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Biometric identification systems, i.e. the systems that are able to recognize humans by analyzing their physiological or behavioral characteristics, have gained a lot of interest in recent years. They can be used to raise the security level in certain institutions or can be treated as a convenient replacement for PINs and passwords for regular users. Automatic face recognition is one of the most popular biometric technologies, widely used even by many low-end consumer devices such as netbooks. However, even the most accurate face identification algorithm would be useless if it could be cheated by presenting a photograph of a person instead of the real face. Therefore, the proper liveness measurement is extremely important. In this paper we present a method that differentiates between video sequences showing real persons and their photographs. First we calculate the optical flow of the face region using the Farnebäck algorithm. Then we convert the motion information into images and perform the initial data selection. Finally, we apply the Support Vector Machine to distinguish between real faces and photographs. The experimental results confirm that the proposed approach could be successfully applied in practice.

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Maciej Smiatacz
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The present study aimed to investigate the effects of manipulating visual information about one’s movement in Virtual Reality (VR) during physical training on a stationary bike. In the first experiment, the participants’ (N=30) task was to cycle on a stationary bike while embodying a virtual avatar. Fifteen participants experienced the Slow condition, in which a virtual avatar cycled at the constant speed of 15km/h, while the other fifteen participants experienced the Fast condition, in which a virtual avatar cycled at the constant speed of 35km/h. In the second experiment, we tested whether introducing agency (i.e., linking real-life cycling speed with the cycling speed of a virtual avatar), would improve exercise performance. Participants (N=31) experienced counterbalanced conditions: Faster optic flow (avatar’s speed was 15% faster than the participants’ real cycling speed), and Slower optic flow (avatar’s speed was 15% slower than the participants’ real cycling speed). Results showed that all participants increased their cycling speed when experiencing altered cycling speed of a virtual avatar compared with their baselines, but in the first experiment, participants cycled faster in the faster optic flow condition, while in the second experiment, when participants controlled the virtual avatar’s cycling speed, there were no differences between the Fast and Slow conditions. Participants described the cycling in VR as a pleasant experience. The present study suggests that the addition of Virtual Reality during exercise training may increase cycling performance.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marta Kowal
Joanna Piskorz
Marcin Czub

  1. Institute of Psychology, University of Wrocław, Poland

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