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In Poland, in recent years, there has been a rapid accumulation of sewage sludge – a by-product in the treatment of urban wastewater. This has come about as a result of infrastructure renewal, specifically, the construction of modern sewage treatment plants. The more stringent regulations and strategic goals adopted for modern sewage management have necessitated the application of modern engineering methodology for the disposal of sewage sludge. One approach is incineration. As a consequence, the amount of fly ash resulting from the thermal treatment of municipal sewage sludge has grown significantly. Hence, intensive work is in progress for environmentally safe management of this type of waste. The aim of the experiment was to evaluate the possibility of using the fly ash that results from municipal sewage sludge thermal treatment (SSTT) as an additive to hardening slurries. The article presents the technological and functional parameters of hardening slurries with an addition of fly ash obtained by SSTT. Moreover, the usefulness of these slurries is analyzed on the basis of their basic properties, i.e., density, contractual viscosity, water separation, structural strength, volumetric density, hydraulic conductivity, compressive and tensile strength. The research on technological and functional properties was carried out, the aim of which was to determine the practical usefulness of the hardening slurries used in the experiment. Subsequently, leaching tests were performed for heavy metals in the components, the structure of the hardening slurries. An experiment showed leaching of hazardous compounds at a level allowing their practical application. The article presents the potential uses of fly ash from SSTT in hardening slurry technology.
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Authors and Affiliations

Paweł Falaciński
Małgorzata Wojtkowska

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Building Services, Hydro and Environmental Engineering, Warsaw
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A MoO3 nanofiber prepared by electrospinning and subsequent heat treatment is attracting significant attention due to its structural advantages. Vibrant studies are being conducted to control its morphology and diameter to improve its properties. In this study, we demonstrated the synthesis of α-MoO3 nanofibers with multiple surface facets by controlling the heating rate and temperature in the heat treatment step for removing polymer and crystallizing MoO3 from the electrospun polymer/precursor nanofibers. The analysis results show that the faster heating rate and higher heat treatment temperature in the thermal treatment process are more favorable for forming a shape in which particles with facet planes are connected. Finally, we observed the morphological change according to the heat treatment time to confirm the effect of the heat treatment conditions on the shape of MoO3 and interpreted the results in terms of nucleation and crystal growth.
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Cheol-Hui Ryu
Young-In Lee

  1. Seoul National University Of Science And Technology, Department Of Materials Science And Engineering, Seoul 01811, Republic Of Korea
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Production processes of hot forging most often look similar [1-3]. Forging in several operations, usually in three or four. Most often the first operation is upsetting or flattening (sometimes rolling). The last operation is finishing forging. This applies to the production of steel forgings for the automotive, agricultural and other similar industries. Typical production proceeds as follows: the forgings are cleaned (shot-blasted) and then heat treatment is performed. It can be normalization, hardening and tempering, etc. After the heat treatment, forgings are checked and subjected to strength and microscopic tests, hardness tests, impact tests. The type of tests depends on the recipient. The process described in the work takes place in three operations. The heat treatment used so far is hardening and tempering. An attempt was made to change the heat treatment technology for a selected product made of 42CrMo4 steel (1.7225) (4140). An isothermal annealing test was carried out at different temperatures and for different times. The possibility of using heat from the forging process in heat treatment processes for the described product has been confirmed.

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M. Zwierzchowski
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An increasing number of municipal sewage treatment plants in Poland, desirable from an environmental perspective, raises the problem of managing the growing volume of sewage sludge. The thermal treatment of municipal sewage sludge (TTMSS) method, by greatly reducing the waste volume, increases the heavy metal concentration in fly ash (primary, end product of the treatment process), which may constitute a risk factor when attempting to utilize them economically. The research paper concentrates on determining the TTMSS fly ash heavy metal leaching level. For this purpose, ash samples were subjected to leaching with the batch and percolation tests, and the heavy metal content in eluates was determined by the FAAS method. The obtained results served as a base to determine the level of heavy metal immobilization in the ash, the element release mechanism (percolation test), and the impact of the L/S (liquid to solid) ratio and pH on the heavy metal leaching intensity (percolation test). The conducted research indicated high immobilization of heavy metals in TTMSS fly ash, regardless of the applied study method, which corresponds to the results of other researchers. Lead was the most intensively eluted metal.

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Authors and Affiliations

Łukasz Szarek

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
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Reliable knowledge of thermo-physical properties of materials is essential for the interpretation of solidification behaviour, forming, heat treatment and joining of metallic systems. It is also a precondition for precise simulation calculations of technological processes. Numerical calculations usually require the knowledge of temperature dependencies of three basic thermo-physical properties: thermal conductivity, heat capacity and density. The objective of this work is to find a correlation that fits the thermal conductivity of selected steel grades as a function of temperature (within the range of 0–800°C) and carbon content (within the range of 0.1–0.6%). The starting point for the analysis are the experimental data on thermal conductivity taken from literature. Using the method of least squares it was possible to fit an equation which allows calculating the thermal conductivity of steel depending on the temperature and carbon content. Two kinds of equations have been analyzed: a linear one (a linear model) and a second degree polynomial (a non-linear model). The thermal conductivity obtained by linear and nonlinear models varies on average from the measured values by 3% and 2.6% respectively.
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Rafał Wyczółkowski
Dominika Strychalska
Vazgen Bagdasaryan

  1. Czestochowa University of Technology, Department of Production Management, Armii Krajowej 19, 42-200 Czestochowa, Poland
  2. Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Institute of Civil Engineering – SGGW, Nowoursynowska 166, 02-787 Warsaw, Poland
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In many countries around the world, the thermal treatment of waste plays an important role in the waste-management system. As a result, electricity and heat are produced. However, solid residues are produced in the form of bottom ash, fly ash (FA) and air pollution control (APC) residues. Alternative raw material resources are currently being sought, one of which may be anthropogenic materials from waste thermal treatment processes. This paper presents the results of a study on the trace element content of FA and APC residues from three different installations: municipal solid waste incineration (grate boiler), sewage sludge (fluidized bed boiler) and hazardous waste (rotary kiln). Research methods such as ICP-MS (inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry), ICP-AES (inductively coupled plasma/atomic emission spectroscopy) and XRD (X-ray diffraction) were used. The results obtained indicate that the chemical composition of FA and APC residues depends mainly on the type of waste being converted, the thermal process and the flue gas treatment method. Ash from sewage sludge incineration in particular contains significant amounts of P and Sb – elements classified as critical raw materials (CRM). In addition, they also contain other valuable metals such as Ag and Zn, in amounts far exceeding the average crustal abundance. In addition, residues from the incineration of hazardous waste may pose a potential risk to the environment due to the presence of significant amounts of heavy metals such as Pb, Cd and Hg.
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Waldemar Kępys

  1. AGH University of Krakow, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Resource Management,Department of Environmental Engineering, Krakow, Poland
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The growing number of municipal sewage treatment plants in Poland raises the problem of managing more and more sludge. The thermal treatment of municipal sewage sludge (TTMSS), which significantly reduces the volume of waste, results in an increase in the concentration of heavy metals in the fly ashes – the final products of the process. The search for methods of utilization of fly ash from TTMSS resulted in attempts to use it in hardening slurries widely used in hydro-engineering. Due to the nature of the application of this material in the cut-off walls (exposure to groundwater flow) one of the key issues is the degree of heavy metal immobilization. The paper attempted to determine the degree of leaching of selected heavy metals from the hardened hardening slurry, composed of fly ash from TTMSS. For this purpose, the eluates were prepared from samples, after various periods of curing, using a dynamic short-term method called "Batch test". The liquid used for leaching was: distilled water and 0.1 molar EDTA solution – to determine the amount of potentially mobile heavy metal forms. The results show the possibility of the safe usage of fly ash from TTMSS as an additive for hardening slurries.

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Authors and Affiliations

Łukasz Szarek
Paweł Falaciński
Małgorzata Wojtkowska
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Along with the increase in popularity of the sewage sludge thermal treatment methods in Poland

resulting from the implementation of European Union law, a management problem with ash, which is produced

as a result of this process, appeared. The paper analyses the chemical composition and physical properties of fl y

ash from thermal treatment of municipal sewage sludge in terms of its use in concrete technologies in relation to

EN 450-1 Fly ash for concrete. Defi nition, specifi cations and conformity criteria (2012) and EN 197-1 Cement.

Composition, specifi cations and conformity criteria for common cements (2011) standards. The tested material did

not meet the requirements related to use of fl y ash for concrete production (chemical composition, low activity

index, high water demand and fi neness), and as main and minor components for cement production. On the basis

of the carried out research and analyses, it was found that the hardening slurry technology creates the greatest

possibilities related to the management of fl y ash from thermal treatment of municipal sewage sludge.

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Authors and Affiliations

Łukasz Szarek
Małgorzata Wojtkowska
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Small additions of Cr, Mo and W to aluminium-iron-nickel bronze are mostly located in phases κi (i=II; III; IV),and next in phase α

(in the matrix) and phase γ2. They raise the temperature of the phase transformations in aluminium bronzes as well as the casts’ abrasive

and adhesive wear resistance. The paper presents a selection of feeding elements and thermal treatment times which guarantees structure

stability, for a cast of a massive bush working at an elevated temperature (650–750°C) made by means of the lost foam technology out of

composite aluminium bronze. So far, there have been no analyses of the phenomena characteristic to the examined bronze which

accompany the process of its solidification during gasification of the EPS pattern. There are also no guidelines for designing risers and

steel internal chill for casts made of this bronze. The work identifies the type and location of the existing defects in the mould’s cast. It also

proposes a solution to the manner of its feeding and cooling which compensates the significant volume contraction of bronze and

effectively removes the formed gases from the area of mould solidification. Another important aspect of the performed research was

establishing the duration time of bronze annealing at the temperature of 750°C which guarantees stabilization of the changes in the bronze

microstructure – stabilization of the changes in the bronze HB hardness.

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Authors and Affiliations

P. Just
B.P. Pisarek

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