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Natural water reservoirs in Europe are very valuable floristic sites. Among them, springs are very important for the preservation of the biodiversity of flora in Poland. The present paper presents a community of water plants that is new to limnocren karst springs in Poland – Potame-tum pectinati Carstensen 1955 from Potametea class. In Europe this community in limnocren karst springs has not been found so far. The paper presents the floristic composition and the ecological requirements of this association.
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Krzysztof Spałek
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The specific name velunensis is established to encompass porcupine remains ( Hystrix Linnæus, 1758) recovered from the Pliocene site of Węże 1 in southern Poland. The studied specimen was previously assigned either to H. primigenia (Wagner, 1848) or H. depereti Sen, 2001, however it can be distinguished from these species and other fossil Hystricidae by its distinct occlusal morphology, most importantly the presence of an anterolingual flexus dissecting the anteroloph of P4. Hystrix velunensis sp. nov. was probably closely related to H. primigenia and H. depereti. A previously undescribed specimen from the nearby site of Węże 2 most probably belongs to H. refossa Gervais, 1852b, which would be the first known occurrence of this species in Poland.
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Michał Czernielewski

  1. Institute of Paleobiology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Twarda 51/55, 00-818 Warszawa, Poland
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The article deals with the state of utilization and protection of the water· resources in the Mokaśnica river basin (MRB) within the larger Mostarsko Biało catchment area (MRB). The authors present data on the Mostarsko Blato basin, provided through the analyses of the results of earlier research projects dealing with surface and groundwater flows, particularly related to the research carried out in the MR fl. The previous water engineering works in the MRB have been analyzed for effects on the natural environment and the influence of such works on the regime of surface flow and groundwater aquifer geometry. In order to protect the area of the MRB from further devastation, the authors suggest some protective measures and due improvements. A special environmental protection study is necessary lor heller management otthe MRB waters and the natural environrncnt, including the analysis ofthe possibility of losing said water resources due to the implemented engineering interventions.
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Bozo Soldo
Josip Mesec
Mladen Zelenika
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In order to study the influence of multiple karst cave factors on surface settlement during tunnel boring machine (referred to TBM hereinafter) tunnelling, a three-dimensional numerical model is built by taking a subway project as an example and combining it with MIDAS GTS NX finite element software. Secondly, the influence of the radius, height, angle, vertical net distance and horizontal distance of the karst cave on maximum surface settlement is studied and sorted under the two working conditions of treatment and lack of treatment using the gray correlation analysis method. Additionally, a multi-factor numerical model of the untreated karst cave is established. Finally, based on the preceding research, a multi-factor prediction model for maximum surface settlement is proposed and tested. The results reveal that when the karst cave is not treated, the radius and height of the karst cave have a significant effect on maximum surface settlement. Following cave treatment however, the influence of the cave parameters on maximum settlement of the surface is greatly reduced. The calculating model created in this study offers excellent prediction accuracy and good adaptability.
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Bichang Dong
Tao Yang
Binbin Ju
Zhongying Qu
Chao Yi

  1. School of Transportation and Logistics Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan Hubei 430063, China
  2. Wuhan Municipal Engineering Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd. Wuhan Hubei 430063, China
  3. China Railway Seven Bureau Group Fourth Engineering Co., Ltd. Wuhan 430200, China
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There are several springs with the large discharge around the Watuputih Karst Hills area that playing a crucial role in supplying water for both domestic and irrigation needs. The springs are located in the fault and fold zones of the Rembang anticlinorium system. This study was designed to determine the characteristics of karst aquifers from one year of monthly spatio-temporal data on discharge parameters and physico-chemical properties (temperature, pH, EC, Ca2+, Mg2+, HCO3–) of the four major springs, namely Brubulan Tahunan, Sumbersemen, Brubulan Pesucen, and Sendang Sayuran. It used sta-tistical calculations to characterize spring discharge and hydrochemical variations, as well as bivariate correlation analysis and flow-duration curve (FDC). The variability index (Iv), variability (V), and spring coefficient of variation parameters (SCVP) classified Brubulan Tahunan and Sumbersemen as springs producing stable, fairly constant discharge with low variations but characterized Brubulan Pesucen as having unstable, varying discharge with moderate variations. The results showed gently sloping hydrograph, low variations in discharge and hydrochemical properties, a relatively prolonged re-sponse of discharge and CO2-H2O-CaCO3 interaction to rainfall, and slope changes in the FDC. In other terms, although the springs are controlled by faults and folds, they have diffuse groundwater storage system in the form of densely fractured and porous media. These findings also indicate a less developed interconnected conduit, although Brubulan Pesucen is relatively more developed than Sumbersemen and Brubulan Tahunan. The geological structure and hydraulic gradient formed between the groundwater recharge and discharge areas are proven to control the amount of spring discharge actively.

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Taat Setiawan
Boy Y.C.S.S. Syah Alam
Eko Haryono
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Imotsko-Bekijsko Polje has an area of 9 500 ha and is one of the biggest karst fields (polje) in the Dinaric Mountains, extending over the territory of two states: Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Many hydraulic structures (reservoirs, retentions, tunnels, etc.) have been built since the middle of 20th century in order to protect polje against floods. Therefore, the security from flooding has increased substantially. However, there is still periodical flooding in the southeastern lowest part of the polje. The largest flood in recent times was in January 2010, when 2676 ha (28% of the area) was flooded. The polje is a typical karst with very complex hydrological and hydrogeological relations. In this paper two hydrological stations, Nuga at the lowest part and Kamenmost in the central part of the polje with respectable hydrological series, are statistically analysed. In particular, the efficiency of existing hydraulic structures for flood mitigation is estimated. The research points out that floods in Imotsko-Bekijsko Polje are largely influenced by water management objects (reservoir, retention, tunnel) and only indirectly by precipitation.

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Igor Ljubenkov
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Appropriate design in linear construction depends on many factors, including detailed geological conditions. One of the biggest problems are unrecognized erosion forms, in particular karst ones, which have a huge impact on the design and subsequent operation of roads. For this purpose, in addition to conventional methods such as drilling or geotechnical probing, which are point-based, non-invasive spatial geophysical methods are used. This article presents an example of the use of geoelectrical surveys, Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) for the recognition of karst zones for linear investments. The article describes ERT investigations, which to some extent allows to identify dangerous karst phenomena occurring in the Lublin Upland (Poland), which are of great importance at the design stage of roads and in their further safe operation. Non-invasive geophysical research has been verified and confirmed by traditional geotechnical research, which confirms the effectiveness of their use. The Electrical Resistivity Tomography was used as a method providing a broader spectrum of knowledge on the spatial arrangement of soil layers in the subgrade of the planned road investments. It also enabled a more accurate, more detailed interpretation of geotechnical studies. The described geophysical investigations opens wide possibilities for their application to researchers. In the future, non-invasive methods have a chance to become as reliable as geotechnical methods, but this requires a lot of research to improve the effectiveness and accuracy of the interpretation of the obtained results.
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Maciej Maślakowski
Anna Lejzerowicz
Grzegorz Pacanowski
Rafał Kuszyk

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Al. Armii Ludowej 16, 00-637 Warsaw, Poland
  2. Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute, Rakowiecka 4, 00-975 Warsaw, Poland
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The objective of this paper is a review of data on reconstruction of the Pleistocene palaeogeography (environment) and stratigraphy based on studies of karst sites in the Świętokrzyskie (Holy Cross) Mountains. Although the number of known Pleistocene karst sites in this region is small, the investigations of them have played a crucial role in a research of the Pleistocene. The study of the Kozi Grzbiet site provided the first evidences for new climatostratigraphy and classification of glaciations in Poland. The explanation of genesis of cryogenic calcite crystals discovered in Chelosiowa Jama-Jaskinia Jaworznicka cave system started a new direction of palaeoenvironmental reconstructions of the last glacial period. Kadzielnia palaeontological site was one of the first Early Pleistocene fossil assemblages in karst studied in Poland, whereas Raj cave provided abundant palaeontological and archaeological material from the Last Glacial. Other sites are of less scientific importance, however some of them can be used in education and popularisation of geosciences. Small number of already studied sites does not exclude discoveries of next sites of high scientific importance.

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Jan Urban
Helena Hercman
Katarzyna Ochman
Andrzej Kasza
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The use of non-centralised water supply in remote settlements is currently the only possible option. Monitoring the wa-ter quality of such supply sources is a complicated task in such areas, especially when there are active karst processes and difficult groundwater conditions. The application of deterministic analytical models of water supply under the risk of dis-turbance to groundwater dynamics is not efficient. Significant quantitative and even qualitative changes in groundwater conditions may take place between the calculated points, and the underestimation of these changes in expectation-driven computation models may result in serious geoecological issues. This research studied and justifies the use of adaptive dy-namic hydrogeological control in an area of non-centralised water supply based on the identification of key zones of geo-dynamic karst monitoring and the electrical express-monitoring of water resources. The identification of key zones is based on an integrated analysis of available groundwater information that describes changes in groundwater hydrodynamic condi-tions at the time of the karst forecast. The development of karst-suffusion processes is accompanied by more intense dy-namic changes in local areas of geologic environment compared to the general variation in intensity. Information about the occurrence of destructive groundwater processes by means of selective geodynamic monitoring may thus be obtained much earlier than with environmental geodynamics monitoring as a whole. The experimental hydrogeological control of an area of non-centralised water supply was conducted on the right bank of the Oka River in Nizhny Novgorod region, a locality with an active manifestation of karst processes. Structure and algorithms of space-time processing of hydrogeological con-trol data developed by authors have been used. The approach based on multifrequency vertical electrical sounding (MFVES) method has shown good correspondence with direct borehole observation when measuring depth of the first aq-uifer. Zones of unsafe water use have been revealed. The results demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed method and the need for further regular observations of destructive groundwater processes by means of selective hydrogeodynamic monitoring.

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Oleg R. Kuzichkin
Roman V. Romanov
Nikolay V. Dorofeev
Anastasia V. Grecheneva
Gleb S. Vasilyev
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This article shows that the most sensitive indicator of local and regional karst activity in territories of apparent karst processes is the behaviour of karst lakes. The authors propose a hydrogeological monitoring methodology for the karst pro-cess based on the phase-measuring geoelectric control method in the coastal zone of karst lakes. The geoelectric current control of hydrogeological changes in the medium at local levels uses a multi-frequency vertical electric sounding com-bined with a phase-measuring method of registering the geoelectric signal. These proven methods permit to distinguish var-iations of spatial parameters and the electric conductivity of several layers at a time. Moreover, they significantly increase the noise resistance and sensitivity of the measuring system. An adaptive algorithm function of the measuring complex for geoelectric monitoring of karst lakes’ coastal zones was developed to control the operation of facilities and data collection systems. Based on an example of a lake where karst processes are active, the key zones of hydrogeological control were identified depending on karst manifestations. The research confirmed the possibility of local and regional monitoring of the development and forecasting of destructive karst-suffosion processes based on hydrogeological regime observations of karst lakes.
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Authors and Affiliations

Oleg R. Kuzichkin
Roman V. Romanov
Nikolay V. Dorofeev
Gleb S. Vasilyev
Anastasia V. Grecheneva

  1. Belgorod National Research University, 85 Pobedy St., 308015 Belgorod, Russia
  2. Vladimir State University, Vladimir, Russia
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There are several large karst caves at haunch part of the Lidong Tunnel during construction, together with inrush water due to high pressure within these caves. In light of it, this paper takes YK342+113 section as an example and adopts finite difference software FLAC 3D, so as to analyze tunnel deformation when crossing karst caves under six different working conditions, including with or without karst cave, before and after karst treatment, along with support locations. According to analysis results: First, the wall rock mainly had deformation at tunnel vault when evacuating at the third bench, which is a critical monitoring focus for tunnel construction; Second, karst cave treatment contributed to better conduct forces on both sides of wall rock, thus reducing vault settlement, while not affecting horizontal convergence and upturn of vaults; Third, treatment measures were proved to be effective in minimizing wall rock deformation by comparing deformation curves under different conditions; Fourth, after treatment measures, the angular points within the cave’s chamber had stress concentration, which might cause secondary collapse. Field monitoring data revealed that the final settlement of the tunnel vault was relatively consistent with the numerical analysis results, with a distinct change in daily settlement after initial support construction. By integrating numerical analysis and field monitoring, the rationality of the karst treatment plan was fully verified, providing a valuable reference for similar projects.
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Authors and Affiliations

Kai Zhu
Kui Zhang
Xiang-Dong Wu
Xiang-Ge Chen
4 5

  1. Guangdong Nanyue Transportation Investment and Construction Co., Ltd, Guangzhou 510199, China
  2. Shenzhen ExpresswayOperation andDevelopmentCo., Ltd, Shenzhen 518110,China
  3. Poly ChangDa Engineering Co., Ltd, Guangzhou 510620, China
  4. Chongqing Jiaotong University, School of Civil Engineering, Chongqing 400074, China
  5. State Key Laboratory of Mountain Bridge and Tunnel Engineering, Chongqing 400074, China

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