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Mining industry is an important sector that produces materials for other industries, also plays an important role in economic and social development, especially in a developing country like Vietnam. However, mineral mining can destroy the environment and deplete resources over time. The biggest challenge for state managers is to balance the conflict between the mining planning, development planning of other economic sectors and environmental issues. One of the solutions is to replace backward, manual extraction tools with the application of the modern computer (Modernize government administration).
In Viet Nam, at present, the provincial management agency of mines faces up with difficult problems such as: backward management method, lowly informative level, not using the current data effectively, even some areas can manage data well but can hardly and lowly share them, the current softwares are mainly document management, most of maps are stored on paper, digital map manage is not really cared. The traditional procedure and technology needs to be innovated by the way of enhancing to synthetically manage mineral resources, this can advance speed and quality of data processing, reduce the burden on employees and raise the level of office automation. The article uses the open code ASP.NET combined with GIS (Geographic Information Systems), based on the mineral economic development planning map in Tuyen Quang province, tools for editing, storing and extracting informaion are built detailedly for activities in mines from the beginning to the end of mining process. As a result, managers and authorities can easily search information for their work.

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Authors and Affiliations

Phi Hung Nguyen
Manh Tung Bui
Caokhai Nguyen
Thi Kim Thanh Nguyen

  1. 18 VIEN, Viet Nam
  2. University of Mining and Geology, Ha Noi, Viet Nam
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The article characterizes geological formations occurring in the Polish lignite deposits having the characteristics of raw materials, i.e. accompanying minerals, giving their location, quality characteristics, estimated resources and potential applications. Attention has also been paid to the economic suitability, e.g. in infrastructure works and for the reclamation of many geological formations found in the overburden, classified as so-called earth or rock mass. There are also raw materials of sorption properties representing a huge potential source of minerals valuable for the economy and environmental protection. This refers to e.g.: beidellite clays from Bełchatów, Poznań clays from the region of Konin and Adamów, lacustrine chalk from Bełchatów, as well as Mesozoic limestone from the lignite bedding in Bełchatów. The reasons for the unsatisfactory use of accompanying minerals have been given. The authors described the methods used in the mining operation and processing of associated minerals, also applicable in Poland, as the legal basis for the extraction of these minerals and the economic and financial conditions. They stressed the need to protect mined not associated minerals used by the construction of anthropogenic deposits. This activity primarily requires regulating the legal status of these deposits and the development and application of an economic and financial system that stimulates the economy of these minerals. In summary, the necessary actions were taken to increase the use of the accompanying minerals and their contribution to the balance of mineral resources in the country.

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Tadeusz Ratajczak
Ryszard Uberman
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This paper first describes basic information on 13 mineral resource strategy reports issued by the world’s major mineral resource exploration countries and regions, including Australia, Canada, Europe, the U.S., Russia, and India. Through these strategic reports, we identified the problems facing current mineral exploration and development, such as mining issues, increased on land access and permitting, disincentives to obtain precompetitive geoscience information, and the urgent need to improve exploration technology to adapt to new demands. Then, by studying the visions and aims of the new mineral resource strategies, this paper found that the strategic goals have something in common: to display a new image of mining development. The new image of mining development is an image of advanced mining through green development, ecological protection, technology intensity, sustainability, and social acceptance, consolidating the primary position and foundational role of mineral resources and mining development in economic and social development. The new image creates a favorable development environment for the rational use and adequate protection of mineral resources. After that, a summary of the measures taken to achieve these objectives, which include strengthening domestic mineral exploration, increasing coordination between mineral exploration and ecological environmental protection, strengthening the life cycle management of the industrial chain, playing a significant role in scientific and technological innovation, and paying close attention to significant shifts in the focus on critical minerals, is provided.
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1. AAS 2018. Our Planet, Australia’s Future A decade of transition in Geoscience. Canberra: Australian Academy of Science (AAS), 54 pp.
2. AG 2019a. Australia’s Critical Minerals Strategy[R]. Commonwealth of Australia.
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4. Bacon, A. and Pemberton, J. 2012. Mineral Exploration Code of Practice. Ed. 5. Hobart: Mineral Resources Tasmania, 21 pp.
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6. BGS 2015. Risk list 2015. Nottingham: British Geological Survey (BGS), 2 pp.
7. BLM 2017. Secretarial Order 3355, Streamlining National Environmental Policy Act Reviews and Implementation of Executive Order 13807. Establishing Discipline and Accountability in the Environmental Review and Permitting Process for Infrastructure Projects. Washington: the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM). 8. Cobalt Historical Society. The Cobalt Mining District National Historic Site of Canada. [Online] https://heritagesilvertrail. ca/10-00-hst.html [Accessed: 2020-11-15].
9. CSIRO 2017. Mining equipment, technology and services: a Roadmap for unlocking future growth opportunities for Australia. Canberra: Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), 32 pp.
10. DISER 2020. Resources and Energy Quarterly March 2020. Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resource of Australia (DISER), 11 pp.
11. DOC 2019. A Federal Strategy to Ensure Secure and Reliable Supplies of Critical Minerals. Washington: the U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC).
12. DOE 2019. Energy Department Announces Battery Recycling Prize and Battery Recycling R&D Center. Washington: the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).
13. DOI 2018. Final List of Critical Minerals 2018 (83 Fed. Reg. 23295). Washington: the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI).
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17. GWG 2017. Australia Minerals 2017–2022 National Mineral Exploration Strategy. Geoscience Working Group (GWG), 5 pp.
18. Hodgkinson, J.H. and Smith, M.H. 2018. Climate change and sustainability as drivers for the next mining and metals boom: The need for climate-smart mining and recycling. Resources Policy 172, pp. 274–286.
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27. NRC 2017. The Minerals and Metals Policy of the Government of Canada. Alberta: Natural Resources Canada (NRC), 9 pp.
28. NRC 2018. Mining Ideas for the Canadian Minerals and Metals Plan: A Discussion Paper. Alberta: Natural Resources Canada (NRC), 15 pp.
29. NRC 2019. The Canadian Minerals and Metals Plan. Alberta: Natural Resources Canada (NRC), 13 pp.
30. Resources 2030 Taskforce 2018. Australian resources-providing prosperity for future generations. Resources 2030 Taskforce, 42 pp.
31. Richard, S. 2016. A decade of discoveries A good – news story driven by junior explorers, guided by artisanal workings. Mining Journal. January, p. 20 .
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43. Yun, Y. 2020. Assessing the criticality of minerals used in emerging technologies in China. Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi – Mineral Resources Management 36, pp. 5–20, DOI: 10.24425/gsm.2020.132559.

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Yu Yun

  1. China Geological Survey Development and Research Center, China
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The importance and the role of minerals in the economy of a country or the world is highlighted by the use of the following terms: scarce mineral, critical mineral, and strategic mineral. The validity of the raw material in the economic processes and knowledge about the sources of its acquisition, access barriers, and the shaping of prices on the domestic and international market allow the development of an action strategy. The strategy must take into account the objective of the action, time horizon, the kind of the instruments that need to be used, and the scope of international cooperation. The importance of the raw material for the country is not only the volume of turnover and volume of production obtained thanks to its application. There are also historical, cultural and social reasons for its importance. The authors present arguments for another meaning of the term – mineral criticality. They also point out the linguistic differences between the term “criticality” in Polish and English. They propose to consider water, medicinal raw materials, some rock resources and amber as critical raw materials for various reasons.
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Krzysztof Szamałek
1 2
Karol Zglinicki
Sławomir Mazurek

  1. University of Warsaw, Faculty of Geology Warszawa, Poland
  2. Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute Warszawa, Poland
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This article investigates the possibilities of the recovery of raw materials at the Kraków–Płaszów municipal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). The materials include sand coming with raw sewage and delivered by septic tankers, after cleaning sewage systems. Following the Regulation of the Minister of Climate (January 2020), sand from grit chambers is classified in the waste catalog as waste, with the code of 19 08 02. (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 10). The purchase of very efficient units has optimized the grit chamber operation and minimized the amount of waste generated as well as being an odor nuisance. The paper presents a mass balance for sand collected at the WWTP. Due to the use of new sand separators, the amount of this waste has been reduced by 28%. The paper presents the sieve curves of sand collected at the wastewater treatment plant and during the cleaning of sewage wells, as well as for sand mixtures. The sand mixture was prepared to allow some variations in the grain size characteristics of the sand. The graining differentiation indexes and curvature indexes were calculated. In addition, in laboratory tests, the leachability of heavy metals and the content of dry matter (DM) and dry mineral matter (DMM) were determined. The laboratory tests confirmed the reduction of organic solids to a level below 3% of dry weight; the content of heavy metals remained below the level of detection. The experiments confirmed that sand from the WWTP can be used as fine-grained aggregate in the production of concrete.
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Justyna Górka
Dominika Poproch
2 3
Małgorzata Cimochowicz-Rybicka
Bartosz Łuszczek

  1. Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Energy, Cracow University of Technology, Kraków, Poland
  2. Doctoral School, Cracow University of Technology, Kraków, Poland
  3. Krakow Water, Kraków, Poland
  4. Kraków Water, Kraków, Poland
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The open-cast nature of deposit exploitation means that apart from the extraction of the main mineral, rocks are also found in its vicinity. Their nature, raw material quality and geological and mining conditions allow them to be used in various branches of the economy. Hence, it seems that more attention should now be given to these rocks. However, the long-term, open-cast mining operations involving Bełchatów lignite ultimately necessitated basic, raw-material-related research on the deposits accompanying the lignite as the main mineral. The presented work shows the state of the recognition of rocks lying in the Mesozoic–Neogene contact zone in the Bełchatów lignite deposit as well as their petrographic nature and possible directions of their use. Attention was drawn to the lithological diversity of the studied rocks and diagenetic processes that contributed to the impact on their physical and mechanical characteristics. Based on the analysis of the literature, the current state of utilization and development as well as the balance of accompanying rock resources in the Bełchatów lignite deposit are presented.

Today, it would seem very important from various economic points of view for utilization and management of the aforementioned rocks encountered as open-cast lignite mining to take place. Natural resources are protected where the area mined is kept in check, and there is economic significance to any increasing in the supply of minerals, or materials made from them. The level of profitability for economic entities that exploit lignite deposits may obviously be raised in this way, and environmental goals can also be served if some of what is extracted can be transformed into environment-friendly materials.

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Agnieszka Pękala
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In Poland, the mineral sector generates 110–130 million tons of wastes annually (in the last 20 years), and metal ore mining alone was responsible for 31.2 million tons of wastes in 2017. The slags deposited at the Polkowice were investigated. This waste may be a potential source of many valuable metals (Zn, Pb, Cu, Sb, Sn, Se). The tailings dump in Polkowice contains approximately 80,000 tons of slag. The material contains primary phases formed by pyrometallurgical processes and secondary phases, which are the result of transformation of primary components. The primary phases are represented by sulfides: sphalerite [ZnS]; wurtzite [(Zn,Fe)S]; pyrite [FeS2]; sulfates: beaverite-(Zn) [Pb(Fe3+ 2Zn)(SO4)2(OH)6]; palmierite [(K,Na)2Pb(SO4)2]; oxides and hydroxides: goethite [Fe3+O(OH)]; wüestite [FeO]; hematite [Fe2O3]; magnetite [Fe2+Fe3+ 2O4]; chromian spinel [Fe2+Cr3+ 2O4]; silicates: petedunnite [Ca(Zn,Mn2+,Mg,Fe2+)Si2O6]; quartz [SiO2]; and microcline [KAlSi3O8]. Additionally, SEM -BSE observations revealed that oxidized native metals (Cu, Pb, As) and metal alloys and semi-metals appear. The slag consists mainly of SiO2 (13.70–20.60 wt%), Fe2O3 (24.90–39.62 wt%) and subordinately of CaO (2.71–6.94 wt%) and MgO (1.34–4.68 wt%). High contents are formed by Zn (9.42–17.38 wt%), Pb (5.13–13.74 wt%) and Cu (1.29–2.88 wt%). The slag contains trace elements Mo (487.4–980.1 ppm), Ni (245.3–530.7 ppm), Sn (2380.0–4441.5 ppm), Sb (2462.8–4446.0 ppm), Se (168.0–293.0 ppm). High concentrations are formed by toxic elements, such as e.g. As (13 100–22 600 ppm) and Cd (190.5–893.1 ppm). It is estimated that the tailings dump has accumulated about 80,000 t of slag, which may contain about 10,000 t of Zn, about 6,700 t of Pb, and 1,500 t of Cu.
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Authors and Affiliations

Karol Zglinicki
Krzysztof Szamałek
Anna Czarnecka-Skwarek
Katarzyna Żyłka
2 1

  1. Polish Geological Institute – Polish Research Institute, Warszawa, Poland
  2. University of Warsaw, Warszawa, Poland
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This paper systematically analyzes the relevant influencing factors of the pricing power of advantageous mineral resources from the perspective of law and economics. It discusses the key factors that affect the pricing power of advantageous mineral resources in China from both macro and micro perspectives. And empirical analysis was conducted based on the structural equation model, using China’s lithium resources as an example to analyze the lithium related market data from 2012 to 2022 for the period of 10 years. The empirical results showed that policy support level PSI, gross domestic product GDP, international market share IMS, and supply and demand relationship index SDRI are key factors that affect the pricing power of advantageous mineral resources at the macro level, and have a significant impact on them, And it presents a positive impact. The supply and demand relationship SDRI, resource quality index RQI, mining cost index MCI, and market competition level MCL index are key factors that affect the pricing power of advantageous mineral resources at the micro level, and have a significant and positive impact on them. Moreover, macro influencing factors are greater than micro factors, which interact with each other and achieve reasonable development and utilization of resources through policy regulation, market mechanisms, and technological innovation, thereby affecting the pricing power of mineral resources. Therefore, in actual regulation, it is necessary to comprehensively consider multiple factors, adopt various means and strategies to improve the pricing power of mineral resources, ensure the sustainable development of resources and the sustained growth of the social economy.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jie Li
Xia Xu

  1. School of Law, Hunan University of Technology and Business
  2. School of Information Management, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, Nanchang, 330013, China
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An importance of secondary mineral raw materials sources for economy was demonstrated as well as sources of its acquirement were outlined. Various aspects of waste use in economy were discussed, underlining importance of waste removal for improvement of environment. A related legal framework in Poland and European Union was outlined. Results of already carried works in research and stocktaking of mineral waste accumulations in Poland were reminded. Legal procedures aiming at exploitation of mineral waste deposits formally defined and similar facilities falling outside definition of mineral waste deposits were discussed. It was evidenced that a gap in the legal framework exists, regarding particularity of waste acquirement from anthropogenic mineral deposits. Consequently, a need to require a preparation of equivalent of a resource report, feasibility study and a plan defining exploitation and conversion modes for material lifted from waste accumulations was demonstrated.
For the sake of a clear terminology applied it was recommended to incorporate terms of “anthropogenic mineral resources” and “anthropogenic mineral deposit” as an appropriate adjustment to the existing regulation. A need to intensify stocktaking efforts on mineral waste accumulations in Poland was emphasized. It was also suggested that its results should be recognized in the Balance of Mineral Resources and State Resource Policy.
In summary a recommended legal framework to regulate acquirement of mineral waste, recognizing particularities of such processes, was presented.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ryszard Uberman

  1. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland
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The assurance of future raw materials supply to the EU mineral industry has become, in recent years, one of the priority tasks of the EU Commission, geological surveys and several research centers. After many years of negligence, the problem of developing supply risk of many raw materials in Europe has been perceived, along with the menace to the EU economy competitiveness coming from dynamically developing countries such as China, India and others - basically of Asian origin. This has initiated a new mineral policy within the EU zone, referring mainly to non-fuels. One of the starting points for this activity has become the assessment of the EU mineral resources potential and identification of the raw materials that are critical for the harmonious and sustainable development and technological progress. The paper briefly presents the results of research work focused on the critical raw materials assessment, which were conducted by the Initiative for the Raw Materials Supply. Its core is the presentation of Polish mineral reserve base and its potential as a possible source of critical raw materials for the European Union. The criticality analysis was based on three categories, i.e.: economic consequences of the supply limitation, supply risk of reduction (fluctuation or disruption), and environmental risk referring to countries with weak environmental performance in order to protect the environment that jeopardize the supply of raw materials to the EU. For their quantitative assessment there were proposed three aggregated indices, while for the forecast purposes - 10-year period. The criticality ratio was determined for the 41 most important and most frequently used raw materials. On the grounds of the research made up to now, these raw materials were preliminary divided into three groups. As a critical to the EU economy, 14 raw materials of major economic importance were discriminated, i.e.: antimony, beryllium, cobalt, fluorite, gallium, germanium, graphite, indium, magnesium, niobium, PGM, rare earths, tantalum, and tungsten. They are characterized by high supply risk, which is mainly due to limited number of their sources - dominated by a few countries, in particular China. The risk of supply disruptions is boosted by low rate of utilization of secondary sources, and limited scale of substitution as well. The majority of the above-mentioned raw materials are crucial for the new technologies development. The remaining minerals arealso - though to a lesser extent - imperiled with a supply deficit. Despite they are also of economic importance, their indispensability for the advanced technologies development is relatively smaller. Taking into account the raw materials that are critical for the European Union economy, Poland cannot be considered as its resource base. The source of these raw materials are not only scarce in Poland, but also they are not produced, and their demand is now - and according to forecasts is going to be in the future - met by imports. However, the role of our country as a manufacturer of finished products from components of foreign origin is anticipated to increase. The raw materials in question are not considered exactly critical for Polish economy, as any industrial branch based upon their utilization has emerged so far. Therefore, they are of limited economic importance. Presumable utilization of very limited sources of above-mentioned critical raw materials in Poland could be anticipated in a perspective of at least 20 years. The most probable in this respect are the following: opening out the new Mo-W-Cu ore deposit Myszków, and the promotion of exploration works for similar deposits.

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Barbara Radwanek-Bąk
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China has been building an ecological compensation system to eliminate the contradiction between economic development and ecological protection. Aiming at conflicts of interest in the implementation of an ecological compensation policy for China’s mineral resource development, this study established a tripartite evolutionary game model to simulate the ecological compensation scenario and determined the evolutionary stable strategy (ESS) under different scenarios; it uses numerical simulation to analyse the strategy evolution process of stakeholders and the influence of parameter changes on each strategy. The results show that there is an optimal ESS for ecological compensation for mineral resource development, which condition is C1 < Ti + F1, P < F2, C2 < R1 + R2. The initial cooperation intentions of stakeholders directly affected the final stable state. Local governments are most affected by the input cost, and mining enterprises are most affected by the supervision of the central government. Punishment can effectively restrain the behavior of local governments and mining enterprises and promote the implementation of ecological compensation systems. In addition, the higher supervision cost of the central government, the longer time it will take for the stakeholders to reach the stable state. Finally, reducing the payment amount for ecological compensation will not affect the trend in environmental improvement; in contrast, it is conducive to the preservation of enterprises’ strength, economic development and ecological environment protection. The main findings of this study can help secure coordinate between the stakeholders in conflict and jointly formulate appropriate ecological compensation policy.
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Yiqiao Wang
Yongtao Gao
Guoqing Li
Yu Zhou
Jianhui Li

  1. School of Civil and Resource Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, China
  2. Department of Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology, China
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Dealing with risk and addressing risk consequences constitute indispensable and specific elements of every business activity. The aim of this paper has been to assess the level of risk connected with the process of exploitation of hard coal deposits used for the production of coke in Poland, that is why a methodology has been developed which takes into account the impact of significant risk factors resulting from both geological and mining conditions upon unit cost of coal mining. This methodology constitutes a comprehensive approach to sustainable management of hard coal resources. The key source of information pertaining to exploitation risk factors is the digital geological model of hard coal deposit which has been developed. It comprises a structural model as well as a quality model of the basic quality parameters of coal. Structural models and coal quality models have been developed on the basis of litho-stratigraphic profiles from geological exploratory boreholes and underground observations (boreholes drilled from underground workings and their profiling). The structural grid model also contains information on tectonic disturbances (faults) or sedimentation disturbances (intercalations, wash-outs, and the like). The digital model was used as the basis for devising time schedules of development and preparatory works, as well as coal extraction proper. Historical results of mining and economic data from 81 longwalls mined in the years 2016–2022 have been used for the purpose of analysis of the impact of risk factors on unit operating costs. The analysis comprised a total of 23 criteria which influence the costs of mining. From that group, 10 risk factors have been selected by means of statistical analysis using segmented regression, these factors have been utilized to make an assessment of the forecast concerning risk factor level for zones of the deposit meant for mining until the year 2035. The risk factors taken into account were those which are due to natural hazards, geological structure of the deposit (coal seam) and technical limitations. Risk factor (RF) indicator has been developed, for its construction the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP ) has been used. The value of RF, which expresses the aggregated form of variability concerning individual factors pertaining to geology and mining, has been used to determine the adjusted own risk assessment when estimating the economic efficiency of the coking coal deposit for 8 exploitation zones with the use of discounted cash flow method. The assessed average value of RF for the entire deposit amounted to 0.29. The lowest level of RF was noted in case of zone W (RF = 0.17), whereas the highest value of risk occurs in zone PN (RF = 0.64). The values of RF were used to calculate the rate of discount as consolidated measure of own risk, when assessing investment projects in mining. For zone W with the lowest risk of mining the discount rate amounts to 8.34%, whereas in case of zone PN which has the highest risk level, it amounts to 15.02%. Assessing the level of mining risk provides the possibility to optimize the cost of mining, and may be utilized for making decisions concerning the sequence and time of mining from particular zones of the deposit.
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Authors and Affiliations

Eugeniusz Jacek Sobczyk
Jarosław Kulpa
Michał Kopacz
Marcin Sałamaga
Wiktoria Sobczyk

  1. Mineral Energy and Economy Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland
  2. Cracow University of Economics, Kraków, Poland
  3. Faculty of Energy and Fuels, AGH University of Krakow, Poland
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A systematic increase in the demand for mineral raw materials combined with the difficulty of obtaining them from primary sources, made it necessary to use secondary ones including mineral waste. The effectiveness of the management of mineral waste stored in landfills and from current production depends on many factors. The most important ones include the legal regulations of this activity and the technical and organizational determinants of deposit exploitation, processing, and refining of minerals.
The paper analyzes the current waste (including mining waste) management regulations. The technological discrepancies in these regulations, as well as missing or inaccurate classifications, were demonstrated. The interchangeable use of notions: mining/mine and extractive/extraction is a primary source of problems. It also has to be noted that accompanying and joint minerals are not defined in appropriate legislation. Attention was also paid to the omission of important issues in these regulations, e.g. product structure, construction of anthropogenic deposits, etc. It was emphasized and demonstrated with examples that the comprehensive and rational exploitation of mineral deposits, combined with processing and refining of mineral raw materials is an effective way of using mineral waste. The obtained results allowed for formulating proposals regarding legal provisions regulating waste management and the recommendation of technical and organizational solutions for the activities of mining, processing, and refining of mineral raw materials.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ryszard Uberman

  1. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland
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The protection of copper and silver ore resources in the Polish Lubuskie Province requires certain steps to be taken, the suggestions for which are presented in this article. It addresses both known and newly discovered ore deposits, as well as prospective areas and places of ongoing exploration, which throughout the paper are collectively recognized as potential Cu-Ag mining areas. The example of Lubuskie Province was chosen as an exceptional region with multiple known areas of copper and silver ore potential, but no active mining operations until now. The study focuses on the nature and location of all potential mining areas in Lubuskie Province, and subsequently suggests the means of their protection which can be implemented today, as well as in the future. Such means should be introduced by way of new or amended legal regulations. Certain major changes to Polish law are necessary to provide sufficient protection of both currently known, as well as possible future deposits, against such use of land which would prevent the extraction of their resources. The study shows that the legal regulations effective in Poland today are insufficient or too vague, as they do not include any provisions concerning prospective resources, as well as areas of active mineral exploration, instead focusing solely on officially registered mineral deposits. Therefore, the proposals of new solutions providing better protection of all potential Cu-Ag mining areas are presented in this article.
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Authors and Affiliations

Krzysztof Zieliński
Stanisław Speczik
2 1
Tomasz Bieńko
2 1
Alicja Pietrzela
2 1

  1. Miedzi Copper Corporation, Warszawa, Poland
  2. University of Warsaw

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