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The leading purpose of this paper is to provide an answer to the question whether Karl Marx belongs to philosophy and history of philosophy, and whether placing him in these categories gives a fair picture of what he really intended to achieve. When analyzing Marx’s thought, one should remember that is his own eyes he was not a philosopher but a researcher who goes beyond the horizon of philosophy in order to undertake scientific and not ideological work aimed at organizing political battles of that time. Of course, what a particular thinker believes of himself cannot be an ultimate criterion for interpreting his/her academic output. The doubts are augmented when we consult Leszek Kołakowski’s Main Currents of Marxism – a book that is based on the assumption that “Karl Marx was a German philosopher”, and this starting point supports the critique of Marx’s thought. The problem arises from the fact that Leszek Kołakowski, who was a post-Marxist, despises science and philosophy, and sees myth as the basis of thought dynamics. Thus the question of the adequacy of his presentation of Marx aris es and strengthens the suspicion that Kołakowski did not present the real Marx’s philosophy but rather a myth of Marx’s theory centered on the idea of making people happy against their will and nature.

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Andrzej Ciążela
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W artykule analizuje się oraz interpretuje mit Seneki-Hiszpana oraz kwestię wpływu stoicyzmu na hiszpańską filozofię, literaturę oraz kulturę. Autorka zaczyna od wskazania źródeł, które ujmują Senekę jako pierwszego filozofa hiszpańskiego, następnie ukazuje elementy stoickie w hiszpańskiej literaturze na przestrzeni dziejów. Ostatnią część tekstu stanowi analiza roli Seneki w rozwoju filozofii XX-wiecznej pisarki i myślicielki Maríi Zambrano oraz kontekstu społeczno-politycznego jej twórczości. To w głównej mierze bowiem Zambrano przyczyniła się do umocnienia mitu o Senece-Hiszpanie oraz o stoickości Hiszpanii.

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Kamila Kruszyńska
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This article is a review of the book edited by Krzysztof Brzechczyn and Marek Nowak, On the Revolution. Pictures of the Radical Social Change, Poznań 2007.
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Lidia Godek
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The action of Vladimir Khotinenko’s 1612 (2007) takes place in Time of Troubles (1605-1613). Polish hetman’s love affair with Tsarevna is shown in the context of the fi ght for power. Various genre patterns, among others the melodrama code. The historical myths serving the contemporary national propaganda. 1612 allows us to see how Russians use the pop culture to create the myths combining the history with the contemporary political needs.
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Grażyna Stachówna
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The most prevalent popular and critical images of Bruno Schulz present a Polish-Jewish writer and artist who turned away from politics and history in his creative work only to be devoured by the most violent political and historical forces in his life. This article attempts to reinsert Schulz’s writings into the social and political history of his day and age, focusing on an interpretation of his novella Spring (Wiosna). It argues that Schulz viewed the meaning and progression of history and politics in mythical terms. Accordingly, his stories contain ironic mythologizations of social, political and historical events. In Spring, Schulz captures, or rather constructs, the mythological essence of the disintegration of the Habsburg Empire, producing his own imaginative and contradictory commentary on the history of his native region during his own lifetime.
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Stanley Bill
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This is a comparative analysis of the key ideas regarding nation-building in the writ-ings of Adam Mickiewicz and Patrick Pearse, who have gone down to history as icons of the Polish and Irish national revival. In the case of Mickiewicz the article focuses on Dziady – Część III (Forefathers’ Eve – Part III), Konrad Wallenrod, Księgi narodu polskiego i pielgrzymstwa polskiego (Books of the Polish Nation and Poland’s Pilgrimage); the Irish materials include Pearce’s dramas The King and The Singer as well as Theobald Wolfe Tone’s ‘Speech from the Dock’. A trope common to all of them is the concept of ‘a beauti-ful, awesome voice’ / ‘a traitorous song’: literature as a mighty force that can create a community dedicated to the national cause. A comparison of passages that articulate the messianic idea indicates that, though understood by either writer in his own way, they both envision it as a catalyst turning nation-building literature into an apotheosis of martyrdom and death – a process which could be described as axiological metabolism. The article also examines the paradoxes of the projections of the myth of national unity in the work of both writers, especially in Mickiewicz’s Pan Tadeusz and Pearse’s short story ‘In My Garden’.
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Dobromiła Księska

  1. Szkoła Doktorska Nauk Humanistycznych UJ
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In the paper, I present the views of Alina Motycka, a Polish philosopher of science who died in 2018. I place Motycka’s scholar activity in a historical context, relative to two traditions of the philosophy of science—its historical version signed by Thomas Kuhn, and the tradition of logical reconstruction of science which in the second half of the twentieth century was revived by the thought of Karl Popper. I believe that this historical situation forms the context in which Motycka shaped her view of the philosophy of science and, because of such a particular context, she has participated in it with her own problematizations. So, what constitutes the originality of her way? Two issues come to the fore here. The first is the reconstruction of the fundamental problem of the philosophy of science, which, according to Motycka, is the question of confronting two scientific theories, of which the earlier (T1) is replaced by a later and competitive one (T2). Motycka shows the inability of the epistemology of the second half of the 20th century to adequately capture this relationship. The reason for this is the lack of intellectual means to problematize the situation T1–T2. The second area of the author's interest is the issue of creativity in science. She was inspired by the theories of Carl G. Jung. In this context, it is of interest to use the philosophy of science of terms such as archetype and myth.

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Paweł Bytniewski
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Andrzej Walicki’s book: O Rosji inaczej („On Russia in a different way”, 2019) is a crucial item for the Polish reader, because it treats significant issues in Polish and Russian history, as exemplified by ideology based on philosophy and other pivotal issues of contemporary times. Walicki was a prominent expert on Russian thought and on important phenomena of Russian culture. He was well prepared to raise important questions and offer competent new answers. In his book, Walicki focused primarily on modernism which had influenced the development of socialist thought and on the philosophy of the opposition at the so‑called golden age. The main intention of this paper is to make certain additions to the assessment of these phenomena by the Russian Orthodox thought, and especially by those who sustain the position of the conservative Orthodox Church, regardless of the historical moment of its formulation. Modernism stands in opposition to Orthodox dogmatics, anthropology, ecclesiology and patristics. It has its roots in Byzantine Renaissance that migrated to Italy after the fall of Constantinople. Modernism constitutes an important paradigm of post‑medieval culture. It is active in Western culture and influences Russian culture as well. Obviously, Russian culture is attached to the Orthodox Church in a special way, as the Church constitutes a specific genotype of that culture. Modernist influences that are rooted in this specific soil bring forth completely different upshots in Russia from those that emerge in the West. Essential examples of this phenomenon are absolutism, imperialism or Marxist socialism in their Western and Russian versions. These phenomena concern primarily political matters but they clearly show that the ideals of modernism in Russia assume a religious character. However, they were not inherently religious, and should rather be placed in the sphere of myths.
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Hanna Kowalska‑Stus

  1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Instytut Rosji i Europy Wschodniej, ul. W. Reymonta 4, 30‑059 Kraków
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The text presents the achievements of Wiesław Juszczak, who died in 2021, as a challenge that has not yet been taken up by the humanities. The reason for this may be the multiformity and thematic richness of his texts, almost always essayistic in nature (in the best, traditional sense), with an outstanding literary dimension, but at the same time a deep and broad scientific background. This applies to both his books on Polish painting around 1900, works on post-impressionists, as well as analyzes of archaic Greek thought about art, religious roots of art from various cultures, unconventional interpretations of Japanese films or Ingmar Bergman’s oeuvre.
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Andrzej Pieńkos

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski
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Jalu Kurek, a prominent member of the Cracow avant-garde, is the author of several novels. This article discusses the undeservedly neglected S.O.S., published in 1927, and suggests that its weird plotting and literary mockery is in fact an apocalyptic narrative. It has a place, it is argued, in the 'catastrophist' trends which were on the rise in the Polish literature of the late 1920s and 1930s. It should be read in the context of a growing sense of decline and crisis of European society, which, on the one hand, drew on the cultural pessimism of the turn of the 19th century, and, on the other hand, was a reaction against the wave of modernization that was sweeping the world. As this analysis shows, Jalu Kurek's S.O.S. is deeply ambivalent about the onslaught of modernity.
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Iwona Boruszkowska

  1. Wydział Polonistyki Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Kraków
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In this close reading of the poem ‘Z La Manczy’ ( From La Mancha) by Jan Lechoń, written and published in exile in 1953, its historical and political contexts are examined in the light of the poet’s diaries. Lechoń, it seems, thought much of Charles de Gaulle and gave him, cast as a latter-day Quixote on horseback, a prominent place in the poem. This article explains and analyses the role of each of the historical and fictional characters (Don Quixote and Sancho Pansa, Joan d’Arc, the French kings and Napoleon) in the mythical structure of the poem and, last not least, addresses the issue of representing historical processes, politics and politicians in poetry.
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Olga Płaszczewska

  1. Wydział Polonistyki Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Kraków

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