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The paper presents the research concept and the key questions the team put forward during the implementation of the project entitled ‘Changing innovation processes models: a chance to break out of dependency paths for less developed regions’. In this chapter, research hypotheses, key concepts concerning the theory of path dependence, a review of the enablers and barriers in shaping development paths regarding the individual parts of the research project are indicated. There are also references to public policy proposals that can support the development of the peripheral paths of the peripheral regions as well as future research concepts of this issue.

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Wojciech Dziemianowicz
Jacek Szlachta
Korneliusz Pylak
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The aim of the research is to conceptualise the methodology of analysing regional development paths. To do so, the model of regional development path transformation was created. The model consists of indicators describing each of the process areas: 1) path dependency; 2) event exposure; 3) adaptation to short-term shocks; 4) long-term adaptability, and 5) region performance. The model also indicates relationships between these indicators and describes the most probable behaviours of the regional economies during the process.

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Korneliusz Pylak
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First psychological research at Arctowski station were conducted in 1979. In the nineties the American team under direction of prof. L. Palinkas conducted research in order to determine the patterns of multicultural psychosocial adaptation. The author discusses stress as a result of isolation and extreme conditions.

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Stanisław Rakusa-Suszczewski
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The aim of the research was to identify factors favouring the change of innovation process models by diff erent regions, especially less developed regions. The chapter addresses the most critical issues in the literature of path dependence and resilience. Literature analysis allowed to identify the puzzling areas of the existing research and build out of them a transparent and holistic approach to a comprehensive set of conditions for the transformation of regional development paths. Findings of the research are an important step in understanding nonlinear and holistic processes of the renewal and creation of the regional development paths, as well as explaining how adaptation to short-term shocks and long-term adaptability is the result of the interactions among path dependency, event exposure and reactive ability.

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Korneliusz Pylak
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The article is dedicated to the problems of the functioning of people with disabilities in the Polish penitentiary system. It present theoretical considerations, regarding the nature of imprisonment, adaptation problems, types of adaptation strategies, therapeutic system and its limitations, as well as premises for the implementation of own research.

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Ilona Fajfer-Kruczek
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This paper presents the results of a study on the Polish version of the Generic Conspiracist Beliefs Scale (GCBS), which was designed to measure individual differences in conspiracist thinking (Brotherton, French, & Pickering; 2013). The Polish version of the scale had excellent internal consistency as measured by Cronbach alpha: .93. The Polish version also had excellent test-retest stability. To check the validity of the questionnaire, various tools were used to measure the characteristics that can be correlated with conspiracist thinking. As a result, it was found that conspiracist thinking is positively correlated with the external locus of control, the results obtained in the Scale of Belief in Zero-Sum Game and the results of the MMPI-2 Paranoia scale. It was also found that patients with paranoid personality disorder and paranoid schizophrenia had higher results on the adapted scale than healthy subjects. In sum, the Polish version of GCBS had satisfactory psychometric properties, which makes it useful for measuring conspiracist thinking.

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Adam Siwiak
Malwina Szpitalak
Romuald Polczyk
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This work addresses the problem of adaptive observer design for nonlinear systems satisfying incremental quadratic constraints. The output of the system includes nonlinear terms, which puts an additional strain on the design and feasibility of the observer, which is guaranteed under the satisfaction of an LMI, and a set of algebraic constraints. A particular case where the output nonlinearity matches the unknown parameter coefficient is also discussed. The result is illustrated through a numerical example for the chaos synchronization of the Rössler system.
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Lazaros Moysis
Meenakshi Tripathi
Mahendra Kumar Gupta
Muhammad Marwan
Christos Volos

  1. Laboratory of Nonlinear Systems – Circuits & Complexity, Physics Department, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece
  2. Department of Mathematics, National Institute of Technology Jamshedpur, Jamshedpur, India
  3. Department of Mathematics, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua, China
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The article applies the concept of anchoring, defined as the process of searching for footholds and points of reference which allows individuals to acquire socio-psychological stability and security and function effectively in a new environment, to explore complex, multidimensional and flexible adaptation and settlement processes among migrants from Ukraine in Poland. Based on 40 in-depth interviews and questionnaires with migrants resident in Warsaw and its vicinity, we argue that the traditional catego-ries employed for analysing migrants’ adaptation and settlement such as ‘integration’ or ‘assimilation’ are not always adequate to capture the way of functioning and experience of contemporary Ukrainian migrants. Rather than traditional categories, we propose to apply the concept of anchoring which ena-bles us to capture Ukrainians’ ‘fluid’ migration, drifting lives and complex identities as well as mecha-nisms of settling down in terms of searching for relative stability rather than putting down roots. The paper discusses the ambiguous position of Ukrainian migrants in Poland constructed as neither-strangers nor the same, gives insight into their drifting lives and illuminates ways of coping with tem-porariness and establishing anchors to provide a sense of stability and security. This approach, linking identity, security and incorporation, emphasises, on the one hand, the psychological and emotional as-pects of establishing new footholds and, on the other hand, tangible anchors and structural constraints. Its added value lies in the fact that it allows for the complexity, simultaneity and changeability of an-choring and the reverse processes of un-anchoring to be included.

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Aleksandra Grzymała-Kazłowska
Anita Brzozowska
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This article is devoted to contemporary return migrations by Kazakhs – a process of great significance for the population and cultural policies of the government of independent Kazakhstan. I examine the repatriation process of the Kazakh population from the point of view of the cultural transformations of Kazakh society itself, unveiling the intended and unintended effects of these return migrations. The case of the Kazakh returns is a historically unique phenomenon, yet it provides data permitting the formulation of broader generalisa-tions. It illustrates the dual impact of culturally different environments, which leads to a simultaneous pre-serving and changing of the culture of the new immigrants. The analyses found in this article are based upon data collected during two periods of fieldwork conducted in June–July 2016 and March 2018 at several locations in Kazakhstan and in cooperation with a Kazakh university. The research methodology is anchored in multi-sited, multi-year fieldwork.

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Ewa Nowicka
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A novel method of active noise control using adaptive radiation sound sources is investigated. A finite element model of a modal enclosed sound field is excited harmonically, representing a noise field in the low-frequency range. The control sources are comprised of elementary dipole sources for which the driving signals are adjusted by an optimization method. Two set-up cases of the proposed compound sources are investigated. The coupling of the control sources with the modal sound field is discussed. The simulated performance of the proposed method is compared with that of a system with distributed simple sources and the results show the effectiveness of the sources with adaptive radiation for active noise control in small enclosures.

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Marios Giouvanakis
Christos Sevastiadis
George Papanikolaou
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Passive noise reduction methods require thick and heavy barriers to be effective for low frequencies and those clasical ones are thus not suitable for reduction of low frequency noise generated by devices. Active noise-cancelling casings, where casing walls vibrations are actively controlled, are an interesting alternative that can provide much higher low-frequency noise reduction. Such systems, compared to classical ANC systems, can provide not only local, but also global noise reduction, which is highly expected for most applications. For effective control of casing vibrations a large number of actuators is required. Additionally, a high number of error sensors, usually microphones that measure noise emission from the device, is also required. All actuators have an effect on all error sensors, and the control system must take into account all paths, from each actuator to each error sensor. The Multiple Error FXLMS has very high computational requirements. To reduce it a Switched-Error FXLMS, where only one error signal is used at the given time, have been proposed. This, however, significantly reduces convergence rate. In this paper an algorithm that uses multiple errors at once, but not all, is proposed. The performance of various algorithm variants is compared using simulations with the models obtained from real active-noise cancelling casing.

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Krzysztof Mazur
Stanislaw Wrona
Anna Chraponska
Jaroslaw Rzepecki
Marek Pawelczyk
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The operating modes of the automatic control system for electromechanical converters for synchronization of rotor speeds have been developed and investigated. The proposed automatic speed control system allows adjusting the slave engine to the master one in a wide range from 0 to 6000 rpm. To improve the synchronization accuracy an adaptive algorithm is proposed that allows to increase the synchronization accuracy by 3-4 times. The proposed model of an adaptive automatic control system with an observing identification tool makes it possible to minimize the error in the asynchrony of the rotation of the rotors of two electromechanical converters.
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Aidana Kalabayeva
1 2
Waldemar Wójcik
Gulzhan Kashaganova
Kulzhan Togzhanova
Zhaksygul Sarybayeva

  1. Academy of Logistics and Transport, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  2. Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications Almaty, Kazakhstan
  3. Lublin University of Technology, Lublin, Poland
  4. Turan University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  5. Almaty Technological University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
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In this paper, Recursive Least Square (RLS) and Affine Projection (AP) adaptive filters are designed using Xilinx System Generator and implemented on the Spartan6 xc6slx16- 2csg324 FPGA platform. FPGA platform utilizes the non-restoring division algorithm and the COordinate Rotation DIgital Computer (CORDIC) division algorithm to perform the division task of the RLS and AP adaptive filters. The Non-restoring division algorithm demonstrates efficient performance in terms of convergence speed and signal-to-noise ratio. In contrast, the CORDIC division algorithm requires 31 cycles for division initialization, whereas the non-restoring algorithm initializes division in just one cycle. To validate the effectiveness of the proposed filters, a set of ten ECG records from the BIT-MIT database is used to test their ability to remove Power Line Interference (PLI) noise from the ECG signal. The proposed adaptive filters are compared with various adaptive algorithms in terms of Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR), convergence speed, residual noise, steady-state Mean Square Error (MSE), and complexity.
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Harith H. Thannoon
Ivan A. Hashim

  1. University ofTechnology, Iraq
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Understanding and measuring mental well-being among adolescents has recently become a priority. The validity and reliability study of the 7-item short version of the Warwick Edinburgh Mental Well-Being Scale (SWEMWBS) has not been examined in Turkish adolescents. Therefore, this study aims to adapt the 7-item Warwick Edinburgh Mental Well-Being Scale to Turkish and examine the relationships between loneliness, emotional flexibility, resilience, and mental well-being. The data were collected by convenience sampling method from 820 adolescents aged 14-18 from 73 city of Turkey. During the adaptation process of SWEMWBS, confirmatory factor analysis, concurrent validity, and reliability analysis were performed. The findings confirmed the one dimensionality of the 7-item scale on the Turkish adolescent sample. In addition, a significant positive relationship was found between mental well-being and emotional flexibility and resilience. However, there was a significant negative correlation between mental well-being and loneliness. The results showed that the Turkish version of SWEMWBS had strong psychometric properties in adolescents.
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Yakup İme

  1. Necmettin Erbakan University, Konya-Turkey, Turkey
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The polarized electromagnetic waves have significant impact on the performance of adaptive antenna arrays. In this paper we investigate the effect of polarized desired and undesired signals on the performance of electronically steered beam adaptive antenna arrays. To achieve this goal, we built an analytical signal model for the adaptive array, in order to analyze, and compare the effect of polarized signals on the output SINRs (signal to interference plus noise ratios) of single-dipole, and cross-dipole adaptive antenna arrays. Based on a proof-of-concept experiment, and on MATLAB simulation results, it will be shown that cross-dipole adaptive antenna arrays exhibit better performance in comparison with single-dipole adaptive antenna arrays in presence of randomly polarized signals. However, single-dipole arrays show better performance under certain operating conditions.

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Amin H. Al Ka'bi
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Considerable climate changes have been observed in the last 50 years – warming in every spatial scale (global, continental, regional and local), changes in atmospheric precipitation and several weather extremes, shrinking of cryosphere and sea level rise. The warming since the mid-20th century has predominantly been due to greenhouse gas emissions from human activities, in particular the combustion of fossil fuels, farming and other changes in land use. The paper presents the aspects of impact of climate change for farming and food security and the impact of farming for climate change in Polish and global scale. Agriculture holds a meaningful potential of reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and of carbon sequestration. It will be necessary to manage optimally advantageous changes and effectively adapt to adverse changes.

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Gabriela Czapiewska
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This essay examines the Nibelungensage and its filmic adaptations within the framework of the multi- perspective approach of German Studies. It is about the approaches of Casper-Hehne/ Schweiger in the sense of a synthetic approach to the concept of culture, and Nünning/ Nünning, whose terminology is extended to filmic narrations. The intertextuality of the “Nibelungen-films” and of the “Nibelungensage” is also relevant. The analysis focuses on the films by Fritz Lang (1924), Harald Reinl (1966/67), Uli Edel (2004) and Ralf Huettner (2008).

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Barbara von der Lühe
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A cold-active amylase was purified from Alteromonas sp. KS7913 isolated from the Chukchi Sea in the Arctic Ocean. After purification with use of ammonium sulfate precipitation, phenyl column chromatography, and size exclusion chromatography, 200.34 U mg−1 of purified amylase was obtained. The final yield was 3.4%, and the activity was 5.7-fold higher than that of the initial culture broth. KS7913 origin amylase showed a molecular weight of 70 kDa and optimal activity at 25℃, pH 7.0 in Tris-HCl buffer. The amylase was highly active, especially at 5℃, and maintained stability at basic conditions below 25℃. Copper and zinc ions inhibited enzyme activity, whereas manganese, barium, and calcium ions exhibited positive effects. This activity was maintained even in the presence of alcohol. The findings of this study supplement our understanding of cold-active amylases, and may have practical applications in low-temperature industries.
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Min Ju Kim
Jin A Kim
Ha Ju Park
1 2
Joung Han Yim
1 2
Il Chan Kim
Se Jong Han
1 3

  1. Division of Life Sciences, Korea Polar Research Institute, Songdomirae-ro 26, 21990, Incheon, South Korea
  2. Cryotech Inc., Songdomira-ro 26, 21990, Incheon, South Korea
  3. Department of Polar Sciences, University of Science and Technology, Gajeong-ro 217, 34113, Daejeon, South Korea
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A strategic vision to ensure an adequate, safe and secure drinking water supply presents a challenge, particularly for such a small country as Jordan, faced with a critical supply-demand imbalance and a high risk of water quality deterioration. In order to provide sustainable and equitable long-term water management plans for the future, current and future demands, along with available adaptation options should be assessed through community engagement. An analysis of available water resources, existing demands and use per sector served to assess the nation’s historic water status. Taking into account the effect of both population growth and rainfall reduction, future per sector demands were predicted by linear temporal trend analysis. Water sector vulnerability and adaptation options were assessed by engaging thirty five stakeholders. A set of weighed-criterions were selected, adopted, modified, and then framed into comprehensive guidelines. A quantitative ratio-level approach was used to quantify the magnitude and likelihood of risks and opportunities associated with each proposed adaptation measure using the level of effectiveness and severity status. Prioritization indicated that public awareness and training programs were the most feasible and effective adaptation measures, while building new infrastructure was of low priority. Associated barriers were related to a lack of financial resources, institutional arrangements, and data collection, sharing, availability, consistency and transparency, as well as willingness to adapt. Independent community-based watershed-vulnerability analyses to address water integrity at watershed scale are recommended.

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Nezar Hammouri
Mohammad Al-Qinna
Mohammad Salahat
Jan Adamowski
Shiv O. Prasher
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The paper is devoted to the description of the methodology and research by design carried out to identify solutions enhancing the functional flexibility of a high-rise building located in Warsaw at. Grzybowska Street. The work presents the theoretical background as well as the conducted research and methodology. The scope of solutions related to functional flexibility concerned the interchangeability of service functions in the podium part of the building, changes in the use of the parking lot, and the provision of the means of changes in the arrangement of types and variants of types of apartments on the apartments levels. The investigation was carried out in the pre-design and design phases. Objectives and criteria of solutions were defined, and research works were carried out through iterations and checking in terms of the cost-effectiveness . The adopted solutions consist in designing the optimal hard portion of the building – the core, the structural system, the arrangement of zones and installation rooms, and the use of structural and spatial over-designed systems. An optimal facade module has been developed. The research aims to introduce the design practice to the issue of flexibility, which is nowadays important for economic and environmental reasons.
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Marcin Goncikowski

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, ul. Koszykowa 55, 00-659 Warsaw, Poland
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The selection of a reference model (RM) for a Model-Reference Adaptive Control is one of the most important aspects of the synthesis process of the adaptive control system. In this paper, the four different implementations of RM are developed and investigated in an adaptive PMSM drive with variable moment of inertia. Adaptation mechanisms are based on the Widrow-Hoff rule (W-H) and the Adaptation Procedure for Optimization Algorithms (APOA). Inadequate order or inaccurate approximation of RM for the W-H rule may provide poor behavior and oscillations. The results prove that APOA is robust against an improper selection of RM and provides high-performance PMSM drive operation.
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Rafał Szczepański
Tomasz Tarczewski
Lech Grzesiak

  1. Department of Automatics and Measurement Systems, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Grudziadzka 5, 87-100 Torun, Poland
  2. Institute of Control and Industrial Electronics, Warsaw University of Technology, Koszykowa 75, 00-662 Warsaw, Poland
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The hydronym Szywra refers to the small river in the Warta basin flowing in the central part of Greater Poland. Although its name remained unclear for most of the researchers, it was believed to be of Pre-Slavic or Balto-Slavic origin. The paper reveals that these hypotheses were based on the wrong interpretation of the source material, and provides a new etymology for the name Szywra. Based on the critical analysis of all of the reachable records of names referring to the river Szywra, it has been proven that its Polish name is an adaptation of the former German name Schieferbach. Such a process was possible due to the long-term bilingual situation in the region of Greater Poland.

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Paweł Swoboda
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The European Green Deal is a strategy aimed at making Europe climate neutral in 2050. This work plan consists of several initiatives: European Climate Law, European Climate Pact, adaptation strategy, Farm-to Fork strategy and task to increase the EU 2030 climate target towards 55%. The aim of this article is to present the aims and structure of the European Green Deal with special notice on actions planed within „blue economy”. The maritime sector will have to play a central role in alleviating the multiple demands on the EU's land resources and tackling climate change by improving the use of aquatic and marine resources.
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Monika Adamczak-Retecka

  1. Katedra Prawa Europejskiego i Komparatystyki Prawniczej, Wydział Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
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This work describes a new study to achieve a combination of modified function projective synchronization between three different chaotic systems through adaptive control. Using the Lyapunov function theory, the asymptotic stability of the error dynamics is obtained and discussed. Further, we set some appropriate initial conditions for the state variables and assigning specific values to the parameters and obtain the graphical results, which shows the efficiencies of the new method. Finally, we summarized our work with conclusion and references.

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N.A. Almohammadi
E.O. Alzahrani
M.M. El-Dessoky

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