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The operating modes of the automatic control system for electromechanical converters for synchronization of rotor speeds have been developed and investigated. The proposed automatic speed control system allows adjusting the slave engine to the master one in a wide range from 0 to 6000 rpm. To improve the synchronization accuracy an adaptive algorithm is proposed that allows to increase the synchronization accuracy by 3-4 times. The proposed model of an adaptive automatic control system with an observing identification tool makes it possible to minimize the error in the asynchrony of the rotation of the rotors of two electromechanical converters.
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Authors and Affiliations

Aidana Kalabayeva
1 2
Waldemar Wójcik
Gulzhan Kashaganova
Kulzhan Togzhanova
Zhaksygul Sarybayeva

  1. Academy of Logistics and Transport, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  2. Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications Almaty, Kazakhstan
  3. Lublin University of Technology, Lublin, Poland
  4. Turan University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  5. Almaty Technological University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
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In the paper, the results of investigations on the location of generating units most affecting the angular stability of a large power system (PS) are presented. For their location, the eigenvalues of the PS model state matrix associated with electromechanical phenomena (electromechanical eigenvalues) were used. The eigenvalues were calculated on the basis of the analysis of the disturbance waveforms of instantaneous power of the generating units operating in the PS. The used method of calculating eigenvalues consists in approximation of the disturbance waveforms of generating units by the waveforms being the superposition of modal components. The parameters of these components depend on the sought eigenvalues and their participation factors. The objective function was defined as the mean square error between the approximated and approximating waveforms. To minimize it, a hybrid algorithm, being a combination of genetic and gradient algorithms, was used. In the instantaneous power waveforms of generating units most affecting the PS angular stability, the least damped or undamped modal components dominate. They are related to eigenvalues with the largest values of real parts. The impact of individual modal components on the disturbance waveforms of subsequent generating units was determined with the use of participation factors and correlation coefficients of electromechanical eigenvalues.

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Authors and Affiliations

Piotr Pruski
Stefan Paszek
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In the paper, the application of multi-criteria optimization of the parameters of PSS3B system stabilizers to damping electromechanical swings in an extended power system (PS) is presented. The calculations of the power system stabilizer (PSS) parameters were divided into two stages. In the first stage, single-machine systems, generating unit – infinite bus, of generating units critical for the angular stability of the PS were analyzed. Time constants and preliminary values of the PSS gains were calculated. In the second stage, the main one, the main gains on which the effectiveness of operation of PSSs depends the most were calculated by multi-criteria optimization of the extended PS. The calculations were carried out in several variants: for two-dimensional objective functions and the six-dimensional objective function. In multi-criteria optimization, the solution is not one set of PSS parameters, but a set of sets of these parameters, i.e. a set of compromises that were determined for each analyzed case. Additionally, for the six-dimensional compromise set, projections of this set on the planes connected with the quantities of individual generating units and the boundary of these projections on these planes were determined. A genetic algorithm adapted to multi-criteria issues was used to minimize the multivariate objective function. Sample calculations were made for the model of the National (Polish) Power System taking into account 57 selected generating units operating in high and extra high voltage networks (220 and 400 kV). The presented calculations show that the applied multi-criteria optimization of the PSS3B stabilizer parameters allows effectively damping electromechanical swings withoutworsening the voltagewaveforms of generating units in the extended PS.
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Authors and Affiliations

Adrian Nocoń
Stefan Paszek
Piotr Pruski

  1. Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Silesian University of Technology, Akademicka 10, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
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The properties of a mechanical resonator provide a valuable ability to measure liquid density and viscosity. The viscosity of liquids is of interest to researchers in both industry and medicine. In this paper, a viscosity sensor for liquids is proposed, which is designed based on an electromechanical resonator. In the proposed sensor, a capacitor is used as an electrostatic actuator. The capacitor is also used to monitor the frequency changes of the proposed resonator. The range of displacement of the resonator and capacitor in response to different fluids under test varies according to their viscosity. The design of the proposed sensor and its electrostatic and mechanical simulations are reported in this paper. Also, the effect of viscosity of several different liquids on its performance has been analyzed and presented experimentally using a prototype.
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Amin Eidi

  1. Sahand University of Technology, Tabriz, Iran
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This paper proposes an electromechanical transient method to build a battery energy storage system-based virtual synchronous generator model, suitable for a large-scale grid. This model consists of virtual synchronous generator control, system limitation and the model interface. The equations of a second-order synchronous machine, the characteristics of charging/discharging power, state of charge, operating efficiency, dead band and inverter limits are also considered. By equipping the energy storage converter into an approximate synchronous voltage source with an excitation system and speed regulation system, the necessary inertia and damping characteristics are provided for the renewable energy power system with low inertia and weak damping. Based on the node current injection method by the power system analysis software package (PSASP), the control model is built to study the influence of different energy storage systems. A study on the impact of renewable energy unit fluctuation on frequency and the active power of the IEEE 4-machine 2-area system is selected for simulation verification. Through reasonable control and flexible allocation of energy storage plants, a stable and friendly frequency environment can be created for power systems with high-penetration renewable energy.
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Juntao Cui
Zhao Li
Ping He
Zhijie Gong
Jie Dong

  1. Lanzhou Resources and Environment Voc-Tech University, China
  2. Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, China
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The article presents studies on the electromechanical system of a metallurgical horizontal looper in the steelmaking industry. During the operation of this unit, parameters in the system changes due to variations of length and mass of the steel strip, these variations significantly change elastic properties and reduce moments of inertia. Various methods of combating elastic vibrations in electromechanical systems are analyzed in this article. The article presents a description of experiments with a horizontal looper. A mathematical model for two extreme positions of the unit was developed based on experimental results. Simulation experiments were made and their results are presented. A new control system structure is proposed to reduce vibrations in the electromechanical system of a horizontal looper. A power-up sensor, adjuster and velocity derivative feedback were added into the model structure. The proposed feedback link structure takes into account the change of steel strip length. From the experimental data it follows that the proposed system provides effective damping of mechanical vibrations in the steel strip if its length during operation is changed.

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Iosif Breido
Yelena Kuntush
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To reduce the random error of microelectromechanical system (MEMS) gyroscope, a hybrid method combining improved empirical mode decomposition (EMD) and least squares algorithm (LS) is proposed. Firstly, based on the multiple screening mechanism, intrinsic mode functions (IMFs) from the first decomposition are divided into noise IMFs, strong noise mixed IMFs, weak noise mixed IMFs and signal IMFs. Secondly, according to their characteristics, they are processed again. IMFs from the second decomposition are divided into noise IMFs and signal IMFs. Finally, useful signal is gathered to obtain the final denoising signal. Compared with some other denoising methods proposed in recent years, the experimental results show that the proposed method has obvious advantages in suppressing random error, greatly improving the signal quality and improving the accuracy of inertial navigation.
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Hailong Rong
Tianlei Jin
Hao Wang
Xiaohui Wu
Ling Zou

  1. Changzhou University, Changzhou 213164, China
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The main goal of the research presented in this paper is to find an analytical solution for an electromagnetic energy harvester with double magnet. A double magnet configuration is defined as a structure in which two magnets, either attracting or repelling, are positioned at a constant distance from each other. Analytical dependencies that govern the shape of electromechanical coupling coefficient curves for various double magnet configurations are provided. In the subsequent step of the analysis, resonance curves for its vibrations and the corresponding recovered energy were determined for the selected dual magnet settings using the harmonic balance method. These characteristics enabled us to ascertain the optimal resistance and estimate the maximum electrical power that can be harvested from the vibrations of the double magnets.
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Andrzej Mirura
Krzysztof Kecik

  1. Lublin University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Applied Mechanics, Lublin, Poland
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This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of machine learning (ML) models in predicting concrete damage using electromechanical impedance (EMI) data. From numerous experimental evidence, the damaged mortar sample with surface-mounted piezoelectric (PZT) material connected to the EMI response was assessed. This work involved the different ML models to identify the accurate model for concrete damage detection using EMI data. Each model was evaluated with evaluation metrics with the prediction/true class and each class was classified into three levels for testing and trained data. Experimental findings indicate that as damage to the structure increases, the responsiveness of PZT decreases. Therefore, we examined the ability of ML models trained on existing experimental data to predict concrete damage using the EMI data. The current work successfully identified the approximately close ML models for predicting damage detection in mortar samples. The proposed ML models not only streamline the identification of key input parameters with models but also offer cost-saving benefits by reducing the need for multiple trials in experiments. Lastly, the results demonstrate the capability of the model to produce precise predictions.
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Asraar Anjum
Meftah Hrairi
Abdul Aabid
Norfazrina Yatim
Maisarah Ali

  1. Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, International Islamic University Malaysia,P.O. Box 10, 50728, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  2. Department of Engineering Management, College of Engineering, Prince Sultan University, PO BOX 66833, Riyadh 11586, Saudi Arabia
  3. Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, International Islamic University Malaysia, P.O. Box 10, 50728, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
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A resonant frequency control method for dielectric rod resonators is discussed. A dielectric rod of cylindrical shape is placed inside a metal cavity. The bottom face of the dielectric rod is fixed at the metal base plate. Resonant frequency tuning is achieved by lifting the top metal plate above the dielectric rod upper face. The paper presents simulations using the mode matching technique and experimental study of this tunable resonator. Resonant frequency of the basic mode can be tuned by more than an octave with displacements of only tens of micrometres, which is in range of piezoactuators, MEMS, etc. A distinct feature of the proposed tuning technique is that the quality factor of the system does not degrade throughout the tuning range.
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Authors and Affiliations

Kostiantyn Savin
Irina Golubeva
Victor Kazmirenko
Yuriy Prokopenko
Guy A.E. Vandenbosch

  1. Department of Electronic Engineering, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine
  2. ESAT-TELEMIC Group, KU Leuven, Leuven 3000, Belgium
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In this paper, the design issue of effective damping of electromechanical swings in a medium voltage network with distributed generation by the use of a PSS2A type power system stabiliser is described. This stabiliser was installed in the generating unit with the highest rated power. Time constants of correction blocks, as well as the main gain, were determined by analyzing a single-machine system, generating unit – infinite bus. The time constants were calculated on the basis of the frequency-phase transfer functions both of the electromagnetic moment to the voltage regulator reference voltage and of the generator voltage to the voltage regulator reference voltage, under the assumption of an infinite and real value of the generating unit inertia time constant for various initial generator loads. The main stabiliser gain was calculated by analyzing the position, on the complex plane, of eigenvalues of the state matrix of the single-machine system, linearised around a steady operating point, at the changed value of this gain.
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Authors and Affiliations

Stefan Paszek
Adrian Nocoń
Piotr Pruski

  1. Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Silesian University of Technology, Akademicka 10 str., 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
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This study proposes a new integrated analytical-field design method for multi-disc magnetorheological (MR) clutches. This method includes two stages, an analytical stage (composed of 36 algebraic formulas) and a field stage based on the finite element method (FEM). The design procedure is presented systematically, step-by-step, and the results of the consecutive steps of the design calculations are depicted graphically against the background of the entire considered clutch. The essential advantage of the integrated method with this two-stage structure is the relatively high accuracy of the first analytical stage of the design procedure and the rapid convergence of the second field stage employing the FEM. The essence of the new method is the introduction of a yoke factor kY (the concept of which is based on the theory of induction machines) that determines the ratio of the total magnetomotive force required to magnetise the entire magnetic circuit of the clutch to the magnetomotive force required to magnetise the movement region. The final value, the yoke factor kY is determined using loop calculations. The simplicity of the developed design method predisposes its use in optimisation calculations. The proposed method can also be adapted to other MR devices analysed in shear mode.
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Authors and Affiliations

Krzysztof Kluszczyński
Zbigniew Pilch

  1. Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, ul. Warszawska 24, 31-155, Cracow, Poland

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