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This is the article about political issues in education. The aim of the text is to present the relations between politics and education. I try to find answer to question: what is the essence of politics of education? I claim that education is inherently political. Every dimension and form of educational practice are politically contested spaces. I try to show that politics in education is a very important part of democracy in education. Democracy is impossible without politics and politics is impossible without democracy. So, I focus on describing possible political areas in education. The paper presents results of these relations. I also try to convince the reader that it is possible (it is necessary) to create important, interesting thinking about education from political point of view.
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Radosław Nawrocki
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State Urban Policy – concept, Institutional scope and structure in integrative management of the development. The management of space, as a common good, closely linked with economic and social development in Poland – meets a number of barriers. One of the major barriers is flawed and inefficient system of spatial planning and the lack of explicit national urban policy. The causes of this situation are manifold and complex. There is a week understanding that spatial planning has regulatory function and that is a main measure of intervention in inefficient – by its nature – market mechanism of real estate development and location of new construction objects. The existing in Poland since 2015 formal document under the title “National City Policy” is in fact the part of cohesion policy. It formulates only very soft policy recommendations concerning spatial development which are identified in different cities and their functional areas, whereas financial measures go separately through sectoral programs. In the article author consider the future place of national urban policy in integrative system of development policy which combine economic, social and build environmental dimensions. Than he analyzes the relationship between national spatial policy and the urban polices at the national and local level. Finally he presents some general conclusions and recommendations. According to the author, because of complexity of the issues and challenges, the detailed formulation of state urban policies and its implementation must lie within the competence of a strong governmental institution (responsible for research, monitoring and evaluation, elaboration of visions and scenarios in a broad global context). The primary partner in the state urban policy, co-responsible for its success, should be adequately, provincial and local governments. Through the cooperation of state and territorial authorities, is the most strongly manifested multilevel model of “public governance”. The special role belongs to the local authorities due to their assigned competence in creation of local by law in respect of land use and building allocation. Efficient urban policy must have two dimensions; horizontal and territorial. Horizontal domain should belong to the state (national planning, passing the law, systemic intervention, etc.). Territorial dimension should belong first of all to local urban policies but formulated and implemented within the framework and measures defined by national spatial policy and operational state urban policies.
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Tadeusz Markowski
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The article analyzes a Brazilian Carnival marchinha from the perspective of language. The proposal is to understand the marchinha from themes related to politics in a humorous way, articulated with the cultural and historical-political context, based on Freud (1980) and Charaudeau (2009).
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Maria Cecília Guilherme Siffert Pereira Diniz

  1. USP/Esalq-Pecege, Universidade de São Paulo
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This article focuses on the problem of rituality in contemporary political discourse. It describes the specificity of manifestations of rituality in political discourse on the example of the Russian variant. The material for research is served by the official public texts of utterances made by V.V. Zhirinovsky published in the party newspapers of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia in year 2021. The study was carried out using discourse analysis. In the theoretical part definitions of ambiguous terms are given, which undoubtedly include discourse, political discourse, and ritual. Their accepted definitions and concepts are indicated. Observations are made on the linguistic forms of ritual expression in politics, which are mainly associated with the performance of a specific political function. It has been proven that rituality in political discourse is opposed to informativeness and manifested in the fulfilment of the assigned specific political role and tasks in society.
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Gabriela Dudek-Waligóra

  1. Kraków, Uniwersytet Jagielloński
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Conspiracy theories are the beliefs that play an important role in individuals’ decision-making, and studies indicate that they also have a significant effect on political behavior. The present study explores the relationships between belief in conspiracy theories, political powerlessness, and political apathy in an Iraqi sample (N =188) from a local community in which they have answered the study questionnaires. Belief in conspiracy theories has been linked to both political powerlessness and political apathy. Further analysis revealed that the relationship between belief in conspiracy theories and political apathy was mediated by political powerlessness. The findings suggest that conspiracy theories related with many political factors, the mediation model explained 30% of the variation in political apathy; other elements appear to contribute to it, also it appears that members of the research community have gravitated toward political apathy as a result of their sense of political powerlessness.
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Hamakareem Mahmud Mahmud

  1. Garmian University, Kalar, Iraq
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The article provides a general overview of environmental protection and conservation practice in the Antarctic Treaty area, with special reference to the stipulations of the 1991 Protocol on Environmental Protection and its Annexes.

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Jacek Machowski
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Freedom of research is one of the fundamental principles upon which the Antarctic Treaty System (ATS) was founded. Its scope is defined by the limitations imposed by relevant legal rules. They provide among other for prohibition of scientific investigation of military character and declare that no activities — including research — shall constitute a basis for territorial claims in Antarctica. Of particular importance are limitation;' imposed on freedom of research for the benefit of environmental protection. But, contrary to some views, most scholars consider that the freedom of research and the protection of the environment and ecosystems in Antarctica are equally important principles central to the whole ATS. They are inter-dependent and neither one should be attributed priority over the other. In the best interest of science, Antarctic research needs to be controlled to the necessary minimum of environmental impact and risk.

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Jacek Machowski
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Prof. Mirosław Kofta, a psychologist from the University of Warsaw’s Faculty of Psychology and Institute for Social Studies, discusses political change in Poland, authoritarian personality, and civil society.

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Mirosław Kofta
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“Isolation would be most unfortunate. We would be doing science in our own company, completely indifferent to what is happening outside our own universe. This would be totally self-destructive and I hope it will never happen,” says Professor Michał Głowiński in an interview with Grzegorz Wołowiec, titled “A Time Unexpected,” a fragment of which is presented below.

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Mochał Głowiński
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Asst. Prof. Piotr Osęka from the PAS Institute of Political Studies explains what groups are being depicted as enemies in the eyes of the Poles and what purposes such propaganda serves.

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Piotr Osęka
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Attitudes, or a person’s internal/mental beliefs about a specific situation, object or concept can greatly influence behaviors. This truth also applies to linguistic choices made by second language students. Their low level of knowledge of cross-cultural differences as well as pragmatic competence intertwined with inner norms and attitude towards politeness can result in producing the discourse which could not be considered appropriate. The fact of using and learning a second language (being bilingual or multilingual) may influence the level of politeness. The aim of this paper is to illustrate the differences existing in the scope of politeness revealed in the written, contrastive (Polish-English) discourse. The corpus under investigation encompasses seventy six emails written in the two languages by English philology students of teachers faculty. The analysis focuses on the level of politeness as exhibited through various forms of hedges and mitigations used both in the Polish and English language.

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Iwona Dronia
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For at least two centuries Europeans, in particular the political elites of Europe, have assumed that modernity and the rational character of the civilization require a marginalization of religion. A separation and juxtaposition of reason and faith, sci-ence and religion or the state and the church are regarded as almost obvious. Gradual-ly the legitimate principle of religious freedom has started to be understood as a pos-tulate of “purification” of public life from any references to sacrum and religion itself as an area of irrational and random opinions has been located in the private sphere. This has led to the conviction that religion (Christianity) does not have or should not have any significance in social life, the public order, the legal system or the widely understood political sphere . The central issue of the paper, which is the possibility of reversing the direction taken by European civilization, is conditioned not only by making the secularist policy of the West more friendly towards Christian tradition (for instance by grounding it on natural law) but still more by the revitalization of religious life of the Churches and Christian communities.

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Ks. Jan Perszon
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According to the social psychological literature, egoistic relative deprivation impairs well-being but has at most little impact on political protest and engagement. We considered this view incomplete and over-simplifying. It was predicted that egoistic relative deprivation itself may impair democracy by increasing support for populism, and that the postulated relationship will be mediated by dysphoric affect, political alienation, and political paranoia. The empirical basis of the article were three studies carried out on nationwide random-quota samples of adult Poles: in 2002 (N = 1500), in 2010 (N = 800), and in 2017 (N = 2000). It was found that support for populism systematically depends directly on dysphoric affect and political paranoia, which are strengthened by egoistic relative deprivation. In 2017, with populist political groupings in power in Poland, the role of political alienation turned out to be ambiguous. Political alienation slightly strengthened political paranoia but directly lowered support for populism. In conclusion it was noted that in Poland's history and in the contemporary Polish mentality there is a great potential for negative affect, pessimism and bitterness. Relative deprivation experienced today successfully maintains this potential.
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Krzysztof Korzeniowski

  1. Polish Academy of Sciences
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The authors discuss possibilities and limits for applying a research model of the study of memory politics, originally developed by them with the aim to research the Polish case only, to other countries of East Central Europe which after the WW II formed the sphere of the Soviet domination. They pose a question whether it should be appropriate to combine it with the so called transnational approach.
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Dorota Malczewska-Pawelec
Tomasz Pawelec

  1. Univeristy of Silesia, Katowice
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This article discusses recently published conference papers Memory and Politics of History. Expeciemed by Poland and her Neighbors.
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Jakub Muchowski
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In contrast to Antarctica, the Arctic was for a long time deprived of an adequate system of multilateral international scientific cooperation. That gap was filled in 1990 by the foundation of a non-governmental International Arctic Science Committee (IASC). In this article, the origin, structure, operation and perspectives of that Committee are presented.

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Jacek Machowski
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Ice constitutes physically, but not legally, a separate element of polar regions, alongside with land, water and air. Lack of clear legal regulations in this respect compells the practitioners to apply often inadequate analogies. The specific status of polar permanent and floating ice calls for urgent and comprehensive legal regulation under general international law, the law of the sea and the law of polar regions, on the ground of the principle of Arctic sectors in the Northern Hemisphere and the Antarctic Treaty System in the Southern Hemisphere, with reference to the relatively rich legal doctrine, discussed in detail below.

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Jacek Machowski
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Polar stations became subject of keen interest of law-makers as the most effective manifestation of human activities in Antarctica. Legal procedures governing the establishment and regulations on operation and decommission of Antarctic stations are presented in this paper.

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Jacek Machowski
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Who discussed Polish politics centuries ago, and how? What was the language of that discourse? What values did it invoke? What kind of state did it describe?

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Anna Grześkowiak-Krwawicz
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“We can see that all the recent predictions of a better future for the world are largely misguided. It is no longer certain even that the Cold War is definitively a thing of the past,” says Jerzy Szacki, a historian of ideas and sociologist, a professor emeritus of the University of Warsaw, and an ordinary member of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

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Jerzy Szacki
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This article focuses on the original writing strategy of Elfriede Jelinek in the period of her political commitment (around the year 2000) as a form of artistic protest and positioning in the literary field. Particularly important in this context seems to be the question of the aesthetic criteria of committed literature, that is, the way writers use their linguistic capital to create valuable and important literary texts or essayistic discourses.

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Monika Szczepaniak
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Seismic events have always marked the history of Italy by changing and upsetting the social, demographic and economic contexts of the places involved. The interventions carried out in relation to seismic events are related to the severity of the damage caused to public real estate assets, to the private one and to infrastructures. In this perspective, resources and interventions have been mobilized, inevitably linked to the financial resources of the State. Precisely in relation to the limited budgets, the State has adopted political choices, sometimes questionable, which have conditioned the post‑earthquake reconstruction and the return to the normal social trend of the populations. The essay aims to outline intervention policies and understand their outcomes, within the political, social and economic contexts that characterized the Italian twentieth century, referring to some political choices adopted by the State on the occasion of some major earthquakes that have interested Italy.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ada Di Nucci
Paola Nardone
Natascia Ridolfi

  1. Università “G. D’Annunzio”, Chieti‑Pescara, Italia
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The article presents the author’s considerations relating to the current and common problem of multiculturalism. Nowadays “multiculturalism” can be defined as co-existence – in the determined physical, social and political sphere as well as in a concrete historical period of time – of many ethnic groups representing different axiological and normative systems. The social created by multiplicity of ethnic groups is very often a result of migration processes which totally formed such states as Canada or Australia. The sources of the European multiculturalism were, on the one hand, the officially accepted workforce as Federal Republic of Germany, on the other one – immigration being the effect of the colonial past of such states as France, Holland or Britain. All these countries took up more or less advanced actions towards being able to deal with the deepening ethnic diversification. There appeared political project – multiculturalism.

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Authors and Affiliations

Anna Śliz
Marek S. Szczepański
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The study consists of three parts. The first comprises the characteristic features of social politics strategy. They include the basic assumptions and functions of the social politics strategy in the field of the development of education and aid activities at the level of local units of territorial authorities. The essence of the study is the second part. It consists of the own research results – an analysis of the aims and tasks associated with inclusive education (also with preparing local communities for creating inclusive culture), comprised in strategies. The whole is completed with final conclusions. The study is aimed at the qualitative analysis of the development strategy of 17 communes (3900 pages of documents) as regards the issues of disability. The research interest was to find out whether the slogans promoting the equal access to education, elimination of barriers and preparing mainstream schools and local community for inclusive culture had been reflected in any way in the social politics strategies of local authorities – in the documents which, at least in the assumptions, constitute the starting point for generating good practices, also in the field of social support and education for disabled learners.

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Authors and Affiliations

Zenon Gajdzica
Sebastian Mrózek

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