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Planning a construction project, the investor frequently faces the choice of the option of the planned investment. Assessment of options is difficult due to the complex nature of construction projects. Various methods of multicriteria evaluation are successfully applied in the assessment and analysis of options. For those methods to work, a handful of information must be prepared beforehand. Among others, it is necessary to establish the assessment criteria and determine their weight for specific cases. This stage is implemented in cooperation with experts. The results of evaluations, obtained on the basis of the experts' opinions, must be processed and prepared. The paper will discuss one possible option for assessing the experts' opinion.

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E. Szafranko
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Article deals with the problem of technology selection for construction project. Three criteria were proposed: cost, time and technological complexity. To solve the problem, fuzzy preference relations were used. Authors present an algorithm supporting multi-criteria decision-making process. The algorithm creates fuzzy preference relations on the basis of the fuzzy comparison: “xᵢ is better than xj”.Then, with the use of criteria weights it creates general fuzzy preference relation, finds all non-dominated (admissible) alternatives and the best one among them. The algorithm consists of 7 steps. Authors show application of the proposed algorithm – example calculations.

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N. Ibadov
J. Rosłon
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Production rates for various activities and overall construction project duration are significantly influenced by crew formation. Crews are composed of available renewable resources. Construction companies tend to reduce the number of permanent employees, which reduces fixed costs, but at the same time limits production capacity. Therefore, construction project planning must be carried out by means of scheduling methods which allow for resource constrains. Authors create a mathematical model for optimized scheduling of linear construction projects with consideration of resources and work continuity constraints. Proposed approach enables user to select optimal crew formation under limited resource supply. This minimizes project duration and improves renewable resource utilization in construction linear projects. This paper presents mixed integer linear programming to model this problem and uses a case study to illustrate it.

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S. Biruk
P. Jaśkowski
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The main objective of the article is to present quantified and measurable risks likelihood appearance, impact and significance of inspected and monitored 48 commercial construction projects and their feasibility to be carried out. Original technical, financial and organisational feasibility studies in compliance with a rigorous Bank Investment Supervision requirements have been executed by the author in the period of 2005–2018. Methodology of construction project appraisal for financing and execution professional preparation have been laid out – technical documentation, arrangements, realisation. Analysis and assessment of Bank Investment Supervision consisted of project execution plan PEP, geotechnical and environmental conditions, permit design, agreements and decision impacts of local authorities, engineering contract for construction works, project insurance and performance bonds, schedule of execution tasks and their costs, payment plan, investment budget and project economical effectiveness, scope of monthly construction works execution assessed by Earned Value Method approach and handover procedure of construction project. An attempt was made to express numerically the relationship between risks impacts and their level of likelihood. Also, a method of associating the influence of projects risks impacts on the extent of the likelihood of project risk occurrence which makes possible to determine the direction and the strength of this relationship was presented. Finally, risks likelihood appearance, impact and significance variability of commercial construction projects within last two years of booming investment industry have been determined.

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J. Konior
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The paper presents methods of determining the location of cost buffers and corresponding contingency costs in the CPM schedule based on its work breakdown structure. Application of correctly located cost buffers with appropriately established reserve costs is justified by the common overrunning of scheduled costs in construction projects. Interpolated cost buffers (CB) as separate tasks have been combined with relevant summary tasks by the starttostart (SS) relationship, whereas the time of their execution has been dynamically connected with the time of accomplishment of particular summary tasks using the “paste connection” option. Besides cost buffers linked with the group of tasks assigned to summary tasks, a definition of the cost buffer for the entire project (PCB) has been proposed, i.e. as one initial task of the entire project. Contingency costs corresponding to these buffers, depending on the data that the planner has at his disposal, can be determined using different methods, but always depend on the costs of all tasks protected by each buffer. The paper presents an exemplary schedule for a facility and the method of determining locations and cost for buffers CB and PCB, as well as their influence on the course of the curve illustrating the budgeted cost of work scheduled (BCWS). The proposed solution has been adjusted and presented with consideration of the possibilities created by the scheduling software MS Project, though its general assumptions may be implemented with application of other similar specialist tools.

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M. Połoński
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Recent research has shown that the increase in a number of participants of construction project elevated the cost and duration of construction. The use of integrated project delivery and the formation of a network organization structure can significantly reduce the costs, as the activities of the participants become more coherent and coordinated. The optimization of decisions is essential for the efficiency of a negotiation process, which in turn depends on the organizational structure. The article specifies three basic types of network organizational structure that can be applied in a construction project: focal (F1), dynamic (F2), multifocal (F3). In this study, a direct assessment of possible effectiveness of each of the three types of network organizational structures was carried out using a vector decision model. For each of the above-mentioned types of organizational structures, the potential effectiveness of negotiating act f0 and the total potential effectiveness F0 was calculated. The results of the study show that the most effective type of network organizational structure is the multifocal collective decisions in which a project manager has several “assistants”.
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Roman Trach
Mieczysław Połoński
Petro Hrytsiuk

  1. PhD., Warsaw University of Life Sciences-SGGW, Institute of Civil Engineering, ul. Nowoursynowska 159, 02-776 Warsaw, Poland
  2. Prof. PhD. Eng., Warsaw University of Life Sciences-SGGW, Institute of Civil Engineering, Nowoursynowska 159,02-776 Warsaw, Poland
  3. Prof. PhD., National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Soborna 11, 33028 Rivne, Ukraine
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A large portion of the credits and financial resources of countries is spent on the preparation and construction of building projects because their implementation would create housing, job opportunities, financial turnover, and economic prosperity. At present, many construction projects are under construction in developing countries, and most of these projects are facing rising costs. The local scope of this research is construction projects in Yazd city. This research is operational in terms of purpose and was carried out in a descriptive and survey manner with an analytical-mathematical method. Data collection was done by documentary and survey methods. The Statistical Society consisted of 150 managers and officials, contractors, and actors involved in construction projects. Data analysis by hierarchical analysis technique showed that the criterion of management factors with a weight of 0.582 has the highest priority in increasing building costs. The criterion of environmental factors with a weight of 0.309 is at the second priority. The criterion of legal and administrative factors with a weight of 0.109 is in the third priority. Therefore, a key element in increasing the cost of construction projects in the under-studied city is the management factor that can be reduced by establishing new management systems and improving the quality of construction projects.
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Authors and Affiliations

Seyedkazem Seyedebrahimi
Alireza Mirjalili
Abolfazl Sadeghian

  1. Department of Civil Engineering, Yazd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Yazd , Iran
  2. Department of Management, Yazd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Yazd, Iran
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The constant increase in the population of cities affects the development of housing. Investors, in their activities related to the profit from the sale of flats, focus on the completion of residential buildings, which must be timely and in accordance with the budget assumptions. Therefore, there is a problem concerning the correct planning of the costs and duration of an investment. The aim of the conducted research was to determine the shape and course of the cost curves for construction projects related to the construction of residential buildings. Based on the analysis of the authors’ own studies carried out in a homogeneous research group of 11 residence buildings, an original attempt was made to determine the area of the curve, which indicates the area of correct planning of cumulative costs and the forecasting of their deviations in the financial outlays of construction projects. By knowing the planned cost and duration of a construction project, and by using the proposed 6th degree polynomial, it is possible to determine the planned monthly work and expenditure amounts, and thus correctly plan the investment costs over time. It was proven that the planned work and expenditure advancement of the housing construction sector is greater in the first stage of its implementation when compared to the actual state. The determined 6th degree polynomials describe the regularity that shows that for half of the planned duration of works, the planned work and expenditure advancement is approx. 46%, while the actual advancement is approx. 35%.
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Mariusz Szóstak

  1. Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Building Engineering, 27 Wybrzeze Wyspianskiego St., 50-370 Wrocław
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Materials play an important role in determining the quality and cost of a building, especially in the context of Vietnam’s rapid urbanization today. This study aims to analyze the status quo for supplier selection for construction projects in a developing country, Vietnam. Questionnaires are designed to conduct a survey among several contractors to assess the current situation of how Vietnamese construction enterprises select their material suppliers. Senior managers, project managers, site commanders, site engineers, foreman, office staff of contractors were interviewed. Based on result analysis of 117 valid responses, the most important criteria to consider when selecting material suppliers have been identified, with the most influential ones being price, delivery time, and material quality. However, the supply of materials still reveals some constraints that must be overcome. Vietnamese construction firms should pay more attention to supplier selection to optimize material delivery efficiency. This research contributes to the understanding of the status quo for supplier selection for construction projects in a developing country. This means contractors can adopt suitable measures to select material suppliers for construction projects.
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Nguyen Quoc Toan
Hanh Nguyen Thi My
Nguyen Van Tam
Pham Xuan Anh
Dinh Tuan Hai
Nguyen Thi Thuy

  1. Hanoi University of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Construction Economics and Management, No. 55 Giai Phong Street, Hai Ba Trung District, Hanoi, Vietnam
  2. Hanoi Architectural University, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Km 10, Nguyen Trai Street, Thanh Xuan District, Hanoi City, Vietnam
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The goal of the article is the diagnosis and presentation of the problems of the selection of construction technologies for buildings being built in the centres of urban agglomerations. The survey and literature studies that were performed show that the process of selecting these technologies is difficult due to a series of very different difficulties associated with constructing a structure in a city centre and which are sometimes hard to foresee. At the same time there is a lack of decision-making support tools dedicated to the selection of construction technologies that would take into account the problems that occur during the construction of buildings in city centres. The study shows the need to discuss the subject of developing a mathematical model and a decision-making support tool based on said model to that end.

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E. Radziszewska-Zielina
E. Kania
G. Śladowski
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The Randomized Earned Value Method enable to control the time and cost of works during the implementation of a construction project. The method allows to assess the compliance of the current advancement in time and actually incurred costs with the adopted plan. It also allows to predict the date and amount of the project completion costs. Individual assessment indicators (BCWS, BCWP, ACWP) are calculated after the ongoing control of the progression of works. In the case of randomly changing of implementation conditions, the calculated in this way values of the indicators may be unacceptable because of overlarge differences in comparison to actual values. Therefore, it is proposed an EVM enhancement and additional risk conditions analysis. In this approach data from the quantity survey of works are randomized based on analysis of variations between actually measured and planned values of duration and cost of implemented works. It is estimated the randomized values of individual indicators after successive controls of the progress of works. After each project advancement control the duration and cost of the works that remain to be performed are estimated. Moreover, new verified overall time and total cost of the project implementation are also estimated. After the last inspection, randomized values of the final date and total cost of completion of the project are calculated, as well as randomized values of time extension and total cost overrun. Of course, for randomized values, standard deviations of individual quantities are calculated. Therefore, the risk of time and the risk of cost of the project implementation are presented in the risk charts. The proposed approach provides a better assessment of the progress of works under risk conditions. It is worth to add that the method does not require significant changes to the typical construction management process, however, it ensures realistic consideration of the influence of random factors on the course and results of individual works and the entire project.
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Authors and Affiliations

Tadeusz Kasprowicz
Anna Starczyk-Kołbyk

  1. Military University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy, ul. gen. Sylwestra Kaliskiego 2, 00–908 Warsaw, Poland
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The collapse of the Soviet Union was the cause of a significant decline in many economies of the newly created countries. However, many of them, including the Ukrainian economy, are slowly recovering. One of the largest branches of the economy in this country is construction, which, despite political turmoil, is constantly growing, especially in the private real estate development sector. Despite the fact that the construction market is constantly developing, it is limited by the costs of rework and alterations resulting from many reasons. The key negative effects of modifications to the results of the project are exceeding the budget and time of project implementation, dissatisfaction with the project team, violation of contractual requirements and lowering the quality of the final product. Therefore, the purpose of this article was to determine the reasons for the emergence of rework in the in Ukraine by analyzing the results of surveys conducted among construction enterprises.

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B. Trach
K. Pawluk
M. Lendo-Siwicka
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This article addresses the issue of reducing carbon footprint in construction production. It focuses on the sources and factors of greenhouse gas emissions responsible for climate change. The construction sector plays a significant role in generating carbon footprint, both in the manufacturing of construction products within supply chains and during the execution of construction work on-site. The identified factors that influence carbon footprint throughout the lifecycle of a construction project and the life of a building are examined and analysed using the DEMATEL method. The research aims to identify causal relationships among factors that contribute to minimising carbon footprint in construction projects. The factors with the highest causal impact are identified in each phase of the building’s lifecycle, including Building Information Modelling (BIM), appropriate selection of construction products, and regulatory and financial incentives. The results of the analysis can be utilised to support decision-making processes aimed at reducing harmful emissions during project realisation and building operation.
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Katarzyna Kryzia
Aleksandra Radziejowska
Anna Sobotka

  1. AGH University Of Krakow, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Resource Management, al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland
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Construction projects, even exemplarily planned and organized, bear a risk of unforeseen events and problems which can result in completion of the works after the deadline, that is delays. The construction of bridges is an inseparable part of road and rail projects and construction and expansion of the transport network. The paper aims at finding a relationship between the independent variables characterizing bridge projects and the delays during their implementation. Two alternative models were proposed to solve the problem: logit and probit. The data set comprising road and rail bridges built in Poland in the last 12 years (2005–2017) was used to build the models. The evaluation, quality and accuracy parameters of proposed models were determined in the final part of the paper.

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A. Leśniak
M. Juszczyk
G. Piskorz
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Labor productivity in building construction has long been a focused research topic due to the high contribution of labor cost in the building total costs. This study, among a few studies that used scaled data that were collected directly from measuring equipment and onsite activities, utilized neural networks to model the productivity of two main construction tasks and influencing factors. The neural networks show their ability to predict the behaviors of labor productivity of the formwork and rebar tasks in a test case of a high-rise building. A multilayer perceptron that had two layers and used sigmoid as its activation function provided the best effectiveness in predicting the relations among data. Among eleven independent factors, weather (e.g., temperature, precipitation, sun) generally played the most important role while crew factors were distributed in the mid of the ranking and the site factor (working floor height) played a mild role. This study confirms the robustness of neural networks in productivity research problems and the importance of working environments to labor productivity in building construction. Managerial implications, including careful environmental factors and crew structure deliberation, evolved from the study when labor productivity improvement is considered.
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Duc Anh Nguyen
Dung Quang Tran
Thoan Ngoc Nguyen
Hai Hong Tran

  1. Hanoi University of Civil Engineering, Department of Building and Industrial Construction, 55 Giai Phong Street, Hanoi, Vietnam
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The methodology and research results presented in the article indicate the practical possibility of conducting optimization of construction project management course. The goal of the achievement leads to the rationalization of the management of investment tasks, in which there are a series of uncertain parameterized events. The goal was achieved through many years of the author’s own research, which was personally carried out on several hundred construction projects according to original methodology for assessing and forecasting the characteristic parameters of construction investments (cost and time) in conditions of uncertainty: from determinism, through probability and randomness, to fuzziness. The presented and documented achievement stands for accomplishment in project management of construction projects, where decision-making with an increasing degree of uncertainty takes place and requires the course of investment tasks that will be implemented in the future to be forecasted. In the conducted research and conclusions it was proven that construction processes should be considered as phenomena with random events and various degrees of uncertainty, to which methodology with developed modelling parameters should be used.
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Jarosław Konior

  1. Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, 27 Wybrzeze Wyspianskiego st., 50-370 Wrocław, Poland
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Cash is one of the most critical resources of a construction company that determines survival. Cash-flow management is essential for contractors, as lack of cash resources is one of the leading causes of bankruptcy in the construction industry, compared to most other sectors. The purpose of this paper is to identify factors affecting time and cost trade-off in multiple construction projects in Iraq. After reviewing a wide range of literature to determine the most common elements, a questionnaire is distributed to owners, consultants, supervising engineers, and contractors engaged in construction projects. The results of the questionnaire were analyzed using the relative importance index, arithmetic mean and standard deviation. The respondents namely assured Seventeen most essential factors; payments delay from client, progress payment due period, payment conditions, advanced payment, project delay, inaccurate project scheduling, variation orders, project duration, inaccurate project duration, profit, risk margin, project cost, cash flow forecasts, retentions percentage, estimating errors, materials cost, equipment cost, and labour cost.
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Musaab Falih Hasan
Sawsan Rasheed Mohammed

  1. Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq
  2. University of Baghdad, College of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Baghdad, Iraq
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This paper discusses the approaches of Polish construction managers in terms of their preferences for the use of the two most popular project management (PM) standards and methodologies, namely PMBoK and PRINCE2. Our empirical survey was carried out in a group of managers and construction experts and involved 192 Polish SME companies from the Polish construction sector. The answers to the questionnaire were carefully analysed and interpreted with the use of the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Method. The results show what can affect the choice of management methodology, with a particular focus on such latent variables as PM flexibility, rigidity, knowledge and control. Our study provides empirical evidence which contributes to more effective management of investment projects undertaken by construction companies. The most important conclusions from our study are that PMBoK is more likely tied to flexibility and knowledge and PRINCE2 to rigidity and control. However, it does not necessarily mean that PMBoK has an advantage over PRINCE2. Simply put, the choice of the right methodology may depend on a number of other additional factors, such as: project size, its specific environmental conditions, size of a company implementing specific project, etc. Therefore, under certain conditions (e.g. for larger and more complex projects, etc.) it may be advisable to rely on the PRINCE2 methodology.
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Janusz Sobieraj
Dominik Metelski
Paweł Nowak

  1. DSc., PhD., Eng., Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Al. Armii Ludowej 16, 00-637 Warsaw, Poland
  2. DSc., PhD., University of Granada, Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences, Campus Universitario de La Cartuja, 18071 Granada, Spain
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Modeling and numerical analysis of the design of building structures, their technology, organization and management methods of construction processes are the subject of the work of many scientists in Poland. Schedule designers try to best reflect the reality of construction projects with the available methods, although this procedure is not always successful. One of the scheduling methods is the Time Coupling Methods (TCM), which can be refined using the predictive durations of the Multivariate Method of Statistical Models (MMSM) construction processes and standard deviations. A new scheduling method in the probabilistic approach was developed – Probabilistic Time Couplings Method I (PTCM I). At PTCM I, work is organized in such a way as to maintain the continuity of work of employees, as downtime of workers is disadvantageous and costly. The total duration of the new investment was forecasted and compared with the other methods of scheduling and with real time after its completion. The results clearly show that the developed methodology can be successfully used in scheduling construction works.
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Paulina Kostrzewa-Demczuk
Magdalena Rogalska

  1. Kielce University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Al. Tysiąclecia Państwa Polskiego 7, 25-314 Kielce, Poland
  2. Lublin University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Nadbystrzycka St. 40, 20-618 Lublin, Poland
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The building information modeling (BIM) method is one of the newest methods that has been widely used in many parts of the building business, including energy management. The aim of this research is to analyze the most holy theotokos in order to find the best set of modifications that result in an optimal energy cost. The analysis was conducted through the use of building information modeling (BIM) technology and the associated programmers such as Auto Desk Revit 2020 and Auto Desk Insight 360, in order to determine the optimal strategies by which the most applicable alternative construction materials and procedures are considered in order to obtain an environmentally and economically sustainable most holy theotokos. Applying this analyze to the most holy theotokos revealed that many alternatives are capable of making a tangible reduction in the cost of electrical energy consumption and the cost of fuel for generators. Such reductions are noticed when altering in the optimum manner. The alteration of construction materials for walls and roofs also reduces the cost of electrical energy consumption and fuel for generators. The results show that changing the plug load efficiency in the optimal manner reduces the cost of electrical energy consumption by approximately 933913 US dollar ($), and changing the heating, ventilating, and air conditioning systems (HVAC) reduces the cost of fuel energy consumption by approximately 13522 US Dollar ($). Green building studio (GBS) is a tool that helps in the early stages of a project to find the best ways to save energy.
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Authors and Affiliations

Oday Hammody Abdullah
Wadhah Amer Hatem

  1. University of Baghdad, Civil Engineering Department, Baghdad, Iraq
  2. Middle Technical University, Baquba Technical Institute, Baquba, Iraq
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The new approach to the construction project planning is presented in the article. The classical net model is enriched by the fuzzy decision node. The decision node allows for alternate choices dependent on appearing circumstances. The alternative net model with fuzzy decision node is an acyclic multi-graph, where some, chosen nodes (events) have multiple connections. These connections represent alternative methods of the certain work execution. Every work (activity) (i, j) in the net model with alternative methods of work execution, despite the basic information comprising the execution time, the cost, the number of necessary workers, should comprise additional information e.g. about a complexity of works, a real feasibility. The alternative ways of a given work execution are evaluated in the decision node based on the fuzzy decision model. Each method is evaluated by assigning it the preference level in a form of the value of the membership function – „equal or higher” μ. The most preferable way of the work execution in a given circumstances, will have the highest value of preference level. When the choice is done the net model is solved in the traditional way. Therefore, the paper concentrates on the process of choosing the method of work execution in the fuzzy decision node. The example calculations accompanying the process of decision taking are presented too. The model requires the use of linguistic variables, a fuzzy numbers, as well as fuzzy preference relations together with some calculations applied the probability theory.

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N. Ibadov
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The profit margin of construction enterprises has been continuously declining over the past few years, and the competition for contracts among construction enterprises turns out to be increasingly fierce. Construction contracting enterprises should consider the profitability of the construction contracting enterprise and its ability to continuously obtain orders when setting cost budget targets for project management departments. Thus, a dual objective decision-making model is built in this study, minimizing overall construction costs and maximizing owner satisfaction to clarify the contracting conditions of the project management department and facilitate decision-making optimization of cost and owner satisfaction goals. Moreover, the actual effect of the proposed model method is verified through case calculations. As indicated by the results, under the premise of maximizing owner satisfaction, the model optimization cost is lower than the actual cost that has already occurred. Furthermore, it conforms to the goal of maximizing owner satisfaction while fulfilling the goal of minimizing engineering costs.
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Xiaofu Zhang

  1. School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Anyang Normal University, Anyang 455000, China
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The article proposes a new approach to the identification of key agents, knowledge and resources required to complete tasks being performed as a part of construction projects. The author used the concept of meta-networks to model the relations between agents, knowledge, resources and tasks of a project. Up until now, the identification of key means of production employed a measure of performance of the project that was modelled using a metanetwork. However, this measure is limited as it does not take into consideration the significance of individual tasks or the relations between them. The author thus proposed a structural modification of the performance measure for the purposes of identifying key agents, knowledge and resources of a planned project. A case study analysis has confirmed the application potential of the proposed approach. In practice, the results that were obtained can aid planners in evaluating the performance of a project's plan. Information about key agents, knowledge and resources can constitute the basis for drafting alternative plans which would be more resistant to failure due to the possible loss of key means of production over the course of carrying out a project.

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G. Śladowski
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Construction work on buildings covered by the revitalization program of historic urban development represents a special type of construction project in which, in the execution phase, difficult technical situations and other risk sources are being encountered. An important source of risk is the necessity to preserve a part of the historic substance, which results, among others, from the recommendations of the conservator, legal regulations or from the vision of the architect/investor. The risk is also associated with difficulties and complications in construction works resulting from the location of these objects in dense urban development. The aim of the article is to identify risk factors and reactions of contractors, i.e. applied risk management methods and techniques, based on the example of a complex of buildings constructed in the historic district of Krakow. The elimination of sources of risk, especially of a technical nature, requires the construction management to be highly skilled and experienced, to carefully prepare the construction work and to design additional solutions to ensure safety at work. The experience gained may serve as a basis for risk analysis and identification during the implementation of projects involving the use of an existing building and historic substance in areas subject to revitalization programs.

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Authors and Affiliations

A. Sobotka
A. Radziejowska

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