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The article is a review of the book: Koneczny. Teoria cywilizacji edited by Jan Skoczyński.
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Jolanta Kolbuszewska
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In the early 21st century, the concepts and theories which constitute the theoretical and methodological foundation of the traditional 20th century resocialization pedagogy (divided into three basic groups characterized by different theoretical and methodological approaches) got largely outdated. Therefore, contemporary resocialization pedagogy searches for new inspirations. What can become one of the new theoretical- methodological concepts is creative resocialization. The presented study concerns the assumptions of both the traditional resocialization pedagogy and its new varieties, with special focus on traditional and current theoretical and methodological contexts.

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Marek Konopczyński
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The article presents a comparative analysis of various classifi cations of both sciences’ and management sciences’ paradigms in terms of their pragmatism and adequacy regarding organization research. Furthermore, the aim of the article is also to justify the thesis about the high usefulness of research model proposed by Keneth D. Strang. Strang’s model, based on the concept of researcher’s socio-cultural philosophy, allows on the one hand to overcome the theoretical incommensurability and on the other hand makes it possible for representatives of various paradigms to cooperate with each other. The article contains also refl ections on the paradigm as a key factor affecting both the development of management sciences and the practice of management. The choice of a specifi c paradigm, i.e. research ideology, has a decisive impact on the results of research, as well as the generalization of practice. The paradigm defi nes the research strategy, selection of research methods and inference rules. Furthermore, it infl uences the education process, and thus has an impact on shaping the worldview of scientists, entrepreneurs as well as managers.

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Bronisław Bombała
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In its history, Poland was usually more oriented to land than to the sea. For many centuries we have not been able to see the opportunities and potential created by the coastal location of our country. In the current strategic documents in Poland, there are also no proper references to the maritime security of the state, although we are a member of both NATO and the European Union. The article presents the creation process in 2015–2017 and the content of a unique document devoted to this issue: Poland’s Strategic Concept for Maritime Security, which was born thanks to the efforts of “enthusiasts” of maritime affairs from the Naval Academy, Shipbuilding Council and the Institute of General Józef Haller under the leadership of the National Security Bureau. In the authors opinion, the document is to form the basis for work on the future maritime security strategy of our country, and also become the “engine” of public discussion in Poland on maritime security issues and the effective use of the coastal position of the state for economic development.

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Andrzej Makowski
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The author presents the concept of man in the philosophy of Erich Fromm. The article consists of two parts. In the first part, the author presents how Fromm characterised the existential situation of man; in the second part he describes love as the main factor in the action and development of a human being. Man is part of nature, subjected to the rules of its laws, but he also transcends nature by the ability to use mind. A human subject is aware of his/her limitations and weaknesses with regard to nature. He/she feels lost and lonely in relation to other people and the natural world. Therefore, s/he looks for the frame of orientation and references. This search is the most important existential problem. Love is the solution to all problems of human existence. According to Fromm, man is the subject of love.

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Tadeusz Sznajderski
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Praca zawiera krytyczne uwagi pod adresem tradycyjnych przekonań filozoficznych na temat ontologii kosmosu, w oparciu o które próbuje się tworzyć różne formy Generalnej Teorii Unifikacji. Ich tłem filozoficznym są zazwyczaj przekonania o bezczasowym charakterze kosmosu. Autor inspiruje sięposzukiwaniami Lee Smolina, który przedstawia zasadne argumenty związane z ewolucyjnym rozumieniem wszechświata. Smolin proponuje analogiczne przeniesienie teorii ewolucyjnej życia na rozumienie wszechświata i posługuje się kategorią kosmicznego doboru naturalnego, mutacji, selekcji oraz rzeczywistym pojmowaniem upływu czasu. Idee te posłużyły autorowi do sformułowania na wzór biologicznego pojęcia retikulum plazmatycznego – pojęcia retikulum kosmicznego. Idea takiego retikulum pozwalałaby lepiej zrozumiećsieć powiazań komunikacyjnych między różnymi poziomami ewoluujących struktur kosmicznych we wszechświecie i uzasadniać dalsze poszukiwania Smolina nowego typu Generalnej Teorii Unifikacji.

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Ignacy S. Fiut
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Celem artykułu jest pokazanie roli neoplatońskich źródeł (Księga o przyczynach, Plotyn) w formowaniu się koncepcji działania w praktycyzmie krakowskim w XV i XVI wieku. Dynamiczna koncepcja świata oraz podstawowe tezy neoplatońskiej metafizyki (o prymacie działania wobec substancji) są obecne zarówno w krakowskich źródłach teologicznych (kazaniach), jak i tradycji komentatorskiej. Biorę pod uwagę trzech autorów: Wawrzyńca z Raciborza, anonimowego autora Kazania (BJ 513) oraz Jakuba z Gostynina (autora komentarza do Liber de causis).

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Magdalena Płotka
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The defi nition of disease differs in various cultural and historical environments and is a part of the “vision of the world and of man”. In the modern era, one can speak about the successive changes in the ideals of science, including the medical sciences, designing subsequent modifi cations of the understanding of disease. Different possible approaches, cultural, anthropological, and medical, use distinct language and metaphors to present the concept of illness.

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Jaromir Jeszke
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The author addresses the comprehensive presentation of his conception of the epistemology of history and the idea of historiographical metaphor by philosopher of culture Artur Dobosz, indicating the areas where their views converge and diverge. He introduces into the discussion the lines which Dobosz omitted, yet which significantly supplement the problem field of the epistemology of history that the author has been developing since the early 1990s.
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Wojciech Wrzosek

  1. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
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Badam problem uniwersalności nauki w jej koncepcjach epistemologicznych oraz zsocjologizowanych, a w tych drugich także tezę o antyuniwersalności nauki. Wyróżniam wśród typów uniwersalności nauki epistemiczną oraz kulturowo-społeczną globalną, w tej ostatniej — uniwersalność globalną poziomu bazowego nauki, a ponadto etyczno-aksjologiczną. Pokazuję, że w epistemologii naukę uznaje się za uniwersalną w jej podstawowych aspektach, tj. wiedzy, przedmiotu, podmiotu, wartości poznawczych oraz metody, ponieważ ta cecha jest według metatez epistemologii koniecznym efektem ważności i autonomiczności nauki. Wykazuję też, że ujęcia zsocjologizowane nauki, stojące na stanowisku multikulturalizmu, niewłaściwie traktują naukę jako nieusuwalnie antyuniwersalną, jako dziedzinę związaną tylko z kulturą zachodnią. Proponuję stanowisko uniwersalizmu globalnego poziomu bazowego postulujące, że nauka wyrasta z kulturowej bazy (zawierającej kryteria najsłabszej racjonalności, empiryczności i metodyczności) wspólnej dla wszystkich kultur. Badam ponadto, jak uniwersalność będąca własnością nauki, staje się wartością nauki i jakie znaczenie ma ta własność i zarazem wartość nauki dla ludzkiego świata.
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Małgorzata Czarnocka
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The term “metalearning”, which was introduced into scientific literature by J. Biggs (1985) is, broadly speaking, an awareness of one’s own learning process and exercising control over it. Metalearning, whose roots lie in the personal, early experiences of the child related to learning, and which is expressed in her or his current concepts – is considered in this article as a basic condition for the acquisition of one of the key competences of 21st century man, namely, the learning competence. Recognizing the importance of colloquial concepts of learning, as well as their uniqueness and contextuality – in the article I will present the main problems associated with learning about the vision and understanding of the personal worlds of the learning of pupils, coming at the end of early education. On the basis of analysis of the scientific literature and previous studies conducted abroad, as well as a number of my own research projects (resulting from the application of quantitative or qualitative approach), I will present questions, doubts and selected emerging difficulties in the application of both the presented research approaches.

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Janina Uszyńska-Jarmoc
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The author of the article proposes a relational analysis of literary culture. Relational research treats the newest model of literary production as a set of complex relations between the author and his or her image, the text, economics, marketing, criticism by the work’s audience, the media, the technological framework, and so forth. These relations provide the sphere of possibilities for literature and its agents. Increasingly intricate relations are drawing the fields of literature, the media, and economics nearer to each other; these fields are becoming more accessible in order to facilitate the exchange of various kinds of capital and to create conditions for the development of literary fame and author brands. The relational concept of literary culture provides a better tool for the analysis of the contemporary phenomenon of writer-celebrities, which is key to understanding the functioning of the entire field of literature.

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Dominik Antonik
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Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie teorii praktyk oraz teorii praktyk rodzinnych i bazującej na niej koncepcji displaying families jako alternatywy dla prowadzenia badań w obszarze socjologii rodziny. Choć teorie praktyk oraz związana z nimi perspektywa doing families stanowią inspirację dla polskich badaczy rzeczywistości społecznej, to założenia teoretyczne tych koncepcji – zwłaszcza ich najbardziej aktualne wersje – rzadko są analizowane w sposób systematyczny. Dodatkowo, koncepcja displaying families jest mało znana jako metoda badawcza. Tymczasem, wydaje się że podejście inspirowane teoriami praktyk może być szczególnie cenne dla prowadzenia badań nad współczesnym życiem rodzinnym z co najmniej czterech powodów, które zostały opisane w ostatniej, trzeciej części artykułu. W pierwszej części tekstu przedstawiono analizę głównych założeń teorii praktyk, a w części drugiej – głównych założeń teorii praktyk rodzinnych oraz koncepcji displaying families.
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Małgorzata Sikorska
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The issue of rationality and the term itself appear in the works of John Rawls, for instance in his famous volume A Theory of Justice. At the same time, in another of his books, Political Liberalism, we can find not only the correlated terms ‘rational’, but also the term ‘reasonable’. In that volume Rawls enlightens their meaning. In this article, the author analyses the terms mentioned more closely and reflects on their use in various contexts. The explanatory hypothesis adopted by the author is that the use of these two terms, not just one of them, may enrich our conceptual network and increase the possibilities of analysing the sphere of human action. The aim of the analyses is to confirm this hypothesis and to extract the specific sense of the term ‘reasonable’, and of its use, especially in Rawls’s Political Liberalism.
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Ryszard Kleszcz

  1. Uniwersytet Łódzki, Instytut Filozofii, ul. Lindleya 3/5, 90-131 Łódź
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This paper discusses spatial integration in an urban environment that consists of dispersed fragments of various development forms and origins. The discussion is presented on a specific example — the vicinity of Dworzec Towarowy in Kraków. The specificity of this type of place was determined so as to present the processes that formed its current state of development throughout history, and to identify current problems and spatial barriers. Then, a proposal of the development of the area was prepared, including the improvement of its spatial coherence and the creation of a new, user-friendly space. Examples of design measures that can be taken in a difficult space affected by disintegration were considered to improve the quality of the area’s development.
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Krzysztof Bijakowski
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The chuch dedicated to The Holy Spirit, erected in Wrocław, in housing estate Huby, was created during the communist period, hence it was very difficult to design it, and to build. But it was also the period close to the collapse of this regime, so communist leaders were pressed to be more tolerant towards human rights than before, including the religious freedom and towards building new churches. The author of the church mentioned – a very active political oppositionist – when designing the strongly innovative church building, was simultaneously forced by fate to fight formal difficulties caused by oppressive rulers. Author makes the reader closer to those complicated double troubles: artistic, parallel to the political. Finally, the church building was happily completed, then became widely popular and accepted.

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Tadeusz Zipser
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The aim of the author is to present some messianic and prophetic ideas, which are intrinsically fused with Karl Marx’s doctrines, and which had also been expressed in Jewish mystical thought as well as in the ethical message of the Bible. Although Marx did not obtain any proper Jewish education, he was not able to reject his own being-a-Jew or his inborn spirituality together with the implicit axio-normative system of Judaism. Marxist philosophy, generally speaking, is dominated by the postulate of building a better and a more just world, and by the ethical demand of creating a new reality, from which poverty and social marginalization would be eradicated. However, such views were not new. For, it was the author of the Biblical “Book of Devarim”, who earlier emphasized the need for social solidarity. There had also been some Jewish prophets who criticized kings and priests, and Tsfat Jewish mystics who had formulated an ethically radical tikkun ha-olam postulate in the 16th century.

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Katarzyna Anna Kornacka-Sareło
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Although in recent decades Count Władysław Zamoyski has been attracting a lot of interest on the part of historians, which resulted in numerous papers and popular science works, he has not yet been the subject of an exhaustive scientific monograph. Its preparation is, however, going to be a difficult task for its future author. The many dispersed source materials and the Count’s more than 40 years long social, economic, and to a smaller extent political activity under the Prussian partition, in Galicia, among the Polish emigrants in France and during the first years of the Second Polish Republic – need to be described in the historical context, and, what follows, call for broad knowledge extending beyond these sources. Zamoyski’s path leading to his establishment in 1924 of the foundation ”Zakłady Kórnickie” – his life’s grandest work – should constitute the narrative axis weaving through all the chapters of his biography. It would be desirable to present extensively not only the Count’s activity in Galicia, Zakopane and his role in the famous dispute on Morskie Oko, but also his less researched and less known participation in the Polish-German fight for land in the Prussian partition in the late 19th and early 20th century.
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Witold Molik

  1. Wydział Historii UAM (emer.)
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This article confronts the text of A Literary Prize, a comedy by Maria Pawlikowska-Jasnorzewska, with its contemporary reviews. Staged by the experimental theatre Reduta (directed by Zofia Modrzewska) in April 1937 at Teatr Nowy in Warsaw (under the directorship of Jerzy Leszczyński), it fell into complete oblivion which lasted until the recent discovery of the director’s copy buried at the Academy of Theatre Library in Warsaw.

While contemporary reviewers found A Literary Prize to be one of the weaker works of an outstanding poet, Maria Pawlikowska-Jasnorzewska in her letters contrasted the ‘violent attacks’ of the critics with a fairly warm reception of the general audience. The play was performed to capacity audiences until 19 May, and revived for a single occasion a year later in Poznań.

A Literary Prize juxtaposes two plots. One, with elements of comedy of manners, follows the fortunes of a young girl, Taida Serebrzycka, who tries to navigate between two men with literary ambitions, Klemens Niedzicki and Albin Niekawski, while the other explores the challenges faced by prospective writers, especially the role of prize-winning competitions in the discovery of talent and the building of reputation. This article is focused primarily on the character of Taida, who makes the impression of being somewhat scatterbrained and snobbish, but is in fact a strong-minded, independent young woman conscious of her sexuality. She wants an honest, equal relationship, and is ready to fi ght hard for her happiness, which does include sexual satisfaction. The analysis of the reception of Maria Pawlikowska-Jasnorzewska’s play, and especially the characterization of Taida, the female protagonist, is complemented with an examination of the mechanisms of the critical discourse.

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Joanna Warońska
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The article analyses the issue of the potential development of theoretical thinking in young children. The context for this discussion is found in the cultural and historical development theory of L.S. Vygotsky which constitutes the basis for assumptions regarding the thinking about development and education of children. It highlights the elementary education stage as a very important area of designing „developmental teaching” as understood by Vygotsky. The article emphasizes the role of an adult who builds the scaffolding for the child’s thinking and acting, and establishes the conditions and teaching environment necessary for the performance of a cognitive process directed at the development of theoretical thinking. In the author’s opinion building the foundation for theoretical thinking will be possible when teachers set „the right developmental and educational tasks” for a child who is constructing knowledge.

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Ewa Filipiak

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