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Biomass is one of the most frequently used sources of renewable energy. For centuries, wood has been used by people to heat their homes, and nowadays it is also used to generate electricity. The article discusses legal issues related to biomass, classification of biomass for energy purposes, quality parameters of selected ecological fuels, quality requirements for biomass, as well as biomass trade in the world. The article compares the quality requirements for biomass purchased by individual companies from the power sector (mainly dimensions, calorific value, moisture content, ash content, sulfur and chlorine). An analysis of the price of wood pellets on international markets, represented by the biomass stock exchanges: RBCN, EEX and BALTPOOL was also performed. The market analysis clearly shows that the international market for industrial pellets is dominated by intercontinental trade, which mainly concerns exchanges between the United States of America as a producer and Europe as a consumer. The largest amount of biomass is imported by the United Kingdom, mainly for its Drax biomass power plant, and this biomass comes from the USA and Canada. In addition to Great Britain, significant importers of wood pellets are the Netherlands, Belgium and Denmark. Judging by the interest of Polish energy companies in the purchase of biomass, also in Poland, the development of the biomass market should be expected.

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Tadeusz Olkuski
Katarzyna Stala-Szlugaj
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The paper presents selected issues related to the development of international coal markets. World consumption of coal dropped for the second year in a row in 2016, primarily due to the lower demand from China and the US. The share of coal in global primary energy consumption decreased to 28%. World coal production accounted to 3.66 billion toe and it was lower by 6.2% when compared to the previous year. More than 60% of this decline took place in China. The decline in global production was more than four times higher than the decrease in consumption. The sufficiency of the world resources of coal are estimated at 153 years – that is three times more than the sufficiency of oil and gas resources. After several years of decline, coal prices increased by 77% in 2016. The current spot prices are at the level of $80/ton and are close to the 2014 prices. In the European market, after the first half of the year, coal prices reached the level of around 66% higher than in the same period of the last year. The average price in the first half amounted to PLN 12.6/GJ, which is close to the 2012 prices. The share of spot trade in the total purchase amount accounted to approx. 20%. Prices in futures contracts can be estimated on the basis of the Japan-Australia contracts prices and prices in supplies to power plants located in Germany. On average, the prices in supplies to these power plants were higher by approximately 9% in the years 2010 – 2016 and prices in Australia – Japan contracts were 12% higher than CIF ARA prices in 2017. Global energy coal trade reached about 1.012 billion tons in 2016. A decline by 4.8% is expected in 2019 primarily due to the expected reduction in demand in major importing countries in Asia.

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Zbigniew Grudziński
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Krajowa energetyka od lat oparta jest na węglu kamiennym i brunatnym. Kilkudziesięcioprocentowy udział elektrowni opalanych węglem kamiennym i brunatnym w strukturze wytwórczej wymusza konieczność zakupu tych paliw do produkcji energii elektrycznej w otoczeniu zmiennych cen surowców, kształtowanych na międzynarodowym rynku. Ceny węgla kamiennego są wypadkową wielu zmiennych i zależą nie tylko od światowej sytuacji geopolitycznej czy ekonomicznej, ale mogą być również skutkiem klęsk żywiołowych. Ceny na rynkach międzynarodowych są ze sobą ściśle powiązane. Szczególnie wysokość cen kształtowanych przez największych producentów i eksporterów (między innymi przez Indonezję, Australię czy Chiny) mają wpływ na ceny surowca na rynku europejskim. Są one także punktem odniesienia dla cen węgla brunatnego na lokalnych rynkach. W niniejszym artykule przeanalizowano wpływ zmienności cen węgla kamiennego na rynkach światowych na zmienność krajowych cen paliw (kosztów zakupu) wykorzystywanych do produkcji energii elektrycznej, cen sprzedaży energii przez jednostki wytwórcze oraz cen energii elektrycznej dla odbiorców końcowych. Sprawdzono także czy zmienność cen węgla kamiennego ma wpływ na zmienność cen energii dla przedsiębiorstw przyłączonych do sieci na parametrach wysokiego napięcia i dla gospodarstw domowych. Dodatkowo zbadano także korelację pomiędzy analizowanymi parami zmiennych. Niniejszą analizę wpływu wybranych zmiennych przeprowadzono przy użyciu podstawowych miar statystycznych. W drugiej części badań przeprowadzona zostanie poszerzona analiza wzajemnego wpływu (przyczynowości) zmiany analizowanych parametrów z wykorzystaniem zaawansowanych narzędzi statystycznych.
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Marcin Malec
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The purpose of the article was to characterize the international steam coal market based on the latest available data. The information goes back to the first half of 2018. The article focuses on the description of the three largest exporters and importers of steam coal. Representatives in these categories were selected using the latest global statistics on 2017. In 2017, global production of steam coal amounted to 5.68 billion tons and exceeded production in 2016 by 4%. For several years, invariably the world’s leading exporters of steam coal are: Indonesia, Australia and Russia. In total, these three countries in 2017 supplied 73% of steam coal to the international market. However, for the 46% of global steam coal imports (data for 2017), three Asian countries are responsible: China, India and Japan. For each of the six listed countries (i.e. for: three major global exporters and three major global importers), the paper presents volumes related to coal production, export or import. The directions of deliveries or major coal exporters to a given country were also included. At the end of the article, the price situation was presented, as it appeared in the first half of 2018 on the European and Asian markets.

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Katarzyna Stala-Szlugaj
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The paper presents selected issues related to the development of international coal markets. World consumption of coal dropped for the second year in a row in 2016, primarily due to lower demand from China and the U S. The share of coal in global primary energy consumption decreased to 28%. World coal production accounted to 3.66 billion toe and it was lower by 6.2% when compared to the previous year. More than 60% of this decline took place in China. The decline in global production was more than four times higher than the decrease in consumption. The sufficiency of world resources of coal are estimated at 153 years – that is three times more than the sufficiency of oil and gas resources. After several years of decline, coal prices increased by 77% in 2016. The current spot prices are at the level of $80/t and are close to the 2014 prices. In the European market, after the first half of the year, coal prices reached the level of around 66% higher than in the same period of the last year. The average price in the first half amounted to PLN 12.6/GJ, which is close to the 2012 prices. The share of spot trade in the total purchase amount accounted to approx. 20%. Prices in futures contracts can be estimated on the basis of the Japan-Australia contracts prices and prices in supplies to power plants located in Germany. On average, the prices in supplies to these power plants were higher by approximately 9% in the years 2010–2016 and prices in Australia – Japan contracts were 12% higher than CIF ARA prices in 2017. Global energy coal trade reached about 1.012 billion tonnes in 2016. In 2019, a decline by 4.8% is expected primarily due to the expected reduction in the demand in major importing countries in Asia.

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Zbigniew Grudziński
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The article presents an analysis of Russia’s participation in international steam coal trade, which has been its important participant for years. The research covered the years 2014–2018. The geographical location on two continents and the availability of coal deposits, favors its presence on both the Pacific and Atlantic markets. The article also discusses the main coal producers in Russia and the prices of Russian steam coal directed to the spot market. Due to the significant share of coal exports for the Russian economy, the focus was also on analyzing Russian seaports.

In recent years, Asian exports have dominated in Russian steam coal exports. The share of export to this market in the years 2014–2018 was in the range of 49–57% (60–87 million tons). Currently, three countries play an important role among Asian countries: South Korea, China and J apan. They purchased a total of 38–52 million tons of Russian coal. Although in the years under analysis Russia exported 52–67 million tons of steam coal to the European market, the share of this market dropped from almost half to around 40%. T he slow departure from coal energy contributes to reducing the share of recipients from this direction. Among European countries, in 2014 the main direction of export was Great Britain with 19% (24 million tons) of total export share. In 2018, exports fell to 9 million tons (5%).

Among European destinations for Russian coal, Poland’s share is growing in importance. In the years 2014–2018, steam coal exports to Poland varied in the range of 5.6–16.2 million tons. In the years 2014–2018 it changed in the range of 5.6–16.2 million tons. The dynamic growth achieved in the last three years is noteworthy. In relation to 2016, imports increased by 10.0 million tons and in 2018 amounted to as much as 16.1 million tons. The article also discusses the geographical structure of coal imports to Poland by railway border crossings and seaports.

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Authors and Affiliations

Katarzyna Stala-Szlugaj
Zbigniew Grudziński
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Prezentowany artykuł porównuje światowe rynki złota i ropy naftowej w celu wyjaśnienia zaskakująco wysokiej korelacji cen obu surowców od roku 1970 oraz imponującego ich wzrostu w porównaniu z cenami praktycznie wszystkich pozostałych surowców. Autorzy sugerują, że rozwój sytuacji na rynku naftowym i wynikające z niego skutki makroekonomiczne wpłynęły na inwestycje w złoto, zapewniając w ten sposób najbardziej wiarygodne wyjaśnienie dla synchronizacji zmian cen obu towarów. Analizując nadzwyczajne wzrosty cen ropy naftowej i złota, w szczególności w porównaniu z cenami innych metali i innych surowców mineralnych, autorzy zakładają, że najpierw nastąpił wzrost cen ropy, wywołany przez zewnętrzne ograniczenia dotyczące zdolności produkcyjnych. W konsekwencji wzrosła cena złota, niejako odpowiadając na potrzebę bezpiecznych inwestycji dla zachowania wartości środków inwestycyjnych, co jest cechą charakterystyczną złota, której nie posiadają inne metale i surowce mineralne. Prezentowany artykuł omawia także prawdopodobną ewolucję cen tych ważnych surowców argumentując, że ceny ropy w najbliższych dziesięcioleciach utrzymają swój poziom lub obniżą się, a ceny złota będą nadal kontynuowały wzrost, co doprowadzi do zniesienia związku pomiędzy cenami ropy i złota.
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Roberto F. Aguilera
Marian Radetzki
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Coal production in 2018 increased by 3.3% and amounted to 7.81 million tons. Compared to 2010, it increased by 620 million tons. The structure of coal production in the world is very stable in the analyzed period of 2010–2018. Steam coal dominates in production with a share of 77%. Since 1990, the share of coal in the consumption of primary energy carriers has fallen by 3% in the global economy. In the EU, the share of coal in the consumption of primary energy carriers is more than twice lower than in the world, and in 2018 amounted to 13%. BP estimates the sufficiency of coal proven reserves based on 2018 data for the next 132 years. For oil and gas, they are estimated at 51 years. The decline in hard coal production in the European U nion can be dated almost continuously since 1990, which has decreased by 74%. In 2018, 74 million tons of coal were produced in the EU. In 2018, hard coal consumption in EU countries dropped to 226 million tons, i.e. by 20.6%.

In 2018, global trade in steam coal amounted to 1.14 billion tons. The situation in China is crucial for the international coal market. The slight change in the import policy of this country significantly affects the situation in international trade in steam coal. In 2019, coal prices (at Newcastle, Richards Bay, ARA ports) dropped by an average of 23 U SD/ton. The average decreases for these three indices were 33%. The prices of steam coal in the forecasts presented in the paper are under pressure of the falling demand.

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Zbigniew Grudziński
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Over the past two years, coking coal prices have been the most volatile among major bulk commodities. On the supply side, the most important factor determining the movement of coal prices were weather problems affecting the exports of coal from Australia (Queensland), where the production of the best quality coking coals is concentrated. On the demand side, an important factor is the growing role of China on the market, which, being the world’s largest producer and consumer of metallurgical coal, has also become its largest importer. The dominant, about 75% share of China in the global spot market has resulted in their level of activity influencing the periodic price decreases or increases in international trade and prices based on CFR China (along with Australian FOB prices) have become important indicators to monitor market trends and determine levels of negotiated benchmarks. The exceptional volatility on the market led to a change in the quarterly price fixing mechanism for hard-load hard coal contractors in mid–2017 to apply a formula that assumes the valuation of their quarterly volumes based on the average of the basket of spot price indices. This reflects the broader trend of the evolving market, with growing spot market activity. The article describes the current situation on the international coking coal market and presents short-term forecasts for hard coking hard coal prices (PHCC LV), which are a reference point for fixing prices of other types of metallurgical coal (hard standard, semi-soft, PCI).

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Urszula Ozga-Blaschke
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Celem artykułu jest próba identyfikacji oraz oceny stopnia wpływu najważniejszych czynników kształtujących ceny ropy naftowej WTI. Podjęcie takiej tematyki stanowi nawiązanie do dyskusji prowadzonych przez innych badaczy rynku na łamach światowej literatury oraz podejmowanych przez nich prób określenia przyczyn silnych wahań cen surowca z lat 2007–2009. Z jednej strony w okresie tym obserwowano silne fluktuacje wielkości popytu na ropę naftową, tj. w latach 2000–2007 odnotowano ponadprzeciętny wzrost zapotrzebowania na surowiec (szczególnie w krajach azjatyckich), by w okresie kryzysu finansowego obserwować jego nagły spadek. Rosnący popyt i ceny surowca wpłynęły na zwiększenie przez firmy wydobywcze nakładów na rozpoznanie nowych złóż, czego wynikiem jest obserwowany na terenie Ameryki Północnej po 2013 roku silny wzrost wydobycia ze złóż niekonwencjonalnych. Z drugiej strony początek XXI wieku przyniósł rekordowy wzrost obrotu instrumentami finansowymi opartymi na cenach ropy naftowej. W pierwszej części artykułu zaprezentowano przegląd najważniejszych prac empirycznych w obszarze będącym przedmiotem pracy. Weryfikacja postawionego problemu badawczego opierała się na przeprowadzonej analizie kointegracji z wykorzystaniem metody Johansena oraz w drugim kroku estymacji modelu korekty błędem. Próba, na podstawie której dokonano oszacowania, to lata 2002–2014, a więc uwzględniono szczególnie istotny dla historii handlu ropą naftową okres tzw. trzeciego szoku cenowego z lat 2007–2008. Otrzymane rezultaty pozwalają wnioskować, że wpływ na procesy cenotwórcze na rynku czarnego złota mają zarówno czynniki popytowo-podażowe, jak i te związane z obrotem kontraktami terminowymi na ropę naftową. Co ważne, determinanty z pierwszej kategorii, a więc te o charakterze fundamentalnym, silniej rzutują na kształtowanie się cen. Dodatkowo można przypuszczać, że wzrost liczby transakcji futures zawieranych przez podmioty utożsamiane ze spekulacyjnymi (niezwiązane bezpośrednio z przedmiotowym rynkiem) może wpływać destabilizująco na zmiany cen ropy naftowej.
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Robert Socha
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With the upcoming implementation of the centralized capacity market in Poland, capacity auctions will be organized where domestic power companies will offer their available capacities. It is assumed that bidding will be auctioned according to the so called descending clock auction system with uniform-price (Pay-as-Clear), which will lead to the market equilibrium price. Some analysts, however, are of the view that it is more appropriate to organize capacity auctions in the Pay-as-Bid formula, as this system should lead to lower prices that those of Pay-as-Clear, hence lower costs of capacity purchase. However, this opinion does not confirm the practice – theoretical considerations do not take into account such important factors as the behavior of market players and the tendency of bidders to accept a higher risk or the lack of access to advanced analyses, and thus better information for all market participants. This paper presents a hypothetical calculation of the prices in the centralized capacity market using Monte Carlo simulations. The results of the study confirm that the price level for the Pay-as-Bid system, due to the asymmetry of information and the level of concentration of the power generation sector in Poland would lead to higher prices than for the Pay-as-Clear system on average by approximately 2.5%. The implementation of the PAB system would, therefore, be less efficient to electricity consumers.

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Piotr W. Saługa
Jacek Kamiński
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Over the past decade, the growing demand for imported coal from consumers (mainly Asian) coincided with supply constraints on the part of major suppliers. The sequence of events is referred to as force majeure. There were many events in the exporting countries, mainly including the cyclone and floods in Australia (Queensland, the world’s largest hard coking coal mining region). Imbalance between supply and demand causes commodity prices to be subject to cyclical changes, but in recent years the frequency and dynamics of these changes in the international metallurgical market (hard coking coal, semi-soft coking coal, PCI coal) has been extremely high. China, the world’s largest producer and consumer of coking coal, played a leading role in these events. Political action by the Chinese authorities regarding their domestic mining and metallurgical industries and the coke-chemical industry has made the country dethrone Japan since 2013 and has become a global leader in metallurgical coal imports. The rise of China’s importance in coal trading has become an important benchmark for monitoring market trends and benchmarking benchmarks. The market has become more bipolar and CFR China’s prices (in addition to Australia’s FOB prices). The paper describes the path of pricing mechanism changes in international trade contracts for metallurgical coal, against the background of market conditions that generate these changes.

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Urszula Ozga-Blaschke
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Steel and cast-iron products, due to their low price and beneficial properties, are the most widely used among metals; their consumption has become an indicator of the economic development of countries. The characteristics of iron raw materials, in relation to current metallurgical requirements, are presented in the present this article. The globalization of the trade and development of steelmaking technologies have caused significant changes in the quality of raw materials in the last half-century forcing improvements in processing technologies. In many countries, standard concentrates (at least 60% Fe) are almost twice as rich as those processed in the mid-20th century. Methods of quality assessment have been improved and quality standards tightened.

The quality requirements for the most important raw materials ‒ iron ores and concentrates, steel scrap, major alloy metals, coking coal, and coke, as well as gas and other energy media ‒ are reviewed in the present paper. Particular attention is paid to the quality testing methodology. The quality of many raw materials is evaluated multi-parametrically: both chemical and physical characteristics are important. Lower-quality parameters in raw materials equate to significantly lower prices obtained by suppliers in the market.

The markets for these raw materials are diversified and governed by separate sets of newly introduced rules. Price benchmarks (e.g. for standard Australian metallurgical coal) or indices (for iron concentrates) apply. Some raw materials are quoted within the framework of the commodity market system (certain alloying components and steel scrap). The abandonment of the long-established system of multi-annual contracts has led to wide fluctuations in prices, which have reached a scale similar to that of other metals.

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Mariusz Krzak
Andrzej Paulo
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Volatility is one of the most characteristic features in the all market types. In the raw material market, including the bituminous coal market, volatility is visible in the supply and demand variations, in consequence in the prices fluctuations. Market actors usually having opposite interests, for example buy low, sell high, are vitally interested in identifying the causes of these fluctuations.

Some of the factors causing the market fluctuations are quite common, others are more complicated because of circumstances complexity. This article attempts to examine the relationships between bituminous coal fines prices and the economic situation. Given the complexity of the issue, the research area has been narrowed down – territorially to Poland and temporarily – to the present decade.

The average prices of coal fines in Poland are presented by the Industrial Development Agency (Agencję Rozwoju Przemysłu SA) in the form of two indices: PSCMI 1 and PSCMI 2. Both indices are calculated based on the prices of pattern bituminous coal, produced by domestic manufacturers and sold on domestic markets, the energy and heat market respectively.

Statistical methods, because of their quantitative nature, are important in identifying the correlations between the coal fines prices and economic conditions. Therefore, the article presents examples of relatively strong linear correlations between the PSCMI 1 and/or PSCMI 2 and some indicators of the economic situation.

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Mikołaj Świat
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In the over 150 years of hydrocarbon history, the year 2017 will be one of the many similar. However, it will be a breakthrough year for liquefied natural gas. In Asia, China grew to become the leader of import growth, becoming the second world importer, overtaking even South Korea and chasing Japan. The Panama Canal for LNG trade and the “Northern Passage” was opened, so that Russian LNG supplies appeared in Europe. The year 2017 was marked by a dramatic shortening of the length of long-term concluded contracts, their shorter tenure and reduction of volumes – that is, it was another period of market commoditization of this energy resource. The article describes the current state of LNG production and trade till 2018. It focuses on natural gas production in the United States, Qatar, Australia, Russia as countries that can produce and supply LNG to the European Union. The issue of prices and the contracts terms in 2017 was analyzed in detail. The authors stress that the market is currently characterized by an oversupply and will last at least until mid–2020. Novatek, Total – Yamal-LNG project leaders have put the condensing facility at 5.5 million tons into operation. The Christophe de Margerie oil tanker was the first commercial unit to cross the route to Norway and then further to the UK without icebreakers and set a new record on the North Sea Road. In 2017, the Russian company increased its share in the European gas market from 33.1 to 34.7%. In 2017, Russia and Norway exported record volumes of „tubular” – classic natural gas to Europe (and Turkey), 194 and 122 billion m3 respectively, which is 15 and 9 billion m3 more natural gas than in 2016. The thesis was put forward that Russia would not easily give up its sphere of influence and would do everything and use various mechanisms, not only on the market, that it would simply be more expensive and economically unprofitable than natural gas. It was also emphasized that the pressure of the technically possible and economically viable redirection to European terminals of methane carriers landed in the American LNG, results in Gazprom not having a choice but to adjust its prices. The Americans, but also any other supplier (Australia?) can simply do the same and this awareness alone is enough for Russian gas to be present in Europe at a good price.

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Andrzej P. Sikora
Mateusz Sikora
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W ostatnich latach światowy rynek gazu ziemnego uległ bardzo znaczącym zmianom. Dotychczas stosowane podejście w relacjach handlowych dostawca–odbiorca gazu ziemnego determinowane było sposobem dostawy tego surowca – tj. głównie za pomocą gazociągów. Powodowało to istotne napięcia polityczno-gospodarcze pomiędzy zainteresowanymi stronami. Należy także mieć na uwadze, że dostawy gazu w formie LNG mogą umocnić swoją pozycję w strukturze bilansu energetycznego Unii Europejskiej ze względu na obserwowane zmniejszające się wydobycie gazu na terenie państw należących do UE. Pomimo spadku konsumpcji gazu ziemnego w UE w ostatnich latach jego rola może wzrosnąć z powodu realizowanej polityki klimatycznej. Jednym z głównym czynników wpływających na zmiany na światowym rynku gazu jest tzw. rewolucja łupkowa jaka miała miejsce w Stanach Zjednoczonych oraz plany tego kraju, aby stać się istotnym graczem na światowym rynku gazu, dzięki wykorzystaniu technologii LNG. Do roku 2013 USA intensywnie rozbudowywały swoje zdolności importowe LNG, które stanowiły ponad 19% światowych zdolności regazyfikacyjnych. Mając na uwadze wzrost udokumentowanych zasobów gazu ziemnego w USA, zrezygnowano z realizacji kolejnych projektów terminali importowych, a w ich miejsce powstają terminale skraplające, dzięki którym USA będą eksporterem LNG, co znacząco może zmienić światowy rynek gazu ziemnego. Zgodnie z przewidywaniami do 2022 roku zdolności eksportowe LNG wzrosną o 460 mld m3/rok, z czego 82 mld m3/rok przypadać będzie na USA. W artykule przedstawiono możliwy wpływ rewolucji łupkowej w USA na rynek gazu ziemnego w Europie. Przedstawiono uwarunkowania ekonomiczne eksportu LNG w USA. Należy jednak mieć na uwadze, że jednym z najważniejszych czynników decydujących o przekierowaniu LNG do Europy będą miały ceny na azjatyckim rynku gazu ziemnego, gdzie dostawy LNG odgrywają istotną rolę w zbilansowaniu zapotrzebowania na gaz.
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Authors and Affiliations

Piotr Janusz
Andrzej P. Sikora
Adam Szurlej
Maciej Kaliski
Mateusz P. Sikora

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