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The aim of the paper is to identify which factors influence the production of crude oil in Africa and what it means for the investments in oil production on this continent in the future. In order to identify these factors it is necessary to create a function of production. A number of variables have been chosen, which are likely to have an influence on the level of exploitation, such as the price of oil, oil consumption in Africa, oil import by the US, etc. The estimation of the function was based on the statistical analysis of empirical data. For the years 1980–2015 the linear regression model was estimated using the method of ordinary least squares (OLS) and econometric software – GRETL. In order to find the best model the academic research on the global oil market has been taken into account and a variety of statistical and econometric tests have been made. According to the literature on the subject, the production of crude oil in Africa is mostly affected by two players – Europe and the US. The first includes the member states of the OPEC. There are also countries of West Africa which in the past exported most of their production to the US. The model shows that the situation has changed after the “shale revolution”, which reduced the level of imported oil and consequently the level of African production. Moreover, an interesting trend has been noticed, namely that when oil prices go up, the oil production in Africa decreases. The reason for this phenomenon is that high oil prices make American shale plays more profitable than West African petroleum basins. The model aggregating macroeconomic indicators and statistics is a very useful management tool and it reveals the problems of the efficiency of investments in oil production in Africa.
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Wojciech Labuda
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In this study, rubber seed/shea butter oil was used to formulate core oil. The formulated core oil was characterised. D-optimal mixture design was used for multi response optimisation of the functional properties of rubber seed-shea butter coil oil. Desirable values for some responses might be obtained from a factor combination while for others responses not so desirable values. Through multiple response optimisations, a factor setting that gives the desirable values for all responses was obtained. The selected optimum mixture setting for the formulated core oil is 65.937% Rubber seed and 34.063% Shea butter oil at desirability of 0.924. Under the optimum condition the functional properties of the core oil was found to be 39.57KN/M2, 626.85KN/M2, 36.63KN/M2, 593.906KN/M2, 412.605 and 167.309s for Green Compressive Strength, Dry Compressive Strength, Green Tensile Strength, Dry Tensile Strength, Permeability and Collapsibility respectively. The optimum conditions were validated with less than 0.2% error. The functional properties of the formulated core oil was compared to the functional properties of linseed core oil. It was found that rubber seed-shea butter core oil can be used for producing cores suitable for Aluminium casting.

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O.S. Onyekwere
C. Odiakaose
K.A. Uyanga
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Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are one group of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) that are of international concern because of global distribution, persistence, and toxicity. Removal of these compounds from the environment remains a very difficult challenge because the compounds are highly hydrophobic and have very low solubility in water. A 900 W domestic microwave oven, pyrex vessel reactor, pyrex tube connector and condensing system were used in this experiment. Radiation was discontinuous and ray powers were 540, 720 and 900 W. The PCBS were analyzed by GC-ECD. The application of microwave radiation and H2O2/TiO2 agents for the degradation of polychlorinated biphenyl contaminated oil was explored in this study. PCB – contaminated oil was treated in a pyrex reactor by microwave irradiation at 2450 MHz with the addition of H2O2/TiO2. A novel grain TiO2 (GT01) was used. The determination of PCB residues in oil by gas chromatography (GC) revealed that rates of PCB decomposition were highly dependent on microwave power, exposure time, ratio to solvent with transformer oil in 3:1, the optimal amount of GT01 (0.2 g) and 0.116 mol of H2O2 were used in the study. It was suggested that microwave irradiation with the assistance of H2O2/TiO2 might be a potential technology for the degradation of PCB – contaminated oil. The experiments show that MW irradiation, H2O2 oxidant and TiO2 catalyst lead to a degradation efficiency of PCBs only in the presence of ethanol. The results showed that the addition of ethanol significantly enhanced degradation efficiency of PCBs.

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Reza Tajik
Hasan Asilian Mohabadi
Ali Khavanin
Ahmad Jonidi Jafari
Babak Eshrati
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Heavy metal contamination often accompanies pollution with petroleum oil derivatives. Metal ions may considerably affect the process of hydrocarbon biodegradation. The results obtained for bacterial strains Gordon ia a/kanivorans S7 and Pseudom on as fluorescens SL3 indicated the limitation of cell growth and reduced ability of degradation of petroleum oil hydrocarbons in the presence ferric ions in the range of 15-100 mg Fe/dm3. However, the addition of these ions in the range of 1-7 mg Fe/dm3 might appear to be advantageous for biodegradation process. Supplementation with ferric ions in the range of 50-100 mg Fe/dm' decreases emulsifying activity of tested strains. The excess of these ions is accumulated in the bacterial cells.
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Ewa Kwapisz
Aneta Piątkowska
Małgorzata Piotrowicz-Wasiak
Jacek Polak
Stanisław Bielecki
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It seems that essential oils can be a good ingredient in effective preparations against Dermanyssus gallinae. Dermanyssus affects animal health leading to financial losses and bird welfare issues. Collected mites were treated with various essential oils in four (20, 50, 80 and 100%) concentrations at a dose of 0.28 mg/cm2. The direct toxicity of the essential oils, mineral oil and spinosad to D. gallinae was tested in the laboratory. Eucalyptus oil was the most toxic essential oil in all concentrations to D. gallinae (87.6 - 97.6% mortality at all four concentrations), while geranium, pine and rosemary oils showed mortality rates of 14.2 - 68.2%. High mortality after 48 hours of contact was also recorded for the oil of cloves at 80% dilution (85.1% mortality), lavender 100% (94.2% mortality). Similarly, the thyme essential oil produced 83.5 - 93.2% mortality in three concentrations: 50, 80 and 100%. The mineral oil was the least effective oil against mites. Spinosad showed high effectiveness against D. gallinae.
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Authors and Affiliations

M. Roczeń-Karczmarz
M. Demkowska-Kutrzepa
J. Zdybel
K. Szczepaniak
M. Studzińska
K. Tomczuk

  1. Department of Parasitology and Invasive Diseases, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Life Sciences, Akademicka 12, 20-033 Lublin, Poland
  2. Department of Parasitology and Invasive Diseases, National Veterinary Research Institute in Puławy, Al. Partyzantów 57, 24-100, Puławy, Poland
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The article deals with the possibilities of regenerating operating fluids, assessing the composition of new, used, and regenerated oils by evaluating their toxicity and proposing the environmentally friendly regeneration method. The focus lies on two methods of regeneration of waste operating fluids: distillation and electrostatic cleaning. Oil samples, regenerated through these methods, were analyzed using gas chromatography with mass detection. The variance in composition among new, used, and regenerated oils depends on the method of regeneration. Properties of hydrocarbons exhibiting ecotoxic, mutagenic, teratogenic, carcinogenic, and other effects were identified using safety data sheets and databases like Pubchem, ChemicalBook. Analyzing HLP 46 oil (samples of new, unused, used and regenerated oil) revealed that the most toxic hydrocarbons (acetane, heptacosane, nonacosane) were absent after regeneration through electrostatic cleaning. Comparing the composition of operating fluids before and after regeneration, it was established that the most environmentally favorable regeneration method is electrostatic cleaning, which maintains the original properties of the operating fluids intended for use. Operating fluids regenerated via electrostatic cleaning contain fewer toxic hydrocarbons, making them more favorable concerning human health and the environment.
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Authors and Affiliations

Helena Hybská
Eszter Turčániová
Martin Krempa
Pavel Timár
Ladislav Štibrányi
Tamás Rétfalvi
Martina Mordáčová

  1. Department of Environmental Engineering, Technical University in Zvolen, Slovakia
  2. Hireco Fluid s.r.o., Bytča, Slovakia
  3. Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, Slovakia
  4. Department of Organic Chemistry, Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, Slovakia
  5. Institute of Environment and Nature Protection, University of Sopron, Sopron, Hungary
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The aim of the work was to estimate the influence of plants mycorrhizas on the number of hydrocarbons degrading bacteria, saprophytic bacteria and molds fungi during the remediation of the soil samples contaminated with used engine oil. The investigation were carried out in laboratory conditions. Nine modifications of the soil substrate were prepared and divided into three groups: the first one - without used engine oil; the second one - with 10% (w/w) of used engine oil; the third one - with 25% (w/w) of used oil. In each group one sample was sown with ribwort, one was inoculated with living spores of mycorrhizal fungi and sown with ribwort, and the third one was left without plants and mycorrhizal fungi. The sample of the uncontaminated soil was the control. The investigation showed a significant effect of used engine oil, the presence of ribwort and mycorrhizal fungi on the number of soil microorganisms. The increase of the number of hydrocarbons degrading bacteria, in respect to the control sample was observed in the used engine oil contaminated samples. The seeding of soil samples with plants and additional inoculation with spores of mycorrhizal fungi stimulated the increase of the number of microorganisms in the all studied groups.

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Anna Małachowska-Jutsz
Joanna Rudek
Weronika Janosz
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A verification study of ultrasound transmission numerical simulation results with experiment results is presented in this paper. The work considers a model of a transformer tank which is filled with electro insulating oil. In the experiment, performed under laboratory conditions, an ultrasound wave is generated by a piezoelectric transducer that is fixed in the centre of the tank and measured by another transducer mounted inside the tank at three distances: 10, 20 and 30 cm from the sound source. The transducer is able to measure and generate acoustic waves in the ultrasound frequency band up to 1 MHz. The simulation considers numerical calculation of acoustic pressure distribution inside the tank in which acoustic source emits waves with frequency equal to 100 kHz. Verification analysis has confirmed consistency of the numerically calculated values with the measurement results.

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Andrzej Cichoń
Daria Wotzka
Tomasz Boczar
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The aim of the study was to determine the impact of various methods of oil mixing with wastewater on

properties of synthetic municipal wastewater containing edible oil (SMW+0.02% m/v rapeseed oil). The study was

carried out in 3L glass, cylindrical reactors to which SMW+0.02% were introduced. Various methods of its mixing

with water were applied: mechanical mixing (SMW+0.02%+mixing) and sonication (SMW+0.02%+ultrasounds).

The wastewater was sonicated at 35 kHz for 30 min. The constant temperature conditions were maintained during

the experiment for each mixing method (15°C, 20°C and 30°C). The analysis of parameters (pH, COD, BOD5


long chain free fatty acids concentration) of raw wastewater and after 2, 4, 6, 24, 48 and 72 hours of inoculation

was performed to determine the effect of mixing method.

The most signifi cant changes in wastewater chemical parameters after the introduction of the oil were observed

in the case of COD. For SMW+0.02%+ mixing a slow increase in COD within 24 hours of the process was observed.

In the case of SMW+0.02%+ultrasounds the increase and the decrease of COD value were observed in reference

to the initial value. The changes in acids concentrations observed in reactors with SMW+0.02%+ultrasounds were

referred to the ones observed in reactors with SMW+0.02%+mixing but changes were more intense in the fi rst

reactor. The use of ultrasounds in pre-treatment of wastewater resulted in the intense appearance of palmitic acid

for 6 hours. Regardless of the emulsion formation method (mixing or ultrasounds), the concentration of oleic acid

and linoleic acid was reduced. The biggest changes in free fatty acids concentration were observed for palmitic,

oleic and linoleic acids after 24 hours.

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Ewa Łobos-Moysa
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In the paper, the authors investigate the assumptions concerning checking calculations of a sliding bearing with a floating ring. The adiabatic model of the bearing is used for the calculations. Particular design stages are depicted in the form of a structural chart. The proper work conditions of the bearing are formulated and discussed. For the presented calculation example, the authors have determined the area of feasible solutions. In the conclusion, the authors formulate suggestions that might be useful for the designers who deal with these types of bearings.

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Aleksander Mazurkow
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In the early 21st century, the USD 64,000 Question has been whether China is actually integrating into the liberal world order. In this paper I concentrate on one segment of that order: the oil market order. I question the argument that in the present century the oil market order has moved away from being “liberal capitalist” towards becoming “state-capitalist” as a consequence of the rise of China and Chinese preferences. I argue that China has neither changed nor has had the power to change the international oil market order. To demonstrate this, I evaluate China’s behavior towards the three pillars of the liberal oil market order. The first pillar is the United States’ role as the underwriter of the global oil supply. The US guarantees oil security mainly through its military presence in the Persian Gulf, the most important region for oil exports. The US also guarantees the security of sea lines of communication. The second pillar is the ownership structure of the oil industry, where state-owned and privately-owned companies coexist. The third pillar is the currency of the oil trade (the US dollar) and its market-driven pricing system. It replaced the system of OPEC-administered prices that existed between 1973 and 1988. Pricing power moved away from OPEC to the so-called “market”. In the period 2000–2020, China did not challenge any of those three pillars. China may be a mercantilist power, but in the first two decades of the 21st century it remained within the liberal oil market order.
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Rafał Ulatowski

  1. Faculty of Political Science and International Studies, University of Warsaw, Poland
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The paper presents the results of the analysis of the content of selected heavy metals in used engine oils collected in car service stations during oil change. The main purpose of the research was to determine the difference in heavy metal content (Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb, Zn, Hg, Cd) depending on the engine type and oil change interval. The analysis comprised 80 samples of used engine oils obtained from passenger cars. The content of heavy metals was tested with use of the HDMaxine analyzer, operating on the basis of HDXRF (High-Definition X-Ray Fluorescence). Upon analyzing the differences in the average content of the examined elements, depending on the type of engine, it can be concluded that in oils coming from diesel engines the following elements showed a higher concentration – Cr (three times), Fe (1/3 times ), Ni (two times), Pb (1/2 times), whereas in oils coming from gasoline engines, only the average Cu content was higher (¾ times). Zinc had a comparable level of concentration. The multi-factor analysis of variance showed that in diesel engines the levels of Fe, Cr, Pb and Ni are statistically significantly different than in the reference group of gasoline engines. The study findings suggest that, depending on the engine type, the content of selected heavy metal elements in used oils varies. Therefore, to ensure proper handling of waste oils and reduce environmental risk, selective collection of used oils depending on the engine type may definitely be considered.
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Authors and Affiliations

Joanna Szyszlak-Bargłowicz
Grzegorz Zając
Artur Wolak

  1. University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Poland
  2. University of Life Sciences in Lublin
  3. Cracow University of Economics, Poland
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Contamination of the natural environment with petroleum pollution is still a frequent and particularly dangerous phenomenon, thus there is a need to remove these pollutants. Various types of mineral sorbents (silicate minerals, zeolites, perlite, diatomite, clay rocks) are highly valued in remediation processes due to their affordable, big selectivity and high efficiency. However, many sorbents are not resistant to moisture, which limits their use. The hydrophobization process improves the effectiveness of sorbents used in a humid environment. The DAMSORB produced by IM-POL was hydrophobized with a methanolic stearic acid solution. The use of cheap stearic acid as a modifier is economically advantageous. The evaluation of the hydrophobic properties of the modified material was performed on the basis of the results obtained from the tests: water absorption, floating on the water surface and the contact angles were determined. Tests of the sorption of petroleum-derived compounds were performed on the basis of three procedures: in accordance with the technical sheet of the leading producer of hydrophobic sorption materials in Poland, the Westighouse’s method in the oil layer and the Westighouse’s method on a flat surface. The modified sorbent floats on the surface of the water very well. The average value of the contact angle for the modified sample is 104 degrees. Material is super hydrophobic. In the water environment, the hydrophobized samples have a higher absorption capacity in relation to oil contaminations compared to the raw material. Features of the modified sorbent, such as good buoyancy on the water surface, low affinity to water and better absorption of oil from the solution, make it possible to use the material to remove petroleum contamination from water and highly moist surfaces.
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Elżbieta Vogt
Karolina Topolska

  1. AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland
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The objective of the research presented in the paper was to study the process of adsorption of oil impurities with the use of clinoptylolite and diatomite. The effect of various factors on process course was determined, the process was described with isotherms and the adsorptive capacities of tested minerals were determined on their basis.
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Jadwiga Kaleta
Alicja Puszkarewicz
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Fatty acids are very important biological substances due to their metabolic, structural and signal- ing functions. Omega-3 has different beneficial, harmful and neutral effects on adipokines. Adi- pokines have autocrine, paracrine and endocrine effects on metabolism. In the study 54 German Fawn x Hair crossbred goats were synchronized using intravaginal sponges. During the first pe- riod (mating-75 days), all animals were fed a diet supplemented with protected fat and during the second period of pregnancy (76 days-kidding), one of the groups was fed a diet supplemented with fish oil and other was fed a diet supplemented with protected fat. Serum leptin, ghrelin, adi- ponektin and omentin levels were measured by ELISA system. Distributed fed (roughage and concentrate) were sampled and dry matter, crude protein, fat, and ash were determined by AOAC (1988) analysis methods. The Acid Detergent Fiber (ADF) and Neutral Detergent Fiber (NDF) analysis were conducted using heat stable α-amylase and sodium sulphite. Fat source (fish oil or protected fat) affected feed consumption and the highest feed consumption was found in the group fed with protected oil first half of the pregnancy and with fish oil in the second half of the pregnancy and in the fish oil group during the pregnancy. It was determined that the use of fish oil during pregnancy did not affect ghrelin, leptin and omentin concentrations in serum. Adipokine levels of fish oil fed animals during any period of pregnancy were found to be high and it was also found that serum adiponectin levels in goats fed with diet containing fish oil in the first half of pregnancy and protected fat in the second half were statistically significantly high in adipokines.

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Authors and Affiliations

K. Öztabak
U. Serbester
F. Esen Gürsel
I. Akış
A. Ateş
H. Yardibi
G. Atmaca
N. Koluman
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The aim of the study is to discuss the relationship of the crude oil price, speculative activity and fundamental factors. An empirical study was conducted with a VEC model. Two cointegrating vectors were identified. The first vector represents the speculative activity. We argue that the number of short non-commercial positions increases with the crude oil stock and price, decreases with the higher number of long non-commercial positions. A positive trend of crude oil prices may be a signal for traders outside the industry to invest in the oil market, especially as access to information could be limited for them. The second vector represents the crude oil price under the fundamental approach. The results support the hypothesis that the crude oil price is dependent on futures trading. The higher is a number of commercial long positions, the greater is the pressure on crude oil price to increase.

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Authors and Affiliations

Robert Socha
Piotr Wdowiński
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The possibilities of remote sensing techniques in the field of the Earth surface monitoring and protection specifically for the problems caused by petroleum contaminations, for the mapping of insufficiently plugged and abandoned old oil wells and for the analysis of onshore oil seeps are described. Explained is the methodology for analyzing and detection of potential hydrocarbon contaminations using the Earth observation in the area of interest in Slovakia (Korňa) and in Czech Republic (Nesyt), mainly building and calibrating the spectral library for oil seeps. The acquisition of the in-situ field data (ASD, Cropscan spectroradiometers) for this purpose, the successful building and verification of hydrocarbon spectral library, the application of hydrocarbon indexes and use of shift in red-edge part of electromagnetic spectra, the spectral analysis of input data are clarified in the paper. Described is approach which could innovate the routine methods for investigating the occurrence of hydrocarbons and can assist during the mapping and locating the potential oil seep sites. Important outcome is the successful establishment of a spectral library (database with calibration data) suitable for further application in data classification for identifying the occurrence of hydrocarbons.

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Authors and Affiliations

Eva Smejkalová
Petr Bujok
Miroslav Pikl
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New York Bay is one of the most important transition regions of ships trading to east America. The region plays an important role in the commerce of the New York metropolitan area. The area is surrounded with the coasts that have various levels of environmental sensitivity. The area accommodates high diversity of native ecosystems and species that are rather vulnerable in case of oil spill. Thus getting well informed about the likelihood, or fate, of oil spills around this region is of great importance so that proactive measures can be taken. The purpose of this study is to investigate the oil spill and predict the future accidents likely to be encountered around the Bay of New York. Two trajectory models have been conducted for the study. ADIOS (Automated Data Inquiry for Oil Spills), has been conducted for natural degradation calculations, and, GNOME (General NOAA Operational Modeling Environment), has been conducted for surface spread simulation. The results gained through these efforts are hoped to be useful for many organizations dealing with oil spill response operations and contribute to an effective and efficient coordination among the relevant institutions.

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Ali Cemal Toz
Burak Koseoglu
Cenk Sakar
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Soil contamination with petroleum hydrocarbons is a serious problem. In the soil in the location of highways, fuel pumping station and airfields high pollutant concentrations are found. The contents of total hydrocarbons (THC) and 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were analysed in the surface (0-20 cm) soil samples from airfields in Dęblin Marked differences in the pollution level of the above areas were noted. The PAH contents ranged from 113 to 5638 μg/kg and THC contents range from 40 to 430 mg/kg. The analysis was carried out by reverse phase HPLC (PAHs) and SOXTEC apparatus according to Polish norm PN-86/C-04573/01.
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Authors and Affiliations

Stanisław Baran
Patryk Oleszczuk
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In this paper, the properties of AE signals originating from phenomena occurring during magnetization of ferromagnetic materials which are used to construct power transformer cores are presented. The AE signals in a selected power oil transformer were recorded and analyzed. The analysis included, i.e., time, frequency, and time-frequency analyses, calculations of amplitude distributions of the signals and defined AE descriptors, determination of the descriptor map on the side walls of transformers, as well as a detailed analysis of selected part of the signals.

The maps of descriptors were analyzed in the frequency bands of 20–70 kHz, 70–100 kHz, and 100–200 kHz. The analysis of the properties of the signals was performed in time and frequency domains. Based on the analysis, there were identified the AE signals originating from the phenomena occurring during the core magnetization of a power oil transformer. To identify those phenomena, the maps of the ADC descriptor calculated in the band of 20–70 kHz when selecting the measurement points in which there were no AE sources from partial discharges were used.

An analysis of magnetoacoustic emission signals in the bands of 70–100 kHz and 100–200 kHz was also performed. The analysis of the signal properties in such an extended frequency range allowed determining the properties of the magnetoacoustic signals coming from core sheets of power oil transformers.

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Authors and Affiliations

Franciszek Witos
Aneta Olszewska

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