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As experience shows the practical, reliable assessment and optimisation of total costs of logistical processes implemented in supply chains

of foundry plants is a quite complex and complicated process, because it requires to enclose all, without exception, performed actions,

including them in various reference cross-sections, systematic activities and finally transforming them in a totally homogenous collection.

Only solid analysis and assessment of assortment management in logistical supply systems in foundry plants of particular assortment

groups allows to lower the supply costs significantly. In the article the analysis and assessment of the newest implemented optimising

algorithms are presented in the process stock management of selected material groups used in a production process of a chosen foundry

plant. A practical solution to solve a problem of rotary stock cost minimisation is given as well as of costs while creating a stock with the

usage of economical volume and value of order.

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J. Szymszal
M. Kuczyńska-Chałada
J. Król
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Steel yielding arch support constructed of V profiles is commonly used to protect galleries and, in some cases, to reinforce or secure a shaft support. For this purpose, a closed, circular-shaped arch support is used, with arches overlapped by clamps that are typical for this type of construction. The support has high resistance to the impact of even (distributed over the entire surface of the support) load, however, as a result of significant deformation associated with a change in the radius of the curvatures, the support shows limited yielding capacity. This is due to the increase in resistance to slide on the locks, resulting from changes in the geometry of the ring caused by the rock mass. This article presents the results of research and analysis concerning the elements of the arch support with notches in arches. The research team tested the effect of the depth and location of the notches of the section’s flanges on the load impacting on the clamp’s bolts and the strength of the roof support. Moreover, the tests covered the influence of the number and location of clamps in a frictional joint on the change in the nature of work and yielding capacity. Finally, the research included both strength tests of the support’s elements, as well as strength analyses based on the finite element method.

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Marek Rotkegel
Łukasz Szot
Sławomir Fabich
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The mining of hard coal deposits at increasingly greater depth leads to an increase in hazards related to the loss of stability of steel arch supports as a result of excessive static and dynamic loads. Camber beam reinforcement via rockbolting is often utilised in order to improve the stability of the yielding steel arch support.

This article presents the results of comparative bench tests of the ŁP10/V36-type steel arch support, tested with and without reinforcement by means of self-drilling bolts with drunken R25 threads, using short joists formed from V32 and V25 sections. It also presents the results of comparative tests of the ŁPP10/4/V29/I-type steel arch support, tested with and without reinforcement by means of rock bolts with trapezoidal Tr22/13 threads, using short joists formed from V25 sections. The obtained test results, in the form of load courses and work values of the steel arch and mixed (arches and rock bolts) support systems, demonstrate that the utilisation of mixed support may significantly improve the stability of workings, particularly immediately after they are driven. A mixed support system quickly achieves its maximum load capacity together with a significant increase in its work value. It may thus prevent the stratification of the rocks surrounding the working, and therefore better utilise the self-supporting capacity of the rock mass. As evidenced by the test results, the mixed support work may be as much as 3.5 times as great compared to the steel arch support at the beginning of the height reduction process initiated by loading – i.e. until its reduction by a presupposed value of 100 mm.

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Andrzej Pytlik
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The pandemic prompted young people to develop different strategies for coping with stress. Disruption of societal reality and the need to adapt to new situation affected people’s well-being significantly.The research was conducted between 15 and 30 June 2020 on a group of 151 students. The following tools were used: Ryff’s Psychological Well-Being Scales in the Polish adaptation and the authors' own tool for measuring coping with a pandemic situation and its perception. In addition to quantitative analysis, qualitative analysis was used. Well-being was found to be related to the perception of pandemic, the sense of coping with pandemic, the sense of support, and the sense of control. Within these relationships the gender differences were found. Social support turned out to be the most significant correlate of well-being in both men and women. Qualitative analyses identified three sub-models for each gender. The criterion that allowed us to select different groups of cases was subjects’ perception of the pandemic influence on their lives. The hypothesis: "Perception of the pandemic as a meaningful situation is related to psychological well-being" was confirmed only in the female group. The hypothesis: "Sense of better coping, feeling more supported, feeling more accepted, and feeling more in control are positively associated with psychological wellbeing" was confirmed (except for acceptance). Qualitative analyses showed that women were more involved in building social support network and experienced a stronger loss of control over the crisis. Men manifested greater autonomy and resourcefulness in emergency situation.
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Monika Dacka
Agata Wolanin
Jan Rybak

  1. The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Lublin, Poland
  2. Independent Researcher, Sanok, Poland
  3. Rzeszów University of Technology, Rzeszow, Poland
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The paper presents the experience of using the ŁPrP, ŁPKO, ŁPSp, ŁPSpA i ŁPSp3R types of flattened supports for longwall entries in the conditions of the JSW S.A. Knurów-Szczygłowice coal mine. The article concentrates on the support solutions applied in the conditions of the mine and the results in terms of stability and usefulness of the structures of the supports. An analysis of the load bearing capacity and technological conditions has been conducted for various flattened supports solutions, with special consideration given to the ŁPSp and ŁPrPJ support sets. Comparing these two, the ŁPSp exhibits a load bearing capacity that is 21% higher while using 31% less steel mass. The experiment results allowed to determine that the ŁPSpA and ŁPSp3R support types are an advantageous solutions in case of longwall set-up rooms.

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Authors and Affiliations

Piotr Głuch
Grzegorz Michalik
Tomasz Śledź
Piotr Kleibert
Adam Ratajczak
Jarosław Sobik
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Preventive methods of plant protection used currently require a significant number of treatments throughout the season. Research results indicate a possibility of reduction of the number of treatments by halfwithout serious loss of effectiveness if the attack of pathogens has been recorded early enough. Limiting treatments to truly necessary ones means conserving chemicals, fuel and labour and consequently substantial financial savings for the farm. However, early warning requires full analysis of many factors that influence incidence, development and harmfulness of diseases, pests and weeds in relation with their impact on the yield. Such an analysis is beyond the power of the farmer alone. Appropriate models have to be used that utilize weather data and field observations in real time. At the present, due to frequent updating of the databases and sharing of the system by many users, in integrated plant protection the most efficient seem to be internet decision support systems. As of 2000 the Institute of Plant Protection in Poznań together with the Institute Soil Science and Plant Cultivation in Puławy in cooperation with the Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences conduct a joint research project on development and implementation of an Internet Decision Support System for Integrated Plant Protection in Poland. Various modules of the system are already available on the Internet. Much like similar systems operating abroad, the Polish DSS also takes advantage of weather data utilized in disease models (the weather module). Nevertheless, an important addition to the system are strategically relevant data such as values and statistic distributions of elements of climate and potential yields (the agroclimate module), operation sheets, exploitation data and prices (the technology module) etc., which are important to the formulation and adoption of a particular line of action and risk evaluation in economic terms. When all modules are operational, the information relevant to decision making will be derived from on-line analyses based on cost calculation of different variants of plant protection applicable to the current situation.
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Andrzej S. Zaliwski
Stefan Wolny
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Half a century ago two papers were published, related to generalized inverses of cracovians by two different authors, in chronological order, respectively by Jean Dommanget and by Helmut Moritz. Both independently developed papers demonstrated new theorems, however, certain similarity between them appeared. Helmut Moritz having recognized that situation, promised to mention it later in one of his published papers. This has never been done, so the author of the present paper gives some details about the situation and claims his paternity.
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Jean Dommanget
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Having increasingly tightened geological and mining conditions in which the extraction of copper ore deposits in Poland is conducted, ensuring effective and safe mining is presently becoming a key task and a significant challenge for mine operators, mainly in the field of ground support systems being the equivalent for the new geological/mining conditions. As one may expect, these conditions shall be characterized by higher values of the primary stress tensor elements as well as the lower deformability and higher strength of the rock mass surrounding the copper ore body. T his means that in the near future, the rock bursts problem will become one of the most important issues deciding on the economy and safety within the newly developed mining areas. T herefore developing a novel effective ductile ground support systems which could be able to control the rock mass movement in squeezing and burst-prone rock conditions is recommended. T his type of requirement may fulfil only ductile or, in other words, the kinetic energy-absorbing systems, which permit slowing down a movement of violently ejected rock blocks. T his paper’s objective is to present the idea of the development of a new type of an effective and low cost ductile resin anchored rockbolt system with smooth and of the square cross-section steel rod is formed in coil shape of different pitch. T he developed bolt prototypes have been tested underground in the G-11 section of the Rudna mine. Results of the pull-out tests, involving different bolts’ shapes and different sliding materials set on the rockbolts’ rods, have proved those bolts’ efficiency as an element of the ductile support system.

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Authors and Affiliations

Witold Pytel
Piotr Mertuszka
Krzysztof Szeptun
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Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) is one of the most common problem in contemporary dentistry. It is a term covering dysfunction of the masticatory muscles and the temporomandibular joints. Patients are suffering from severe pain, followed by limited mandibular opening and sounds in the temporomandibular joints during jaw movement. TMD influences the quality of life because the symptoms can become chronic and difficult to manage. Radiofrequency waves (RF) are electromagnetic waves with low energy and high frequency. They provide pain relief without causing significant damage to the nervous tissue. The RF therapy is commonly used for physiotherapeutic treatment of skeletal muscle relaxation, as a supportive therapy. The rehabilitation effect of these waves is based on diathermy by means of high-voltage quick alternating current. RF has also found application in physical therapy, as a therapeutic tool for various types of chronic pain syndromes. The aim of this literature review is to show the beneficial effect of radiofrequency waves on the pain of the masticatory muscles in the course of TMD.

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Authors and Affiliations

Michał Górnicki
Andrzej Gala
Małgorzata Pihut
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Long-duration human space missions require intelligent regenerative life support systems that can recycle resources and automatically manage failures. This paper explores using Petri nets to model the reliability and complex interactions of such closed-loop systems. An architecture consisting of primary systems, backups, and consumable reserves is outlined. The automation system that controls everything is described. Petri nets can capture concurrency, failure modes, redundancy, and dynamic behavior. A modular modeling methodology is presented to develop hierarchical Petri net models that scale in fidelity. Elementary fragments represent failures and redundancy. Subsystem modules can be substituted for more detailed models. Analysis and simulation assess system reliability and failure response. This supports designing ultra-reliable systems to safely sustain human life in space.
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Igor Kabashkin
Sergey Glukhikh

  1. Transport andTelecommunication Institute, Latvia
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This article focuses on the difficulties in ensuring longwall stability resulting from the wrong geometric form of the structure of powered support sections. The authors proved, based on the in-situ measurements and numerical calculations, that proper cooperation of the support with the rock mass requires correct determination of the support point for the hydraulic legs along the length of the canopy (ratio), as well as the inclination of the shield support of the section of the powered roof support. The lack of these two fundamental elements may lead to roof drops that directly impact the production results and safety of the people working underground. Another matter arising from the incorrect geometric form of the construction are the values of forces created in the node connecting the canopy with the caving shield, which can make a major contribution to limit the practical range of the operational height of the powered roof support (due to interaction of powered support with rockmass) in terms of the operating range offered by the manufacturer of the powered support. The operating of the powered roof support in some height ranges may hinder, or even in certain cases prevent, the operator of powered support, moving the shields and placing them with the proper geometry (ensuring parallelism between the canopy and the floor bases of the section).

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Sylwester Rajwa
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The article is the result of a project aimed at developing and implementing a design of composite accessories for support in excavations located in underground hard coal mines. The research team verified the possibility of using elements made of prefabricated composite structural profile as an alternative to steel and reinforced concrete lining elements used to improve support’s stability and protect against rockfall.
This paper includes a research experiment on the possibilities of using a composite C-profile element as lining made in the pultrusion technology with a longitudinal position of the roving. The prefabricated structural profiles were adapted to the function by designing seatings for fitting the flanges for arch support’s V-profiles. Prototypes of these elements were subjected to bench tests in compliance with the guidelines for testing mesh linings. In addition, computer simulations using the finite element method were carried out.
The values obtained during the tests were compared with the requirements for lightweight mesh and included the Polish standard PN-G-15050 and reinforced A-type concrete lining defined in the standard ­PN-G-06021. The team determined the areas where material strength exceeded and the structure was damaged. Despite the limited quantity of laboratory tests and lack of field tests in actual mining conditions, it was possible to address the argument of the research and determine whether it is possible to use C-profile made in the pultrusion technology as a lining element.
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[1] PN-G-15050:2018-01 Obudowa wyrobisk górniczych. Siatki okładzinowe zgrzewane.
[2] PN-G-06021:1997 Obudowa górniczych wyrobisk korytarzowych. Okładziny żelbetowe.
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[7] M. Grodzicki, M. Rotkegel, The concept of modification and analysis of the strength of steel roadway supports for coal mines in the Soma Basin in Turkey. Studia Geotechnica et Mechanica 40 (1), 38-45 (2018). DOI:
[8] G .I. Gayko, M. Rotkegel, Issliedowanija niesuszcziej sposobnosti arocznoj kriepi pri razlicznych wariantach nagrużienia. Ugoł Ukrainy 2, 45-47 (2003).
[9] P. Horyl, R. Snuparek, P. Marsalek, K. Pacześniowski, Simulation of laboratory tests of steel arch support. Arch. Min. Sci. 62 (1), 63-176 (2017). DOI:
[10] H. Filcek, J. Walaszczyk, A. Tajduś, 1994. Metody komputerowe w geomechanice górniczej. Śląskie Wydawnictwo Techniczne (1994).
[11] R .D. Cook, D.S. Malkus, M.E. Plesha, R.J. Witt, Finite Element Modeling for Stress Analysis. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (2002).
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[13] E. Rusiński, Metoda elementów skończonych. System COSMOS/M. Wydawnictwo Komunikacji i Łączności (1994).
[14] A. Pytlik. Tests of steel arch and rock bolt support resistance to static and dynamic loading induced by suspended monorail transportation. Studia Geotechnica et Mechanica 41 (2), 81-92 (2019). DOI:
[15] A. Pytlik. Comparative bench testing of steel arch support systems with and without rock bolt reinforcements. Arch. Min. Sci. 64 (4), 747-764 (2019). DOI:
[16] PN-G-15022:2018-11 Odrzwia podatne z kształtowników korytkowych – Wymagania wytrzymałościowe i badania.
[17] PN-G-15024:2017-10 Obudowa wyrobisk górniczych – Rozpory stalowe dwustronnego działania.
[18] PN-G-15026:2017-04 Obudowa wyrobisk górniczych – Strzemiona oraz złącza odrzwi z kształtowników korytkowych – Badania wytrzymałościowe.
[19] PN-G-14050:1998 Betonity fundamentowe do obudowy odrzwiami z łuków korytkowych wyrobisk górniczych poziomych i mało nachylonych – Wymagania i badania.
[20] PN-G-15092:1999 Kotwie górnicze – Badania.
[21] PN-G-15533:1997 Górnicza obudowa indywidualna – Stojaki cierne – Wymagania i badania.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marek Rotkegel
Jerzy Korol
Dagmara Sobczak

  1. Central Mining Institute, Plac Gwarków 1, 40-166, Katowice, Poland
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The effect of titanium nitride (TiN) thickness as the support layer for carbon nanotubes (CNTs) growth was investigated by depositing three different thicknesses: 20 nm, 50 nm and 100 nm. This TiN support layer was deposited on SiO2 pads before depositing nickel (Ni) as the catalyst material. The Ni distribution on different TiN thicknesses was studied under hydrogen environment at 600°C. Then, the samples were further annealed at 600°C in acetylene and hydrogen environment for CNTs growth. The results show that, the optimum TiN thickness was obtained for 50 nm attributed by the lowest D to G ratio (0.8).
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Muhammad M. Ramli
1 2
N.H. Osman
2 3
D. Darminto
M.M.A.B. Abdullah

  1. Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), Geopolymer & Green Technology, Centre of Excellence (CEGeoGTech), Perlis, Malaysia
  2. Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), Faculty of Electronic Engineering Technology, Perlis, Malaysia
  3. Universiti Putra Malaysia, Faculty of Science, Department of Physic, Applied Electromagnetic Laboratory, 43400 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
  4. Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Faculty of Science and Analytical Data, Department of Physic, Campus ITS Sukolilo-Surabaya 60111, Indonesia
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The presented analysis concerns deflections of the reinforced concrete slab in the fire-fighting water storage tank with volume of 950 m3. It was built on human-altered soil which led to deflection of the tank. When water was pumped out from the tank, rectification was performed. The tank and its slab foundation were non-uniformly elevated by means of hydraulic jacks. These jacks were installed under the slab, on foundation made of concrete block stacks, which were pressed into the ground. The computational analysis was conducted for displacements and deflections of the slab supported on the jacks. The number of jacks under the slab and stiffness of jack supports on the stacks were the variable parameters of the model. Stiffness of the jack supports was found to have non-significant impact on deflections of the foundation slab of the rectified tank. On the other hand, the number of jacks under the tank affected both deflections of the slab and displacements of the whole tank. The greatest deflection of the tank slab supported on three jacks was 15.233 mm, and the smallest one was 10.435 mm at 32 jacks.
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Krzysztof Gromysz

  1. Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, ul. Akademicka 5, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
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The cost overrun in road construction projects in Iraq is one of the major problems that face the construction of new roads. To enable the concerned government agencies to predict the final cost of roads, the objective this paper suggested is to develop an early cost estimating model for road projects using a support vector machine based on (43) sets of bills of quantity collected in Baghdad city in Iraq. As cost estimates are required at the early stages of a project, consideration was given to the fact that the input data for the support vector machine model could be easily extracted from sketches or the project’s scope definition. The data were collected from contracts awarded by the Mayoralty of Baghdad for completed projects between 2010–2013. Mathematical equations were constructed using the Support Vector Machine Algorithm (SMO) technique. An average of accuracy (AA) (99.65%) and coefficient of determination (R2) (97.63%) for the model was achieved by the created prediction equations.
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Musaab Falih Hasan
Oday Hammody
Khaldoon Satea Albayati

  1. General Directorate of Education Baghdad Rusafa First, Ministry of Education, Iraq
  2. Civil Engineering Department, University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq
  3. Iraqi Reinsurance Company, Ministry of Finance, Iraq
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The paper presents three methods of modelling of foundation stiffness beneath intermediate support of a 178 m long integral box girder viaduct and its impact on the values and distribution of displacements and internal forces in the pier of this support. The pier support is made of cast in situ reinforced concrete of strength class C50/60. For the analysis, three models were built in Abaqus FEA software. The first model A3D in Fig. 1 represents a complex three-dimensional model. The second L2D and the third H2D model shown in Fig. 2 represent simple two-dimensional models. The stiffness of the subgrade beneath the structure in the second and third model was modelled as spring constants calculated based on the equations given in the reference [8] model L2D and [10] model H2D. The middle range value of Young’s modulus for sand and gravel was used to calculate the subgrade stiffness parameters. In all models, a horizontal displacement in the Y direction of value 20 mm and a vertical force of value 18200 kN were applied to the top of the pier support. The horizontal displacement was caused by the thermal longitudinal expansion of the six-span viaduct deck and the braking force. The vertical force was caused by the dead, superimposed, and live loads acting on the viaduct deck. Finally, the values and distributions of displacements and internal forces in the pier support from the complex model were compared with the values in two simple models. The author focuses on the method of modelling of foundation stiffness of the pier support and its impact on the values of displacements and internal forces in the pier support. A similar structure analysed in this paper was design-checked by the author in Ireland [4].
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Andrzej Helowicz

  1. Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Na Grobli 15,50-421 Wrocław, Poland
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Supply Chain Management (SCM) is a very important part of the industrial world, especially in the manufacturing sector. The development of the business world affects the complexity of the supply chain due to the lack of logistics infrastructure, quality of materials and components, and much more. Supply chain disruption risk mapping needs to be done due to high uncertainty, which is overcome by implementing a decision support system. Based on the background of the problem, supply chain disruption mapping uses the help of the Six Sigma method, which consists of 5 stages: Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control (DMAIC). The measurement of disturbance also uses the Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) approach to prioritize risk. Risks that have a high assessment and cause failure need to be prioritized for improvement. This study aims to map supply chain disruptions in the current manufacturing industry based on the barriers, resistances, and causes detected for making a decision support system prototype. By implementing a decision support system in the supply chain process, it is
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Johanes Fernandes Andry
Filscha Nurprihatin
Lydia Liliana

  1. Department of Information Systems, Universitas Bunda Mulia, Indonesia
  2. Department of Industrial Engineering, Sampoerna University, Indonesia
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In the asynchronous interconnected power grid that is composed of the multiterminal voltage-source converter high voltage direct current (VSC-MTDC) system, the control methods of each converter station and the frequency of the connected AC system are not the same. When a fault occurs in any place of the asynchronous interconnected system, it will cause the system to have power shortage or surplus, affecting the safe and stable operation of the interconnected power grid. In order to solve the problem of insufficient regional active power reserve, based on the VSC-MTDC asynchronous regional interconnection system and the principle of regional sharing, the dynamic power controller under disturbance conditions is established, and the controller parameters are set to achieve the accuracy of unbalanced power in the disturbance area measuring. Then, according to the degree of the disturbance power, considering the factors that affect the support effect of the converter station, an emergency DC power support (EDCPS) scheme under different power disturbances is formulated to achieve power compensation for the disturbance area. Based on PSCAD/EMTDC software, the proposed control strategy is simulated. The result shows that the converter station closer to the disturbance area has a better support effect, and the dynamic active power controller can timely and accurately deliver to the disturbance area when the active power reserve is insufficient.
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Authors and Affiliations

Congshan Li
Tingyu Sheng
Yan Fang
Yikai Li

  1. School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, China
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In recent years, the Vietnamese coal mining industry has observed a dynamic increase in both its production and efficiency. In Vietnam, the most precious type of coal is anthracite, which is found in the Quang Ninh province. Industrial anthracite deposits are estimated to be over 2 billion Mg. At present, coal deposits are extracted mostly by the underground method. Coal production is gradually increasing in the underground mines in the Quang Ninh area and it is expected to constitute about 75% of the country’s total coal production in 2030. This involves an increase in the number and length of underground workings.

Cam Pha is the largest coal basin of Vietnam, located in the Quang Ninh province. So far, the yearly length of underground workings driven in underground mines in the Cam Pha basin is roughly 90÷150 km. About 84 % of these underground workings are supported by the steel arch support made of SWP profile. A similar situation can be observed in Russia, Ukraine, China, India and Turkey. In addition, the average length of repaired underground workings in the Cam Pha basin constitutes approximately 30% of the total length driven . The main cause was reported is loss of underground workings stability. This requires significant material and labour costs as well as the cost of replacing damaged elements. Additionally, it disturbs the continuity of the mining operations.

This article presents the results of the numerical modelling of the rock mass around underground workings driven in typical geo-mining conditions for underground coal mines in the Cam Pha basin, supported by the steel arch support made of SWP and V profiles. As a result of the conducted analyses, the range of failure zone of the rock mass around underground workings and the distribution of reduced stress in the steel arch support elements were determined. The effort states of the steel arch support made of SWP22 profile and V21 profile were compared. The simulations considered different inclinations angle of coal seam, following the structure of the rock mass in the Cam Pha basin. The analysis was carried out using the based-finite difference method code, FLAC2D. Based on the obtained results, actions for improving the stability of underground workings driven in the underground mines of the Cam Pha basin were proposed.

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Phu Minh Vuong Nguyen
Marek Rotkegel
Hoang Do Van
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Difficult geological and mining conditions as well as great stresses in the rock mass result in significant deformations of the rocks that surround the workings and also lead to the occurrence of tremors and rock bursts. Yielding steel arch support has been utilised in the face of hard coal extraction under difficult conditions for many years, both in Poland and abroad. A significant improvement in maintaining gallery working stability is achieved by increasing the yielding support load capacity and work through bolting; however, the use of rock bolts is often limited due to factors such as weak roof rock, significant rock mass fracturing, water accumulation, etc. This is why research and design efforts continue in order to increase yielding steel arch support resistance to both static and dynamic loads. Currently, the most commonly employed type of yielding steel arch support is a support system with frames constructed from overlapping steel arches coupled by shackles. The yield of the steel frame is accomplished by means of sliding joints constructed from sections of various profiles (e.g. V, TH or U-type), which slip after the friction force is exceeded; this force is primarily dependent on the type of shackles and the torque of the shackle screw nuts.

This article presents the static bench testing results of ŁP10/V36/4/A, ŁP10/V32/4/A and ŁP10/V29/4/A yielding steel arch support systems formed from S480W and S560W steel with increased mechanical properties. The tests were conducted using 2 and 3 shackles in the joint, which made it possible to compare the load capacities, work values and characteristics of various types of support. The following shackle screw torques were used for the tests:

• Md = 500 Nm – for shackles utilised in the support constructed from V32 and V36 sections.

• Md = 400 Nm – for shackles utilised in the support constructed from V29 sections.

The shackle screw torques used during the tests were greater compared to the currently utilised standard shackle screw torques within the range of Md = 350-450 Nm.

Dynamic testing of the sliding joints constructed from V32 section with 2 and 3 shackles was also performed. The SD32/36W shackles utilised during the tests were produced in the reinforced versions and manufactured using S480W steel.

Since comparative testing of a rock bolt-reinforced steel arch support system revealed that the bolts would undergo failure at the point of the support yield, a decision was made to investigate the character of the dynamics of this phenomenon. Consequently, this article also presents unique measurement results for top section acceleration values registered in the joints during the conduction of support tests at full scale.

Filming the yield in the joint using high-speed video and thermal cameras made it possible to register the dynamic characteristics of the joint heating process at the arch contact point as well as the mechanical sparks that accompanied it. Considering that these phenomena have thus far been poorly understood, recognising their significance is of great importance from the perspective of occupational safety under the conditions of an explosive atmosphere, especially in the light of the requirements of the new standard EN ISO 80079-36:2016, harmonised with the ATEX directive.

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Andrzej Pytlik
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Assumptions of the major political and legal documents of the European Union, dedicated to energy efficiency and energy performance of buildings provide the Member States with relevant instruments supporting improvement of the ambient air qualityby dissemination of measures reducing energy demand and promotion of renewable energysources. Mainstreaming EU legislation into national regulations constitutes initial stage of the long term process of supporting implementation of energy efficiency measures. Experience in the improvement of energy performance of the residential buildings revealslimited efficiency of the measures implemented up to date, which results in significantair pollution of Polish cities. The national Action Plans had adopted a limited scope of recommendations included in the EU directives, hence the process meets significant challenges.The article describes adaptation of the relevant EU directives as well as the National Urban Policy in terms of the potential to effectively address faced challenges.

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Marcin Włodarski
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The paper presents the statical research tests of rod bolt made of plastic with a length of 5.5 m, which were performed in a modern laboratory test facility at the Department of Underground Mining of the University of Science and Technology. Innovative The Self-excited Acoustic System (SAS) used to measure stress changes in the bolt support was characterized. The system can be used for the non-destructive evaluation of the strain of the bolt around the excavations as well as in tunnels. The aim of the study was to compare the re-sults recorded by two different measuring systems, thanks to which it will be possible to assess the load of long bolt support by means of the non-destructive method. The speed and simplicity of measurement, access to the sensors, accuracy of measurement and reading should be kept in mind in determining the load of rock bolt support . In addition, the possibility of damage to the sensor as a re-sult of technological or natural hazards should also be taken into account. In economic conditions, the „technical - balance laws of production”, which ex-cludes the use of load sensors on each bolt must be preserved. The use of indi-vidual load sensors of rock bolt support for the boundary state, allows appro-priate protection actions of the mining crew against sudden loss of excavation stability to be taken. The paper presents two basic effects used in the ultrasonic measurement sys-tem. The first result was the existence of stable limit cycle oscillations for posi-tive feedback. This effect is called the self-excited effect. The second effect is called the elasto-acoustic effect. It means that with the change of elastic stress-es in the material bring the change of the speed of propagation of the wave. In this connection, the propagation time between measuring heads is also changed. This effect manifests itself in the change in the oscillation frequency of the self-excited system. For this reason, by measuring the frequency of self-excited oscillation, it is possible to indirectly determine the level of effort of the tested material.

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Krzysztof Skrzypkowski
Waldemar Korzeniowski
Krzysztof Zagórski
Krzysztof Lalik
Ireneusz Dominik
Janusz Kwaśniewski
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The article describes Family Group Conference method, which was initiated in Poland over 10 years ago by J. Przepierski. The method is presented in historical context of their theoretical foundations and particular practical assets justifying its application in work with families in a crisis situation and moments of difficulties, which might constitute an obstacle in the use of the method.

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Barbara Kromolicka
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Using renewable energy sources for electricity production is based on the processing of primary energy occurring in the form of sun, wind etc., into electrical energy. Economic viability using those sources in small power plants strongly depends on the support system, based mainly on financial instruments. Micro-installations, by using special instruments dedicated to the prosumer market may become more and more interesting not only in terms of environmental energy, but also financial independence. In the paper, the term hybrid power plant is understood to mean a production unit generating electricity or electricity and heat in the process of energy production, in which two or more renewable energy sources or energy sources other than renewable sources are used. The combination of the two energy sources is to their mutual complementarity, to ensure the continuity of the electricity supply. The ideal situation would be if both sources of energy included in the hybrid power plant continuously covered the total demand for energy consumers. Unfortunately, due to the short-term and long-term variability of weather conditions, such a balance is unattainable. The paper assesses the possibility of balancing the hybrid power plant in daily and monthly periods. Basic types of power plants and hybrid components and system support micro-installations were characterized. The support system is based particularly on a system of feed-in tariffs and the possibility of obtaining a preferential loan with a subsidy (redemption of part of the loan size). Then, an analysis of energy and economic efficiency for a standard set of hybrid micro-installations consisting of a wind turbine and photovoltaic panels with a total power of 5 kW, were presented. Fourteen variants of financing, economic efficiency compared with the use of the method of the simple payback period were assumed.

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Bartosz Soliński

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