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Geopolymer is widely studied nowadays in various scope of studies. Some of the ongoing studies are the study of the various materials towards the geopolymer strength produced. Meanwhile, some of the studies focus on the mixing of the geopolymer itself. This paper discussed the phase analysis of metakaolin/dolomite geopolymer for different solid to the liquid ratio which was, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, and 1.0, and the properties that affected the geopolymer based on the phases. The constant parameters in this study were the percentage of metakaolin and dolomite used. The metakaolin used was 80% meanwhile dolomite usage was 20%. Besides that, the molarity of NaOH used is 10M and the alkaline activator ratio used is 2.0. All the samples were tested at 28 days of curing. The results show that the 0.8 solid to the liquid ratio used gave better properties compare to other solid to liquid ratio. The phases analyzed were quartz, sillimanite, mullite, and faujasite. The 0.8 S/L ratio shows the better properties compared to others by the test of phase analysis, compressive strength morphology analysis, and functional group analysis.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ahmad Syauqi Sauffi
Wan Mastura Wan Ibrahim
Mohd Mustafa Al Bakri Abdullah
Masdiyana Ibrahim
Romisuhani Ahmad
Fakhryna Ahmad Zaidi

  1. Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), Faculty of Engineering Technology, P. O. Box 77, d/a Pejabat, Pos Besar, 01007 Kangar, Perlis, Malaysia
  2. Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), Centre of Excellence Geopolymer and Green Technology, School of Material Engineering, P. O. Box 77, d/a Pejabat, Pos Besar, 01007 Kangar, Perlis, Malaysia
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In Poland, researchers have a very strong interest in archaeometallurgy, which, as presented in classical works, focuses on dating artefacts

from the prehistoric and early medieval periods in the form of cast iron and copper castings. This study, extending the current knowledge,

presents the results of a microstructure investigation into the findings from the Modern era dating back to the late Middle Ages. The

investigated material was an object in the form of a heavy solid copper block weighing several kilograms that was excavated by a team of

Polish archaeologists working under the direction of Ms Iwona Młodkowska-Przepiórowska during works on the marketplace in the city of

Czestochowa during the summer of 2009. Pre-dating of the material indicates the period of the seventeenth century AD.

The solid copper block was delivered in the form of a part shaped like a bell, named later in this work as a “kettlebell”. To determine the

microstructure, the structural components, chemical composition, and homogeneity, as well as additives and impurities, investigations

were carried out using light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy including analysis of the chemical composition performed in

micro-areas, and qualitative X-ray phase analysis in order to investigate the phase composition.

Interpretation of the analytical results of the material’s microstructure will also help modify and/or develop new methodological

assumptions to investigate further archaeometallurgical exhibits, throwing new light on and expanding the area of knowledge of the use

and processing of seventeenth-century metallic materials.

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Authors and Affiliations

Ł. Wierzbicki
K. Głowik-Łazarczyk
J. Konieczny
K. Labisz
J. Ćwiek
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Archaeometallurgical investigations presented in this work focus on analysing the microstructure as well as mechanical properties of artefacts from the17th in form of findings performed from cast iron as well as copper casts. The presented research results extend the up-to-date knowledge and present the analysis of structural compounds found in the microstructure of the artefacts from the time dating back to the late Middle Ages in the region around Czestochowa, Poland. The tested samples were found in earth in the city centre under the present marketplace. The excavation works were carried out in summer in the year 2009, and have resulted in the excavation of artefacts in form of copper block of the weight of several kg. The excavation action was led by a group of Polish archaeologists collaborating with the local authorities. The performed pre-dating of this element determines the age of the artefacts as the 17th century AD. The excavations that have been taking place since 2007 have widened the knowledge of the former Czestochowa. Historians of this town have suggested, that the found weight and traces of metallurgical activity suggest that the exposed walls were an urban weight. The weight is visible on the 18th century iconography. What was find on the Old Market indicates that there was a lush economic life before the Swedish invasion in this part of Poland. Some buildings lost their functions or were changed, others died in fires, but new places developed. To describe the microstructure, with its structural components, research was done using microscopy techniques, both of the light as well as electron microscopy (SEM), also chemical composition analysis was carried out using the EDS technique, as well as tool for phase analysis were applied in form of X-Ray Diffraction (qualitative analysis), especially for the reason to describe the phases present in the excavated material. This research will help to obtain new information in order to investigate further archaeometallurgical artefacts, extending the knowledge about middle age metallic materials its usage and manufacturing.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ł. Wierzbicki
J. Konieczny
K. Labisz
K. Głowik-Łazarczyk
S. Surma
S. Jurczyk
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This paper presents the results of a study to determine the influence of casting parameters (cooling rate in the casting mould, casting temperature) on the primary structure of Mg-4%Li-1%Ca alloy ingots. The macro- and microstructure analysis of the Mg-4%Li-1%Ca alloy was performed using light and electron microscopy techniques. Microhardness measurements were made for the Mg-4%Li-1%Ca alloy and phase identification in the Mg-4%Li-1%Ca alloy was made using X-ray phase analysis.
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Authors and Affiliations

Iwona Bednarczyk

  1. Silesian University of Technology, Department of Materials Technology, 40-019 Katowice ul. Krasińskiego 8, Poland
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Initial investigations on oxidation behaviour and phase transformations of equimolar AlCoCrCuNi high entropy alloy with and without 1 at.% silicon addition during 24-hr exposure to air atmosphere at 1273 K was carried out in this work. After determining the oxidation kinetics of the samples by means of thermogravimetric analysis, the morphology, chemical and phase compositions of the oxidized alloys were determined by means of scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction analysis. Additional cross-section studies were performed using transmission electron microscopy combined with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and selected area electron diffraction. From all these investigations, it can be concluded that minor silicon addition improves the oxidation kinetics and hinders the formation of an additional FCC structure near the surface of the material.
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Authors and Affiliations

R. Gawel
Ł. Rogal
K. Przybylski
Kenji Matsuda

  1. AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Materials Science and Ceramics, Department of Physical Chemistry and Modelling, Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30 -059 Kraków, Poland
  2. Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Metallurgy and Materials, 25 Reymonta Str., 30-059 Kraków, Poland
  3. University of Toyama, Faculty of Sustainable Design, Department of Materials Design and Engineering, 3190 Gofuku, Toyama 930-8555, Japan
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An attempt was made to determine phase composition of commercial aluminium alloys using X-ray diffraction. Samples for phase composition analysis were selected from the group of aluminium alloys covered by the EN 573-3:2013 standard [1]. Representative samples were taken from eight groups of alloys with different chemical composition (at least one sample from each group). The diffraction intensity was measured with a standard X-ray diffractometer in Bragg-Brentano geometry in a way that allowed identification of the weakest diffraction peaks. As a results of the performed research it has been shown that X-ray phase analysis can be used to identify the matrix of aluminium alloys, Si and crystalline intermetallic phases such as Mg2Si, Al93.38Cu6.02Fe24Si16.27, Al4.01MnSi0.74, MgZn2, Al17(Fe3.2Mn0.8)Si2, Al65Cu20Fe15, and Cu3Mn2Al. The detectability limit of the above-mentioned phases is better than 0.5%. The research has also shown that X-ray phase analysis is applicable in the investigation of phase transformations taking place in aluminium alloys.

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Authors and Affiliations

K. Pachut
J. Żelechowski
S. Boczkal
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The article presents results of research on the influence of variable parameters of horizontal continuous casting on the structure of AlCu4MgSi (EN AW-2017A) alloy ingots. The special character of the process allows for a continuous change of some of its parameters, namely, of the casting speed and of the rate of the cooling fluid flow thorough the crystallizer. These parameters have a significant impact on the crystallization process of the liquid metal. Depending on the cooling rate, intensity of the convection inside the solidifying alloy, and its chemical composition, there may arise some differences in the structure of the cast. In this study, ingots obtained at different casting speeds have been analyzed. The research methodology, based on light microscopy and electron microscopy (SEM), as well as energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD), allowed for a thorough examination of the structure of the studied materials. The results were shown that an increase in the ingot casting speed leads to an increase in the average grain surface area.

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Authors and Affiliations

T. Wróbel
P.M. Nuckowski
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The main purpose of this study was to identify the mineral composition of soil sample taken from the upper layer of topsoil. High absorption of chemical substance is a characteristic for humus-organic layer of topsoil. The source of those substance could be a pollutant emitted to the atmosphere by human activity. The research area includes Upper Silesia region, which is the most industrial region of Poland. In the present study, the phase composition of the top soil separates were analyzed by using X-ray diffraction and Mössbauer spectroscopy. X-ray diffraction analysis revealed the presence of seven mineral phases in the material magnetic separated by lower current (quartz, illite, kaolinite, Fe3+ oxides, hematite, magnetite and pyrite). In case of higher current were identified four phases (quartz, muscovite, kaolinite and K0.94 Na0.06(AlSi3O8)). Mössbauer spectroscopy was used for an extensive analysis of iron-containing phases (pyrrhotite, magnetite, aluminosilicate oxides with Fe3+ and kaolinite/Fe2+ silicate).

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Authors and Affiliations

P. Kierlik
A. Hanc-Kuczkowska
R. Męczyński
I. Matuła
G. Dercz
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The article presents the results of research concerning to AlCu4MgSi alloy ingots produced using horizontal continuous casting process. The presented research was focused on the precise determination of phase composition of the precipitates formed during the solidification of ingots and the analysis of their thermal stability. In order to assess the morphology of precipitates in the AlCu4MgSi alloy, data obtained by using a computer simulation of thermodynamic phenomena were compiled with results obtained using advanced research techniques, i.e. High-temperature X-ray diffraction (HT-XRD), SEM-EDS, Thermal and derivative analysis (TDA) and Glow discharge optical emission spectroscopy (GD OES). SEM observations and analysis of chemical composition in micro-areas showed that the precipitates are mainly intermetallic θ-Al2Cu and β-Mg2Si phases, and also presence of Al19Fe4MnSi2 intermetallic phase was confirmed by X-ray diffraction studies. Based on the prepared Thermo-Calc simulation data, high-temperature X-ray diffraction measurements were conducted.

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Authors and Affiliations

P.M. Nuckowski
M. Kondracki
T. Wróbel

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