction of the total tuber yield of potato from 1.47 to 1.18 kg · m–2. MTW improved the efficacy of weed control strategies, resulting in an improvement of the total tuber yield and the water use efficiency of potato. The total tuber yield when metribuzin was applied at 420 g a.i. · ha–1 with MTW (3.51 kg · m–2) was more than when metribuzin was applied at 525 g a.i. · ha–1 with non-MTW (2.76 kg · m–2). It can be concluded that the use of MTW can be a safer crop production method by reducing the required dosage of metribuzin to control weeds. Considering the fact that the use of MTW without herbicide application increased the density of weed species, this method should be limited to a scenario where weeds can be effectively controlled.
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Akbar Aliverdi

  1. Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran
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This article presents some results of work on the selection of the most promising types of lamps for various objects in industry, in commercial and residential buildings. It is shown that the use of a particular type of lamp depends on the conditions of a particular country (the cost of credit resources, the availability of different types of lamps on the market, and government incentives or restrictions), as well as on the conditions of the specific object (cost of lamps, duration of operation during the day, tariffs for energy resources, the cost of equipment and its installation (dismantling, utilization), the cost of replacing the equipment after leaving it, the term of service of various types of lamps). It is also necessary to consider the possible risks of changes in tariffs and the cost of money.
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Volodymyr Mamalyga

  1. National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Ukraine
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About 55% of over 14 million Polish households live in multi-family buildings. Cooperative or housing association buildings have a large share in this group. The heat is supplied from the district heating network or from local sources. With respect to facilities fed from gas boiler rooms, the signing and execution of fuel supply contracts is required. From October 1, 2017, the obligation to submit tariffs for gas trading set for all final customers (except for individual gas consumers in households) for approval to the President of the Energy Regulatory Office was lifted. Decisions regarding the choice of the supplier and the content of the concluded contract are made by the authorized bodies of the cooperative or housing association. The consequences of such decisions are borne by the owners and users of residential premises. Ensuring the continuity of a contract for the supply of gaseous fuel essentially comes down to establishing prices and rates in force for a given period. The right decision on the moment of signing the contract or the amendment, termination of the existing contract and signing a new one, or negotiation efficiency will result in financial profits for all users. The costs of heating and domestic hot water preparation are a significant component of the overall cost of the maintenance of flats in Poland. Therefore, it is even more important that the prices and rates agreed upon with the gas supplier are as favorable as possible to users. The high costs of heat are not only expenses for apartment owners. The attractiveness of flat on the rental market is also decreasing. The business activity carried out in facilities located in such buildings is also less competitive.

The authors of the article analyzed gas prices on the Polish market over the last 3 years and presented the results of simulations of the effects of specific prices and rates set in the contract for the supply of fuel at the cost of heating from the point of view of a single apartment. As these are not large amounts per year, they do not motivate to optimize the terms of the gas purchase contract in this respect. The dynamics of changes in gas prices in Poland, although slightly different from world trends, is high. This makes it difficult for those responsible to make the decisions, and for residential users, it often means spending differences in subsequent years. One of the consequences of setting prices and rates significantly higher than obtainable may also be the reluctance of local communities to take measures to increase the energy efficiency of the heat supply system. From the point of view of heating costs, such decisions may distort the economic effect of thermo-modernization.

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Grzegorz Bartnicki
Bogdan Nowak
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In this article, the author will try to conditionally transform the energy capacities of NNEGC

Energoatom by converting a liability into an asset using the example of bitcoin. With a surplus of

nuclear power generation, one of the modern tools for using excess electricity is directing it to cryptocurrency

mining. The author of the article will try to calculate the possibilities of Ukrainian NPPs

in the cryptoindustry market by analyzing the competitiveness, market trends and the approximate

profitability of this kind of activity. The essence of the article lies in the intervention of the state

energy giant in completely new activities, partial monopolization of the market and interference

in the activities of decentralized cryptocurrencies, as well as the very novelty of combining two

different fields of activity and the global nature of the consequences. Mining can be used to convert

the underdeveloped electricity or all of Energoatom’s capacities totally, but at the same time it can

also affect the cryptoasset market in the field of decentralization, as the primary cost factor to affect

the price of assets and allow for obtaining super-profits at a state enterprise. The author of the article

tries to understand the profitability of such actions and, in general, to understand the globality

of the idea. The results of the entry of the national energy giant into the cryptoasset market will

change the global processes in the ecosystem of the cryptoindustry and change the situation both

on the electricity market in the region and, in general, will affect the processes of globalization and

unification of the financial sectors of the economy.

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Vladyslav Gennadyevich Stanislavskyi
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The research considers the aspect of the formation of interior lightning in conditions of extensive expenses on heating. In this regard there is important to study features not only of places and model of lightning, but also generation of heat in order to minimize expenses and find alternative technical solutions for building functioning. The relevance is determined by the fact that the problem of low efficiency of thermal energy used to ensure an appropriate microclimate in buildings is typical for many regions. The purpose of this article is to study features not only of places and model of lighting but also generation of heat to minimize expenses and find alternative technical solutions for building functioning. In the work, the methods of calculation methods and mathematical models such as the exergy model of humans were used. The authors have determined that daylight is only one of the complex solutions of the matter of building energy efficiency. Providing the conditions of heating comfort indoors is not less important in the conditions of increasing requirements to energy conservation. The authors consider the compromise between these two requirements without harming human health the main challenge to the energy conservation specialists. The authors have developed the model, which evaluates not only the achievements of technical parameters, but also orientation toward the model of energy consumption of human. The practical application of the developed methodology allows for forecasting not only building heating based on projected technical indicators but also tailored to individual needs.
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Xiangyong Wu
Zhi Yi Yang

  1. Cheung Kong School of Art & Design, Shantou University, China
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This publication presents an assessment of the economic efficiency of a hypothetical installation for the gasification of the municipal and industrial waste for the production of syngas used subsequently for the production of energy or chemical products. The first part of the work presents an example of a technological system for the energo-chemical processing of coal mud and municipal waste, based on the gasification process using a fluidized bed reactor. A hypothetical installation consists of two main blocks: a fuel preparation unit and a gasification unit. In the fuel preparation installation, reception operations take place, storage, and then grinding, mixing, drying and transporting fuel to the gasification unit. In the gasification installation, fuel gasification, oxygen production, cooling and purification of raw process gas and ash treatment are carried out. The following key assumptions regarding the gasification process, as well as the capital expenditures and operating costs related to the process, were estimated. Consequently, based on the method of discounted cash flows, the unit cost of generating energy contained in the synthesis gas (cost of energy, COE) was determined and the results were interpreted. In order to obtain an acceptable efficiency of the gasification process for waste fuels for the production of alternative fuel (process gas), it is necessary to supplement the mixture of waste coal and coal mud with the RDF. In this case, the unit cost of fuel measured by the PLN/GJ index is lower than in the case of hard coal and comparable with brown coal. The use of coal mud for the production of process gas in an economically efficient way is possible only in the case of changes in the legal system allowing for charging fees for the utilization of industrial waste – coal mud.

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Krzysztof Kwaśniewski
Paweł Grzesiak
Radosław Kapłan
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The energy efficiency of photovoltaic modules is one of the most important aspects in energetic and economic aspects of the project related to system installations. The efficiency of modules and the electricity produced by photovoltaic conversion in solar modules is affected by many factors, both internal, related to the module structure itself and its technical and external factors related to the energy infrastructure, which includes: cabling, inverters, climate conditions prevailing at the micro-installation location and the orientation and angle of inclination of the solar modules. The installation of photovoltaic modules should be preceded by an energy efficiency analysis, which will help to indicate the optimal solution adapted to the given conditions. The article presents a comparative analysis of the amount of energy produced under real and simulated conditions. Analyzes were made on the basis of research carried out in the Wind and Solar Energy Laboratory located at the AGH University of Science and Technology, data from solar irradiation data-bases and computer software for estimating energy resources. The study examined the correlation of the solar irradiation on the modules and the amount of electricity generated in the photovoltaic module. The electricity produced by the module was compared under real conditions and simulated based on two sources of data. The comparison and analysis of the amount of energy of the module were also made, taking simulated different angles of the module’s inclination into account.

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Bartosz Soliński
Monika Stopa
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The article discusses issues related to improving the energy efficiency of heat supply systems. It draws attention to the need to take action not only for large objects and systems, but also for individual buildings and their boiler plants. Heat supply system monitoring allows for the diagnosis of the weakest elements and making decisions leading to the improvement of energy efficiency. In the case of the boiler room where the research was carried out, the results of such monitoring convinced to equip boilers with an additional automatic control system, with an algorithm limiting the number of burner switching cycles and shutdowns. Limiting the number of switching on the burners, as in the case of other combustion and electric devices, has a significant impact on the energy efficiency of the entire system. In addition, it also increases the durability of the devices, and thus reduces costs of servicing and repairs. The simplest control algorithms, often used in controllers installed in the boiler units, do not provide optimization in this respect. The external device used has allowed the number of burners on and off cycles to be limited while maintaining the quality of the heat supply to the heating installation and the heat treatment system.

The material also presents other ways to improve the energy efficiency of the heat supply system in existing multi-family buildings.

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Grzegorz Bartnicki
Bogdan Nowak
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In this paper, selected aspects of energy efficiency are shown. The European Union regulations in area of energy efficiency such as Directive 2012/27/EU, are discussed. The national legal regulations which describe energy efficiency such as the Energy Efficiency Act are presented. Principles concerning the obligation of energy savings and energy audits of enterprises are described. National, regional and local programs and measures concerning the improvement of energy efficiency are performed. These are horizontal measures and energy efficiency measures in: industry, transport, the buildings of public institutions and energy generation and supplies. National economy energy efficiency is shown. The energy intensity indicators (primary, final) and rate of their changes in last years are performed. Moreover, directions of undertakings connected with the possible future reduction in energy intensity of the national economy, are defined. An analysis of energy efficiency measures and solutions for the improvement of energy efficiency, especially in industry and households, is performed. The improvement of economy energy intensity indicators constitutes the most effective solution which brings significant economic, technical and environmental benefits such as an increase in economic innovation and its competitiveness, the improvement of the energy supply security level, a reduction in the consumption of natural resources and a reduction of air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. The conclusions contain an analysis of the present level of energy efficiency in Poland and the perspectives of its increase in the future along with the benefits connected with it.

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Waldemar Dołęga
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The purpose of this article is to investigate the problematic aspects of standardization of energy management systems in Russian enterprises. The main characteristics of energy management, existing standards in the field of energy management are given. To study the best practices and the effectiveness of the implementation of the energy management system in 2017, the Ministry of Energy of Russia, with the participation of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Russian Energy Agency” the Ministry of Energy of Russia, carried out the monitoring of energy efficiency management and the implementation of energy management systems in the practice of Russian companies. The peculiarity of the introduction of energy management systems in the practice of managing Russian enterprises has been identified, which consists in the fact that it occurs based on the already implemented quality management system, environmental management, labor protection, when a lot of work has been done (document management, internal audit system, corrective actions, training, provisions providing feedback and the possibility of submitting proposals, etc.). Like any quality management system, the successful implementation of this standard depends on the involvement of all levels and functions of the organization’s management in this process, and especially on top management.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ramilya Savchuk
Alexandr Cherkasov
Pavel Kondratiev
Semen Matskepladze

  1. Department of Quality Management, Russian University of Transport, Russia
  2. Department of Transport Construction in Extreme Conditions, Russian University of Transport, Russia
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Scientists are focusing on the introduction of various types of renewable energy sources and the liberalization of energy markets in the regions of the country. The problems of preventing the achievement of goals and various strategies to achieve maximum energy conservation and overcoming the current economic and environmental crisis in Ukraine also remain unresolved. We can observe the experience of the leading countries in the electricity sector, which proves that reforming the electricity sector in Ukraine is inevitable. This, in turn, is a critical factor in stimulating economic and social growth and improving the competitiveness of the regions of Ukraine. Given the above, the necessity for the study of the level of efficiency (competitiveness) and the functioning of the regional energy markets of Ukraine is obvious.
This study shows that the efficiency of electricity in the western region is relatively low due to the lack of competition, the presence of an ineffective system of subsidizing the population with cheap resources, the non-transparency of trade operations, excessive regulation of state generation, the lack of a “balanced” system of market functioning, etc.
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Authors and Affiliations

Kostiantyn Pavlov
Olena Pavlova
Taras Kotsko
Oksana Novosad
Lubomyr Matiychuk
Antonina Tomashevska
Oleksandr Shabala
Nadia Pylypiv

  1. Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University, Ukraine
  2. National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Politechnic Institute”, Ukraine
  3. Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ukraine
  4. Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ukraine
  5. Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ivano-Frankivsk Ukraine, Ukraine
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This paper presents calculations of the economic indicators of the researched elements of the cultivation technology of corn for grain and vegetable crops in Ukraine, which indicate that the cultivation of these crops is cost-effective in all variants of the experiment. The research has established that the increase in the economic efficiency of the production of these crops when applying different rates of fertilizers is achieved due to a more significant positive effect of the increase in productivity compared to additional costs associated with the use of these farming practices, while additional costs caused by the use of fertilizers are paid off many times over. It has been proven that the use of mineral fertilizers and their combination with high rates of bio-organic fertilizer (digestate) when growing agricultural crops helps to increase productivity. There have been further developed theoretical and practical provisions regarding the ecological problem of livestock waste disposal, in particular those of pig farms, and agricultural farms, i.e. the provision of organic fertilizers to ensure the yield increase as well as improvement in the quality of agricultural and vegetable crops, so as to make it possible to obtain high-quality products of plant and vegetable production during livestock waste disposal. The proposed approach to the economic assessment of technologies for growing corn for grain and red beet depending on the fertilization system makes it possible to increase the level of productivity of agricultural and vegetable crops with the effective use of bio-organic fertilizers in the modern conditions of sharp increases in the costs of mineral fertilizers.
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Authors and Affiliations

Roman Lohosha
Vitalii Palamarchuk
Vadim Krychkovskyi

  1. Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, Ukraine
  2. Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, Ukraine
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Based on China’s provincial panel data from 2009 to 2019, this paper empirically tests and analyzes the effects of industrial agglomeration and other important economic variables on industrial green technology innovation efficiency from the perspective of spatial statistical analysis. The results show that the efficiency of China’s industrial green innovation has not changed much during the study period, exhibiting an obvious polarization phenomenon. Moreover, the improvement of the degree of industrial agglomeration is conducive to the regional green innovation efficiency level. This means that industrial agglomeration produces effective environmental and innovation benefits. In addition, the influence coefficient of enterprise-scale is negative, indicating that for Chinese industrial enterprises, the enlargement of the production scale weakens the promotion effect of R&D activities. The influence coefficient of human capital is negative, mainly because the direct effect has a small and positive value, while the indirect effect (spillover effect) has a negative and large value, indicating that the spillover effect of human capital between regions in China is deficient.
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Authors and Affiliations

Mingran Wu
Weidong Huang

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