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The aim of the study was to analyse mechanical properties and microstructure of joints obtained using friction stir welding (FSW) technology. The focus of the study was on overlap linear FSW joints made of 1.4541 DIN 17441 steel sheets with thickness of 1.2 mm. Tools used during friction stir welding of steel joints were made of W-Re alloy. The joints were subjected to visual inspection and their load bearing capacity was evaluated by means of the tensile strength test with analysis of joint breaking mechanism. Furthermore, the joints were also tested during metallographic examinations. The analysis performed in the study revealed that all the samples of the FSW joints were broken outside the joint area in the base material of the upper sheet metal, which confirms its high tensile strength. Mean load capacity of the joints was 15.8 kN. Macroscopic and microscopic examinations of the joints did not reveal significant defects on the joint surface and in the cross-sections.

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Authors and Affiliations

W. Więckowski
P. Lacki
J. Adamus
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Welding strength is very important in safe use of polypropylene sheets. The determination of welding parameters and design of the welding tool has an impact on the weld strength. The welding parameters can be determined experimentally. In this study, Charpy impact test is used to determine suitable welding parameters in welding of polypropylene sheets with FSW method. At the same time, the weld zone microstructure is examined and Shore hardness measurements are made. The impact tests were performed on samples cut from the welded sheets. The impact tests values and hardness values were presented graphically. According to the test results, some welded parts behaved similar to the matrix material. In some welding parameters, Charpy impact test values were obtained close to values of the main materials. The suitable welding parameters were determined for polypropylene sheets welding.

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İ. Küçükrendeci
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Considering the developing role of the friction stir welding in manufacturing industry, a complete study on the process is necessary. Studies on each stage of the process in particular, provide a better understanding of friction stir welding, and specially friction stir spot welding. In this study, plunge stage has been studied by experimental methods for investigating the temperature distribution around the tool during the plunge stage and microstructure changes of the workpiece. Experiments were performed on aluminium 7050 plates with coincident measurement of temperature. In the study, the tool which has a triangle pin is used. The results of this study are used as initial conditions for theoretical analysis of welding process. The results show that the temperature distribution around the tool is quite asymmetric. The asymmetric distribution of temperature is due to nonuniform load distribution underneath the tool and tilt angle of it. The temperatures of the points behind the tool are higher compared with points located forward the tool. Microstructural studies showed that four regions with different microstructures are formed around the tool during the process. These areas were separated based on differences in grain size and elongations. Grains near the tool are elongated in a particular direction that show the material flow direction.

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Hossain Bisadi
Sajad Rasaee
Mohammad Farahmand
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This work presents a numerical simulation of aviation structure joined by friction stir welding, FSW, process. The numerical simulation of aviation structure joined by FSW was created. The simulation uses thermomechanical coupled formulation. Th model required creation of finite elements representing sheets, stiffeners and welds, definition of material models and boundary conditions. The thermal model took into account heat conduction and convection assigned to appropriate elements of the structure. Time functions were applied to the description of a heat source movement. The numerical model included the stage of welding and the stage of releasing clamps. The output of the simulation are residual stresses and deformations occurring in the panel. Parameters of the global model (the panel model) were selected based on the local model (the single joint model), the experimental verification of the local model using the single joint and the geometry of the panel joints.

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Authors and Affiliations

P. Lacki
K. Adamus
J. Winowiecka
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Aluminum 6082-T6 panels were joined by friction stir welding utilizing a bobbin tool. A thermal simulation of the process was developed based upon machine torque and the temperature dependent yield stress utilizing a slip factor and an assumed coefficient of friction. The torque-based approach was compared to another simulation established on the shear layer methodology (SLM), which does not require the slip factor or coefficient of friction as model inputs. The SLM simulation, however, only models heat generation from the leading edges of the tool. Ultimately, the two approaches yielded matching temperature predictions as both methodologies predicted the same overall total heat generation from the tool. A modified shear layer approach is proposed that adopts the flexibility and convenience of the shear layer method, yet models heat generation from all tool/workpiece interfaces.

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C. Hamilton
S. Dymek
A. Węglowska
A. Pietras
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The study aimed touse3D computed tomography (CT) to analyse a joint between two dissimilar materials produced by friction stir welding (FSW). As the materials joined, i.e., aluminum and copper, differ in properties (e.g., density and melting point), the weld is predicted to have an inhomogeneous microstructure. The investigations involved applying microfocus computed tomography (micro-CT) to visualize and analyze the volumetric structure of the joint. Volume rendering is extremely useful because, unlike computer modelling, which requires many simplifications, it helps create highly accurate representations of objects. Image segmentation into regions was performed through global gray-scale thresholding. The analysis also included elemental mapping of the weld cross-sections using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and examination of its surface morphology by means of optical microscopy (OP). The joint finds its use in developing elements used in the chemical, energetics and aerospace industries, due to the excellent possibilities of combining many different properties, and above all, reducing the weight of the structure.
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Authors and Affiliations

Wojciech P. Depczyński
Damian Bańkowski
Piotr S. Młynarczyk

  1. Radiography and Computed Tomography Laboratory, Department of Metal Science and Manufacturing Processes, Faculty of Mechatronics and Mechanical Engineering, Kielce University of Technology, al. Tysiąclecia Państwa Polskiego 7, 25-314 Kielce, Poland
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In this paper, the post-weld explosive hardening of a 5 mm AA7075-T651 plate welded via FSW was performed. To investigate the possibility of increasing FSW joint mechanical properties, the welded plate was explosively treated with four various explosive materials (ammonal, emulsion explosive, FOX-7, and PBX) in two different hardening systems. As part of the investigation, the observations of the surface and macrostructure of the treated plates were described. The obtained microhardness distribution allowed us to register the increase in hardness of the SZ up to 6%, but no increase in hardness of the LHZ was reported. In most cases, the influence of explosive treatment on the mechanical properties of the welded joint was disadvantageous as ultimate tensile strength and ductility were reduced. The only positive effect which was observed is the increase in the value of yield strength up to 27% corresponding to 77 MPa, achieved by explosive materials with detonation velocity below 3000 m/s.
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Authors and Affiliations

Robert Kosturek
Rafał Lewczuk
Janusz Torzewski
Marcin Wachowski
Piotr Słabik
Andrzej Maranda

  1. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Military University of Technology, 2 gen. S. Kaliskiego St., Warsaw, Poland
  2. Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Industrial Organic Chemistry, 6 Annopol St., Warsaw, Poland
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Friction stir welding (FSW) currently contributes a significant joining process for welding aluminium, magnesium, and other metals in which no molten or liquid state were involved. It is well known that aluminium alloys are more effective, promising for different applications light weight, strength and low cost. This study aims to determine how such tools geometry and tool speed can be related to dissimilar material in the joining process. Specifically, it investigates whether the distribution of the weld zone particularly between tool pin profile to rotational speed. In this context, the influence of tool pin profile and tool rotational speed in relation to the mechanical properties and microstructure of friction stir welded. The aim of this study is also to test the hypothesis that better mixing between dissimilar metals at higher tool rotational speed along the weld path. Three different tool profiles were configured with AA5083 and AA7075. During welding, notable presence of various types of defects such as voids and wormholes in the weld region. The results of this work showed that the tool pin profile and weld parameter are significant in determining mechanical properties at different tool rotational speed. The highest tensile strength achieved was about 263 MPa and the defectfree joint was obtained by using the threaded tapered cylindrical pin tool at a rotational speed of 800 rpm. These findings indicate that different tool profiles influence differently on the formation of defects at welds. On this basis, the tool geometry should be considered when designing experimental friction stir welded joint.
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Authors and Affiliations

M.H. Azmi
M.Z. Hasnol
M.F.A. Zaharuddin
S. Sharif
S. Rhee

  1. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, School of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, 81310 Johor Bahru Johor, Malaysia
  2. Hanyang University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 17 Haengdang-dong, Seongdong-gu, Seoul 133-791, Korea
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The article discusses the basic issues related to the technology of friction stir welding (FSW). A short description of technology is provided. The following section provides the analysis of effect of technological parameters (tool rotation and welding speed) on the mechanical properties of the prepared joint (strength, ductility, microhardness). In both cases the analysis refers to aluminum alloys (6056 and AA2195-T0). The comparative analysis showed the phenomenon of the increase in weld strength along with the increase in the rotational speed of the tool during welding. Similarly, with the increase in welding speed, an increase in weld strength was observed. Some exceptions have been observed from the above relations, as described in the article. In addition, examples of material hardness distribution in the joint are presented, indicating their lack of symmetry, caused by the rotational movement of the tool. The analyses were performed basing on the literature data.

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P.G. Kossakowski
W. Wciślik
M. Bakalarz
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In this work, experiments were carried out to quantify the behaviour of friction stir welded (FSW) AA5082-AA7075 butt joints under tensile loading and completely reversed fatigue loading. Different samples were prepared to identify optimum tool rotational and travel speeds to produce FSW AA5082-AA7075 butt joints with the maximum fatigue life. ANOVA was performed, which confirmed that both tool speed and tool rotational speed affect the tensile strength of the weld. The samples exhibit a considerable difference in their fatigue life and tensile strength. This difference can be accounted to the presence of welding defects such as surface defects and porosity. S-N curve plotted for the sample shows a significantly high fatigue life at the lower stress ranges. Fracture surfaces were also analysed under scanning electron microscope (SEM). Study of the fracture surface of the sample that failed under fatigue loading showed that the surface was mainly divided in two zones. The first zone was the area of fatigue crack growth where each stress cycle, slowly and gradually, helped in the growth of the crack. The second zone was the region of fast fracture where the crack growth resulted in the failure of the joint instantaneously. The fracture surface study of the sample that failed under tensile loading showed that the mode of failure was ductile in nature.

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Authors and Affiliations

Gaurav Kumar
Rajeev Kumar
Ratnesh Kumar
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In the present study, butt joints of aluminum (Al) 8011-H18 and pure copper (Cu) were produced by friction stir welding (FSW) and the effect of plunge depth on surface morphology, microstructure and mechanical properties were investigated. The welds were produced by varying the plunge depth in a range from 0.1 mm to 0.25 mm. The defect-free joints were obtained when the Cu plate was fixed at the advancing side. It was found that less plunging depth gives better tensile properties compare to higher plunging depth because at higher plunging depth local thinning occurs at the welded region. Good tensile properties were achieved at plunge depth of 0.2 mm and the tensile strength was found to be higher than the strength of the Al (weaker of the two base metals). Microstructure study revealed that the metal close to copper side in the Nugget Zone (NZ) possessed lamellar alternating structure. However, mixed structure of Cu and Al existed in the aluminum side of NZ. Higher microhardness values were witnessed at the joint interfaces resulting from plastic deformation and the presence of intermetallics.

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Mohd Atif Wahid
Arshad Noor Siddiquee
Zahid Akhtar Khan
Mohammad Asjad
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Sound joint of hollow-extruded 6005A-T6 aluminum alloy was achieved by friction stir welding and its high cycle fatigue performance was mainly investigated. As a result, the joint fatigue limit reaches 128.1 MPa which is 55% of the joint tensile strength. The fatigue fracture mainly occurs at the boundary between the stir zone and thermo-mechanically affected zone due to the large difference in the grain size. This difference is caused by the layered microstructure of the base material. The shell pattern with parallel arcs is the typical morphology in the fracture surface and the distance between arcs is increased with the increase of stress level. The specimen with the fracture located in the stir zone possesses a relatively low fatigue life.

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Authors and Affiliations

Zhongwei Ma
Lin Ma
Bo Xu
Chuchen Dan
Zhaokun He
Yue Wang
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In this investigation, high specific strength precipitation hardenable alloy AA7068-T6 was joined using friction stir welding. Experiments were carried out using the three factor-three level central composite face-centered design of response surface methodology. Regression models were developed to assess the influence of tool rotational speed, welding speed, and axial force on ultimate tensile strength and elongation of the fabricated joints. The validity of the developed models was tested using the analysis of variance (ANOVA), actual and adjusted values of the regression coefficients, and experimental trials. The analysis of the developed models together with microstructural studies of typical cases showed that the tool rotational speed and welding speed have a significant interaction effect on the tensile strength and elongation of the joints. However, the axial force has a relatively low interaction effect with tool rotational speed and welding speed on the strength and elongation of the joints. The process variables were optimized using the desirability function analysis. The optimized values of joint tensile strength and elongation – 516 MPa and 21.57%, respectively were obtained at a tool rotational speed of 1218 rpm, welding speed of 47 mm/ min, and an axial force of 5.3 kN.
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Authors and Affiliations

M.D. Bindu
P.S. Tide
A.B. Bhasi
K.K. Ramachandran

  1. Division of Mechanical Engineering, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kerala, India
  2. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Government Engineering College, Trissur, Kerala, India
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The lap joint welding of Al 3003 alloy by stationary shoulder friction stir welding (SSFSW) was performed under the conditions of tool rotation and welding speed, and it was confirmed that the welding was performed under all conditions. The tunnel defects and pores were formed in the weld zone at the lowest tool rotation and welding speed, and it is increased, the weld surface has been improved. At the same tool rotation speed at the welding speed is increased, the grain size was refined in the stir zone (SZ) and thus the hardness increased by about 14% compared to the base metal. The tensile shear strength is measured to be 10 kN or more under most conditions, and in the 4000 rpm with high heat input, the shear tensile strength was measured relatively lower than other conditions due to excessive heat input of the material.
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Authors and Affiliations

Woo-Chul Jung
Joo-Heon Park
Sang-Min Yoon
Young Kyun Kim

  1. Advanced Material & Processing Center, Institute for Advanced Engineering, 175-28 Goan-ro, 51 beon-gil, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi, 17180, Korea
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Fusion welding of Ti-Cu is difficult because of big difference of melting points and formation of brittle intermetallic compounds. Friction stir welding is carried out by solid-state joining, thermo-mechanical stirring, and friction heat. Ti-Cu FSW dissimilar welding can supply a very sound joint area with a few intermetallic compounds. Optimized welding process conditions are essential to obtain suitable microstructure and mechanical properties of welded zones. Different welding speeds affect the evolution of microstructure and mechanical properties due to changes of input heat and internal stored deformation energy. The correlation of microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti-Cu welded zone according to welding speeds were investigated and analyzed. As the higher the welding speed, the lower the heat input and the lower the temperature rise. Ti-Cu 75 has the smallest grain size at 13.9 μm, but the optimum mechanical properties and the integrity of welding were shown in Ti-Cu 50.
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Authors and Affiliations

Yong-Jae Lee
Won-Ki Jeong
Seung-Jun Lee
Hidetoshi Fujii
Se Eun Shin
Dong-Geun Lee

  1. Sunchon National University, Department of Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering, Suncheon, 57922, Republic of Korea
  2. Korea Polytechnic University, Department of Advanced Materials Engineering, Siheung, 15073, Republic of Korea
  3. Osaka University, Joining and Welding Research Institute, Osaka 567-0047, Japan
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In this study, Al 2024-T3 alloy plates were joined by using friction stir welding. Welding was performed at a rotational speed of 930, 1450, 2280 rpm and a welding feed rate of 180 mm min −1. The welded samples were analyzed at the microstructural level. Moreover, both bending fatigue tests and tensile tests were performed on samples. At the end of the microstructural examination of the samples welded at the rotational speed of 930 rpm and the welding feed rate of 180 mm min −1, the formation of tunnel defects was observed. The highest fatigue life was obtained at 2280 rpm and 180 mm min −1. The lowest fatigue life was obtained at 930 rpm and 180 mm min −1. The highest ultimate tensile stress was obtained at 2280 rpm/180 mm min –1 sample, which shows about a 12% reduction relative to the base material. The lowest ultimate tensile stress was obtained at 930 rpm/180 mm min –1 sample. The ultimate tensile stress value of the 930 rpm/180 mm min –1 sample decreased by approximately 25%.
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Authors and Affiliations

A. Şık
A. Özer

  1. Gazi University, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Industrial Design, 06570 Maltepe, Ankara, Turkey
  2. Gazi University, Technical Sciences Vocational School, 06374 Ostim, Yenimahalle, Ankara, Turkey
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2060-T8 Al-Li alloy was friction stir butt welded under natural and water cooling conditions. Microstructures and mechanical properties of the welding joints were mainly compared and discussed. By spraying water on the top surface of stir zone, the grain size was reduced, attributing to the improvement of microhardness. The maximum tensile strength under the water cooling reached 461.1 MPa. The joint fractured at the stir zone due to the thickness reduction and the joint softening. The fracture surface consisted of many dimples with various sizes, indicating the typical ductile fracture. The strategy to apply the low heat input at the welding stage and high cooling rate at the cooling stage during FSW is necessary to obtain a high-quality FSW joint.

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Authors and Affiliations

Lin Ma
Shiyu Niu
Shude Ji
Peng Gong
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Friction stir welding (FSW) is gaining traction as a preferred technique due to its potential to reduce heat input and enhance the mechanical properties of welded joints. However, the path to commercializing FSW for flange joints is not without challenges. Two primary obstacles are the complexity of the welding path and the intricate design requirements for the fixtures. These factors contribute to the difficulty in determining the ideal weld settings and process parameters, which are critical for achieving optimal results. The current study addresses these challenges by applying FSW to flange joints using custom-engineered fixtures. These fixtures are meticulously designed to hold the pipes and plates securely during the welding process. The focus of the research is on optimizing the multi-performance characteristics of FSW for Al 6063 flange joints through the hybrid Grey-based Taguchi method. The integrity of the weld joint is assessed by examining various mechanical properties within the weld zone, including rotation speed, travel speed, tool profile, and shoulder diameter. The study identifies the optimal parameter settings for the FSW process: a rotation speed of 3000 rpm, a travel speed of 3 mm/min2, a shoulder diameter of 20 mm, and a conical tool profile. Under these ideal conditions, the welded material exhibited a tensile strength of 170.169 MPa, a hardness of 63.7709 HV, and a corrosion rate of 0.022 mm/year. These findings underscore the effectiveness of the optimized FSW process in producing robust and durable flange joints.
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Ibrahim Sabry
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The paper presents the results of research work on linear FSW (Friction Stir Welding) joining aluminum alloys AA2024-T3 of 0.5 mm in thickness. The study was conducted on properly adapted numerical controlled 3 axis milling machine using a ceramic tool and special designed fastening device. The tool dimensions have been estimated according to the algorithm shown in the literature [4]. All joints were made of end-to end (butt) configuration under different welding speed. The rotational speed of the tool and tool offset was constant. The effect of selected technological parameters on the quality of the joint was analyzed. Produced butt joint have been subjected to a static tensile testing to identify mechanical features of the materials of joints compared to parent materials. Measurements of micro hardness HV in the plastically formed stir zone of joint and in the parent material have been carried out. Axial and radial welding forces in the joining region were recorded during the tests and their dependency from the welding parameters was studied. Based on the results of strength tests the efficiency of joints for sheets of 0.5 mm in thicknesses oscillated up to 96% compared to the parent material. It has been found that for given parameters the correct, free of defects joints were obtained. The paper also presents the results of low-cycle fatigue tests of obtained FSW joints. The use of a ceramic tool in the FSW process allows to obtain welds with higher strength than conventional tools. The results suggests that FSW can be potentially applied to joining aluminum alloys.

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Authors and Affiliations

P. Myśliwiec
R.E. Śliwa
R. Ostrowski

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