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Environmental applications of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have recently attracted worldwide attentiondue to their excellent adsorption capacities and promising physical, chemical and mechanical properties, as well asthe preparation of novel membranes with attractive features for water purification. This paper critically reviews therecent progress on the preparation and applications of CNT based membranes in water and wastewater treatment. Various synthesis techniques for the preparation of CNT based membranes are discussed. The functionalization ofCNTs, which involves chemical/physical modification of pristine CNTs with different types of functional groups,improves the capabilities of CNT for water and wastewater treatment and/or removal of waterborne contaminants.The CNT-based membrane applications are found to possess a variety of advantages, including improving waterpermeability, high selectivity and antifouling capability. However, their applications at full scale are still limitedby their high cost. Finally, we highlight that CNT membranes with promising removal efficiencies for respectivecontaminants can be considered for commercialization and to achieve holistic performance for the purpose ofwater treatment and desalination. This paper may provide an insight for the development of CNT based membranesfor water purification in the future. With their tremendous separation performance, low biofouling potential andultra-high water flux, CNT membranes have the potential to be a leading technology in water treatment, especiallydesalination.
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Authors and Affiliations

Michał Bodzek
Krystyna Konieczny
Anna Kwiecińska-Mydlak

  1. Institute of Environmental Engineering Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
  2. Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Energy and Environmental Engineering, Poland
  3. Institute for Chemical Processing of Coal, Poland
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The aim of this work was to investigate the influence of distilled water flowrate in two different porousmembrane modules on the size of generated nitrogen nanobubbles. Modules had different diameter and number of membrane tubes inside the module. As bubbles are cut off from the membrane surface by a shear stress induced by the liquid flow, the change in the linear liquid velocity should result in a change of the generated bubble diameter. For both modules, higher flowrate of liquid induced generation of smaller bubbles, which was consistent with our expectations. This effect can help us in generation of bubbles of desired size.

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Authors and Affiliations

Karol Ulatowski
Paweł Sobieszuk
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Conventional membranes used in the process of premix membrane emulsification are prone to fouling, especially when biopolymers are employed as surfactants. An alternative to conventional membranes are dynamic membranes consisting of an unconsolidated porous medium. Dynamic membranes have the advantage of enabling easy cleaning of the inside of the pores. Experimental research carried out to date has focused on the application of hydrophilic dynamic membranes composed of glass microbeads for producing o/w emulsions. The aims of this study were to determine the efficiency of droplet size reduction in a w/o emulsion when passed through a dynamic hydrophobic membrane consisting of a bed of irregular polymer particles, and to assess the effect of multiple membrane passes on the properties of the w/o emulsion. The dynamic membranes evaluated in the tests were found to reduce the diameters of premix droplets when an appropriate pressure level was reached. Higher bed porosity was associated with greater fluxes achieved across the packed bed, but the resulting emulsions were less homogeneous. Multiple passes of the emulsion through the dynamic polypropylene membrane led to a further reduction in droplet size, but it was accompanied by a decline in emulsion homogeneity.
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Authors and Affiliations

Adrianna Frankiewicz
Jacek Różański

  1. Poznan University of Technology, Institute of Chemical Technology and Engineering, ul. Berdychowo 4, 60-965 Poznan, Poland
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This paper presents the recent advances in pervaporative reduction of sulfur content in gasoline. Methods of preliminary selection of membrane active layer material are presented. Interactions between gasoline components (typical hydrocarbon and sulfur species) and membranes are showed. Influence of pervaporation process parameters i.e. feed temperature, downstream pressure and feed flow rate on the separation efficiency is discussed. Investigations of the influence of sulfur concentration in fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) gasoline on membrane performance have been conducted. A series of PV tests was carried out to investigate the separation properties of the commercial composite membrane with an active layer made of poly(dimethylsiloxane) and to determine the efficiency of organic sulphur compound (thiophene) removal from model thiophene/n-heptane mixture depending on its concentration.

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Authors and Affiliations

Katarzyna Rychlewska
Michał Bodzek
Krystyna Konieczny
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This paper presents ultrafiltration results of model BSA (bovine serum albumin) and MB (myoglobin) solutions prepared with or without NaCl addition. The protein concentrations in the solutions were equal to 0.05 gdm􀀀3 for MB and 0.5 gdm􀀀3 for BSA. The ultrafiltration tests were performed using a laboratory scale unit equipped with 90 mm ceramic disc membranes with a filtration area of 5:610􀀀3 m2 and cut-off of 50 or 150 kDa. The tests were run under constant process conditions, i.e. a cross flow volume (CFV) of 5 ms􀀀1, transmembrane pressure (TMP) of 0.2 MPa, temperature of 20 ◦C and NaCl concentration of 0 or 10 wt%. The installation worked in a semi-open mode with a continuous permeate discharge and retentate recycle. The performance of the membranes was measured with the permeate volumetric flow rate, JV (m3m􀀀2s􀀀1) while their selectivity was determined by the protein rejection, R. The paper evaluates and discusses the protein rejection mechanisms as well as the influence of the membrane cut-off and sodium chloride concentration in the feed on the flux decline during the ultrafiltration of BSA and MB. Moreover, it provides an analysis of the first fouling phase by applying usual filtration laws.
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Authors and Affiliations

Konrad Ćwirko
Elwira Tomczak
Daniela Szaniawska
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The paper presents the basic input data and modelling results of IGCC system with membrane CO2 capture installation and without capture. The models were built using commercial software (Aspen and GateCycle) and with the use of authors’ own computational codes. The main parameters of the systems were calculated, such as gross and net power, auxiliary power of individual installations and efficiencies. The models were used for the economic and ecological analysis of the systems. The Break Even Point method of analysis was used. The calculations took into account the EU emissions trading scheme. Sensitivity analysis on the influence of selected quantities on break-even price of electricity was performed

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Authors and Affiliations

Anna Skorek-Osikowska
Łukasz Bartela
Janusz Kotowicz
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The influence of ion implantation on the structure and properties of polymers is a very complex issue. Many physical and chemical processes taking place during ion bombardment must be taken into consideration. The complexity of the process may exert both positive and negative influence on the structure of the material. The goal of this paper is to investigate the influence of H+, He+ and Ar+ ion implantation on the properties of polypropylene membranes used in filtration processes and in consequence on fouling phenomena. It has appeared that the ion bombardment caused the chemical modification of membranes which has led to decrease of hydrophobicity. The increase of protein adsorption on membrane surface has also been observed.

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Authors and Affiliations

Karolina Kotra-Konicka
Joanna Kalbarczyk
Jakub M. Gac
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This study elucidates the technologies employed in membranebased water purification processes. The theoretical underpinnings of semipermeable membrane functionalities are expounded upon through the lens of Onsager’s reciprocal relations in non-equilibrium thermodynamics, delineating the fluxes and the driving forces that instigate them. Utilising a simplified Onsager matrix tailored for the ion-exchange membrane electrodialysis process, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations were conducted. The computations presented herein depict the intricacies of both dialysis and electrodialysis in saline water solutions.
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Authors and Affiliations

Robert Matysko
Tomasz Ochrymiuk

  1. Institute of Fluid Flow Machinery, Polish Academy of Sciences, Fiszera 14, 80-231 Gdańsk, Poland
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The paper presents results of the field tests on membrane biogas enrichment performed with the application of mobile membrane installation (MMI) with the feed stream up to 10 Nm3/h. The mobile installation equipped with four hollow fibre modules with polyimide type membranes was tested at four different biogas plants. Two of them were using agricultural substrates. The third one was constructed at a municipal wastewater plant and sludge was fermented in a digester and finally in the fourth case biogas was extracted from municipal waste landfill site. Differences in the concentration of bio-methane in feed in all cases were observed and trace compounds were detected as well. High selectivity polyimide membranes, in proper module arrangements, can provide a product of high methane content in all cases. The content of other trace compounds, such as hydrogen sulphide, water vapour and oxygen on the product did not exceed the values stated by standard for a biogas as a vehicle fuel. The traces of hydrogen sulphide and water vapour penetrated faster to the waste stream enriched in carbon dioxide, which could lead to further purification of the product – methane being hold in the retentate (H2O > H2S > CO2 > O2 > CH4 > N2). In the investigated cases, when concentration of N2 was low and concentration of CH4 higher than 50%, it was possible to upgrade methane to concentration above 90% in a two-stage cascade.

To performsimulation ofCH4 andCO2 permeation through polyimide membrane,MATLABwas used. Simulation program has included permeation gaseous mixture with methane contents as observed at field tests in the range of 50 and 60% vol. The mass transport process was estimated for a concurrent hollow fibre membrane module for given pressure and temperature conditions and different values of stage cut. The obtained results show good agreement with the experimental data. The highest degree of methane recovery was obtained with gas concentrating in a cascade with recycling of the retentate.

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Authors and Affiliations

Andrzej Grzegorz Chmielewski
Agata Urbaniak
Jacek Palige
Otton Roubinek
Katarzyna Wawryniuk
Andrzej Dobrowolski
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Fluorine and sodium chloride are common elements present in the water environment. According to WHO guidelines fluoride content in water cannot be not higher than 1.5 mgF-/dm3. Elevated fluoride content was observed all over the world and it leads to many health issues. It can be removed with the usage of various methods (ion exchange, membrane processes, adsorption, precipitation). In this paper fluoride removal with nanofiltration usage was described. Tests were performed with the application of Amicon 86400 filtration cells. Two types of commercial nanofiltration membranes NP010P and NP030P (Microdyn Nadir) were used. Transmembrane pressure was established as 0.3 MPa. For lower fluoride concentrations (5 mgF-/dm3) NF process allowed to decrease fluoride content under level 1.5 mgF-/dm3. Removal efficiency decreased with increasing fluoride content. Membrane NP030P showed better separation properties. Sodium chloride influenced removal efficiency as well as fluoride adsorption on/in membranes during the process. According to obtained data, better hydraulic properties exhibited membrane NP010P. For both membranes decrease in permeate flux in comparison to pure water was noticed what was observed. Relative permeability was lowered even to 0.32.
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Authors and Affiliations

Martyna Grzegorzek

  1. Wrocław University of Science and Technology,Wrocław, Poland
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Polymer mixed-matrix nanocomposite membranes were prepared by a wet-phase inversion method and used in ultrafiltration processes to treat wastewater treatment plant effluent spiked with organic micropollutants. The effects of halloysite (Hal), TiO2, and functionalized single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT-COOH) nanofillers on the treatment efficiency, permeability loss, and fouling behavior of polyethersulfone (PES) membranes were investigated and compared with those of a pristine PES membrane. The nanocomposite membranes exhibited lower porosity and stronger negative surface charge because of the added hydrophilic nanofillers. The PES-Hal membrane achieved the optimal balance of permeability and micropollutant removal owing to enhanced pollutant adsorption on the membrane surface and the creation of an easily removable cake layer (i.e., reversible fouling). The PES-SWCNT-COOH membrane demonstrated the highest treatment efficiency, but also the high permeability loss. In contrast, PES-TiO2 exhibited excellent antifouling properties, but poorer treatment capabilities.
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Authors and Affiliations

Gabriela Kamińska

  1. Institute of Water and Wastewater Engineering, Gliwice, Poland
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Electrospun membranes exhibit very promising properties, such as high surface area, high surface area-to-pore volume ratio, high pore interconnectivity, and uniform pore distribution. Nanoparticles are a promising alternative for improving the properties of the electrospun membranes. Titania nanoparticles, which are stable, resistant, and non-toxic, have various applications including water treatment, sensors, food additive and cosmetics. Due to the high hydrophilicity of titania nanoparticles, membrane fouling is reduced in titania nanoparticles doped membranes. Titania nanoparticle doped polyacrylonitrile (PAN) nanocomposite electrospun membranes were prepared by electrospinning method in this work. Compared to bare PAN electrospun membranes 0.05% titania nanoparticles doped electrospun membranes have thinner nanofibers, higher hydrophilicity and almost 2 times lower bovine serum albumin adsorption, which shows lower fouling tendency.
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E. Celik Madenli
Z.I. Ciftci

  1. Provincial Directorate of Environment and Urbanization Ministry, Governorship of Burdur, 15100, Burdur, Turkey
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The main goal of the present study was to examine the operating characteristics and mechanisms of membrane fouling in integrated membrane bioreactors (IMBRs) at diff erent temperatures. Two IMBRs, each with identical dimensions and confi gurations, were used in the study using synthetic domestic sewage at a low temperature (10°C) and high temperature (25°C). The results indicated that the removal effi ciency of chemical oxygen demand reached 93–96%, but the membrane contribution rate of IMBR2 (10°C) was higher than that of IMBR1 (25°C). The separation burden of the membrane on organic compounds increased at low temperature, which may have sped up the rate of membrane biofouling. The absolute rate of trans-membrane pressure build-up was faster at low temperature, leading to shorter IMBR operating times. Soluble microbial products (SMPs) and extracellular polymeric substances (EPSs) in the IMBRs signifi cantly increased at low temperature. These substances intensifi ed defl occulation, with an accompanying reduction of fl oc size and the release of EPSs at low temperature, which facilitated the formation of cake foulants on the surface, covering the entire membrane area. The protein and polysaccharide concentrations of SMPs and EPSs in the IMBRs were correlated with the concentration of C8-HSL. It was demonstrated that temperature aff ected the concentration of C8-HSL, which controlled the excretion of EPSs and SMPs and thus the membrane biofouling process.

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Yaqin Yu

  1. Department of Civil Engineering, Yancheng Institute of Technology, China
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The paper presents the experimental study of a novel unsteady-statemembrane gas separation approach for recovery of a slow-permeant component in the membrane module with periodical retentate withdrawals. The case study consisted in the separation of binary test mixtures based on the fast-permeant main component (N2O, C2H2) and the slow-permeant impurity (1%vol. of N2) using a radial countercurrent membrane module. The novel semi-batch withdrawal technique was shown to intensify the separation process and provide up to 40% increase in separation efficiency compared to a steady-state operation of the same productivity.

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Stanislav V. Battalov
Maxim M. Trubyanov
Egor S. Puzanov
Tatyana S. Sazanova
Pavel N. Drozdov
Ilya V. Vorotyntsev
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The literature on membrane distillation and forward osmosis for treating natural and recovered wastewaters is reviewed. There is renewed interest in these membrane technologies as alternatives to pressure driven processes such as reverse osmosis, which are expensive in both capital and energy, and generally require pre-treatment of the feed water. Membrane distillation with hydrophobic microfiltration membranes can make use of low-grade heat energy, and give higher yields of product water from concentrated feed waters. Forward osmosis uses hydrophilic membranes akin to reveres osmosis, and needs a draw solution that is appropriate in the product water. or must be recovered and reused in large-scale operation. Although they show great promise as simple low energy systems, no large-scale installation of either process exists as yet. Membrane distillation has considerable potential for desalination to produce drinking water, whereas FO is currently confined to small-scale systems, especially as a source of energy drinks in emergency situations.
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Authors and Affiliations

Brian Bolto
Manh Hoang
Thuy Tran
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Due to the increasing problem resulting from environmental pollution with heavy metals, great emphasis is placed on the development of removal methods of these pollutants from the environment. This study presents a literature review on the methods for the removal of nickel ions from aqueous solutions such as sorption, especially using low-cost sorbents which are very popular in 21���� century, electrochemical processes and membrane techniques. It is often impossible to use a single technique for efficient removal of heavy metals from wastewater as the process depends on many factors, such as wastewater composition, pH, temperature and many others. The aim of this review is to present some selected removal techniques of nickel(II) from wastewater from the point of view of their efficiency and applicability.
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Authors and Affiliations

Izabela Kruszelnicka
Dobrochna Ginter-Kramarczyk
Wojciech Góra
Katarzyna Staszak
Marek Baraniak
Grzegorz Lota
Magdalena Regel-Rosocka

  1. Poznan University of Technology, Faculty of Energy and Environmental Engineering, Institute of Environmental Engineering and Building Installations, Berdychowo 4, 60-965 Poznan
  2. Poznan University of Technology, Faculty of Chemical Technology, Institute of Chemical Technology and Engineering, Berdychowo 4, 60-965 Poznan
  3. Poznan University of Technology, Faculty of Chemical Technology, Institute of Chemistry and Technical Electrochemistry, Berdychowo 4, 60-965 Poznan
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The third eyelid rotation associated with the nictitans gland prolapse and third eyelid cartilage eversion is a rarely encountered ocular disorder. The present retrospective study includes the distribution of the relevant deformations in the cartilage and nictitans gland accompanying the third eyelid rotation in the cat according to breed, age, and gender-based differences, as well as the clinical manifestations, surgical therapeutic approach (partial resection of the scrolled car- tilage portion combined with the Morgan pocket technique), and the outcome of the procedure, concurrently monitoring whether or not the functions of the nictitating membrane were preserved after the procedure, the likelihood of relapse and the potential complications. A total of sixteen eyes surgically treated with the above-mentioned surgical method that belonged to thirteen cats diagnosed with the nictitans gland prolapse and cartilage eversion accompanying the third eyelid rotation were included in the study. The most common breeds were Persian (38.4%) and British shorthair (38.4%), with five cases from each. Three cats (20%) were bilaterally affected, while there was a unilateral involvement in ten of the cases (80%). Out of the ten cases with a unilateral lesion, the right eye was affected in 6 (60%) individuals, while the left eye was involved in four (40%). Nine cats were male, and four were female. The study was conducted in an attempt to surgically correct the third eyelid cartilage eversion and prolapsed nictitans gland responsible for the nictitating membrane rotation in cats by the partial removal of the everted cartilage com- bined with the Morgan pocket technique. Follow-ups were performed twice every other week in the postoperative period, followed by a one-time clinical inspection at the end of the first, third, and sixth months.

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A. Demir
Y. Altundağ
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CO2 emission from combustion fossil fuels is considered as the primary factor in the global warming. Different methods for separation CO2 from combustion flue gases are extensively used across the world. The aim of this study is to analyze the most important technological solutions of CO2 separation. For this reason chemical absorption, physical absorption, adsorption approach, membrane filtration and cryogenic process were researched. Concluding, selection of the right method for carbon dioxide capture separation is a complex issue and a range of technological and economic factors should be taken into consideration prior to application on the industrial scale.

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Robert Czarnota
Ewa Knapik
Paweł Wojnarowski
Damian Janiga
Jerzy Stopa
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Generally, when fabricating porous filters using metal powder, about 1 to 2 wt% of a binder is added to increase the formability of the metal powder. If the binder is not completely removed through a debinding and sintering process, however it can cause defects such as discoloration and the generation of fine particles. In this study, a study was conducted to fabricate a plate-type porous stainless steel powder filter with a different pore structure without the use of a biner. First, the metal powder is charged into a ceramic mold to form a plate-shaped powder filter, and then covered with a ceramic top plate. In order to observe the pore properties according to the pressure, the unpressurized specimen and the specimen pressurized with a pressure of 30 MPa were then sintered at 1050℃ for one hour in a high vacuum atmosphere furnace. The microstructure of the sintered plate-shaped powder filter was observed through an optical microscope and in order to analyze its pore properties as a filter, gas permeability and porosity were measured using a capillary flow porometer and Archimedes’ law.
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Authors and Affiliations

Su-Jin Yun
Hyeon-Ju Kim
Eun-Chae Seo
Min-Ji Kim
Manho Park
Jungwoo Lee
Jung-Yeul Yun

  1. Metal Powder Department, Korea Institute of Materials Science (KIMS), Changwon, 51508, Republic of Korea; Pusan National University, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Busan, 46241, Republic of Korea
  2. Metal Powder Department, Korea Institute of Materials Science (KIMS), Changwon, 51508, Republic of Korea
  3. R&D Center, ASFLOW Co. Lt d, Hwasung, 16648, Republic of Korea
  4. Pusan National University, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Busan, 46241, Republic of Korea
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One of the problems limiting the use of vanadium as hydrogen permeable membranes is its high dilatation upon hydrogen dissolution in it. The information available for the dilatation coefficient value (Δυ/Ω) is contradictory, experimental information on the hydrogen solubility in vanadium within 100-1000 kPa at from 250 to 700°С is very limited. It does not enable to calculate the membrane dilatation. The article contains the measuring results for dilatation of strips made of vanadium foil 100 μm thick in a hydrogen atmosphere in the pressure range from 75 to 1000 kPa, temperatures from 250 to 700°С. The dilatation coefficient (Δυ/Ω) of polycrystalline vanadium was calculated based on the data obtained for dilatation and data previously published for the hydrogen concentration in the α-solid solution at 400°С. It is 0.165. Isobars for the temperature dependence of the hydrogen concentration in vanadium are calculated and constructed using the dilatation measuring results and the dilatation coefficient values. These data are agreed with theoretical and experimental data published previously. The limiting change in concentration and linear dimensions over the cross section of a hydrogen-permeable membrane from V was estimated at various temperatures and operating pressures at the membrane outlet based on the isobars plotted for temperature dependences of the CH/V. The conclusions are made on the optimal working conditions of Pd/V/Pd membranes when hydrogen is released from hydrogen-containing gas mixtures in accordance with Fick’s 1st law and data published previously for hydrogen concentration value at which solid hydrogen solutions in vanadium become brittle.
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A. Panichkin
A. Mamaeva
A. Kenzhegulov
Z. Karboz

  1. Satbayev University; Engineer of Laboratory Metallurgical Sciences, Institute of Metallurgy and Ore Beneficiation, 050010, Almaty City, Shevchenko str., 29/133, The Republic of Kazakhstan
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The article presents the results of the research on thermal actions on the materials occurring in the cross section along the depth of the bridge deck and bituminous pavement during its construction. The impulse to curried out the research was the need to explain the causes of the blistering of bituminous waterproofing membranes and asphalt pavements often observed on the bridge decks. The paper presents the examples of such failures and the analyses of possible mechanisms of the phenomenon. Research indicates a significant influence of all technological processes on the temperature of materials in the cross section as well as daily temperature changes. The probability of initiation of reactions between concrete components with gaseous products has been confirmed in such conditions. The susceptibility of bituminous materials to gas emission and blistering is the subject of a separate study. The research was part of a research project carried out under the contract INNOTECHK3/IN3/50/229332/NCBR /14 [13].

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B. Chmielewska
A. Garbacz
G. Adamczewski
B. Rymsza
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To realize a structure which can be conveniently tuned to multiple and wideband frequency ranges, a geometrical-stiffening membrane acoustic metamaterial (MAM) with individually tunable multiple frequencies is presented. The MAM is realized by a stacked arrangement of two membrane-magnet elements, each of which has a membrane with a small piece of steel attached in the centre. It can be tuned individually by adjusting the position of its compact magnet. The normal incidence sound transmission loss of the MAM is investigated in detail by measurements in an impedance tube. The test sample results demonstrate that this structure can easily achieve a transmission loss with two peaks which can be shifted individually in a wide low-frequency range. A theoretical consideration is analysed, the analysis shows that the magnetic effect related to this distance leads to a nonlinear attractive force and, consequently, nonlinear geometrical stiffening in each membrane-magnet element, which allows the peaks to be shifted. A reasonable design can make the structure have a good application prospect for low-frequency noise insulation where there is a need to adjust the transmission loss according to the spectrum of the noise source.
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Junjuan Zhao
Xianhui Li
David Thompson
Yueyue Wang
Wenjiang Wang
Liying Zhu
Yunan Liu

  1. Beijing Key Lab of Environmental Noise and Vibration, Beijing Municipal Institute of Labor Protection, Beijing, China, 100054
  2. Institute of Sound and Vibration Research, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK, SO171BJ
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In the present study, a novel PVA–g–PMA hybrid membrane was developed for application in direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC). Maleic anhydride (MA) was grafted on polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) both ionically and chemically using potassium persulfate (KPS), for the first time. ThePVA–g–PMA thus synthesized was then blended with 3–Amino–4–[3–(triethylammonium sulfonato)phenyl amino]phenylene hydrochloride. The prepared membranes were characterized by FT–IR, TGA. 0.0104 S/cm of proton conductivity was found for the membrane. The ion exchange capacity was found to be 2.175 meq/g and the water uptake capacity as 14.9%. The single-chamber fuel cell power density was higher (34.72 mW/cm2) and current density (62.11 mA/cm2) when compared to Nafion 117 membrane.
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Authors and Affiliations

Pratima Gajbhiye
A.K. Tiwari
Karan Mann
J.S. Kahlon
H. Upadhyay

  1. School of Chemical Engineering and Physical Sciences, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab-144 411, India
  2. Department of Chemical Engineering, NIT Jalandhar, Punjab-144011, India
  3. School of Agriculture, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab-144 411, India
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Different approaches to enhance healing of hard or soft tissues include the use of cytokines and growth factors to modify cellular behaviour. Numerous growth factors are found in autologous blood concentrates – platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and platelet-rich fibrin (PRF). Enamel matrix derivative (EMD) may improve tissue healing via amelogenins. Bilayered collagen matrix (CM) is used for soft tissue augmentation.

The aim of the present study was to assess potential benefits of PRP, PRF and EMD in combination with bilayered collagen matrix or CM alone in treatment of oral mucosal defects in rabbits.

Twenty-seven New Zealand white rabbits were included in this randomized controlled trial. Artificial oral mucosal defects were treated with one of these five approaches: PRP+CM, PRF+CM, EMD+CM, CM alone, or left untreated as a negative control - CO. The animals were euthanized 1 day, 7 days, or 28 days after surgery and necropsies were harvested. Histological and molecular biological analyses were performed.

All defects were healed by day 28. No differences between PRP+CM, PRF+CM, CM alone and CO groups were recorded at any time point. Slower angiogenesis and a higher presence of inflammatory infiltrate were observed in the EMD+CM group 28 days after surgery. Molecular biological analyses did not reveal any statistically significant changes.

In conclusion, no improvement in mucosal healing of wounds covered with a collagen membrane and PRP, PRF, or EMD was observed, compared with CM alone or untreated controls.

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Authors and Affiliations

J. Vokurka
F. Hromcik
M. Faldyna
E. Gopfert
M. Vicenova
L. Pozarova
L. Izakovicova Holla

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