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From the perspective of her own experience as the chairperson for the Central Commission for Degrees and Titles, the author provides a critical description of the state of academic development among academic teaching staff between 2011 and 2016. Alarming phenomena as far as academic promotions are concerned undergo an analysis in the context of social, political and structural changes, as well as institutional mechanisms on the ministerial level and at particular universities, taking into consideration the human factor.
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Bogusław Śliwierski
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The article discusses the problem of counteracting academic promotion won on the basis of apparent achievements. Attention was drawn to the growing problem of so-called “Slovak habilitation and degrees”, to the pedagogical promotion of persons from outside of pedagogy that is not justified by achievements of good quality, but is based on popular science publications, to the phenomenon of softening and ignoring negative reviews and the reviewers’ tendency to mitigate the final conclusions of their opinions. Some ways to prevent promotional pathology are also recommended as worth using in academic practices.
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Dorota Klus-Stańska
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This project aimed to investigate the correlation between virtual reality (VR) imagery and ambisonic sound. With the increasing popularity of VR applications, understanding how sound is perceived in virtual environments is crucial for enhancing the immersiveness of the experience.
In the experiment, participants were immersed in a virtual environment that replicated a concert hall. Their task was to assess the correspondence between sound scenes (which differed in reverberation times and their characteristics) and the observed invariant visual scene. The research was conducted using paired tests. Participants were asked to identify the sound scene they considered more closely matched the concert hall seen in the VR goggles for each pair. Each sound scene differed in the employed impulse response. All the impulse responses were recorded in real venues such as concert halls, auditoriums, churches, etc. To provide a realistic auditory experience, the sound scenes were processed using third-order ambisonics and decoded using binaural techniques with HRTFs. The virtual concert hall was generated using the Unreal Engine and was the same for all the tests.
One of the major conclusions drawn from the conducted research was confirming the role of spatial sound in creating immersive VR experiences. The study demonstrated that appropriately matching spatial sound to the VR visual scene is essential for achieving complete immersion. Additionally, expectations and preferences regarding reverberation characteristics in different types of spaces were discovered. These findings have significant implications for the design of virtual environments, and understanding these aspects can contribute to improving VR technology and creating more immersive and realistic virtual experiences for users.

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Patryk Rolkowski
Piotr Odya
Bartłomiej Mróz

  1. Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland
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Room temperature vulcanized (RTV) silicone rubber is widely used to prevent pollution flashover with its excellent hydrophobicity and hydrophobicity transfer. However, RTV coatings are at the risk of deterioration and failure in heavily polluted operating environment. In this paper, RTV coated insulators with different suspension heights operating in coal ash polluted areaswere sampled. Pollution degree, pollution composition and aging degree of coatings were tested. The result shows that the insoluble pollution contains Al(OH)3 filler precipitated from RTV coating, which indicates the aging of the RTV coating. The top surface coating is more affected by ultraviolet and rainwater than the bottom surface resulting in more serious degradation. As the pollution degree of the lower phase insulator is heavier than that of the upper phase insulator, the erosion effect of pollution on the RTV coating is more intense. The fillers and rubber molecules of RTV continuously precipitate into the pollution layer, leading to further aging. Therefore, the overall aging degree of the lower insulator coating is more serious than that of the upper insulator coating.

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Lei Lan
Lin Mu
Yu Wang
Xiaoqing Yuan
Wei Wang
Zhenghui Li
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The injection moulding conditions may change the degree of crystallinity of the plastic to some extent, which affects the mechanical properties such as tensile strength and hardness. Moreover, the cooling conditions of the moulded parts may contribute to changes in their shrinkage. The paper presents the results of determination of the melting enthalpy of a polypropylene. The melting enthalpy ∆ Hm was determined by differential scanning calorimetry. It was found, that the value of the melting enthalpy depends on the physical conditions prevailing during the sample production process, such as the temperature of the liquid material, the cooling rate of the plastic (related to the mould temperature Tm) and the flow rate of the plastic in the mould. The degree of crystallinity of the obtained samples was also determined, which, depending on the measured enthalpy of fusion, influences the degree of structural order of the polymer. Standardized test samples were also analysed in terms of transversal shrinkage and longitudinal shrinkage. The shrinkage of the injection moulded parts results from the change of physical state of plastic during its solidification in the mould.
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P. Palutkiewicz
A. Kalwik
T. Jaruga

  1. Czestochowa University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science, Department of Technology and Automation, 19C Armii Krajowej Av., 42- 201 Czestochowa, Poland
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The paper presents the results of research on the kinetics of the binding process of self-hardening moulding sands with an organic binder under conditions of forced air flow at various pressure values. Three moulding sands made using urea-furfuryl resin Furanol FR75A technology were studied. The moulding sands were prepared on a base of quartz sand with an average grain size of dL = 0.25, 0.29 and and 0.37 mm , with permeability values of 306 , 391 and and 476 m 2/10 8Pa ∙ s (for ρ0 = 1.60 , 1.60 and and 1.61 g/cm 3, respectively). The research was conducted for a resin content of 1% with a constant proportion of hardener to resin, which was equal to 50%. Samples of the tested moulding sands were blown with air at pressures of 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, and 1.0 bar. The kinetics of the hardening process was monitored using ultrasound technology, according to a previously developed methodology [1]. The research was carried out on an ultrasound testing station equipped with a temperature chamber and an airflow reducer. The tests were conducted at a temperature of 20°C, and of the air flow pressure on the changes in ultrasonic wave velocity in the hardening mouldins sand as a function of time, the kinetics of the hardening process, and the degree of moulding sand hardening were determined. Additionally, the influence of the moulding sand permeability on the course of the hardening process at a constant air flow pressure was determined.
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[1] Zych, J. (2007). Synthesis of the applications of ultrasonic technology in the analysis of the kinetics of selected processes occurring in molding materials. AGH Uczelniane Wydawnictwa Naukowo-Dydaktyczne. Seria: Rozprawy i Monografie nr 163, Kraków. (in Polish).
[2] Holtzer, M., Kmita, A. & Roczniak, A. (2014). New furfuryl resins more environmentally friendly. Archives of Foundry Engineering. 14(spec.4), 51-54. (in Polish).
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[6] Drożyński, D. (1999). Post-surface phenomena in the process of binding masses in the classic cold-box technology. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, AGH Univesity of Science and Technology, Kraków. (in Polish).
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[9] Matonis, N. & Zych, J. (2022). Plasticity changes of moulding sands with chemical binders caused by increasing the hardenin degree. Archives od Foundry Engineering. 22(2), 71-76. DOI: 10.24425/afe.2022.140227.
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Authors and Affiliations

Natalia Matonis

  1. AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Foundry Engineering, Poland
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The results of investigations of plasticity of moulding sands with binders obtained by measuring deflection angles in the single point bend test in dependence on their hardening degree are presented in the hereby paper. Shaped samples made of moulding sands obtained in the technology with urea-furfuryl resin Furanol FR75A and in the technology with water glass, were subjected to various tests. Shaped samples were made on the quartz matrix of a medium grains size ����=0,29 ����. Investigations were performed for the resin content being 1% and 2%, at a constant proportion of a hardener versus resin -- equal 60%. In the case of sands from the technology with water glass, investigations were performed for 3.5% of water glass versus sand matrix and 0.35% of Flodur. Plasticity tests were carried out with using the strength machine with a continuous recording of a sample deflection value. Measurements of deflection angles values in the bend test were performed on a series of simultaneously made samples at constant time intervals from the moment of their making. To determine the sand hardening degree the ultrasound technique was applied, according to the previously developed methodology [1]. Every time from the obtained results the characteristic of the growing stress as a function of deflection was prepared (��). In addition, for the tested group of moulding sands, empirical relationships between the maximum deflection angle (αmax) in the bend test and the hardening degree were determined (Sx): α = f(Sx).
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[1] Zych, J. (2002). New, nondestructive method of quality inspection of mould’s elements made of moulding sands with chemical binders. Archives of Foundry. 2(5), 132-139.
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[9] Grabarczyk, A., Dobosz, M.St., Kusiński, J., & Major-Gabryś, K. (2018). The tendency of moulding sands to generate core cracs. Archives of Foundry Engineering. 18(1), 157-161.
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[11] Grabarczyk, A. (2018). Analysis and evaluation of mechanical and thermal deformation of molding sands with selected binders. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków. (in Polish).
[12] Zych, J. (2007). Synthesis of ultrasonic technique applications in the analysis of the kinetics of selected processes in molding materials. Kraków: AGH Uczelniane Wydawnictwa Naukowo-Dydaktyczne. Seria: Rozprawy i Monografie nr 163. (in Polish).

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Authors and Affiliations

Natalia Matonis
J. Zych

  1. AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Foundry Engineering, ul. Reymonta 23, 30-059 Cracow, Poland
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The ways of the improvement of the method for the determination of steel losses in the electrical devices of basic types are substantiated. The method is refined by taking into account the magnetic system properties at high saturation. The presence of the interrelation between the special features of the domain structure movement and the shape of the hysteresis loop is proved for laminated cores. It enabled the explanation of the causes for the abnormally high values of the losses in the steel and the atypical shapes of the hysteresis loops at its high saturation. The empiric dependence for the determination of steel losses is obtained. It provides for the high convergence of the calculated and experimental data at the actual degree of saturation and can be used in the direct-current operation of the analyzed devices.

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Mykhaylo Zagirnyak
Viacheslav Prus
Dmitro Rodkin
Yurii Zachepa
Volodymyr Chenchevoi
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Studying the reaction of glaciers to climate warming and the interactions of ice masses with the atmosphere is cognitively highly significant and contributes to understanding the climate change. The results from the modelling of glacier surface ablation by the temperature–index and energy balance models as well as the results of meteorological and glaciological studies on Werenskioldbreen (south Spitsbergen, Svalbard) in 2011 have been analysed to improve the understanding of the glacier system’s functioning in the High Arctic. The energy balance modelling results showed that the radiation balance (58%) and sensible heat (42%) are the main factors influencing surface ablation on the glacier. The energy balance model offers a better fit to the measured ablation than the temperature–index model. These models have to be validated and calibrated with data from automatic weather stations, which provide the relevant gradient and calibration and validation. Presented models are highly suited for calculating ablation in Svalbard and other areas of the Arctic.
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Dariusz Ignatiuk

  1. University of Silesia in Katowice, Bankowa 12, 40-007 Katowice, Poland
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The paper presents the results of a study of methane adsorption on coal samples with various degrees of metamorphism, coming from the Polish and Czech parts of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin (USCB). The range of coalification of the samples was from bituminous with vitrinite reflectance Ro equal to about 0.5% to para-anthracite coals with Ro equal to over 2%. The methane adsorption capacity was determined at the temperature 303 K for each of the studied coal seams. Methane adsorption isotherms were approximated using the Langmuir model. The relationship between the Langmuir isotherm parameters (am and PL) and the degree of coalification was presented. It was shown that the degree of coalification of the coal substance affects the adsorption ability of coal with respect to methane and determines the value of the Langmuir isotherm parameters. The study was conducted in order to present the distribution of adsorption capacity of Upper Silesian coals in relation to improving work safety in active mines as well as designing technologies that use coal bed methane (CBM) from balance and off-balance resources.
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Authors and Affiliations

Barbara Dutka
Katarzyna Godyń

  1. Strata Mechanics Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences, 27 Reymonta Str.,30-059 Krakow, Poland
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The article describes current initiatives regarding the still insufficient cooperation between EU universities. The reasons for the growing needs in this area and the key benefits of such cooperation are analyzed. The nature of the cooperation will in the near future make it possible to award joint degrees in cooperating groups of universities.
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Michał Kleiber

  1. Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki PAN, Warszawa
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Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) mission data is widely used in various fields of science. GRACE explored changes of the gravity field regularly from April 2002 to June 2017. In the following research, we examine variance of signal contained in two different formats of GRACE data: standard spherical harmonics and mass concentration blocks (so-called “mascons”) solutions, both provided in the most recent releases. For spherical harmonics-based solution, we use monthly gravity field solutions provided up to degree and order (d/o) 96 by three different computing centers, i.e. the NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), the German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ) and the Center for Space Research (CSR). For the mass concentration blocks, we use values of total water storage provided by the CSR, JPL and the Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) computing centers, which we convert to spherical harmonic coefficients up to d/o 96. We show that using the anisotropic DDK3 filter to smooth the north-south stripes present in total wate storage obtained from standard spherical harmonics solution leaves more information than common isotropic Gaussian filter. In the case of mascons, GSFC solution contains much more information than the CSR and JPL releases, relevant for corresponding d/o. Differences in variance of signal arise from different background models as well as various shape and size of mascons used during processing of GRACE observations.

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Artur Lenczuk
Grzegorz Leszczuk
Anna Klos
Janusz Bogusz
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Adetailed tie model of cracking is proposed. The model is dedicated to both semi-massive RC (reinforcement concrete) members subjected to early-age imposed strains and non-massive members in which imposed strains occur after concrete hardening. As distinct from the currently applied European guidelines, the proposed model enables an analysis of crack width changes. These are a function of progressive imposed strain, material and geometry data, but also depend on the scale of cracking which determines the strain conditions of a member. Consequently, the new model takes account of not only the factors determining the cracking development but also the member relaxation effect that results from cracking. For this reason a new definition of restraint factor is proposed, which takes into account the range of cracking of a structural member, i.e. the number and width of cracks. Parametric analyses were performed of both the changes of the degree of restraint after cracking as well as the changes of crack width depending on the adopted type of aggregate, class of concrete and the coefficient of thermal expansion of concrete. These analyses indicate the potential benefits of the application of the presented model for both a more accurate interpretation of research and economical design of engineering structures.
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Mariusz Zych

  1. Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, St. Warszawska 24, 31-155 Cracow, Poland
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The persons with intellectual disability have serious difficulties in language skills and consequently in the process of learning. The problems can be caused by Central Auditory Processing Disorders. In this paper we present research results on effectiveness of the Warnke method as a supporting tool in the development of language skills and in the process of education of children with such intellectual disabilities of mild degree.

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Ewa Brzdęk
Magdalena Zawora
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In order to improve the utilization rate of coal resources, it is necessary to classify coal and gangue, but the classification of coal is particularly important. Nevertheless, the current coal and gangue sorting technology mainly focus on the identification of coal and gangue, and no in-depth research has been carried out on the identification of coal species. Accordingly, in order to preliminary screen coal types, this paper proposed a method to predict the coal metamorphic degree while identifying coal and gangue based on Energy Dispersive X-Ray Diffraction (EDXRD) principle with 1/3 coking coal, gas coal, and gangue from Huainan mine, China as the research object. Differences in the phase composition of 1/3 coking coal, gas coal, and gangue were analyzed by combining the EDXRD patterns with the Angle Dispersive X-Ray Diffraction (ADXRD) patterns. The calculation method for characterizing the metamorphism degree of coal by EDXRD patterns was investigated, and then a PSO-SVM model for the classification of coal and gangue and the prediction of coal metamorphism degree was developed. Based on the results, it is shown that by embedding the calculation method of coal metamorphism degree into the coal and gangue identification model, the PSO-SVM model can identify coal and gangue and also output the metamorphism degree of coal, which in turn achieves the purpose of preliminary screening of coal types. As such, the method provides a new way of thinking and theoretical reference for coal and gangue identification.
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Authors and Affiliations

Yanqiu Zhao
Shuang Wang
Yongcun Guo
Gang Cheng
Lei He
Wenshan Wang

  1. School of Mechanical Engineering, Anhui University of Science and Technology, China
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False jagged-chickweed ( Lepyrodiclis holosteoides (C.A. Mey.) Fenzl ex Fisch. & C.A. Mey.) is an invasive weed species distributed in many regions of Iran. Scientific knowledge about the biology and ecology of false jagged-chickweed is rare. In a series of laboratory experiments, the effect of chilling treatments, potassium nitrate (KNO3), gibberellic acid (GA3), concentrations, temperature regimes, and sowing depths on seed germination and breaking seed dormancy of false jagged-chickweed was studied. In two field experiments the phenology of false jagged-chickweed and winter wheat ( Triticum aestivum) was also compared. Chilling treatment for 15 days, a KNO3 concentration of 30 μmolar and a GA3 concentration of 144 μmolar increased germination percentage and germination rate. However, chilling treatment for 15 days did not increase germination rate as well as the KNO3 and GA3 treatments. A quadratic polynomial model predicted that the optimum temperature giving the maximum germination percentage was 22°C. Seedlings emerged in a range of sowing depths from 0 to 8 cm, while no seedling emergence occurred at sowing depths greater than 10 cm. Based on a Gaussian model, the optimum sowing depth was predicted to be 3.9 cm. False jagged-chickweed required higher growing degree days (GDD) for seedling emergence than winter wheat, while the flowering stage of false jagged-chickweed occurred earlier than winter wheat. Results achieved in the present study are of interest not only for studying other life cycle aspects of this species but also as basic information for developing management strategies.
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Authors and Affiliations

Mehdi Minbashi Moeini
Eshagh Keshtkar
Hamidreza Sasanfar
Mohammad Ali Baghestani

  1. Iranian Research Institute of Plant Protection, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Tehran, Iran
  2. Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
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In the context of China’s new infrastructure construction developing rapidly, this paper explores the sustainable new infrastructure green development pattern. We establish qualitative and quantitative indicators for green technology innovation (GTI) at both the societal macro level and enterprise micro level, capturing the multidimensional nature of China’s green innovation dynamic. Additionally, we create an indicator system for China’s new infrastructure investment intensity (NTI) across three areas: information infrastructure, integration infrastructure, and innovation infra-structure. Using provincial panel data from 2010 to 2020, we construct a coupling coordination degree model (CCDM) to examine the level of coordination between NTI and GTI. Our findings reveal that: the degree of coordination between NTI and GTI follows a U-shaped curve, with both subsystems remaining far from highly coordinated during rapid development; the coupling level of NTI and GTI in China is currently at a near dissonance level overall; the degree of coupling and coordination between NTI and GTI is mainly influenced by policies, and the coupling level is higher on the enterprise side than on the societal side; the two parameters (α-NTI and β-GTI) widely used in prior studies have less of an effect on the coordinated coupling system than other factors considered herein.
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Authors and Affiliations

Kunjie Zhu
Simin Yang

  1. Department of Economics and Trade, Hunan University of Technology and Business, Hunan, China.
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The article analyzes the influence of selected factors on the activity rate of cement binder containing 50% of ground granulated blast furnace slag in its composition. These factors are the chemical and mineral composition of Portland cement CEM I, the degree of grinding of granulated blast furnace slag and Portland cement, and the water/binder ratio. This slag content is characteristic for blast furnace cement CEM III/A. In addition to the application effects, this type of cement is a low-carbon binder (there is a reduction of CO 2 emissions by about 45% compared to Portland cement CEM I). The use of this type of cement in the composition of concrete enables the obtaining of concrete with a very small carbon footprint. Based on the results of our own research, it was found that such a high proportion of ground granulated blast furnace slag in the binder composition leads to a significant reduction in the early compressive strength of standard mortars (after two and seven days of setting). This results in a significant reduction in the use of these types of binders (cements) in selected areas of construction, e.g. prefabrication and high-strength concrete. Analyzing the obtained results of their own research, the authors concluded that the early strength of these types of binders can be significantly improved by increasing the specific surface area (degree of grinding) of Portland cement CEM I and lowering the water/slag ratio (w/s, where: s = cement + slag). The proposed material and technological modifications also enable the obtaining of higher compressive strength at all tested dates. The strength of the standard (after twenty-eight days and over longer periods) is comparable to or higher than that of Portland cement CEM I.
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Authors and Affiliations

Arkadiusz Janic
Zbigniew Giergiczny

  1. Technology Centrum Betotech sp. z o.o., Dąbrowa Górnicza, Poland;
  2. Faculty of Civil Engineering Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland
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Light pollution has a detrimental effect on astronomy. Artificial light emitted from outdoor lighting increases the brightness of the night sky, making it difficult to observe astronomical objects. The spectral power distribution of artificial light sources is one of the key factors determining how much the night sky is deteriorated by light pollution. The ongoing replacement of discharge lamps with LED sources may have a major impact on astronomy because LED spectra usually cover the entire visible radiation range. This paper provides an analysis of the impact of LED sources with correlated color temperature in the range from 1000 K to approximately 10 000 K on visual and instrumental astronomical observations. For each analyzed artificial source, the Starlight Contamination Degree (SCD) index, i.e. a quantity that allows for quick evaluation of the impact of the sources on the night sky, is calculated. The reflection of artificial light from different ground surfaces and its scattering in the atmosphere was included in the calculation of the SCD index. LED lamps with very low values of correlated color temperature (CCT) and color rendering index (CRI) were found to possibly have a similar or even smaller impact on astronomical observations than sodium discharge lamps. Moreover, professional astronomical observations are more affected by LED lamps than visual observations, even for lamps with the lowest CCT and CRI. Thus, additional measures (e.g. reducing lumen output) should be applied to protect observational conditions. The results of the study help to assess which LED lamps can be used, and which should be avoided in the protection zones around astronomical observing sites.
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Authors and Affiliations

Przemysław Tabaka
Sylwester Kołomański

  1. Institute of Electrical Power Engineering, Lodz University of Technology, Lodz, Poland
  2. Astronomical Institute, University of Wrocław, Wrocław, Poland
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Fault diagnosis and condition monitoring of synchronous machines running under load is a key determinant of their lifespan and performance. Faults such as broken rotor bars, bent shafts and bearing issues lead to eccentricity faults. These faults if not monitored may lead to repair, replacement and unforeseen loss of income. Researchers who attempted to investigate this kind of machine stopped at characterizing and deduced ways, types and effects of rotor eccentricity fault on the machine inductances using the winding function method. A modified closed-form analytical model of an eccentric synchronus reluctance motor (SynRM) is developed here taking into cognizance the machine dimensions and winding distribution for the cases of a healthy and unhealthy SynRM. This paper reports the study the SynRM under static rotor eccentricity using the developed analytical model and firming up the model with finite element method (FEM) solutions. These methods are beneficial as they investigated and presented the influence of the degrees of static eccentricity on the machine performance indicators such as speed, torque and the stator
current and assess the extent to which the machine performance will deteriorate when running with and without load. The results show that static eccentricity significantly affects the machine’s performance as the degree of eccentricity increases.
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Authors and Affiliations

Emmanuel Idoko
Gideon David Umoh
Pauline Ijeoma Obe
Benjamin Okwudili Mama
Emeka Simon Obe

  1. Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Federal University of Agriculture, 970101 Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria
  2. Department of Electrical Engineering, Maritime Academy, 523101 Oron, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria
  3. Department of Industrial Technical Education, University of Nigeria, 410001 Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria
  4. Department of Civil Engineering, University of Nigeria, 410001 Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria
  5. Department of Electrical, Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering, Botswana International University of Science and Technology, Plot 10071 Boseja, Palapye, Botswana
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The traction power supply system based on Inductively Coupled Power Transfer (ICPT) technology is one of the new traction power supply technologies that will be developed in the future. As the core part of rail transit energy transfer and conversion, the traction power supply system is not only the critical system for the safe operation of rail transit, but also the main source of its failures, so it is of great significance to study its reliability. In this paper, the reliability analysis of the non-contact traction power supply system based on mobile ICPT technology is carried out using the method of (Fault Tree Analysis) FTA combined with triangular fuzzy theory and grey relational theory. Firstly, the fault tree of the system is established, and the minimum cut sets and structure function of the fault tree are obtained. Then the triangular fuzzy numbers are introduced to represent the probability of the bottom events, and the fuzzy probability of the top event and the fuzzy importance of the bottom events are determined, after that, the maximum probability of failure of the top event is obtained. Finally, the grey relational degrees of each minimum cut set are obtained and ranked. Furthermore, in order to prove the correctness of this method, the trapezoidal fuzzy FTA is introduced and compared with it. Both research results show that the loosely coupled transformer and Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) module are the weak links of the system. The results obtained are consistent and realistic, which proves the correctness of the method selected in this article.
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Authors and Affiliations

Yanxia Pei
Xin Li

  1. Key Laboratory of Opto-Technology and Intelligent Control Ministry of Education, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, China
  2. School of New Energy and Power Engineering, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, China
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This article proposes a method for grinding coal based on the use of the energy of a pulsed shock wave resulting from a spark electric discharge in a liquid. The main purpose of the scientific work is the development of an electric pulse device for producing coal powder, the main component of coal-water fuel. The diameter of the initial coal fraction averaged 3 mm, and the size of the resulting product was 250 μm. To achieve this goal, the dependence of the length of a metal rod electrode (positive electrode) on the length and diameter of its insulation is investigated. Various variants of the shape of the base (bottom) of the device acting as a negative electrode are considered, and an effective variant based on the results of coal grinding is proposed. An experimental electric pulse installation is described, the degree of coal grinding is determined depending on the geometric parameters. The optimal characteristics of the obtained coal powder have been established.
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Authors and Affiliations

Igor P. Kurytnik
Ayanbergen K. Khassenov
Ulan B. Nussupbekov
Dana Z. Karabekova
Bekbolat R. Nussupbekov
Madina Bolatbekova

  1. The Witold Pilecki State Higher School, Oświęcim, Poland
  2. E.A.Buketov University of Karaganda, Kazakhstan
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This article is devoted to the German classes of particles: Gradpartikel (degree particle) and Fokuspartikel (focus particle), which are assigned divergent contents in different grammars and lexicons. In addition to this, a problem with didactic implications is the inconsistency of terminology. For example, Helbig/Buscha (2001) apply the term Gradpartikel to expressions that Hentschel/Weydt (2013) classify as Fokuspartikel. Engel (2009), on the other hand, refers to the expressions as Gradpartikel, which in Hentschel/Weydt (2013) represent the classes Fokuspartikel and Intensivpartikel. There are more similar inconsistencies in the literature with regard to class names and the inclusion of particles within them. The aim of this article is to revise the classification criteria and analyse the distinguishing characteristics of these classes and to put the terminology in order. The choice of terms in this article was determined by the primary function of the class: Fokuspartikel is named according to the function of focusing attention on something (German: fokussieren), while Gradpartikel is named according to the function of reinforcing (German: gradieren).
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Edyta Błachut

  1. Universität Wrocław
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The purpose of this paper is both to present issues related to the interpretation of currently in force provisions on awarding degrees of doctor, habilitated doctor and the title of professor in the light of the Higher Education Law, as well as to attempt to reflect on whether a specific model of scientific promotion (career path) can be found in the analysed regulations. The issues seem to be of key importance for the practice of applying the latter, especially if one assumes that the supreme purpose of a particular model of scientific career is to ensure the highest quality of scientific research.

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Krzysztof Ślebzak

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