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Keywords monorchism children
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Monorchism in children can be caused by congenital and acquired conditions, and can potentially infl uence the hormonal and reproductive function of an individual in the long term. Depending on the etiology, diff erent approaches to the solitary testis have been suggested; however, studies on this topic are scarce. Prevention of anorchia is the main goal in the management of a child with monarchism. The risk of bilateral testicular loss must be weighed against the risk of performing surgery on a healthy gonad. Little is known about the long-term consequences of the various methods for fixation of the testis. This paper provides an up-to-date summary of the current literature on congenital and acquired monarchism in childhood.

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Jakub Szmer
Rafał Chrzan
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The article refers to Eglantine Jebb (1876–1928), little known in Poland, prominent English social activist, founder of Save the Children, the author of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child. The content of this article is an attempt to show the impact of E. Jebb on the development and promotion of children's rights.
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Aleksander Cywiński
Keywords children childhood
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What sets Childhood Studies apart from other scholarly fields studying minors is its shift in focus from the children’s future to a close examination of their present.
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Magdalena Radkowska-Walkowicz
Ewa Maciejewska-Mroczek

  1. Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology University of Warsaw, Poland
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The purpose of the study is a synthetic presentation of the development of children’s magazines in Poland from their creation to the end of World War I. The main focus of interest and research are magazines for younger and older children (up to 15 years of age) published in the Polish language across the ethnic and historical Polish territories. Periodicals published in this area in other languages (German, Russian, Belorussian, Ukrainian, Lithuanian, Yiddish, and Hebrew), one-days and calendars, school magazines, scouting and ethical magazines, and of course youth and student press were omitted. In the course of the research, it is established that 177 titles addressed to young recipients appeared in the examined period, 25 of which were published in the years 1824–1863, and 152 in the subsequent period.

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Krzysztof Woźniakowski
Sabina Kwiecień
Władysław M. Kolasa
Michał Rogoż
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The article is an illustration of everyday life of marginalized children belonging to indigenous peoples. It elucidates selected aspects of everyday life of marginalized Ba’Aka children in Central Africa at the beginning of the 21 st century. The problem of Pygmy children’s everyday life is presented by means of words, and assisted with images.
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Urszula Markowska-Manista
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The present work discusses results concerning sound perception obtained in a pitch memorization experiment for blind and visually impaired subjects (children and teenagers). Listeners were divided into two age groups: 7-13 year olds and 14-18 year olds. The study tested 20 individuals (8 congenitally blind and 12 visually impaired) and 20 sighted persons comprising reference groups. The duration of the experiments was as short as possible due to the fact that our listeners were children. To date, no study has described results of such experiment for blind/visually handicapped children and teenagers. In the pitch memory experiment blind teenagers outperformed blind children and both age groups of visually impaired subjects in two out of three tested cases. These results may have implications for the development of auditory training in orientation and mobility of young visually handicapped people.

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Ewa Skrodzka
Edyta Bogusz
Hanna Koprowska
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We talk to Dr. Zofia Boni from the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań about childhood, food and family lives.

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Zofia Boni
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The text deals with the counterfactual thinking of preschool children. The theoretical justification for the research can be found in the nativist concepts of Alan Leslie and Alison Gopnik, which assumes that even very young children have a natural ability to accept the strangest creations of the imagination and to connect them together into one amazing whole. During the research, recognizing children’s metaphorical meanings required me to act as an interpretively involved observer-as-participant. In doing so, educational interventions enabled me to be situated within the observed phenomena, in close relationship with the children being studied. The observation, meanwhile, embraced the spontaneous activities of the children engaged in symbolic playing and the effect of these activities (mainly artistic concretizations). The liberation of counterfactual thinking in preschoolers being induced with literary texts. The collected material has allowed me to draw conclusions applicable to educational practice.

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Monika Wiśniewska-Kin
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In communist Poland in the 1950s, “comrade” Gianni Rodari was one of the most frequently translated authors: his works were published in the press and in book form. The aim of this paper is to investigate the first Polish edition of Tile of Cipollino. The novel was translated into Polish by Zofia Ernst in 1954, based on its first Italian edition (1951), significantly different from the next version – in 1957 the novel was modified by the author himself and is now known as Adventures of Cipollino. The paper focuses on the translation challenges and strategies employed by the translator and on issues related to presumed censorship.
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Ewa Nicewicz

  1. Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie, Polska
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Campylobacteriosis is the most common acute bacterial diarrheal disease in our population. It is caused by bacteria of the genus Campylobacter species whose prevalence in the environment and ease of transmission make these infections a serious epidemiological problem. Although the disease usually has a picture of mild self-limiting diarrhea in some cases there is a more severe course with the need for hospital care. Colonization by Campylobacter spp. also plays on of the main role in the pathogenesis of other diseases. The study was conducted using data from the records of 67 patients aged 3 months to 10 years hospitalized for acute diarrheal illness caused by Campylobacter spp. Microbiological culture yielded growth of C. coli in 14 cases and C. jejuni in 52 patients. The isolated pathogens showed significant antibiotic resistance variable depending on the bacterial strain. The least susceptibility to the drugs occurred with erythromycin and was mainly related to C jejuni. In 42 children it was necessary to implement antibiotic therapy during which azithromycin, amoxicillin with clavulanic acid, or Biseptol were used.
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Gerard Pasternak
Anna Cieślak
Mateusz Walkowiak
Wojciech Borawski
Aleksandra Lewandowicz-Uszyńska

  1. 3rd Department and Clinic of Paediatrics, Immunology and Rheumatology of Developmental Age, Wroclaw Medical University, Wroclaw, Poland; Department of Immunology and Paediatrics, Provincial Hospital J. Gromkowski, Wroclaw, Poland
  2. Department of Paediatrics, Provincial Hospital J. Gromkowski, Wroclaw
  3. Department of Surgery, Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Wroclaw, Poland
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The article provides a sociological analysis of national identities of Polish children growing up in Nor-way. The research results presented are unique in the sense that the portrayals of national identifica-tions constructed in the process of migration are shown through direct experiences of children. The analysis is based on semi-structured interviews with children, observation in the research situation (children’s rooms) and Sentence Completion Method. Adopting Antonina Kłoskowska’s analytical framework of national identity and her terminology of the so called ‘cultural valence’ (adoption of cul-ture), we argue that identities are processual and constructed, a result of the fact that mobility took place at a certain moment in time and in a specific geographical space. In addition, we see identities as conditioned by a plethora of identifiable objective and subjective reasons. The intensified mobility of children due to labour migrations of their parents leads to multiple challenges within the (re)construc-tions of children’s identities in their new place of settlement.

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Krystyna Slany
Stella Strzemecka
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This paper addresses the issue of language and belonging in the transnational context of migration. It draws on two research projects with first-generation children of Polish labour migrants in Scotland. The paper examines the role that language plays in fostering multiple ways of being and belonging, and in understanding how children make sense of their identity. It suggests that language should take a more central place in debates about cultural connectivity and transnational migration. Findings point to the need for a more holistic approach to supporting migrant children, including the explicit recognition of family cultural and language capital in the host society.

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Marta Moskal
Daniela Sime
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This article addresses the legal aspects of assessing the age of foreign minors. It is a juxtaposition of the development of international legal standards in this area with the law and practice of the Polish authorities. The basic thesis of this analysis is the statement that Polish law in its current form requires fundamental change with respect to at least three elements. First, it is necessary to extend the methods of age assessment to also include non-medical methods. Secondly, the law should clearly define the legal form in which the age of a foreigner is determined and, at the same time, impose an obligation to provide a foreigner with the results of the assessment. Thirdly, a person concerned should have a direct opportunity to appeal.
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Joanna Markiewicz-Stanny

  1. Institute for Legal Studies, University of Zielona Góra (Poland)
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The impact of musical experience on results concerning sound perception in selected auditory tasks, such as pitch discrimination, pitch-timbre categorization and pitch memorization for blind and visually impaired children and teenagers is discussed. Subjects were divided into three groups: of those with no experience of music, with small musical experience and with substantial musical experience. The blind and visually impaired subjects were investigated, while sighted persons formed reference groups. To date no study has described impact of musical experience on results of such experiments for blind and visually impaired children and teenagers. Our results suggest that blind persons with musical experience may be more sensitive to frequency differences and differences in timbre between two signals as well as may have better short-term auditory memory than blind people with no musical experience. Musical experience of visually impaired persons does not necessary lead to better performance in all conducted auditory tasks.
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Edyta Bogusz-Witczak
Ewa Skrodzka
Hanna Turkowska
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The Chinese word identification and sentence intelligibility are evaluated by grades 3 and 5 students in the classrooms with different reverberation times (RTs) from three primary school under different signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs). The relationships between subjective word identification and sentence in- telligibility scores and speech transmission index (STI) are analyzed. The results show that both Chinese word identification and sentence intelligibility scores for grades 3 and 5 students in the classroom in- creased with the increase of SNR (and STI), increased with the increase of the age of students, and decreased with the increase of RT. To achieve a 99% sentence intelligibility score, the STIs required for grades 3, grade 5 students, and adults are 0.71, 0.61, and 0.51, respectively. The required objective acoustical index determined by a certain threshold of the word identification test might be underestimated for younger children (grade 3 students) in classroom but overestimated for adults. A method based on the sentence test is more useful for speech intelligibility evaluation in classrooms than that based on the word test for different age groups. Younger children need more favorable classroom acoustical environment with a higher STI than older children and adults to achieve the optimum speech communication in the classroom.
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Jianxin Peng
Peng Jiang
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T h e a i m: The aim of the study is to present the initial experience with continuous flow left ventricle assist device (CF-LVAD) in pediatric patients with BSA below 1.5 m2.

M a t e ri a l a n d M e t h o d s: Between 2016 and 2017, CF-LVAD (the Heartware System) have been implanted in three pediatric patients in the Department of Pediatric Cardiac Surgery, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland. The indications for initiating CF-LVAD were end-stage congestive heart failure due to dilated cardiomyopathy in all children.

R e s u l t s: Implanted patients have had BSA of 1.09, 1.42, 1.2 m2, and 37, 34, 34 kg of body weight and the age 12, 11, 12 years, respectively. The time of support was 550 days in two patients and 127 in another one, and is ongoing. The main complication has been driveline infection.

C o n c l u s i o n: The outcomes from our single-center experience using the HeartWare CF-LVAD have been excellent with a low incidence of complication and no necessity to reoperation in our patients. Children could be successfully and safely discharged home.

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Vivek Rai
Julita Sacharczuk
Mirosława Dudyńska
Rafał Żurek
Magdalena Czerzynska
Aleksander Szypulski
Elżbieta Wójcik
Jerzy Pacholewicz
Janusz Skalski
Tomasz Mroczek
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The Return Directive allows for the detention of minors during removal proceedings, but only as a ‘last resort’, for ‘the shortest appropriate period of time’ and with the primary consideration of the ‘best interests of the child’. While the Directive attempted to provide some safeguards to minors, these are undermined throughout, as the enforcement of such provisions depends significantly on their incorpo-ration into domestic law. I provide an overview of the EU detention policy, map the existing domestic law framework in light of the benchmarks set out by the Directive and human rights instruments, and argue that there is a lack of consistency in the case study of Poland. In doing so, I analyse the limitations to detaining minors in light of the human rights treaties, of the jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the European Union and the European Court of Human Rights, and of the role of the monitoring body – the Committee on the Rights of the Child. In discussing the different types of jurisprudence, I illustrate how different bodies speak with the same voice on the detention of minors. Based on these findings I attempt to contribute to the policy debate on how to reconcile and balance the implications of two policy objectives affecting irregular migrant children - the protection of minors and immigration en-forcement. I identify detention policy aspects, for which the legislation should be further harmonised, and I develop models of good practices based on other Member States’ practices, thus providing a set of policy recommendations to the Polish legislator as to what fair and effective irregular migration governance might entail.

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Agnieszka Maria Biel
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This article reconstructs the vision of World War II in the 1945–1946 issues of the children’s weekly Świerszczyk. The looks for answers to the following questions: How did the authors of the Świerszczyk texts build the narrative of the war that had just ended? In what way did they bring to the attention of their readers the victims of the war and the war heroes, and in what terms did they describe their victimhood and heroism respectively?
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Marcin Zaborski

  1. Instytut Nauk Społecznych SWPS, Uniwersytet Humanistycznospołeczny, ul. Chodakowska 19/31, PL 03-815 Warszawa
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Children’s literature was the focus of much attention in post‑revolutionary Russia: new magazines, publishing houses, bulletins were founded which sparked debate both around the role of detskaya literatura and the reform of the education system. Also amongst Russian émigrés there was a felt need to provide “new books for younger readers” and intense discussions took place. Translated books played an important role within this “new canon” of children’s literature. This article focuses on the work of the writer Nina Petrovskaya, as a cultural mediator and translator of Italian children’s literature into Russian, investigating, in particular, her version of Luigi Bertelli’s Ciondolino.
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Bianca Sulpasso

  1. Università Degli Studi Di Roma “Tor Vergata”, Italy
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This article examines the jubilee book Nasz Plon [Our Harvest] prepared by editors of the Warsaw weekly magazine [Children’s Friend] (1861–1915) to mark the golden anniversary of its first issue. Set to appear in April 1911, its publication, plagued by various delays, did not take place until the following year. The volume, edited in a rather unprofessional manner (probably by Jadwiga Chrząszczewska), was full of errors ranging from misprints to all kinds of factual blunders. Yet, despite its faults it has a special place in the history of the Polish press: it was the first jubilee book of a children’s magazine and thus a notable sign of the rising social status of the children’s magazines.

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Krzysztof Woźniakowski
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The paper describes the political use of symbols of childhood and orphanhood in the current policy of the Russian authorities. At the beginning of the Bolshevik regime, homeless children (bezprizorni) became a subject of interest for the security apparatus organized by F. Dzerzhinsky. At that time, A. Makarenko developed his innovative pedagogical approach. These activities were designed to create a “new Soviet man”. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia again faced the problem of homeless children. After several years, however, children and orphans are now being used as a symbol of vulnerability in the government policy of the Kremlin. As an answer to the so-called “Magnitsky Act”, the Russian authorities implemented the “DimaYakovlev law” prohibiting adoptions of Russian children to the United States. In addition to this, the child as a symbol of innocence and vulnerability is an invariant element in the policy of the Russian authorities. This combines symbolism associated with bravery, dedication and sacrifice, allowing justification of the current political course of power in Russia.

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Wojciech Siegień
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Previous research showed that children can exhibit preferences for social categories already at preschool age. One of the crucial factors in the development of children’s attitudes toward others is children’s observation and imitation of adults’ nonverbal messages. The aim of our study is to examine whether children’s tendency to perceive and follow nonverbally expressed attitudes toward other people is related to ingroup bias, i.e. the tendency to favor one’s own group over other groups. We examined 175 preschool children (age in months: 61–87; M = 72.6, SD = 6.53) presenting them with a video of a conversation between a message sender and a message recipient. The study was conducted in a minimal group paradigm. We found that children accurately identified the message sender’s attitude toward the recipient and also generalized this attitude to other members of the new group. We also found explicit ingroup bias among children from the message sender’s group. However, no generalization of the sender’s attitude to other ingroup members was found. The results are discussed in reference to previous findings on the role of imitation of adult’s non-verbal behavior for the development of social attitudes among children.

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Anna Jurasińska
Marcin Bukowski
Marta Białecka-Pikul
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The issue of the educational system remains one of the crucial areas for the discussions pertaining to migrants’ integration and contemporary multicultural societies. Ever since the inception of compulsory schooling, children and youth have partaken in largely state-governed socialisation in schools, which provide not only knowledge and qualifications, but are also responsible for transferring the culture and values of a given society. Under this premise, the schooling system largely determines opportunities available to migrant children. This paper seeks to address the questions about the pathways to youth Polish migrant integration, belonging and achievement (or a lack thereof) visible in the context of the Norwegian school system. The paper draws on 30 interviews conducted in 2014 with Polish parents raising children abroad, and concentrates on the features of Norwegian school as seen through the eyes of Polish parents. Our findings show that the educational contexts of both sending and receiving socie-ties are of paramount importance for the understanding of family and parenting practices related to children’s schooling. In addition, we showcase the significance of Norwegian schools for children’s integration, illuminate the tensions in parental narratives and put the debates in the context of a more detailed analysis of the relations between school and home environments of migrant children. The paper relies on parental narratives in an attempt to trace and reflect the broader meanings of children’s education among Poles living abroad.

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Magdalena Ślusarczyk
Paula Pustułka

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