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The Pb(II)-resistant bacterium was isolated from heavy metal-contained soils and used as a biosorbentto remove Pb(II). The strain was identified as Enterobacter sp. based on the 16S rRNA sequence analysis. Theeffect of biosorption properties (pH value, Pb(II) concentration, bacterial concentration and temperature) onPb(II) was investigated by batch experiments. Results of FTIR and XPS showed that the biosorption process mainly involved some oxygen-containing groups (-OH and -COOH groups). The experimental results and equilibrium data were fitted by pseudo-second-order kinetic model and Langmuir model, respectively. The experimental biosorption isotherms fitted the Langmuir model, and the maximum biosorption capacity was 40.75 mg/g at 298 K. The calculated ΔGо and ΔHо were –4.06 and 14.91(kJ/mol), respectively, which indicated that biosorption process was spontaneous and endothermic. Results show that Enterobacter sp. will be an efficient biosorbent for Pb(II) removal.
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Authors and Affiliations

Lei Liu
1 2
Mengya Xia
Jianwen Hao
Haoxi Xu
Wencheng Song
2 3

  1. School of Environment and Chemical Engineering, Anhui Vocational and Technical College,Hefei, 230011, P.R. China
  2. Hefei Cancer Hospital, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei 230031, P. R. China
  3. Province Key Laboratory of Medical Physics and Technology, Institute of Health & Medical Technology,Hefei Institutes of Physical Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei, 230031, P.R. China
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A mathematical model of a plane, steady state biofilm, with the use of a single substrate kinetics, was proposed. A set of differential equations was solved. In order to analyse the biofilm’s behaviour, a number of simulations were performed. The simulations included varying process parameters such as detachment coefficient and substrate loading. Two detachment models were taken into consideration: one describing the detachment ratio as proportional to the thickness of the biofilm, and the other one proportional to the thickness of the biofilm squared. The results provided information about substrate and live cell distribution in biofilm and the influence of certain parameters on biofilm behaviour.

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Authors and Affiliations

Stanisław Ledakowicz
Michał Blatkiewicz
Bolesław Tabiś
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In order to investigate the mechanism of adsorption of reactive dyes from the textile industry on ash from heating plant produced by brown coal combustion, some characteristic sorption constants are determined using Langergren adsorption equations for pseudo-fi rst and pseudo-second order. Combined kinetic models of pseudo-first order and pseudo-second order can provide a simple but satisfactory explanation of the adsorption process for a reactive dye. According to the characteristic diagrams and results of adsorption kinetic parameters of reactive dyes on ashes, for the applied amounts of the adsorbents and different initial dye concentrations, it can be concluded that the rate of sorption is fully functionally described by second order adsorption model. According to the results, the rate constant of pseudo-second order decreases with increasing initial dye concentration and increases with increasing amount of adsorbent – ash.

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Authors and Affiliations

Dragan Djordjevic
Dragan Stojiljkovic
Miodrag Smelcerovic
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The cometabolic biodegradation of 4-Chlorophenol (4-CP) by the Stenotrophomonas maltophilia KB2 strain in the presence of phenol (P) was studied. In order to determine the kinetics of biodegradation of both substrates, present alone and in cometabolic systems, a series of tests was carried out in a batch reactor changing, in a wide range, the initial concentration of both substrates. The growth of the tested strain on phenol alone was described by Haldane kinetic model (mm = 0:9 1/h, Ksg = 48:97 gg/m3, KIg = 256:12 gg/m3, Yxg = 0:5715). The rate of 4-CP transformation by resting cells of KB2 strain was also described by Haldane equation and the estimated parameters of the model were: kc = 0:229 gc=gxh, Ksc = 0:696 gc=m3, KIc = 43:82 gc=m3. Cometabolic degradation of 4-CP in the presence of phenol was investigated for a wide range of initial 4-CP and phenol concentrations (22–66 gc/m3 and 67–280 gg/m3 respectively). The experimental database was exploited to verify the two kinetic models: CIModel taking only the competitive inhibition into consideration and a more universal CNIModel considering both competitive and non-competitive inhibition. CNIModel approximated experimental data better than CIModel.

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Authors and Affiliations

Agnieszka Gąszczak
Grażyna Bartelmus
Izabela Greń
Adam Rotkegel
Daniel Janecki
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The study analyses application possibilities of filtration and thickening models in evaluation of papermaking suspension drainage rate. The authors proposed their own method to estimate the drainage rate on the basis of an existing Ergun capillary model of liquid flow through a granular material. The proposed model was less sensitive to porosity changes than the Ergun model. An empirical verification proved robustness of the proposed approach. Taking into account discrepancies in the published data concerning how the drainage velocity of papermaking suspension is defined, this study examines which of the commonly applied models matches experimental results the best.

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Authors and Affiliations

Piotr Przybysz
Czesław Kuncewicz
František Rieger
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Analysis of granulation kinetics was carried out using a laboratory disc granulator with a diameter D of 0.5 m. A liquid binder was delivered to the tumbling bed at a constant flow rate with a nozzle generating droplets with a size of approx. 4-5 mm. Fine-grained chalk was used as a model of raw material and water or disaccharide solution with concentrations of 20 - 40% as a wetting liquid. Different times of droplet delivery ranging from 2 to 6 min were utilized. Granulometric composition of the bed for selected lengths of process, bed moisture and the moisture of individual size-fractions were assessed. Mass of granulated material, which was transferred from nuclei fraction to other size fractions was determined on the basis of mass balance analysis and the assessment of liquid migration between fractions. The influence of disaccharide concentration in wetting liquid on the aforementioned phenomena was also examined.

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Authors and Affiliations

Andrzej Obraniak
Tadeusz Gluba
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A mathematical model of waste tyre pyrolysis process is developed in this work. Tyre material decomposition based on a simplified reaction mechanism leads to main product lumps: noncondensable (gas), condensable (pyrolytic oil) and solid (char). The model takes into account kinetics of heat and mass transfer in the grain of the shredded rubber material as well as surrounding gas phase. The main reaction routes were modelled as the pseudo-first order reactions with a rate constant calculated from the Arrhenius type equation using literature values of activation energy determined for main tyre constituents based on TG/DTG measurements and tuned pre-exponential parameter values obtained by fitting theoretical predictions to the experimental results obtained in our laboratory reactor. The model was implemented within the CFD software (ANSYS Fluent). The results of numerical simulation of the pyrolysis process revealed non-uniformity of sample’s porosity and temperature. The simulation predictions were in satisfactory agreement with the experimentally measured mass loss of the tyre sample during pyrolysis process investigated in a laboratory reactor.

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Leszek Rudniak
Piotr M. Machniewski
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Ultrasonically improved electrochemically generated adsorbent (UEGA) has been synthesized and used for adsorption of fluoride ions from fluoride laden waste water. UEGA was prepared in two major steps, firstly electrochemically generated adsorbent (EGA) was prepared using electrolytic method followed by ultrasonication treatment. Ultrasonication causes size reduction which leads to increase in surface area viz. active site which helps to enhance attachment of negatively charged fluoride ion on positively changed UEGA from waste water. UEGA was prepared at three different amplitude i.e. 50, 70 and 90% respectively. Taguchi optimization for defluoridationwas carried out considering operating parameters such as initial concentration; contact time; adsorbent dose; and temperature. The results obtained demonstrated that adsorption showed different fluoride removal at varying frequency. This study proved that varying percentage amplitude of ultrasonication significantly affects defluoridation efficiency.
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Authors and Affiliations

Kunjan C. Junghare
Shyam M. Kodape
Ajit P. Rathod
Dilip H. Lataye

  1. Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, Nagpur
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The paper focuses on the modelling of bromate formation. An axial dispersion model was proposed to integrate the non-ideal mixing, mass-transfer and a kinetic model that links ozone decomposition reactions fromthe Tomiyasu, Fukutomi and Gordon (TFG) ozone decaymodelwith direct and indirect bromide oxidation reactions, oxidation of natural organicmatter and its reactionswith aqueous bromine. To elucidate the role of ammonia an additional set of reactions leading to bromamine formation, oxidation and disproportionation was incorporated in the kinetic model. Sensitivity analysis was conducted to obtain information on reliability of the reaction rate constants used and to simplify the model.

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Urszula Olsińska
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This paper presents an experimental study on Cochineal Red A dye adsorptive removal by yeast. Batch equilibrium and kinetic tests were conducted in constant temperature of 30 ◦C for the dye’s initial concentration range of 0.02–0.50 g/L (pH = 3 and 10) and 0.02–0.35 g/L (pH = 7:6). The equilibrium was reached after 105–120 min. Yeast demonstrated the adsorption capacity of 10.16 mg/g for acidic environment (pH = 3) and slightly lower values (8.13 mg/g and 8.38 mg/g respectively) for neutral (pH = 7:6) and alkaline environment (pH = 10). The experimental equilibrium results were fitted with Langmuir, Freundlich, Sips and Toth isotherm models. Most of them (Freundlich model being the exception) were proven sufficient for the experimental data correlation. The adsorption kinetic studies showed that the pseudo-second order model fits better the experimental data than the pseudo-first- order model. Results achieved from intra-particle diffusion model indicate that powdered yeast are a nonporous adsorbent. The percentage of solution discoloration reached a maximum value of 75% at pH = 3 for an initial dye concentration of 0.02 g/L.

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Authors and Affiliations

Martyna Borysiak
Elżbieta Gabruś
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Accurate kinetic parameters are vital for quantifying the effect of binder decomposition on the complex phenomena occurring during the casting process. Commercial casting simulation tools often use simplified kinetic parameters that do not comprise the complex multiple reactions and their effect on gas generation in the sand core. The present work uses experimental thermal analysis techniques such as Thermogravimetry (TG) and Differential thermal analysis (DTA) to determine the kinetic parameters via approximating the entire reaction during the decomposition by multiple first-order apparent reactions. The TG and DTA results reveal a multi-stage and exothermic decomposition process in the binder degradation. The pressure build-up in cores/molds when using the obtained multi-reaction kinetic model is compared with the earlier approach of using an average model. The results indicate that pressure in the mold/core with the multi-reaction approach is estimated to be significantly higher. These results underscore the importance of precise kinetic parameters for simulating binder decomposition in casting processes.
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Taishi Matsushita
Dinesh Sundaram
Ilja Belov
Attila Dioszegi

  1. Jönköping University, Sweden
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Ozonation is a heterogeneous process of chemical absorption often controlled by a gas-liquid mass transfer rate. This paper presents the results of kinetics in a reaction between phenylphenol isomers and ozone. The degradation of phenylphenol isomers during ozonation proceeds quite fast. In order to avoid the influence of mass transfer limitation the kinetics experiments were conducted in a homogenous liquid-liquid system. The second-order rate constants were determined using classical and competition methods, which are especially recommended for fast reactions. The determined rate constants at pH 2 using the two different methods are almost the same. The increase of pH causes an increase of rate constants for the reaction of phenylphenol isomers with ozone.

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Magdalena Olak-Kucharczyk
Stanisław Ledakowicz
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Dyes and pigments are important organic pollutants of the water environment. Dyes may be removed from wastewater by using one of the most efficient methods for wastewater treatment-adsorption onto porous (natural and waste) minerals or organogenie substances. Feasibility of using smectite-clay, co-occurring in brown coal deposits, for removal of direct dyes was investigated. The Freundlich linear regression model was better in modeling of sorption direct dyes onto smectite-clay; it yielded better fit of the theoretical isotherm to the experimental data. The electrostatic interactions and hydrogen bonds were shown to play the most important role in adsorption of direct dyes onto smectite-clay.
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Joanna Kyzioł-Komosińska
Czesława Rosik-Dulewska
Marcin Jarzyna
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A kinetic model to describe lovastatin biosynthesis by Aspergillus terreus ATCC 20542 in a batch culture with the simultaneous use of lactose and glycerol as carbon sources was developed. In order to do this the kinetics of the process was first studied. Then, the model consisting of five ordinary differential equations to balance lactose, glycerol, organic nitrogen, lovastatin and biomass was proposed. A set of batch experiments with a varying lactose to glycerol ratio was used to finally establish the form of this model and find its parameters. The parameters were either directly determined from the experimental data (maximum biomass specific growth rate, yield coefficients) or identified with the use of the optimisation software. In the next step the model was verified with the use of the independent sets of data obtained from the bioreactor cultivations. In the end the parameters of the model were thoroughly discussed with regard to their biological sense. The fit of the model to the experimental data proved to be satisfactory and gave a new insight to develop various strategies of cultivation of A. terreus with the use of two substrates.

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Marta Pawlak
Marcin Bizukojć
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The studies showed that alkaline lipase from Pseudomonas fluorescens enables an irreversible transesterification of vinyl esters to give enantiomeric excess (eeR) of about 80% using vinyl butyrate as acyl donor and diisopropyl ether as a solvent, at partially optimized conditions. For the native lipase the process was adequately described by a five-parameter Ping-Pong Bi Bi model for both enantiomers plus expression accounting for the formation of enzyme-acyl donor complex, but for the same lipase supported on mesoporous materials of SBA-15-Oc type, R-product inhibition also had to be taken into account. The use of hydrophobic support increased by more than two-fold the rate of the S-solketal conversion but even more that of R-solketal. Thus the immobilization of lipase had very positive effect on the process kinetics but decreased its enantioselectivity.

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Aurelia Zniszczoł
Katarzyna Szymańska
Jacek Kocurek
Jolanta Bryjak
Krzysztof Walczak
Andrzej Jarzębski
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The aim of the present theme issue was to study the influence of ultrasound enhancement on the kinetics of osmotic dehydration and the effect of convective drying from the point of view of drying time and quality of dried products. Apple fruit was used as the experimental material. The kinetics of osmotic dehydration with (UAOD) and without (OD) ultrasound enhancement were examined for 40% fructose and sorbitol solutions. The effective dehydration time of osmotic process was determined. Preliminary dehydrated samples with OD and UAOD were next dried convectively with (CVUS) and without (CV) ultrasound assistance. The influence of OD and UAOD on the kinetics of CV and CVUS drying was analysed. The parameters of water activity and colour change were measured for the assessment of product quality after drying process.

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Dominik Mierzwa
Stefan J. Kowalski
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Steel is a versatile material that has found widespread use because of its mechanical properties, its relatively low cost, and the ease with which it can be used in manufacturing process such as forming, welding and machining. Regarding to mechanical properties are strongly affected by grain size and chemical composition variations. Many industrial developments have been carried out both from the point of view of composition variation and grain size in order to exploit the effect of these variables to improve the mechanical proprieties of steels. It is also evident that grain growth are relevant to the mechanical properties of steels, thus suggesting the necessity of mathematical models able to predict the microstructural evolution after thermo cycles. It is therefore of primary importance to study microstructural changes, such as grain size variations of steels during isothermal treatments through the application of a mathematical model, able in general to describe the grain growth in metals. This paper deals with the grain growth modelling of steels based on the statistical theory of grain growth originally developed by Lücke [1] and here integrated to take into account the Zener drag effect and is therefore focused on the process description for the determination of the kinetics of grain growth curves temperature dependence.
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G. Napoli
A. Di Schino
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Reaction kinetics of acetic anhydride hydrolysis reaction is being studied at a fixed reaction temperature and ambient pressure using an isoperibolic reaction calorimeter. Temperature versus time data along with heat and mass balance is used to determine the kinetics parameters i.e. activation energy and Arrhenius coefficient. It has been studied with the varying volumetric ratio of acetic anhydride and water; and kinetics parameters were compared and plotted for each ratio. Such a study has not been done previously to determine the kinetics dependency on varying the acetic anhydride water ratio. As the acetic anhydride hydrolysis reaction is exothermic in nature, the present study will help to decide the safe and suitable operating conditions such as concentration and temperature for conducting this reaction at plant scale. The kinetic data presented can be used further for the mathematical modeling and simulation of such exothermic hydrolysis reactions.
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Authors and Affiliations

Rajendra Kumar
Anurag Kumar Tiwari

  1. Council of Scientific and Industrial Research – National Chemical Laboratory, Chemical Engineering and Process Development Division, Pune, India – 411008
  2. Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Department of Chemical Engineering, Jalandhar, Punjab, India – 144011
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A series of steps taken to determine a kinetic equation that describes hydrogenation of propene on nickel catalyst is presented in this study. Mixed factorial design approach, belongs to designing of experiments methods was used to plane experiments. The investigations showed that the method applied makes possible determination of the kinetic equation in a relatively fast and cheap manner since only a few measurement points is required. The equation obtained was verified experimentally and statistically. Both tests showed satisfactory precision of anticipated values of the process rate.
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Authors and Affiliations

Adrian Szałek
Mirosław Szukiewicz
Elżbieta Chmiel-Szukiewicz

  1. Rzeszów University of Technology, Faculty of Chemistry, al. Powstańców Warszawy 6, 35-959 Rzeszów, Poland
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The production of ethyl oleate, by homogenous acid esterification of oleic acid with ethanol, have discussed experimentally and via computational simulation in a plug flow reactor. An innovative simulation model has developed to predict the esterification reaction performance in an ideal plug flow reactor. The amount of H2SO4 acid catalyst, the initial molar ratio of alcohol to oleic acid, ethanol concentration, reaction temperature, and esterification time have examined their effects on ethyl oleate production and the conversion of oleic acid. Then the simulation extended to examine the esterification reaction kinetics and determine the reaction rate coefficients. The simulation results demonstrate that the increasing of H2SO4 acid, initial molar ratio of ethanol to oleic acid, ethanol concentration, and reaction temperature improved the productivity of the ethyl oleate and reduced the reactor space-time. The kinetics results illustrated that the reaction sensitivity to the temperature unchanging by using higher ethanol concentration and alcohol to oleic acid initial ratio. Lastly, the experimental yields at different conditions were slightly higher from those simulating with average values of 93.62 and 92.29%, respectively, indicating that the phenomenon of back-mixing cannot be ignored in esterification reactors, especially with a relatively high retention time within the reactor.
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Authors and Affiliations

Suondos K.A. Barno
Sarmad A. Rashid
Ammar S. Abbas

  1. Presidency of the University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq
  2. Chemical Engineering Department, College of Engineering, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq
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Validation results of a theoretical model that describes the formation of bromate during ozonation of bromide-containing natural waters are presented. An axial dispersion model integrating the nonideal mixing, mass-transfer and a kinetic model that links ozone decomposition reactions from the Tomiyasu, Fukutomi and Gordon ozone decay model with direct and indirect bromide oxidation reactions, oxidation of natural organicmatter and reactions of dissolved organics and aqueous bromine was verified. Themodel was successfully validated with results obtained both at a laboratory and a full scale. Its applicability to different water supply systems was approved.

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Urszula Olsińska

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