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Belarus is a typical borderline country featuring multi-ethnicity, including various cultures, denominations and languages co-existing one near the other. Current socio-linguistic situation in Belarus may be defined as socially conditioned diglossia. Russian is the language of the governing elites, all-level education, popular culture and mass-media. Urban inhabitants speak almost entirely Russian, and the majority of village inhabitants speak Belarusian dialects. When, during Lukaszenka’s rule, Belarusian language fell once again in disgrace, it once again became a symbol of national revival and a fighting tool of opposition. Representatives of democratic elites speak Belarusian, but only when they hold informal meetings or political events. Based on biographic interviews held with the representatives of the Belarusian intelligentsia in Belarus, the Author has revealed a process of the narrators’ discovering an importance of a mother tongue as a sign of national identity. The process of realizing the importance of the Belarusian language in the life of an individual, as well as ethnic community, as well as a process of conscious learning of the language is, for contemporary Belarusians, one of the stages of shaping national identity. Learning the language is followed by participating in Belarusian symbolic culture and remembering history and reviving common memory, which finally leads to conscious identity with a mother land in a symbolic sense, which is broader than purely territorial reference.

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Natalia Mamul
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The subject of the article are personal names of the Ukrainian population living in the former Chełm land, presented within the context of historical and cultural and religious conditions, as determinants of national identity. Language, in addition to tradition, a sense of religious, historical and territorial community and national consciousness, being one of its basic elements. Shown is the relationship between certain types of anthroponyms and their linguistic structure together with their ethnic and social origin and, to some extent, the system of values professed. Attention has also been paid to the phenomenon of the infiltration of Polish features present in the anthroponymy of the inhabitants of the area in question.

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Irena Mytnik
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The article presents two dimensions of the relationship between cinema and Polish independence. The first part was devoted to the situation of Polish cinema after 1918. I describe the film market, the political situation, relationship between the state and cinematography, films that were then created and their impact on national identity. Then I focus on films in which independence has become a movie theme. I divide them into three periods: until 1939, the People's Republic of Poland and after 1989. I draw attention to their political and historical contexts, functions and film form, and I discuss the meaning and interpretation of each films.

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Piotr Zwierzchowski
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The research task of the essay is to answer the question of what is the face of the nation in the ethnic enclaves situated at the peripheries of national states. The subject of the analyses is the local population of the village Jaworzynka. In 1922, the settlement Herczawa was founded as a local unit independent from Jaworzynka. Since then Herczawa began to belong to Czechoslovakia. The state-owned status of Jaworzynka, which started to be a part of the Republic of Poland, was recognized after the World War I. The author takes into account the longue durre of folk and national culture generated in the Silesian Beskidy in the second half of the 18th century. The national culture is the main term applied to the investigations of the borderland regions. According to the ethno-symbolic approaches (Anthony D. Smith) and culturalism methods in sociology (Antonina Kłoskowska), the author analyses in his research: 1) language, 2) religion, 3) folkways and mores 4) arts, 5) local knowledge and literature. These elements delineate the sphere of symbolic culture. Based on the common folk culture, two national cultures have been formed nowadays – the Polish and Czech ones. Both Polish and Czech Census Bureau data and objective elements of national culture discussed in the essay indicate the process of national revival. The local people of Jaworzynka identify themselves as Poles and the population of Herczawa define themselves as Czechs. The content and the form of the local culture are visible in Jaworzyna, but they seem to be latent or diminishing in Herczawa.

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Piotr Wróblewski
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The paper outlines the methodological issues connected to national statistics, their cartographical representations, and the methods of conducting censuses. During the Paris Peace Conference representatives of new Central- and Eastern European states vehemently criticized the ethnic statistics developed by the empires, mostly Russian and Austro-Hungarian. The censuses, conducted in these new states in early 1920s, were criticized along similar lines by the minorities. Among the most vociferous critics were German geographers. Pointing out to the results of the plebiscites in Silesia, Carinthia and other regions they argued, that national identity did not have to correspond to the mother tongue, and census authorities should have taken it into account. Paradoxically, they considered this point valid only to the Central and Eastern Europe, not Western Europe. In the final part of the paper the position of geographers and statisticians in post-war debates are confronted with information on the behaviour of respondents during the censuses in Poland and Czechoslovakia.

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Maciej Górny
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Group identity is both a fundamental issue for social psychology and one of the key explanations of intergroup hostility. In this paper, on the basis of a nationwide survey ( N = 1016), we compare the strength of Poles’ identification with nation, place of residence, occupation and gender, while presenting regional variations in these identifications in Poland. In doing so, we analyze the relationship between acceptance of minority groups and these identifications. We also test whether the three components of national identity: the strength of ties, the ingroup affect, and the cognitive centrality are indeed, as suggested in previous studies, beneficial aspects of identity that have a positive relationship with attitudes toward out-groups. The findings we obtained, among other things, allowed us to look at identification with groups as more complex than was assumed during previous research. Different contents of identification, as well as different components of national identity, are differently associated with acceptance of outgroups. Particular attention is paid to broad, umbrella identifications that have positive associations with acceptance of minorities.
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Dominik Puchała
Michał Bilewicz

  1. Wydział Psychologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
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The article presents the problem of shaping national identity out of individual ethnic identity in the light of Mieczysław Wallis’ intellectual biography. As a representative of the second generation of the Lvov‑Warsaw school, he belonged to the group of several 20th‑century Polish humanists of the Jewish extraction. This condition left an indelible mark in his intellectual biography. Being aware of his ethnic background, he struggled for many years against the stigma of anti‑Semitism (in the form of social depreciation and racial categorization), yet he remained strongly attached to his Polish identity. He confirmed his resolution in everyday attitudes and in his writing. Repeatedly giving proof of his civic and patriotic attitudes, he fought for the survival of the Polish identity in the duties of the soldier, and continued to perform his cultural and educational activities during his internment as a prisoner‑of‑war for the period of several years. Then, after the war, he engulfed himself in academic activity in Poland, and constructed a specific program of aestheticization of reality, intended as a form of intellectual opposition to the manifestations of abhorrent ethnic discrimination culminating in disastrous dehumanizing effects. Following the indications contained in the archivized notes on and by Wallis, the author attempts to select, analyze and interpret these biographical clues, and she highlights the philosopher’s statements that reveal his personal experiences, reflections and views relating to the issue of national affiliation and identity. They inspire hope for finding out which factors were decisive in influencing Wallis’ life and intellectual interests.
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Joanna Zegzuła-Nowak

  1. Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Instytut Filozofii, Al. Wojska Polskiego 71A, 65‑762 Zielona Góra
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The subject of the article is the specific nature of historical narration in digital media (YouTube). Both the media where the Polish state is the channel owner and ones belonging to individual political parties and fractions are being studied. The relationship between the narration and national identity is analyzed. The question under discussion is to what extent national identity is a phenomenon ingrained in the ethnic and historical peculiarities of a given society. The authors contrasts the primordialist concept with Ernest Gellner’s modernist concept. In the second part the authors refer to the discussion about the significance of historical narration for the formation of identity: if historical narration is just an accidental component of identity formation processes or rather a fundamental one.
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Dawid Gralik
Adrian Trzoss
Wiktor Werner

  1. Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań
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At the turn of the 20th century, the January Uprising of 1863 was one of the focal points of Polish collective memory, shared by the Polish communities abroad. Their press marked the subsequent anniversaries of the Uprising with due solemnity, highlighting its importance for the history of the nation and seeking to engage its readers in a common show of respect. Editors of the Polish-language newspapers in the USA followed the same line, using the commemoration as a means to consolidate the unity of the Polish-American community.
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Krzysztof Wasilewski

  1. Wydział Humanistyczny, Politechnika Koszalińska, ul. Kwiatkowskiego 6e, PL 75-343 Koszalin
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The problem of Hungarian identity is one of the themes of Stanisław Vincenz’s essays written at the time of the Second World War. Inspired by Wincenty Pol’s thinking about relationship between the sense of geographical place and literature, he decided to explore the ‘general impact of landscape’ and in particular identify the place that would convey the essence of ‘Hungarianness’. The article looks at various aspects of this problem in Vincenz’s essay ‘Landscape – the background of history’ in the context of his other essays in which the idea of place is discussed. In effect, the article lays down a theoretical formula of indeterminate spots in modern literature. The indeterminate spot possesses six constitutive features: changeability and transmutability; fuzzy borders; shifty positioning between utopia and atopia; great semantic potential; the experience of place is involved in irreducible inconsistencies but rests on a solid ideological foundation.

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Andrzej Niewiadomski
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The article examines Leopold Tyrmand's attitude towards the Poles and Polishness on the basis of, primarily, his journalism, interviews and correspondence. It picks up a broad range of themes, among them, the reasons of Tyrmand's leaving Poland in 1965, his relations with other exiles and expatriates, in particular the Polish community in the United States, his opinions on the virtues and vices of the Polish national character, his attitude towards the Polish language, his decision to write in English and his search for national identity. The article argues that Tyrmand's views on Poland and things Polish kept changing and this evolution was closely connected with various phases of his life. While acknowledging the heterogeneity of Tyrmand's sense of identity, the conclusion notes that the dominant element of his self-awareness was a sense of belonging to the Polish nation.

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Piotr Jaszczak

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