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This article dwells upon paraphrase in which proper names function as both the object of nomination and the component in the model of its creation. The device is analysed as it occurs in the language of modern Ukrainian publicist discourse. Firstly, the topicality of the research consists in the fact that mass media encourage the expansion of the lexical stock of a language by establishing new language trends. Secondly, publicist discourse is considered to be particularly exposed to the use of paraphrase, and so it is worth studying the peculiarities of the way paraphrases function in mass media. The given article aims to show how proper names may act in the process of modelling paraphrase, where a proper noun can serve two functions: as an object of paraphrase and as a component of its modelling. The article revisits the materials from M. Stepanenko’s book Politychne s’ogodennja ukrai’ns’koi’ movy: aktual’nyj peryfrastykon: monografija (Current state of Ukrainian political discourse: paraphrase of today). The materials are supplemented with examples collected by the author of the article from recent online publications of Ukrainian press. The use of proper names as objects of paraphrase or elements of its structure testifies to their exceptional ability to model pragmatic meaning. Pragmatic information reflected in paraphrase draws attention to the most essential qualities of a subject, a phenomenon or a person – those most important qualities that help understand a specific situation, phenomenon, behaviour, etc. An effective way of modelling paraphrase is to use a precedent. Derivatives whose bases are precedent units better reflect the peculiarities of a given culture, the way of thinking and every nation’s perception of reality, the system of its worldview and value orientations. The creation of paraphrase with proper names as their constituents encourages the fulfilment of a range of functions, in particular nominative, decorative, euphemist, impressive, compressive, attractional and axiological ones. The analysis of the materials leads to the conclusion that the majority of proper names-driven paraphrase is primarily essential for a given text. However, as some of them may enter everyday vocabulary, the author of the article emphasises the need to constantly trace the paraphrase phenomena and their systematic lexicographic realisation.

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Dominika Janczura
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The purpose of this article is to point out the historical reasons why W.V. Quine’s article Two Dogmas of Empiricism should be read not as an attempt to criticize the characteristic theses of logical positivism, but as an attempt to reject the conceptual analysis based on the unclear concepts such as ‘analytical’, ‘synonymous’ and ‘meaning’. Instead of the conceptual analysis, Quine proposed the methods of explication and paraphrase. These two methods are useful for clarifying and simplifying the conceptual apparatus in which scientific knowledge is formulated.

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Artur Kosecki
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The main issues of this article are various references of Russian writers to the Bible that has a huge meaning and status in Russian culture. Such writers as representatives of „first wave" of emigration Boris Zaitsev, Ivan Shmelov, Aleksei Remizov, they use biblical material in orthodox, canonical way, what means that they do not change intention of the source. As well they paraphrase the Bible what means that they interpret and change semantical meaning of source. To the first group of writers belong Zaitsev (The Travel of Gleb) and Shmelov (The Year of Our Lord). To the second groupbelongs Remizov, who uses various techniques to transform the canonical text (Sisters of the Cross). Remizov, however, does not change the Christian meaning of text even when he modifies the text itself. Another writer, who was mentioned in the article, is Mikhail Bulhakov. He as well uses method of paraphrase in the biblical text. On account of lack of metaphysical horizon as well as not reli- gious meaning of the work The Master and Margarita, the writer illustrates humanistic and cultural reception of the Bible, her apocryphal version.

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Anna Woźniak
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The paper concerns biblical heritage in Polish medieval and early modern literature. In it's first section the author presents the first Polish psalters and their influence upon religious poetry of the time. The second part focuses on the development of biblical scholarship in medieval and Renaissance Poland, presents the most important old translations of the Bible and shortly discusses their impact on Polish literary culture. The last part of the study shows how various types of biblical plots and characters were present in old Polish drama and theatre, in religious hymns and epics, how biblical patterns inspired certain literary genres; it also stresses cer- tain significant differences between Protestant and Catholic authors of the time. The conclusion of the paper points out serious need for more systematic researches and studies in the subject of biblical tradition in old Polish literature.

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Mirosława Hanusiewicz-Lavallee

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