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We discuss epistemological and methodological aspects of the Bayesian approach in astrophysics and cosmology. The introduction to the Bayesian framework is given for a further discussion concerning the Bayesian inference in physics. The interplay between the modern cosmology, Bayesian statistics, and philosophy of science is presented. We consider paradoxes of confi rmation, like Goodman’s paradox, appearing in the Bayesian theory of confirmation. As in Goodman’s paradox the Bayesian inference is susceptible to some epistemic limitations in the logic of induction. However, Goodman’s paradox applied to cosmological hypotheses seems to be resolved due to the evolutionary character of cosmology and the accumulation of new empirical evidence. We argue that the Bayesian framework is useful in the context of falsifiability of quantum cosmological models, as well as contemporary dark energy and dark matter problem.

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Jakub Mielczarek
Marek Szydłowski
Adam Krawiec
Paweł Tambor
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The article is devoted to some critical problems of using Bayesian networks for solving practical problems, in which graph models contain directed cycles. The strict requirement of the acyclicity of the directed graph representing the Bayesian network does not allow to efficiently solve most of the problems that contain directed cycles. The modern theory of Bayesian networks prohibits the use of directed cycles. The requirement of acyclicity of the graph can significantly simplify the general theory of Bayesian networks, significantly simplify the development of algorithms and their implementation in program code for calculations in Bayesian networks..
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[1] A. Nafalski and A.P. Wibawa, “Machine translation with javanese speech levels’ classification,” Informatyka, Automatyka, Pomiary w Gospodarce i Ochronie Środowiska, vol. 6, no 1, pp 21-25, 2016.
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[3] A. Litvinenko, O. Mamyrbayev, N. Litvinenko, A. Shayakhmetova, “Application of Bayesian networks for estimation of individual psychological characteristics,” Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, vol. 95, no. 5, pp. 92-97, 2019
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[11] D. Barber, “Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning,” 2017, 686 p. staff/D.Barber/ textbook/020217.pdf
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[13] O. Mamyrbayev, M. Turdalyuly, N. Mekebayev, and et al. “Continuous speech recognition of kazakh language», AMCSE 2018 Int. conf. On Applied Mathematics, Computational Science and Systems Engineering, Rom, Italy, 2019, vol. 24, pp. 1-6.
[14] A. Litvinenko, N. Litvinenko, O. Mamyrbayev, A. Shayakhmetova, M. Turdalyuly “Clusterization by the K-means method when K is unknown,” Inter. Conf. Applied Mathematics, Computational Science and Systems Engineering. Rome, Italy, 2019, vol. 24, pp. 1-6.
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[19] N. Litvinenko, A. Litvinenko, O. Mamyrbayev, A. Shayakhmetova “Work with Bayesian Networks in BAYESIALAB,” Almaty: IPIC, 2018, 311 p. (in Rus). ISBN 978-601-332-206-3.

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Authors and Affiliations

Assem Shayakhmetova
1 2
Natalya Litvinenko
Orken Mamyrbayev
Waldemar Wójcik
4 5
Dusmat Zhamangarin

  1. Institute of Information and Computational Technology, 050010 Almaty, Kazakhstan
  2. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  3. Information and Computational Technology, 050010 Almaty, Kazakhstan
  4. Institute of Information and Computational Technologies CS MES RK, Almaty
  5. Lublin Technical University, Poland
  6. Kazakh University Ways of Communications, Kazakhstan
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In this paper, the performance of the Bayesian Optimization (BO) technique applied to various problems of microwave engineering is studied. Bayesian optimization is a novel, non-deterministic, global optimization scheme that uses machine learning to solve complex optimization problems. However, each new optimization scheme needs to be evaluated to find its best application niche, as there is no universal technique that suits all problems. Here, BO was applied to different types of microwave and antenna engineering problems, including matching circuit design, multiband antenna and antenna array design, or microwave filter design. Since each of the presented problems has a different nature and characteristics such as different scales (i.e. number of design variables), we try to address the question about the generality of BO and identify the problem areas for which the technique is or is not recommended.
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Michal Baranowski
Grzegorz Fotyga
Adam Lamecki
1 2
Michal Mrozowski

  1. Gdańsk University of Technology, Gdańsk, Gabriela Narutowicza 11/12 80-233, Poland
  2. EM Invent Sp. z o.o., Gdańsk, Trzy Lipy 3 80-172, Poland
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We propose a Bayesian approach to estimating productive capital stocks and depreciation rates within the production function framework, using annual data on output, employment and investment only. Productive capital stock is a concept related to the input of capital services to production, in contrast to the more common net capital stock estimates, representing market value of fixed assets. We formulate a full Bayesian model and employ it in a series of illustrative empirical examples. We find that parameters of our model, from which the time-path of capital is derived, are weakly identified with the data at hand. Nevertheless, estimation is feasible with the use of prior information on the production function parameters and the characteristics of productivity growth. We show how precision of the estimates can be improved by augmenting the model with an equation for the rate of return.
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Jakub Boratyński
Jacek Osiewalski

  1. University of Lodz, Lodz, Poland
  2. Cracow University of Economics, Cracow, Poland
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An information security audit method (ISA) for a distributed computer network (DCN) of an informatization object (OBI) has been developed. Proposed method is based on the ISA procedures automation by using Bayesian networks (BN) and artificial neural networks (ANN) to assess the risks. It was shown that such a combination of BN and ANN makes it possible to quickly determine the actual risks for OBI information security (IS). At the same time, data from sensors of various hardware and software information security means (ISM) in the OBI DCS segments are used as the initial information. It was shown that the automation of ISA procedures based on the use of BN and ANN allows the DCN IS administrator to respond dynamically to threats in a real time manner, to promptly select effective countermeasures to protect the DCS.
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Authors and Affiliations

Berik Akhmetov
Valerii Lakhno
Vitalyi Chubaievskyi
Serhii Kaminskyi
Saltanat Adilzhanova
Moldir Ydyryshbayeva

  1. Yessenov University, Aktau, Kazakhstan
  2. National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
  3. Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Kyiv, Ukraine
  4. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
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A mathematical model is proposed that makes it possible to describe in a conceptual and functional aspect the formation and application of a knowledge base (KB) for an intelligent information system (IIS). This IIS is developed to assess the financial condition (FC) of the company. Moreover, for circumstances related to the identification of individual weakly structured factors (signs). The proposed model makes it possible to increase the understanding of the analyzed economic processes related to the company's financial system. An iterative algorithm for IIS has been developed that implements a model of cognitive modeling. The scientific novelty of the proposed approach lies in the fact that, unlike existing solutions, it is possible to adjust the structure of the algorithm depending on the characteristics of a particular company, as well as form the information basis for the process of assessing the company's FC and the parameters of the cognitive model.
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Olena Kryvoruchko
Alona Desiatko
Igor Karpunin
Dmytro Hnatchenko
Myroslav Lakhno
Feruza Malikova
Ayezhan Turdaliev

  1. State University of Trade and Economics, Kyiv, Ukraine
  2. National University of Life and EnvironmentalSciences of Ukraine, Kyiv
  3. Almaty Technological University, Almaty,Kazakhstan
  4. Kazakh University of Railways andTransportation, Almaty, Kazakhstan
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This paper proposes the usage of the fuzzy rule-based Bayesian algorithm to determine which residential appliances can be considered for the Demand Response program. In contrast with other related studies, this research recognizes both randomness and fuzziness in appliance usage. Moreover, the input data for usage prediction consists of nodal price values (which represent the actual power system conditions), appliance operation time, and time of day. The case study of residential power consumer behavior modeling was implemented to show the functionality of the proposed methodology. The results of applying the suggested algorithm are presented as colored 3D control surfaces. In addition, the performance of the model was verified using R squared coefficient and root mean square error. The conducted studies show that the proposed approach can be used to predict when the selected appliances can be used under specific circumstances. Research of this type may be useful for evaluation of the demand response programs and support residential load forecasting.
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Piotr Kapler

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Electrical Power Engineering Institute, Koszykowa 75, 00-662 Warsaw, Poland
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In an effort to achieve an optimal availability time of induction motors via fault probabilities reduction and improved prediction or diagnostic tools responsiveness, a conditional probabilistic approach was used. So, a Bayesian network (BN) has been developed in this paper. The objective will be to prioritize predictive and corrective maintenance actions based on the definition of the most probable fault elements and to see how they serve as a foundation for the decision framework. We have explored the causes of faults for an induction motor. The influence of different power ranges and the criticality of the electric induction motor are also discussed. With regard to the problem of induction motor faults monitoring and diagnostics, each technique developed in the literature concerns one or two faults. The model developed, through its unique structure, is valid for all faults and all situations. Application of the proposed approach to some machines shows promising results on the practical side. The model developed uses factual information (causes and effects) that is easy to identify, since it is best known to the operator. After that comes an investigation into the causal links and the definition of the a priori probabilities. The presented application of Bayesian networks is the first of its kind to predict faults of induction motors. Following the results of the inference obtained, prioritizations of the actions can be carried out.

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A. Lakehal
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When the distribution of water quality samples is roughly balanced, the Bayesian criterion model of water-inrush source generally can obtain relatively accurate results of water-inrush source identification. However, it is often difficult to achieve desired classification results when training samples are imbalanced. Sample imbalance is common in the source identification of mine water-inrush. Therefore, we propose a three-dimensional (3D) spatial resampling method based on rare water quality samples, which achieves the balance of water quality samples. Based on the virtual water sample points distributed by the 3D grid, the method uses the 3D Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) method to interpolate the groundwater ion concentration of the virtual water samples to achieve oversampling of rare water samples. Case study in Gubei Coal Mine shows that the method improves overall discriminant accuracy of the Bayesian criterion model by 5.26%, from 85.26% to 90.69%. In particular, the discriminative precision of the rare class is improved from 0% to 83.33%, which indicates that the method can improve the discriminant accuracy of the rare class to large extent. In addition, this method increases the Kappa coefficient of the model by 19.92%, from 52.26% to 72.19%, increasing the degree of consistency from “general” to “significant”. Our research is of significance to enriching and improving the theory of prevention and treatment of mine water damage.

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Qiong Jiang
Weidong Zhao
Yong Zheng
Jiajia Wei
Chao Wei
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The numerous overruns of the investor’s budget during tenders for the construction of railway infrastructure in Poland resulted in the widespread use of a new procedure for awarding public contracts – electronic auction. This procedure has many advantages and potential risks. One of the biggest benefits for an investor is the potential gains from reducing bids. Contractors competing against each other allow for the achievement of optimal prices for the planned construction investment. However, this may cause the originally calculated risks, should they materialize, lead to significant budget overruns. This, in turn, may imply further negative consequences, including exceeding the assumed investment deadlines. The article presents a method of modeling the influence of an electronic auction on a tender procedure with the use of a Bayesian network. Data from completed tender procedures announced by the PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A. were used to build the network. The created network was then validated, verified and calibrated using new data from 8 tender procedures.
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Authors and Affiliations

Filip Janowiec

  1. Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Ul.Warszawska 24, 31-155 Cracow, Poland
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Nowadays, the main challenge in maintenance is to establish a dynamic maintenance strategy to significantly track and improve the performance measures of multi-state systems in terms of production, quality, security and even the environment. This paper presents a quantitative approach based on Dynamic Bayesian Network (DBN) to model and evaluate the maintenance of multi-state system and their functional dependencies. According to transition relationships between the system states modeled by the Markov process, a DBN model is established. The objective is to evaluate the reliability and the availability of the system with taking into account the impact of maintenance strategies (perfect repair and imperfect repair). Using the proposed approach, the dynamic probabilities of system states can be determined and the subsystems contributing to system failure can also be identified. A practical application is demonstrated by a case study of a blower system. Through the result of the diagnostic inference, to improve the performances of the blower, the critical components C, F, W, and P should be given more attention. The results indicate also that the perfect repair strategy can improve significantly the performances of the blower, while the imperfect repair strategy cannot degrade the performances in comparison to the perfect repair strategy. These results show the effectiveness of this approach in the context of a predictive evaluation process and in providing the opportunity to evaluate the impact of the choices made on the future measurement of systems performances. Finally, through diagnostic analysis, intervention management and maintenance planning are managed efficiently and optimally.
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Authors and Affiliations

Zakaria Dahia
Ahmed Bellaouar
Jean-Paul Dron
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In order to solve the problem of misjudgment caused by the traditional power grid fault diagnosis methods, a new fusion diagnosis method is proposed based on the theory of multisource information fusion. In this method, the fault degree of the power element is deduced by using the Bayesian network. Then, the time-domain singular spectrum entropy, frequencydomain power spectrum entropy and wavelet packet energy spectrum entropy of the electrical signals of each circuit after the failure are extracted, and these three characteristic quantities are taken as the fault support degree of the power components. Finally, the four fault degrees are normalized and classified as four evidence bodies in the D-S evidence theory for multifeature fusion, which reduces the uncertainty brought by a single feature body. Simulation results show that the proposed method can obtain more reliable diagnosis results compared with the traditional methods.
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[1] Yao Yuantao, Wang Jin, Xie Min, Hu Liqin and Wang Jianye, ”A new approach for fault diagnosis with full-scope simulator based on state information imaging in nuclear power plant”, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2020, 141, 1-9.
[2] Lei Koua, Chuang Liua, Guo-wei Caia, Zhe Zhangb, ”Fault Diagnosis for Power Electronics Converters based on Deep Feedforward Network and Wavelet Compression”, Electric Power Systems Research, 2020, 185, 1-9.
[3] Haibo Zhang, Kai Jia, Weijin Shi, Jianzhao Guo, Weizhi Su and Li Zhang, ”Power Grid Fault Diagnosis Based on Information Theory and Expert System”, Proceedings of the CSU-EPSA,, 2017, 29(8), 111-118.
[4] Jianfeng Zhou, Genserik Reniers and Laobing Zhang, ”A weighted fuzzy Petri-net based approach for security risk assessment in the chemical industry”, Chemical Engineering Science, 2017, 174, 136-145.
[5] Sen Wang and Xiaorun Li, ”Circuit Breaker Fault Detection Method Based on Bayesian Approach”, Industrial Control Computer, 2018, 31(4), 147-151.
[6] Kaikai Gu and Jiang Guo, ”Transformer Fault Diagnosis Method Based on Compact Fusion of Fuzzy Set and Fault Tree”, High Voltage Engineering , 2014, 40(05), 1507-1513.
[7] Jun Miao, Qikun Yuan, Liwen Liu, Zhipeng You and Zhang Wang, ”Research on robot circuit fault detection method based on dynamic Bayesian network”, Electronic Design Engineering, 2020, 28(9), 184- 188.
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[9] Libo Liu, Tingting Zhao, Yancang Li and Bin Wang, ”An Improved Whale Algorithm Based on Information Entry”, Mathematics in practice and theory, 2020, 50(2), 211-219.
[10] Juan Yan, Minfang Peng, et al., ”Fault Diagnosis of Grounding Grids Based on Information Entropy and Evidence Fusion”, Proceedings of the CSU-EPSA, 2017, 29(12),8-13.
[11] Ershadi, Mohammad Mahdi and Seifi, Abbas, ”An efficient Bayesian network for differential diagnosis using experts’ knowledge”, International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics, 2020, 13(1), 103-126.
[12] Guan Li, Zhifeng Liu, Ligang Cai and Jun Yan, ”Standing-Posture Recognition in Human–Robot Collaboration Based on Deep Learning and the Dempster–Shafer Evidence Theory”, Sensors, 2020, 20(4), 1- 17.
[13] Xiaofei He, Xiaoyang Tong and Shu Zhou, ”Power system fault diagnosis based on Bayesian network and fault section location”, Power system protection and control, 2010, 38(12), 29-34.
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Authors and Affiliations

Xin Zeng
1 2
Xingzhong Xiong
1 3
Zhongqiang Luo
1 3

  1. School of Automation and Information Engineering, Sichuan University of Science and Engineering, Yibin, China
  2. Artificial Intelligence Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province, Sichuan University of Science and Engineering, Yibin, China
  3. Artificial Intelligence Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province, Sichuan Universityof Science and Engineering, Yibin, China
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Human brain is “the perfect guessing machine” (James V. Stone (2012) Vision and Brain, Cambridge, Mass: The MIT Press, p. 155), trying to interpret sensory data in the light of previous biases or beliefs. Bayesian inference is carried out by three complex networks of the human brain: salience network, central executive network, and default mode network. Their function is analysed both in neurotypical person and Attention Deficit Disorder. Modern human being having predictive brain and overloaded mind must develop social identity, whose evolution went probably through three stages: social selection based on punishment, sexual selection based on reputation, and group selection based on identity.

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Maciej Błaszak
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Every decision or action taken as part of a construction project involves risk. Unforeseen branch works that may occur during the construction investment are the so-called additional work. They cause risk, both for the contractor and the investor. Skilful management of this risk may lead to minimizing the change in the investment duration or minimizing the change in the cost of the contractual amount. The work proposes a method of analysing the risk of industrial works that may occur during additional works in railway construction investments. A constructed Bayesian network based on the risk component of industrial works was used for the analysis. Bayesian networks are listed as one of the 31 techniques suggested for risk analysis in accordance with the ISO 31010 standard, which enables the correct analysis of the examined problem with satisfactory accuracy. During the construction of the network, historical data was obtained from completed and settled railway infrastructure construction projects, and 125 unique records corresponding to additional works were identified. The created Bayesian network combines technological aspects resulting from the specificity of the implementation of branch works in railway construction projects with a practical assessment of their risk. The proposed network model allows for risk analysis by defining various event scenarios, and has high application capacity resulting from the ease of applying its results in practice in the implementation of railway investments.
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Authors and Affiliations

Agnieszka Lesniak
Filip Janowiec
Jorge Rueda Benavides

  1. Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, ul. Warszawska 24, 31-155 Cracow, Poland
  2. Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, ul. Warszawska 24, 31-155 Cracow,Poland
  3. Auburn University, College Of Engineering, Department of Civil and EnvironmentalEngineering, 238 Harbert Center, Auburn, AL 36849 USA
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Admixtures are commonly used nowadays in the mix composition of concrete. These additions affect concrete properties and performance especially creep deformations. This paper shows the effect of admixtures on creep of concrete. In fact, creep deformations have prejudicial consequences on concrete behaviour; an incorrect or inaccurate prediction leads to undesirable consequences in structures. Therefore, an accurate estimation of these deformations is mandatory. Moreover, design codes do not consider admixtures’ effect while predicting creep deformations, thus it is necessary to develop models that predict accurately creep deformations and consider the effect of admixtures. Using a large experimental database coming from international laboratories and research centres, this study aims to update the Eurocode 2 creep model by considering the type and percentage of admixtures using Bayesian Linear Regression method. The effect of two types of admixtures is presented in this paper; the water reducer and silica fume.

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E. Zgheib
W. Raphael
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Advancement in medical technology creates some issues related to data transmission as well as storage. In real-time processing, it is too tedious to limit the flow of data as it may reduce the meaningful information too. So, an efficient technique is required to compress the data. This problem arises in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Electrocardiogram (ECG), Electroencephalogram (EEG), and other medical signal processing domains. In this paper, we demonstrate Block Sparse Bayesian Learning (BSBL) based compressive sensing technique on an Electroencephalogram (EEG) signal. The efficiency of the algorithm is described using the Mean Square Error (MSE) and Structural Similarity Index Measure (SSIM) value. Apart from this analysis we also use different combinations of sensing matrices too, to demonstrate the effect of sensing matrices on MSE and SSIM value. And here we got that the exponential and chi-square random matrices as a sensing matrix are showing a significant change in the value of MSE and SSIM. So, in real-time body sensor networks, this scheme will contribute a significant reduction in power requirement due to its data compression ability as well as it will reduce the cost and the size of the device used for real-time monitoring.
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Authors and Affiliations

Vivek Upadhyaya
Mohammad Salim

  1. Malaviya National Institute of Technology, India

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