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The current industrial constraints on production systems, especially availability problems

are complicating maintenance managers’ mission and making longer and further performance

improvement process. Dealing with these problems in a wiser managerial vision respecting

sustainability dimensions would be more efficient to optimize all resources. In this paper, and

after addressing the lean/sustainability challenge in a the literature to define main research

orientations and critical points in manufacturing and then maintenance specific context, two

case studies have been conducted in two production systems in Morocco and Canada, within

the objective to set a clearer scene of the lean philosophy implementation in maintenance

and within the sustainability scope from an empirical perspective. To activate the social dimension

being often non-integrated in the lean/sustainability initiatives, the article authors

reveal an original research direction assigning maintenance logistics as the leading part of our

approach to cover all sustainability dimensions. Furthermore, its management is discussed

for the first time in a sustainable framework, where the authors propose a new model considering

the lean/sustainable perspective and inspired by the rich Human-Machine interaction

memory to solve daily maintenance problems exploiting the operators’ experience feedback.

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Salima Hammadi
Brahim Herrou
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Research focused on integration of machine operators with information flow in manufacturing process according to Industry 4.0 requirements are presented in this paper. A special IT system connecting together machine operators, machine control, process and machine monitoring with companywide IT systems is developed. It is an answer on manufacture of airplane industry requirements. The main aim of the system presented in the article is full automation of information flow between a management level represented by Integrated Management IT System and manufacturing process level. From the management level an information about particular orders are taken, back an on-line information about manufacturing process and manufactured parts are given. System allows automatic identification of tasks for machine operator and particular currently machined part. Operator can verify information about process and tasks. System allows on-line analyzing process data. It is based on information from machining acquired: machine operator, process and machine monitoring systems and measurement devices handled by operator. Process data is integrated with related order as a history of particular manufactured part. System allows for measurement data analysis based on Statistical Process Control algorithm dedicated for short batches. It supports operator in process control. Measurement data are integrated with order data as a part of history of manufactured product. Finally a conception of Cyber-Physical Systems applying in integrated Shop Floor Control and Monitoring systems is presented and discussed.

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Przemysław Oborski
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The article poses the question of how the Polish philosophy of the postwar period responded to the evil of the 20th century totalitarianism, as exemplified by atrocities committed in Kolyma and Auschwitz. The problem is analyzed by focusing on three concepts of evil developed by Polish philosophers after World War II: the realistic view (Mieczysław Krąpiec), the phenomenological‑dialogical interpretation (Józef Tischner) and the view proposed by Leszek Kołakowski. Then, the question of evil in general, and of evil at the present time, is connected to the question of the relationship between evil and conscience.
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Adorno T.W. (1986), Rozważania o metafizyce, w: tenże, Dialektyka negatywna, przeł. K. Krzemieniowa, Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, s. 507–573.

Bauman Z. (2013), Nowoczesność i Zagłada, przeł. T. Kunz, Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie. Jan Paweł II (2005), Pamięć i tożsamość. Rozmowy na przełomie tysiącleci, Kraków: Znak.

Kłoczowski J.A. (1987), Sceptyk i mistyk, w: Obecność. Leszkowi Kołakowskiemu w 60. rocznicę urodzin, Londyn: Aneks, s. 52–67.

Kołakowski L. (1984), Czy diabeł może być zbawiony?, w: tenże, Czy diabeł może być zbawiony i 27 innych kazań, Londyn: Aneks, s. 149–157.

Kołakowski L. (1990a), Iluzje demitologizacji, w: tenże, Cywilizacja na ławie oskarżonych, Warszawa: Res Publica, s. 215–236.

Kołakowski L. (1990b), Rozmowy z diabłem, w: tenże, Bajki różne. Opowieści biblijne. Rozmowy z diabłem, Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo „Iskry”.

Kołakowski L. (1994), Obecność mitu, Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Dolnośląskie.

Kołakowski L. (2002), Kapłan i błazen (Rozważania o teologicznym dziedzictwie współczesnego myślenia), w: tenże, Pochwała niekonsekwencji. Pisma rozproszone sprzed roku 1968, t. 2, Londyn: Puls.

Kołakowski L. (2014), Jezus ośmieszony. Esej apologetyczny i sceptyczny, przeł. D. Zańko, Kraków: Znak.

Kowalczyk S. (1995), Zło – problemem czy tajemnicą, w: tenże, Podstawy światopoglądu chrześcijańskiego, Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Wrocławskiej Księgarni Archidiecezjalnej, s. 189–209.

Krasicki J. (2002a), Rozum i zło (zamiast wstępu), w: tenże, Przeciw nicości. Eseje. Kraków: Księgarnia Akademicka, s. 9–13.

Krasicki J. (2002b), Świadek Dobra, w: tenże, Przeciw nicości. Eseje, Kraków: Księgarnia Akademicka, s. 129–144.

Krasicki J. (2002c), Zło epoki, w: tenże, Przeciw nicości. Eseje, Kraków: Księgarnia Akademicka, s. 85–89.

Krasicki J. (2011), O nagim życiu, w: tenże, Po „śmierci Boga”. Eseje eschatologiczne, Kraków: Homini, s. 167–176.

Krąpiec M.A. (1995), Dlaczego zło? Rozważania filozoficzne, Lublin: Redakcja Wydawnictw KUL.

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Jan Krasicki

  1. Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Instytut Filozofii, ul. Koszarowa 3/20, 51‑149 Wrocław
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The Author comments on a new book by Mariusz Mazur O człowieku tendencyjnym... — a book on the communist endeavour to create a new man. He considers the book excellent. Its important positive point is the analysis of the theme in a large framework of human history. Communism was a very singular regime but the idea of a new man appeared several times through centirues and in different countries.
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Marcin Kula
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The death of a person, particularly my own death, is the most momentous occasion that happens in a lifetime. It seems to be an inevitable end of any possible experience, ceasing any relationship, the end of memories and hopes. It evokes various reactions in the living, just to mention some as: fascination, fear, stress, consent, willingness to familiarization. Each of them may be analysed, while each one shows also the death in a different aspect. In the proposed article, the author indicates another reaction - that is experiencing anxiety. It appears that this is the key experience, both when I am thinking about it as something that may afflict me at any moment, as well as when I become aware that there is a possibility of exit of the loved ones or just a popular person. Some texts by Joseph Ratzinger have inspired me to carry out such analyses.

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Ks. Mirosław Pawliszyn CssR
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Thinking of the earth as feminine derives from the oldest ideas as to the four rudimentary elements. Bipolarity, which is present in the take on the earth as an archetypical element, one giving life and finally absorbing it back, has not lost its relevance to this day. It is therefore myths, followed by philosophical considerations valuing the distinction between divine and human qualities, which have always been in conflict and cooperation, and these have marked the path Nikolai Berdyaev, the Russian religious thinker, takes. The problem of the nature of man’s gender is the fundamental issue of his philosophical anthropology. The stance represented by the author of The Meaning of the Creative Act is based on the conviction that the structure of the world constitutes two opposing elements, two opposing forces: good and evil, with good being linked to the male and evil to the female. The male to him is anthropological and personal, the female – cosmic and collective. One of Berdyaev’s most important beliefs is that the earth should be treated in a mystical sense as a principle female in matter and body. The driving force behind the world is the clash of both principles, the contact and interaction between the solar male and the terrestrial female. Through the prism of the cosmic battle of the genders, Berdyaev explains Freud’s concept of the Oedipus complex, giving it a mystical- ‑symbolic dimension.
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Izabella Malej

  1. Wrocław, Uniwersytet Wrocławski
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This article describes security mechanisms used by 3rd-7th layers in OSI/ISO network model. Many of commonly used protocols by these layers were designed with assumption that there are nointruders. Such assumption was true many years ago. The network situation has been changed for last few years and we should realize that some properties of existing protocols may be abused. Moreover, we should exchange some of them or create new versions. There are some methods and guidelines concerning secure programming, but there is also lack of guidelines about creating secure protocols. Authors see the necessity of such guideline and this article is an attempt at analysing existing solutions and selecting some universal and important patterns.

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Marek Kołodziejczyk
Marek R. Ogiela
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Four small (surface area: 0.4-2.3 ha), but relatively deep (max. depth: 6.5-7.8 111) man made reservoirs, created between 1979 and 1988 on recultivatccl waste heap of former sulphur mine in Machów (N 50°31'35": E 21°37'51")_ were studied in summer and autumn 2003. In autumn one lake - Kacze was not mixed down to the bottom, which could point to its meromixis. The other lakes were found to be dimictic. In all the lakes high values of total hardness, conductivity, chlorides, sulphides and low amounts 01· total phosphorus and nitrogen were found. Both phytoplankton and hydrornacrophyte communities were poorly developed. Considerable amounts or green-yellow bacteria were also noted in plankton The water chemistry as well as quantity and quality of plant communities reflect the chemical composition of loam soils which constitute the waste heap.
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Wojciech Pęczula
Radosław Mencfel
Kamila Baryła
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The author presents the concept of man in the philosophy of Erich Fromm. The article consists of two parts. In the first part, the author presents how Fromm characterised the existential situation of man; in the second part he describes love as the main factor in the action and development of a human being. Man is part of nature, subjected to the rules of its laws, but he also transcends nature by the ability to use mind. A human subject is aware of his/her limitations and weaknesses with regard to nature. He/she feels lost and lonely in relation to other people and the natural world. Therefore, s/he looks for the frame of orientation and references. This search is the most important existential problem. Love is the solution to all problems of human existence. According to Fromm, man is the subject of love.

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Tadeusz Sznajderski
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To develop a sensitive, specific, and rapid approach for the detection Getah virus (GETV), a set of primers targeting the conserved region of the E1 gene was created. The TaqMan-based real-time PCR method for GETV detection was developed by optimizing the reaction conditions. The method demonstrated excellent specificity, and amplification did not occur with the causative agents of all prevalent swine viral infections (CSFV, PRRSV, PRV, PEDV, PTV, and JEV), except GETV. Additionally, upon assessing the sensitivity of the method, the minimum detection limit for GETV was found to be 5.94 copies/μL, which is 10 times higher than that of the traditional PCR approach. Further, the intra- and inter-assay variation coefficients were less than 1%, demonstrating good repeatability. Moreover, GETV was found in 10 of the 20 field serum samples using real-time PCR but only in three of the samples using traditional PCR. Consequently, the first GETV TaqMan-based real-time PCR approach based on the E1 gene was developed for GETV pathogenic diagnoses, and this exhibited high specificity, sensitivity, and repeatability. This assay is practical for the pathogenic diagnosis and epidemiology of GETV.
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A. Lin
X. Hu
S. Cui
T. Yang
Z. Zhang
P. Li
M. Guo
Y. Lu

  1. College of Life Sciences and Resource Environment, Yichun University, No 576, Xuefu Road, Yuanzhou district, Yichun, Jiangxi, 336000, China
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The paper considers the vision of the world and the person of Józef Kazimierz Plebański (1831–1897), the Warsaw historian, one of two Polish students of Leopold von Ranke. In my article, I analyse the essential categories and objects which structure his thinking about reality, such as liberty, Providence, moral laws, state, nation, and humanity. At the end, I try to compare the worldview of Plebański with the worldview of historicism.

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Rafał Swakoń
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The safety and reliability of the manned airship depend to a considerable extent on its thermal performance. In this paper, heat balance equations are developed and solved in the C++ programming language. The temperature variation of the enclosure, gasbag, and nacelles of the manned airship is investigated. In addition, the effects of season, latitude, and orientation on the thermal performance of the manned airship and the airship nacelle are investigated. The results show that: (1) The average temperature difference of the nacelle surface at the same time is 25 K, while the maximum temperature difference in the nacelle is 29 K during the day, (2) the temperature distribution in the nacelle is similar in spring and autumn, with maximum temperature between 306 K and 309 K. The maximum temperature in the nacelle is between 300 K and 303 K in winter while the maximum temperature in the nacelles is between 309 K and 315 K in summer, (3) as the flight position of the manned airship changes from 20°N to 60°N, the average nacelle temperature varies slightly by about 1 K. However, as the latitude increases, the high- temperature region shifts from the bottom of the nacelle to the side of the nacelle, and (4) the temperature distribution of the upper envelope of the airship varies considerably with orientation. However, the average temperature of the nacelle is less impacted by orientation. These results are useful for understanding the thermal performance of manned airships.
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Hong Shi
Meinan Liu
Jiamin Chen
Yitao Zou

  1. College of Energy and Power Engineering, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, China
  2. Key Laboratory of Aircraft Environment Control and Life Support, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China
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The article reveals the peculiarities of the urban text in Isaac Babel’s Odessa Stories. The image of Odessa is analyzed as a poetological dominant of the cycle. The originality of the artistic image and the text of Odessa is considered as the relationship between the semantic setting in the social and cultural focus, the historical image of the city and its perception in the minds of townspeople. Thus, the author focuses on the space locus that serves as a marker of the Odessa text and identifies the city of Odessa (Moldavanka, Peresyp, Privoz), the images of the Odessa landscape in their symbolic interpretation and the image of Odessa man as closely related components of the artistic structure of the cycle and the Odessa text itself. Analysis of the stories distinguishes that the meaning‑forming and structure‑forming functions of the Odessa topoi are subordinated to a single goal – to create and typify the image of Odessa man. What is important is not the city itself as a socio‑cultural organism, but its perception in the urban consciousness. The key fact to reveal the specifics of the Odessa text and the Odessa consciousness is the idea of the decline – the collapse of the communal and tribal consciousness as the decline of the Odessa ethnos realized in the conflict of personal and social principles, the inverse comprehension of Rabelaisian corporality motif, the images of the sunset landscape and in the irony, which discredits as false both the gang life romance and the appearing concept of a new world. The city depicted by I. Babel on the threshold of the 1917 revolution is interpreted as a city at the decline of culture. The writer depicts the end or the decline of old Odessa through the end of Odessa man and the collapse of the Odessa ethnos. Thus, in I. Babel’s Odessa cycle, there is a transformation of the traditional image of sunny Odessa into the image of a city fallen into decline. The features of the image of Odessa man regarded as indications of the declining culture are determined in the article.
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Anna Stepanova

  1. Dnipro, Alfred Nobel University
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The article is an attempt to interpret selected works by Fyodor Sologub ( Церковь, В моей лампаде ясный свет..., Опять сияние в лампаде..., Моя верховная Воля), characterized by the lyrical I’s gradual departure, a turning away from God towards the forces of evil, deism and demonic solipsism. These works display the complex motifs typical of modernist aestheticism; inspired by the philosophical thought of A. Schopenhauer: his pessimism, disillusionment with the world, despair, existential emptiness, complete loneliness etc. The lyrical subject finds himself in a certain spiritual wilderness. His relationship with God undergoes a drastic change. The hitherto Christian figure of the merciful Father is replaced by the strict and cruel judge, the evil demiurge. The poet gives him the name of the Old Testament God – Adonai. However, by his actions (evil, insidious and vengeful), he rather resembles the Gnostic Jaldabaoth or Satan – the opponent of Christians. The interpreted texts also reveal the authorial lyrical speaker as fascinated with “the new genius” – Lucifer, whose image becomes positively redefined. He gains the status, as well as the features and powers traditionally ascribed to the Christian God.
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Ewa Stawinoga

  1. Lublin, Uniwersytet Marii Curie‑Skłodowskiej
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Business ethics is a complex issue that has been studied a lot. This paper discusses just one of its aspects and presents the assumptions of ethics of economic activity arising from Christian anthropology. They include respect for the dignity of the human person, taking into consideration the social dimension of human life and the affrmation of man’s integral development. All those are particulars of the general principle that man is the creator, the centre and the goal of the whole life and economic activity. These assumptions are in no way unrealistic and idealized expectations in relation to economic and business activity, they rather prove that the economic sphere of life is not ethically neutral, neither is it inhuman nor antisocial. As a dimension of man’s activity it is subject to a moral assessment. Since all stages of economic activity deal with man, his behaviour and needs, they involve moral implications. Even if in certain circumstances unethical behaviour may lead, though temporarily, to economic success, the economic and moral facets are intertwined. J. Messner was right when he stressed that in one’s striving for economic goals immoral means are at the same time uneconomic. The present fnancial and economic crisis proves his thesis.

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Ks. Konrad Glombik
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The topic „The Bible and Christian Morality" was thoroughly studied by the Papal Biblical Commission. The article's author presents the originality of this concept. He proves why we ought to speak of „revealed morality" and not about Gospel ethics, the writings of St. Paul or OT and NT ethics. Morality - as opposed to ethics - does not rely on freely accepted initial assumptions, but is man's response to the gifts received from God: creation, covenant and fullness of revelation in Christ. It brings to light the criteria resulting from the Bible itself, which contemporary Christians should apply when dealing with problems that contemporary sciences, techniques and culture present, but about which the inspired books do not directly speak of. He stresses that the Bible itself, revealing what is unique and which does not undergo discussion, at the same time calls the faithful of God to dialogue with the world in which we live, particularly with believers of other religions.

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Ks. Henryk Witczyk
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Professor Juliusz Domański, a renowned classical scholar and neo‑Latinist, has published Wykłady o humanizmie („Lectures on humanism”, 2020). He starts from Plato and makes Erasmus of Rotterdam the terminal point of his intellectual voyage. This itinerary comprises the story of the conflict between philosophy and liberal arts concerning the question how poetry is to be taught. Platonic objections against poets met with eager welcome in Christianity. Yet even in the Middle Ages scholars remained devoted to the study of the ancient literature, although the dominant model of education was at that time more and more resolutely ‘scientific’. The goal of education was defined as developing astute abilities in specific ‘arts’ ( artes) rather than studying classical ‘authors’ ( auctores). In order to understand different views on the relation between philosophy and poetry I recall Bogusław Wolniewicz’s remark that human activities can be developed in four different fields: naturalistic rationalism, metaphysical rationalism, naturalistic irrationalism and metaphysical irrationalism.
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Łukasz Kowalik

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Filozofii, Redakcja „Przeglądu Filozoficznego”, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 3, 00-927 Warszawa
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In his 1903 monograph Principles of Mathematics Bertrand Russell formulated a theory which interpreted a proposition expressed by a sentence as a unitary bond of referents (meanings) of its parts. In the paper I argue that the problem he faced in his attempt to define the unity of proposition is a special case of a wider philosophical problem of the relation between language and the world. Mentioned for the first time by Plato in Parmenides and then repeated by Aristotle in Metaphysics, infinite regress formulated as ʻthe third man argument’ presented a problem for Francis Bradley, Bertrand Russell and Gottlob Frege. It was reformulated in syntactic terms by Hans Reichenbach and used by Donald Davidson as an argument against referential semantics. The conclusion of the paper is as follows: ʻthe third man argument’ is a result of projecting syntactic structures of language on metaphysically conceived referential semantics. It does not undermine ontology conceived as an investigation of possible beings.
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Janusz Maciaszek

  1. Uniwersytet Łódzki, Instytut Filozofii, ul. Lindleya 3/5, 90-131 Łódź
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The present study was aimed to establish a novel TaqMan real-time PCR (RTm-PCR) for detecting and typing bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV), and also to develop a diagnostic proto- col which simplifies sample collection and processing. Universal primers and TaqMan-MGB probes were designed from the known sequences of conserved 5′ - and 3′-untranslated regions (5’UTR, 3’UTR) of the NADL strain of BVDV. Prior to optimizing the assay, cDNAs were tran- scribed in vitro to make standard curves. The sensitivity, specificity and stability (reproducibility) were evaluated. The RTm-PCR was tested on the 312 feces specimens collected from persistently infected (PI) calves. The results showed the optimum conditions for RTm-PCR were 17.0 μmol/L primer, 7.5 μmol/L probe and 51.4°C annealing temperature. The established TaqMan RTm-PCR assay could specially detect BVDV without detecting any other viruses. Its detection limit was 1.55×100 copies/μL for viral RNA. It was 10000-fold higher than conventional PCR with excel- lent specificity and reproducibility. 312 samples were tested using this method and universal PCR from six dairy farms, respectively. Positive detections were found in 49 and 44 feces samples, respectively. The occurrence rate was 89.80%. In conclusion, the established TaqMan RTm-PCR could rapidly detect BVDV and effectively identify PI cattle. The detection limit of RTm-PCR was 1.55 copies/μL. It will be beneficial for enhancing diagnosis and therapy efficacy and reduce losses in cattle farms.

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H. Liang
J. Geng
S. Bai
A. Aimuguri
Z. Gong
R. Feng
X. Shen
S. Wei
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The works of Fyodor Sologub, unlike most Russian symbolists, such as Alexander Blok, are described by researchers and contemporary writers (Vladyslav Khodasevich and others) as ‘static’, alien to the idea of path, evolution. The aim of the article is to break this academic stereotype and thought patterns about the author of The Little Demon. Analysis of the research material: critical literary statements and selected poems by the poet, allows us to notice his spiritual and aesthetic evolution. Firstly: in fulfilling his artistic vision, Sologub not only does not “tread water” (“topchetsya na odnom meste”, as Leo Shestov stated), but, as Maria Cymborska‑Leboda writes, his poetic thought remains in motion, i.e. there are noticeable ‘points’ on his artistic way, to which he reaches. Thus, in the words of the mentioned researcher, in a certain sense, like Blok, he is a ‘path poet’, while remaining faithful to himself – his ‘sweet dream’ (paradise). Secondly: the interpretation of the symbol of the ‘path’ and related concepts that fit within the semantic field of the poet’s works point to the biblical sources of his thinking – the author’s lyrical subject often takes the form of a pilgrim, a wanderer traversing the ‘desert of life’, struggling with the world (мироборчество), he conducts a dialogue, often turning into a dispute with the Creator (богоборчество). This dialogue, subjected to reflection in the article, is interpreted as one of the manifestations of the spiritual growth of the lyrical hero and the poet himself (the vertical and existential dimension of the concept – homo viator).
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Ewa Stawinoga

  1. Uniwersytet Marii Curie‑Skłodowskiej w Lublinie
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The theme of the article focuses on the description of the tactile sphere selected for the presentation of Russian literary prose figures from the second half of the 19th century and the beginning of the 21st century. The term “homo hapticus” is understood in the article as a characterization of a figure expressed through touch. At the same time, haptics, representative of the physical, biological side of the characters’ functioning in the world, is closely related to their spiritual sphere and can be referred to types of saintly characters. These dependencies are expressed by both the touching and the touched subject, and in particular by the body elements involved in the haptic turn – in my examples these are the hands and the mouth. The author of the article comes to the conclusion that the haptics of the analysed characters abolishes the binary between the material and spiritual worlds. He points out that touch reflects not only a specific physical action, but is closely related to the Russian cultural context, primarily the religious. It is the haptics of the figures who act as healers that allows them to be called righteous men – expressing a loving Christian attitude towards their fellow man.
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Beata Trojanowska

  1. Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy
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The aim of the study is to show the essential elements of theological anthropology contained in the scientific work of Fr prof. Marian Rusecki. The problem is presented and resolved in five points. The following issues were presented in turn: man created by God (1); the Christ dimension of the human person (2); Homo Paschalis (3); the anthropogenic dimension of Christianity (4) and showing the meaning of life as a task for fundamental theology (5). Rusecki’s constitutive belief, which is the core of the above anthropological themes, is that understanding the mystery of man is possible only through divine Revelation. The definitive truth about man has its source and explanation in the Logos, Jesus Christ, true God and true Man. Therefore, the professor’s anthropology can be described as theological, Christocentric and ecclesiological. Particularly interesting are the elements of paschal anthropology, in which the issue of homo Paschalis was highlighted. Rusecki’s postulate that fundamental theology even more clearly undertakes to study the issue of the meaning of life, which is crucial for man, is also reasonable.
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Ks. Jacenty Mastej

  1. Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II w Lublinie
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Evaluating the capacity to meet the need of water is crucial in order to fulfil expectations of managers, particularly in the Mediterranean area. The region is risk in terms of resources available as well as a steadily increasing in demand for water. The frontier drain of the city of Souk Ahras is located at the extreme Northeast of Algeria, on the Algerian-Tunisian borders, the study region includes eight city, which are Taoura, Drea, Zaârouria, Merahna, Ouillen, SidiFredj, Heddada and Khedara, these are relatively poor in surface water, but groundwater has always been the main water resource. The region’s population is around 93,000 inhabitants, 45% of them living in rural areas. Annual average precipitation is approximately 470 mm∙y–1, but it is distributed unequally in space and time. The average supply water varies from one zone to another and the coverage of demand by groundwater in the region remains low and does not meet all needs. Faced with the regions socioeconomic growth and development, this situation is expected to worsen in the future.
In this context, the WEAP (Water Evaluation And Planning system) model was applied to simulate the water balance and assess strategies for the sustainable management of water resources and makes it possible to explore different scenarios, in order to choose the desired scenario to ensure the sustainable development of the sub-basin of the border until 2050. The availability of drinking water permanently in rural areas is a factor in the stability of a population and a means of combating the rural migration and the congestion of urban centres.
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Authors and Affiliations

Farid Rouaibia
Lamine Sayad
Badra Attoui

  1. Higher School of Teachers of Constantine Assia Djabar; InfraRes Laboratory, Souk Ahras Department of History and Geography, Constantine, Algeria
  2. University of Badji Mokhtar, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Department of Geology, Annaba, Algeria
  3. University of Badji Mokhtar, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Geological Research Laboratory (LRG), BP 12, 23000 Annaba, Algeria

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