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The article presents the common causes (external and internal factors) for reforming the national higher education, which actively began after the proclamation of the independence of Ukraine. Strategies of state policy in the sphere of education are presented. They are aimed at overcoming the crisis of the previous socialist education system, ensuring the state's needs for highly qualified specialists and scientific research, promoting development of the society through the establishing a competitive human capital. Ways and the complexity of formation and development of the national high school during the last decade of the XX–XXI centuries of the first decade are researched. Promising development vectors in the context of European integration, socially-oriented market economy and student centered learning are highlighted.
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Ałła Wasyluk
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The paper presents the history of Czech higher education, which has a very rich tradition. Authors have taken up a number of issues in the context of crucial importance of higher education and its role in building of the intellectual capacity of the country (which has been strongly experienced by history).
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Miroslav Somr
Lenka Hrušková
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The aim of the article is to discuss the issue of academic revolution in India. Particularly since the globalization, this revolotion is marked by transformation unprecedented in scope and diversity and education particularly higher education is profoundly influenced by the new order. However, it remains unfinished task due adequate statutory support of the government. In Indian context the national aspirations, to establish knowledge society in the context of increasing globalization, is based on the assumption that higher and technical education essentially empower people with requisite competitive skills and knowledge. The emerging trends demonstrate consumer driven approach to enhance marginal capital gains in educational investment. The higher education being a powerful tool to build knowledge based society and also a critical input underlying sustainable development has received a significant attention nowadays.
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Ali Nisar
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China has experienced the rapid emergence and development of private higher education in the recent decades. This article focuses on the current situation in several key areas, such as development of non-state education, globalization influence at chinse non-state education and social stratification in this sector. It shows regional diversity and random planning in private higher education and also stress situation low-income groups. Moreover it presents acquisition of labour market qualification by mentioned groups. This study concludes that proper financing and management in an urgent thing to do and in the future it will benefit from to Chinese society through multiple roles.
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Anna Mańkowska
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The article include the consideration of social functions of higher education for indigenous minorities living in the Arctic. Particular emphasis was placed on reconstructing educational practices and the language policy that is implemented toward indigenous minorities in Alaska, Canadian Arctic, Greenland, northern regions of Scandinavia and Northern Russia. An attempt was made at examining the relationship between higher education, language policy, and the development of ethnic identity.
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Tomasz Gmerek
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In this article I present the main assumptions and discuss issues of pedagogy as a science and the field of education during a special meeting of the Committee of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan. I focus on the institutional leaders in science teaching who are rectors and deans of Faculties of Education in Poland. Moreover, they are co-authors of relevant teaching and research solutions in science teaching. In the age of growing crisis in the academic community we can, as educators, discuss how no to be to be surprised by pathogenic processes and events, but how to be able to counteract them. Furthermore, how to show representatives of other academic disciplines and structures of learning, how to deal with common to us problems.
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Bogusław Śliwerski
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The University Reform of 1918 was a renewal movement for universities, aimed at their democratization and modernization, initiated by student activities at the National University of Cordoba. Student movements took on a continental dimension and led to many changes in Latin American universities, especially in the field of autonomy and representation of students in university bodies. The introduction of university autonomy has had a profound impact not only on the functioning of the higher education system in Latin America, but also on other areas of social and political life in the region in the following decades. The article presents the Cordoba University Reform from a historical perspective and attempts to evaluate achievements in the implementation of its ideas in the today’s system of higher education in Latin America.

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Joanna Gocłowska-Bolek
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Higher education institutions (HEIs) typically generate income from two main sources; student

fees and research income. In contrast, the predominant waste streams in HEIs tend

to include; (1) assignment/examination mark submission process, (2) photocopying process

and (3) the funding application process. Unintended internal process complexities and barriers

typically aggravate the challenges already inherent in the research grant application

process. Although Lean Six Sigma (LSS) has been adopted by a number of HEIs in Ireland,

very few have adopted an integrated LSS approach for waste reduction in the research grant

application process. To identify barriers and waste in the research grant application process

within an Irish HEI in an EU environment, the authors used an online survey deployed to

240 academics and researchers. The survey response rate was 13%. The participating HEI

in this pilot study generated an annual income (including student fees and research income)

exceeding e240 million for the academic year 2017/2018. Using an LSS lens, this paper identified

the primary waste in the research grant application process from an academic and

researcher perspective to be; editing and revising applications, liaising and communicating

with collaborators and waiting for information. Organised thematically, the main barriers

were strategic thinking, collaborator identification and co-ordination, eligibility, process,

time and support & mentoring. The results from this study can be used to inform the next

stage of the research where empirical studies will be carried out in other HEIs to develop a

practical roadmap for the implementation of LSS as an operational excellence improvement

methodology in the research grant application process.

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Mary Dempsey
Attracta Brennan
John McAvoy
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Following the 19th-century language debates on the language of science and higher education, this paper follows three Polish texts from the middle of the century dealing with the Galician school and university system. These dispositives of language discourse, defined here as an outcome of the transformations at the nexus of hegemony, linguistic theories and the remainders of the Republic of Letters ideology, are analysed concerning the positioning of the Polish language as confronted with German and Ruthenian/Ukrainian, as well as the political implications resulting from the perceived misbalance. Given the political context of Habsburg neoabsolutism’s hierarchical understanding of languages and its application, the authors deal with both deconstructing the underlying ideology concerning German, and sustain it regarding Ruthenian

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Jan Surman
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The article analyzes the opinions of students of The. Maria Grzegorzewska University on the use of information technologies in the teaching and learning process. In the diagnostic survey 139 students took part. The results indicate that students appreciate technologies for facilitating access to teaching materials, effectiveness of communication and opportunities for self-education, especially in the context of the pandemic, but they are not perceived as a remedy for all educational problems. The key challenges are providing appropriate infrastructure, teachers' competences, and students' self-regulation skills. Statistical analyzes have shown differences in the level of IT competences of students at various stages of studies, with a noticeable increase in these competences as they progress in education. The study emphasizes that technology should be a support in education, not a purpose in itself.
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Miłosz Wawrzyniec Romaniuk
Joanna Łukasiewicz-Wieleba

  1. The Maria Grzegorzewska University, Poland
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The article analyzes the opinions of academic teachers on the use of information technologies (ICT) in higher education teaching. Key conclusions from the study indicate the need to ensure a stable Internet connection and access to functional computer equipment and projectors in each classroom. Teachers emphasize the importance of financing the software and its systematic updating. The university's technical support is also important, including quick response to problems and the availability of the technical department. The respondents point out the need to increase the number of training courses on new tools and AI, which will allow for better adaptation to the needs of students. They also point to the need to equip classrooms with equipment for hybrid classes and support students by providing them with laptops and specialized software.
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Miłosz Wawrzyniec Romaniuk
Joanna Łukasiewicz-Wieleba

  1. The Maria Grzegorzewska University, Poland
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This article discusses activities of the Main Council of Science and Higher Education in 2022.
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Grażyna Borkowska
Stanisław Kistryn
Marcin Pałys

  1. Instytut Badań Literackich PAN
  2. Uniwersytet Jagielloński
  3. Uniwersytet Warszawski
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The annual rankings of universities, in a sense, organize information about the higher education system, but they are created with current analyzes in mind, including decision-making by candidates for studies. The coexistence of a nationwide system for monitoring the economic fate of graduates prompts us to compare the results of the selected ranking with the fate of graduates. The article uses data on the ranking results divided into public and private universities and data from the above-mentioned monitoring system. The aim of the work was to check whether the candidates' choice of universities with top rankings provides grounds for predicting a better situation on the labor market than in the case of choosing another university five years after obtaining a diploma. It was indicated that in the case of public universities, the ranking is a good predictor in this respect. In the case of non-public universities, the analyzes did not indicate a significantly better situation for graduates at the top of the ranking than graduates of other universities.
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Marek Rocki

  1. Szkoła Główna Handlowa, Warszawa
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The text is written on the occasion of the centenary of the Faculty of Law of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. The author describes the history of the Jubilarian, discusses the achievements of the Faculty’s community and reveals some of its imperfections. The review presents the changes which the Faculty has undergone. The authors commentary is pervaded with the pride of he Faculty‘ s successes from the articular periods of the history. The author also expresses concern about the effects of the Polish higher education reform which is now in its initial stage.

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Henryk Olszewski
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The beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic brought about a sudden and significant change in the conditions of various academic activities. In the present study, we wanted to investigate the influence of the first pandemic lockdown on procrastination tendencies among Polish students. To achieve this goal we employed a mixed-method, embedded longitudinal study. In the quantitative part of the research, the same group of university students completed the procrastination questionnaire twice: a year before, and two months after the introduction of the first pandemic lockdown. The qualitative part included the open-ended questions about the perceived reasons for an observed change in a tendency to postpone tasks after the pandemic outbreak. Our analyses showed a significant increase in academic procrastination after the lockdown introduction. In particular, students reported a decrease in the study interest and lower working discipline. As the causes of higher procrastination during the lockdown period, students most frequently pointed out the reduced monitoring of work progress by supervisors and lower negative consequences of delaying tasks. The second most frequent theme in provided answers included difficulty in restraining from alternative activities and problems with focusing on tasks or ignoring distractions. Embedding qualitative and quantitative data gave a consistent picture of students' situation in the first lockdown and provided potential explanation for the exacerbation of procrastinatory behaviors after the pandemic outbreak.
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Marcel Kawczyński
Ewa Wiwatowska
Jarosław Michałowski

  1. SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Poznań, Poland
  2. Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland
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Dialogue in the Classroom: Teaching Strategies and Their Reception by Students – The paper aims to explore Student Voice research within the academic context in terms of theoretical assumptions and a practical approach to its application in the classroom. In the first part, we focus on three main themes which build the explanatory framework: (1) Italian language teaching at Polish universities, (2) the current teaching methodology implemented in the classroom, and (3) Student Voice as a tool to better plan teaching activities. In the second part, we present the findings of a survey conducted among students learning Italian at the Faculty of Applied Linguistics, and we analyze their value for the teaching and learning process.

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Marta Kaliska
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The aim of the paper is to show the scale of preparing habilitation reviews ending with untypical conclusions and the impact of such reviews on the outcome of habilitation proceedings in one discipline – sociology. The general analysis of the outcome of the review comes down to the final conclusion; the detailed analysis proposed by the author also takes into account the degree of strengthening or weakening of this conclusion. In particular, the weakening of a positive conclusion may indicate that the actual evaluation of the work is rather negative and differs from the nominal evaluation. The article begins with a theoretical introduction in which the author analyzes the legal aspects of reviewing the achieve­ments to the habilitation degree, the imperfections of this process indicated in the literature, and briefly refers to American and Polish research in the field of pragmatics of RPT reviews, which provide tools to interpret the mechanism of formulating unobvious conclusions. A study conducted on a sample of 130 habi­litation cases in sociology from 2012–2019 showed that the results of the pro-ceedings were rather consistent with the results of the reviews. Nevertheless, a set of “border proceedings” have been identified that have received reviews with a low degree of certainty (weakened) or some, but divergent, degree of certainty. In their case, the outcome of the proceedings was unpredictable, i.e. proceedings with the same review configuration ended in different ways.

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Łukasz Remisiewicz
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This paper presents the dynamics of gender inequalities at Polish universities in the years 2004–2021. Instead of the usual shares of women among all university graduates and employees, I analyse the degrees and titles awarded in this period. The gender imbalance among university graduates persists, with women obtaining twice as many master's degrees as men. Among the new doctors, a small surplus of women appeared. The shares of women in habilitations and titles of professors substantially increased. The shares of women in engineering and technical sciences increased at all levels. Both among graduates and among scientists, the gender composition tends towards equality where women have been less numerous so far. However, a similar trend has not occurred where men obtained a minority of degrees and titles.
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Michał Gulczyński

  1. Uniwersytet Bocconiego w Mediolanie, Wydział Nauk Społecznych i Politycznych
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The article presents the results of research on the impact of the Polish system of research evaluation on art universities and the scholarly (research and artistic) activity of their employees. The research is based on interviews conducted with 60 employees of public art colleges and art faculties operating at universities. The results suggest that the evaluation system has an impact on both the research and artistic activities of employees and the functioning of the university. This impact includes the use by academics and university managers of a variety of strategies and ways of ‘gaming’ undertaken to meet the requirements of the evaluation system. At the same time, our study showed that the impact of the evaluation system depends on the broader context of the functioning of art universities, which operate at the interface of two sectors: culture and science.
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Zofia Smolarska
Kamila Lewandowska
Emanuel Kulczycki

  1. Akademia Teatralna im. Aleksandra Zelwerowicza w Warszawie
  2. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, Wydział Filozoficzny, Scholarly Communication Research Group
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Higher education system in Poland has undergone in the years 1989–2020 the process of profound changes. The logic and the philosophy of the reforms of the Polish HEI have stayed in the broad frame of New Public Management, thus being convergent with the public policies addressed to academic institutions in US and Europe (Ferlie, Musselin, Andresani 2008). The circumstances of implementing the NPM driven reforms were, however, very specific in Poland: on the one hand, the modernization of the HE institutions took place in the context of the profound, wholistic systemic transformation. On the other, Polish academia entered the new era with the resources, habits and traditions that had been shaped by the past experiences. The paper is the case study of the Polish HEI after 1989. I aim to identify the processes and mechanisms that have been put into motion by the solutions and regulations adopted by the public authorities – privatization, performance based funding and decentralization in the first place. In the frame of NPM, public authorities supersede planning by steering via setting the boundary conditions and payoffs matrix in such a way as to encourage – or make rational – to move in a certain, desired direction. I argue this kind of steering resulted in many negative externalities, including instrumentalization of the HEI missions and erosion of the academic ethos.
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Anna Giza

  1. Wydział Socjologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
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The study concerns the functioning of disabled learners at the level of higher education. The period of university studies is usually associated with the change of the life routine practised so far. The changes comprise various fields and bring about the adjustment to new roles. This stage is a chance for becoming independent, for specifying one’s position in the group, for shaping one’s own “young adult world view”18. The article is aimed at presenting the typology of disabled students based on an analysis of the behaviour which they show as members of the academic community. The sources of these behaviour patterns can be sought in various interpersonal and intrapersonal factors resulting from the individual’s character. The presented authorial typology has been presented also in reference to the Personality Traits Theory formulated by Costa and McCrea. This has allowed for broadening this typology with some particular subtypes.

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Magdalena Bełza-Gajdzica
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In the text the author makes a critical assessment of legal solutions regulating the education of teachers in Poland. In the realms of argument, he refers to his own experiences as a member of the Polish Accreditation Committee. The presentation of those experiences reveals areas of omissions, irregularities, and even pathologies in the process of conferring teaching qualifications on graduates of schools of higher education. The author derives the sources of the status quo from imperfections or contradictions in the documents regulating the same areas of education, as well as from the struggle of schools of higher education to survive in the market, leading to a dramatic reduction in the quality of education. The text ends in demands for necessary modifications of the standards of teacher education and changes in legislation.

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Amadeusz Krause
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According to the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education and Polish Central Statistical Office the number of students systematically decreases since 2015. This demographic change was a reason to examine students motivation for undertaking their studies in order to improve educational program and to encourage students to peruse higher education. By approaching the subject of “Motivations for Undertaking Special Education Studies in The Opinion of Students at Pedagogical University of Cracow”, the answers were sought to the three following questions: What were the main reasons for choosing studies at Pedagogical University of Cracow? What motivators played a key role for students while selecting field of studies? What student’s personality traits did mainly influence their choice? Research material was collected basing on a self-designed questionnaire. The group of first-year 54 students year were tested, in which 39% didn’t know which specialization they would choose after a one year. The article’s conclusions present key factors motivating students for undertaking Special Education Studies and explain how personality traits influenced their choice.

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Anna Gagat-Matuła
Natalia Malik
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This article discusses the professional careers of foreign scholars in Krakow, one of the leading academic centres in Poland and a regional ‘silicon valley’ (toutes proportions gardées). Central and Eastern Europe is understudied as an immigration region for highly skilled migrants (HSMs). To bridge this gap, we concentrate on three interrelated topics: (a) the perception of Polish science and its infrastruc-ture; (b) careers of international staff employed in Polish academia; and (c) their perception of their achievements in Poland. Foreign scholars come to Poland for various reasons. Two of the most important are the cultural proximity between Poland and their country of origin, and research interests focused directly in Poland. Our findings show that Poland attracts first and foremost scholars with average scientific achievements. We discuss major problems they encounter (e.g., shortage of funds, uncomfortable office space, restricted access to books and papers) and their expectations of life in a semi-periphery country. The paper is mainly based on in-depth interviews with 23 foreign scholars working full time at four universities in Krakow and, as a secondary source, on the analysis of websites of these universities.

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Janusz Mucha
Kamil Łuczaj

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